

Treatment of leg diseases

Ointments and creams from corns

Indications for the use of ointments from corns are corn compaction of keratinized skin cells, which appear due to rubbing the foot and increased pressure on it during exercise

What to do with swelling of the feet?

To prevent the development of venous disease, you should lead an active lifestyle, eat properly, watch your weight (with obesity, excessive stress on the legs leads to severe and sometimes irreversible consequences).

Treatment of flat feet: basic methods

The static flatfoot, which accounts for more than eight cases out of every ten, can irreversibly change the mutual arrangement of the foot bones (and there are almost three dozen here) and the natural biomechanics of the distribution of body weight to the lower limbs when walking.

Treatment of transverse flatfoot

If flat feet were not in their youth, this does not mean that in old age it will not overtake you. The foot may deform with age due to various external factors (incorrect shoes, load on legs, etc.).

Treatment of longitudinal flat feet

Only children can be treated, and then, in the early stages of the disease. It's not worth doing anything yourself, it's necessary to consult a specialist. Much depends on the degree of flat feet.

Treatment of flat feet in children

Leg deformity - this diagnosis is affected by statistics over 65% of preschool children, and on exit from secondary school this indicator is even more frightening. Therefore, the treatment of flat feet in children - not the whim of orthopedists - is an urgent recommendation to parents who want to see their offspring healthy.

Treatment of ingrown nail

In the case of a wrong approach in foot hygiene, the nail plate often penetrates into the soft tissues of the toe or nail roller, which entails discomfort and painful sensations. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct compulsory treatment of ingrown nails.

Removal of ingrown nail

Removal of an ingrown nail can be carried out in several ways. The most common and effective ones are such methods as marginal excision of the nail plate with the germ zone and cauterization of the affected area, as well as laser therapy and radio wave therapy.

Alternative treatment for varicose veins

Alternative treatment for varicose veins consists of therapy with grapes, honey, herbal remedies and herbs, the use of urinotherapy and lotions

Exercises for varicose veins

Physical exercises with varicose veins can prevent further progression of the disease. It is very useful to go in for swimming, especially for those who have an uncomplicated form of the disease.


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