Alternative treatment for varicose veins
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The ailment of the lower extremities, which is today called varicose veins, has been known since ancient times. Alternative medicine is rich in different recipes, helping not only to ease the patient's well-being, but also to get rid of the disease completely. As an effective alternative means, constituting alternative treatment for varicose veins, there are various alcohol tinctures, herbal infusions, infusions or, to put it simply, phytotherapy.
Therapeutic properties of flower pollen
Another method, which is worth mentioning, is the treatment of flowers for people, faced with the problem of fate - varicose veins: treatment with this method can be very useful.
Flower pollen, as well as honey and propolis, have been used for a long time. It contains manganese, which has a great influence on the processes of hematopoiesis and it is very valuable with varicose veins, however, only in the early stages.
In view of the fact that there is a very high content of biologically active components in pollen, it should be used in minimum doses.
Drug based on flower pollen: mixed with pollen and honey. The received product is received in the form of 1/3 of a teaspoon, 3 times a day, with a course of 30 days.
Treatment with grapes
The method of ampelotherapy has shown, over many years of application, excellent results in the victory over varicose veins.
A high medicinal property is not all grapes, but only its individual representatives, for example:
- "Semillon."
- "Chaushi".
- "Riesling".
- Shasla.
Use grapes with a therapeutic purpose can be differently:
- During 3 days, eat 0.5 kg of fresh grapes on an empty stomach without removing the peel and seeds.
- Prepare a decoction of raisins: 100 grams of berries for 1 glass of water. Cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. Cool it down. Strain. Take a glass immediately before eating.
- With advantage, you can use grape squeezes, immersing your feet in them every day for 30 minutes.
- Daily consumption of 1 cup of fresh red grapes juice improves blood circulation.
Honey treatment
Has started to be applied with the medical and preventive purpose rather recently. It is worth immediately focusing on the important point. The method, although useful, but very painful, so it should not be applied to people who have skin excessively sensitive to pain, who have skin wounds or pustular diseases.
In addition, the use of honey is contraindicated to people with allergic reactions to this natural product.
People who have varicose veins are treated with honey in the form of massage procedures and honey wraps. To achieve a greater result during the procedure, various aromatic oils are used, which have a relaxing effect on the body, as a result, the penetration of honey into the skin is faster.
Treatment of varicose veins with Vanga recipes
Wake up before sunrise, put on clean cotton socks and walk along the dew. Walk until the socks are completely saturated with morning moisture. Remove socks only after they have dried.
Treatment of varicose veins with apple cider vinegar
It has already been proved that apple cider vinegar promotes the work of blood vessels. With varicose veins, apple vinegar should be lubricated with sick veins twice a day, in the morning, immediately after awakening and in the evening, before going to bed. The external use of vinegar is combined with the intake of water - 2-3 cups, with the addition of each teaspoon, two teaspoons of the same apple cider vinegar.
Fresh potatoes treat varices
With a curative purpose, you should use raw potatoes, wiping it on a fine grater. The resulting gruel is applied to the ulcer, which is often formed with varicose veins. The applied mush from the top is covered with several layers of gauze or a clean cotton cloth, leaving about 5 hours.
After the specified time, the gruel can be changed to a new one or simply refreshed by moistening the dressing with freshly squeezed potato juice.
On a swollen vein, apply a compress of freshly squeezed potato juice. Juice, while compresses, you can take inside.
Cabbage leaf with oil disperses thrombophlebitis
This simple method of treatment is very simple. Regular leaf of fresh cabbage, cut off, washed, softened with a rolling pin. On one side apply any vegetable oil and apply this side to the affected leg area. Apply a bandage on top, do not tighten and leave for a day. Treatment continues for 30 days.
Infusion of Anthony Apples
If it does not have a therapeutic effect on thrombophlebitis, then certainly it will strengthen sleep and increase appetite. It is prepared as follows.
Apples of sort "Antonovka", in quantity of 3 pieces, preliminary having washed, keep in the enameled pan and are filled in with steep boiling water, approximately 1 liter. The pan is tightly closed and the heat is wrapped up. After four hours, carefully knead the apples straight in a saucepan without taking it out of the water.
The resulting mass strain. Take the resulting liquid, 50 ml on an empty stomach, in the morning and in the evening, preferably adding a little honey (not more than 1 teaspoon).
Herbal and herbal treatments
A horse chestnut has proved to be very effective in combating the disease. For medicinal purposes, flowers, roots, fruits, bark and leaves of the plant are used. Tinctures made from chestnut can be eaten inside or applied externally.
