Physiotherapy for functional indigestion
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Functional indigestion is a disease manifested by painful abdominal and dyspeptic syndromes, which are based on a violation of the motor and secretory functions of the stomach without morphological changes in its mucosa, which lasts no more than 2 years.
With pronounced and prolonged manifestations of pain and dyspeptic syndromes, complex treatment of patients with this pathology is performed in hospital (hospital, hospital) settings. But much more often the general practitioner (family doctor) has to carry out the whole complex of medical measures for such patients in outpatient or outpatient settings.
From the methods of physiotherapy, these patients are shown galvanization and drug electrophoresis of appropriate drugs, laser (magnetolaser) therapy, magnetotherapy (PeMP), information-wave action.
For galvanization and drug electrophoresis at home, it is advisable to use a portable device with an autonomous power supply of "Elfor-I" ("Elfor ™").
Galvanization is carried out by a contact, stable, transverse technique. In case of secretory insufficiency, a negative electrode (-) is located above the epigastric region, with positive and increased secretion - a positive electrode (+). Accordingly, the second electrode is placed on the back in the region of the lower thoracic spine (ThVII - ThIX). The size of the electrodes is 15x20 cm, the current strength is 5 mA, the duration of the exposure is 10-15 minutes, once a day in the morning hours (until 12 noon, but 2 hours after breakfast), for treatment of 10 daily procedures.
For electrophoresis, drugs are used in accordance with the clinical manifestations of the disease, which are introduced from the poles determined for them. At home, it is advisable to carry out with pain syndrome electrophoresis of 0.5 - 2% solution of novocain from a positive electrode, with dyspeptic manifestations - 1 - 2% solution of no-shpa also from a positive electrode. The procedure procedure, electric current parameters, periodicity and duration of the course of action are similar to the method of galvanization.
Laser (magnetolaser) therapy. Matrix infrared radiators (0.8 to 0.9 μm wavelength) are used predominantly. The technique is contact, stable. Irradiate open areas of skin.
Fields of influence: I - epigastric region directly under the xiphoid process of the sternum; II - area of projection of the pyloric part of the stomach in the anterior abdominal wall.
PPM 5 - 10 mW / cm2. Induction of the magnetic nozzle 20 - 40 mT. Optimal use of the radiation modulation frequency: the first 5 procedures are 80 Hz, all the subsequent 10 Hz. Possible exposure to continuous radiation.
Time of exposure to one field is 5 minutes, for treatment 15 procedures daily 1 time per day after 2 hfcf after breakfast.
Magnetotherapy is carried out with devices that generate a low-frequency alternating magnetic field (PMP). At home, the use of the Polyus-2D apparatus is recommended. The technique of exposure is contact, stable, with one field on the epigastric region. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, once a day in the morning hours also with an interval of at least 2 hours after breakfast. The course of treatment up to 20 procedures daily.
The information-wave effect with the help of the Azor-IC apparatus is carried out in three variants depending on the severity of the clinical syndromes.
The variant is characterized by the localization of the effect on the epigastric region and the projection area of the pyloric part of the stomach. It is used in patients with functional disorder of the stomach, manifested as a pain syndrome. The technique is contact, stable. The emitter is placed on the naked skin of the patient. Frequency of EMP modulation: first 5 procedures 80 Hz, all subsequent 10 Hz. Time of exposure to one field is 20 minutes, for treatment 15 procedures daily 1 time per day in the morning hours (at least 2 hours after breakfast).
Option II is recommended for patients with mild pain syndrome and dyspeptic disorders, but with a clear predominance of neurotic manifestations. The effect is carried out on the frontal lobes of the brain at the same time with two fields 2 times a day: in the morning after awakening (frequency of modulation of EMP of 21 Hz, 15 minutes on the field) and before night sleep (EMR frequency of 2 Hz, 20 minutes per field). The course of treatment is 15 procedures daily.
Option III (combined) - combination during the day and II exposure options:
- in the morning after awakening - exposure to two frontal lobes (modulation frequency of EMP of 21 Hz, 15 minutes per field);
- after 2 hours after breakfast - the effect on the epigastric region and the projection area of the pyloric part of the stomach according to the procedure of the variant;
- before a night sleep - the impact of two fields on the frontal lobes (the frequency of modulation EMR 2 Hz, 20 minutes per field).
The course of treatment is 15 procedures daily. This variant of information-wave action is carried out by patients with a combination of epigastric pain, dyspeptic disorders and neurotic manifestations.
It is possible to consistently perform procedures in one day with functional disorder of the stomach in outpatient and outpatient settings and at home:
- galvanization of the epigastric region + information-wave action on the frontal lobes of the brain 2 times a day (in the morning - 21 Hz, in the evening - 2 Hz) with the help of the Azor-IC apparatus;
- electrophoresis of drugs in the epigastric region + information-wave action on the frontal lobes of the brain 2 times a day (in the morning - 21 Hz, in the evening - 2 Hz) with the help of the Azor-IC apparatus;
- laser (magnetolaser) therapy + information-wave action on the frontal lobes of the brain 2 times a day (in the morning - 21 Hz, in the evening - 2 Hz) with the help of the Azor-IC apparatus;
- magnetotherapy (PeMP) of the collar region + information-wave action on the frontal lobes 2 times a day (in the morning - 21 Hz, in the evening - 2 Hz) with the help of the Azor-IC apparatus;
- III variant (combined) of information-wave action with the help of the apparatus "Azor-IK".
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