


Physiotherapy for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is a chronic relapsing disease, in which there are functional and morphological disorders of the stomach, other organs of the digestive system, disorders of nervous and humoral regulation, trophism of the body and gastroduodenal zone.

Physiotherapy for functional indigestion

Functional indigestion is a disease manifested by painful abdominal and dyspeptic syndromes, which are based on a violation of the motor and secretory functions of the stomach without morphological changes in its mucosa, which lasts no more than 2 years.

Physiotherapy for reflux esophagitis

Physiotherapy with reflux-esophagitis consists in applying balneotherapy (ingestion of appropriate mineral waters). The use of preformed physical factors was limited only by the methods of amplipulse therapy and electrosleep.

Physiotherapy for ischemic heart disease

Depending on the form of IHD at the hospital stage, the methods of physiotherapy of this disease are divided into four groups according to the timing of the start and according to the appropriate sequence and combination.

Physiotherapy with arterial hypertension

When the course of the pathological process worsens, complex treatment is performed in stationary (hospital) conditions. Physiotherapy with arterial hypertension is very diverse and corresponds, in the first place, to the stages of the course of the disease.

Physiotherapy with vegeto-vascular dystonia

With expressed and persistent manifestations of this disease, in-patient treatment courses are conducted. At this stage, physiotherapy with vegetative-vascular dystonia includes electro-therapy, galvanization and electrophoresis of the appropriate drugs for specific areas, darsonvalization of local soreness areas on the patient's body, exposure to diadynamic currents, laser (magnetolaser) therapy, hydro- and balneotherapy according to conventional methods in depending on the form of the disease.

Physiotherapy for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a common and progressive inflammatory-dystrophic lesion of the bronchopulmonary system, characterized by a decrease in the maximum air flow during expiration and slowing down the forced emptying of the lungs with prolonged course.

Physiotherapy for pneumonia

Pneumonia is an acute disease, mainly of infectious etiology, characterized by focal lesions of the respiratory parts of the lungs, the presence of intraalveolar exudation, which is revealed during physical and / or instrumental examination, with varying degrees of fever and intoxication.

What is physiotherapy and how does it affect a person?

Physiotherapy is a teaching about the principles of application of external physical factors in medical-prophylactic and rehabilitation purposes to influence the human body.

Physiotherapy for bronchitis

Bronchitis is a disease manifested by acutely occurring inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial tree. Consequently, all physiotherapeutic effects should be pathogenetic, primarily anti-inflammatory.


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