Horse chestnut color tincture
To make tinctures from horse chestnut, 50 grams of plant flowers should be poured into half a liter of alcohol and placed in a lightproof place for a couple of weeks, periodically shaking the mixture. Take inwards, washing down with water, one table at a time. Three times a day.
- Flowers of chestnut horse - 50 gr.
- Vodka (preferably wheat) - 0.5 liters.
- All mixed and put in a dark place for 2 weeks. Shake every 2 days.
- Strain.
- Take 30 caps. 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.
- The course of treatment with this infusion in varicose veins is 4 weeks.
Before making compresses with chestnut tincture, it is recommended to take a contrast shower.
Chestnut Ointment
- Take in equal parts (10 grams) dry leaves and sage flowers, chamomile flowers.
- Fruit chestnut grind, add to the flowers in the amount of 50 grams.
- Potato starch - 5 grams.
- Pour hot chicken fat - 1 glass.
- Simmer over low heat for 3 hours, in a water bath.
- Leave it overnight.
- Again bring to a boil and strain.
- Apply after the finished mass has completely cooled down.
- Keep refrigerated.
Nettle infusion
Preparing the infusion does not take long, if you prepare all the necessary items and components in advance. We will need:
- thermos.
- crushed dried nettle leaves (raw materials are purchased in the pharmacy in the finished form).
- steep boiling water - 0.5 liters.
- a fine sieve or gauze, for filtering the finished infusion.
- 40 minutes of patience.
Stinging nettle in a thermos, pour boiling water and after 40 minutes, having filtered, you can take. The recommended dose of infusion for a single dose is one-third of the glass. Take 3 times a day, after meals, preferably in an hour.
Hops and flowers of white acacia
Flowers of white acacia cooked in the form of tinctures - a good external remedy for the treatment of thrombophlebitis, sciatica, bruises, rheumatism. This tincture is also suitable in the case of varicose veins. It is only necessary to spread the sore spots generously and carefully rub it into the skin
Hops better to cook on a water bath at the rate of 1 tablespoon cones per 200 ml of steep boiling water. To sustain on a water bath no more than 15 minutes. This solution is enough for 1 reception, because you need to drink 200 ml 3 times a day, certainly before eating.
Before drinking the broth, moisten a small piece of gauze and attach to the sick veins for 30 minutes.
Flowers Kalanchoe
The leaves of this flower are used to treat a great number of diseases, they are so rich in various substances and microelements that are close to our body in composition and therefore easily assimilated by it.
We will prepare from Kalanchoe tincture. It will take:
- A glass bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters.
- Alcohol, 40% - approximately, half a liter.
Shredded leaves of Kalanchoe stuff the bottle to half, fill it with alcohol to the full volume. We send to the darkest place for a week. Once a day, we take out the bottle and shake the contents. On the eighth day, we filter the resulting infusion and use it in the form of rubbing daily for the night.
Tincture rub into diseased legs with massage circular movements in the direction from the heel to the knee. The course of admission is at least four months.
Green walnuts, celandine and wormwood
Green walnuts contain a large number of medicinal components that are better absorbed into the skin in combination with oil. So there was a recipe for cooking oil.
Walnuts (necessarily green), cut into small pieces, fill them in a glass jar, add up to half to full volume with olive oil. Place on a sunny place. After 40 days, the medicine is ready. It is applied externally.
Tincture of celandine is good for ingestion, and at the rate of 9 drops of tincture on a tablespoon of any milk. It is taken before meals, 3 times a day.
From wormwood, inflorescences and leaves are taken. Rastirayutsya in a mortar. The resulting gruel is mixed with sour milk in a ratio of 1: 1, a measure is a tablespoon. Apply the product to the gauze bandage and attach it to the enlarged veins. Follow the procedure 3-4 days in a row, then take a break for several days and repeat again.
Treatment of varicose veins with birch chaga
Before you start preparing medicinal infusions from birch chaga, you should know, during treatment with this infusion, you should definitely give up fatty, fried, smoked and canned food. You can enter these dishes only 2 weeks after the completion of the treatment with chaga.
Method of preparation of chaga №1
Collect and dry the raw materials. As a drying place, any oven is suitable. Dry chaga pour boiling water and insist 5 hours, then grind with a meat grinder.
The resulting liquid is filtered, poured into a separate container and left in a refrigerator. The existing gruel is poured with water and left in a dark place for 2 days, tightly closing the lid.
After 2 days, get the gruel, drain the liquid formed in it and mix with the one that remained in the refrigerator.
The resulting liquid is the curative infusion. It should be taken 3 times a day, half an hour before a meal. Keep this drug in the refrigerator only 3 days.
Method of making chaga №2
You can buy any of the preparations of chaga in the pharmacy. As a rule, the method of preparation of a solution for 1 reception is written on the package. If there is no such instruction, you should dilute the drug in the ratio: 2 teaspoons of the drug for 3/4 cup of warm water.
Directions for use: 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.
Treatment of varicose veins with foot trays
Sealed veins perfectly open after using special foot baths with herbs. It is most effective to combine at the same time baths and taking herbal infusions or decoctions. For example, with this purpose they are perfect:
- Chamomile.
- The sequence.
- Bark and branches of oak.
- Chestnut.
- Willow.
- St. John's Wort.
Recipe for foot bath № 1
We take 500 grams of branches of oak, chestnut, willow. We put it in enameled dishes and fill it with water and put it on the fire. We boil 30 minutes from the moment of boiling. After that the herbs are added:
- The sequence.
- Chamomile.
- Cornflower with stubble
- Deerslayer
All herbs take 200 grams. Remove from the fire and leave for the night. Separately, before taking a bath, hold a couple of 3 loaves of rye bread. Mix with the broth prepared the day before. Baths are taken daily for an hour before bedtime. Keep the feet in the broth for no longer than 40 minutes. The temperature of the bath is 40 degrees.
Recipe for foot bath number 2
The ingredients are the same as in the first recipe, only taken in other proportions. Branches of oak, willow and chestnut crushed and take 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of boiling water. Boil for half an hour. Take 1 spoonful of herbs (turn, chamomile, St. John's wort, casserole), mix and add to the cooked broth. Leave it overnight. In the morning add to the broth honey - 2 tablespoons. Take the drug 3 times a day according to the scheme:
- The first 2 days - 50 ml each.
- The next 2 days - 100 ml.
- Then until the end of the course - 150 ml.
- Course - 20 days. After the first course, take a break - 10 days and repeat the entire course again.
It's just wonderful if you add 5% or 10% sodium chloride in such foot baths. To not independently dilute conventional table salt to the desired concentration, buy a ready-made solution in the pharmacy with the desired percentage.
Urinotherapy with varicose veins
The healing properties of urine initially provoked heated discussions, both among physicians and adherents of alternative medicine. So far, these arguments have not subsided. The society was divided into 2 halves. Some are for using urine for medicinal purposes, others are against, motivating their point of view by the fact that the urine contains only harmful substances that the body has filtered out and withdrawn. There is nothing therapeutic in it.
However, opponents with such conclusions disagree and continue to use urinotherapy for almost all ailments, sometimes achieving real and positive results.
Use your urine for self-medication or not - it's purely personal. It is worth noting that with false situations, when the struggle with the disease lasts unsuccessfully for many years to try everything, in the hope that there will finally be an effective method.
With varicose veins, supporters of urinotherapy, recommend the following method of treatment:
Prepare the gauze. Fold it in several layers and moisten with fresh own urine. Do not wring out much. Impose on problem areas of legs with dilated veins. Top the polyethylene film (on the principle of compress). Slightly fix with a bandage. Leave the compress on all night. In the morning remove the bandage, wash the skin with cool temperature water using soap.
Repeat the compresses every night for 2 weeks.
Alternative treatment of varicose veins with lotions
Gadgets made from different raw materials, a very popular method of treatment of alternative medicine. With varicose veins with the help of lotions it is easy to reduce pain in the legs, speed up the process of blood circulation in a certain area. Some lotions improve the skin in places where they are applied.
Lotion of wormwood with yogurt
Wormwood chopped, washed, cut from her leaves and crushed. In the resulting gruel add yoghurt, approximately, in a ratio of 1: 1 (as a measure to use a simple tablespoon). The lotion is ready. It should be applied to the affected areas, from above with a bandage or gauze. Remove after 30 minutes. After lotion, the skin is simply rubbed with a damp cloth.
Such a lotion perfectly suits those who already have vascular asterisks. Wormwood lotion will help slow down the process of formation of new ones, and the old ones will become slightly paler.
Lotion of lilac leaves
Only young leaves of lilac have medicinal properties, so the lotion should be prepared in spring. Collect leaves, rinse and, pour boiling water, stand on a water bath for 10 minutes. Cool it down. Strain.
Moistened in this broth gauze, apply to the sick areas. The holding time is 30 minutes.
Alternative treatment for varicose veins is usually used for prophylactic purposes, as well as an addition to medical treatment of the patient. Only properly selected medical complex can positively influence the process of recovery of the patient's body, and also speed up recovery of the patient.