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Ointments and creams from corns
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The natypes often appear on the skin of the feet - these are very painful formations that can disturb for years their manifestations. Since they do not have rootlets or rods, they do not reach the deep skin layers - so you can fight them yourself. Using, for example, ointments or creams from corns.
This tool, which without medical intervention will help get rid of the coarse skin on the soles of the feet. You can buy cream or ointment in a pharmacy without a prescription, or in cosmetics stores.
Natoptysh or dry callus is a densified top layer of dead skin cells on the soles of the feet. Such formations can arise as a result of mechanical irritation and pressure on the skin, because blood circulation is disturbed and the skin in the places of greatest friction is barking. Most often, such seals appear at the bases of the toes, on the so-called cushion, on the heels, on the back of the thumb. When walking, such formations can cause discomfort, burning sensation and pain.
The causes of the onset of the sickness may be incorrectly selected shoes (narrow, with a stiff insole, very high heel), excessive weight, circulatory disorders in the legs, excessive sweating of the legs. The presence of corns can be determined by their appearance. This firm and dry formation on the skin with a gray or yellowish tinge is not particularly sensitive when touched.
If natoptysh does not cause pain, then he does not need treatment. If all the same discomfort is present - it is worth paying attention to this, because this disease itself does not pass and is subject to treatment.
Indications for use
Indications for the use of ointments from corns are corn seals of keratinized skin cells, which appear due to rubbing the foot and excessive pressure on it during exercise, because of wearing too narrow shoes or wearing high heels, and constantly walking on firm planes barefoot. The corns are only slightly larger than corns in size. They arise at the base of the toes, as well as on the heels. Appear when walking in the form of pain and burning sensation.
The active components of the Vishnevsky ointment are xerobes and birch tar, the auxiliary component is fish oil or castor oil (these components can provide deeper penetration into the skin layer for active substances).
Xeroform has an astringent, antimicrobial, drying effect. This substance can also have a bactericidal effect - due to the fact that bismuth tribromophenolate can oxidize the sulfhydryl groups of bacterial enzymes, contributing to their death. Phenol, which is in the xeroform, destroys the membrane structure of the bacterial cell, and also denatures the proteins in it.
Proteins of inflamed tissues, interacting with xeroform, undergo partial coagulation, in the process of which albumen are formed, which turn into a protective film. It can a little anesthetize the inflamed area of the skin, dry its surface, and at the same time reduce the permeability of blood vessels.
Birch tar also contains phenol, which is an antiseptic. Tar has an irritating effect on the skin's receptors, thus causing a flow of blood to the site of inflammation. This accelerates the process of resorption of infiltrates, as well as the removal of particles of sulfur and pus. Thanks to these processes, the damaged tissues are restored.
Names of ointments and creams from corns
Usually, the following medicamentous agents are used for the treatment of corns and dry calluses on the legs:
- Salicylic ointment, which is used as the main drug, treating skin diseases;
- Chinese corn plaster - this red plates, which are applied ointment;
- The corns and dry calluses well cleans the beeswax, which is mixed with lemon juice and propolis;
- Verrukacide;
- Ointment Balzamed Bazal. Its use makes the skin smooth, soft, well-groomed and healthy;
- Ointment Jin Ji Hou Ke;
- Antimosolin;
- Combined ointment, which is based on 3 components - Vaseline, as well as salicylic and benzoic acid.
Ointments from corns usually contain salicylic acid, which is considered to be the main element of most drugs against this disease.
There are many names for ointments from corns - for example, with problems of this kind, 10% salicylic ointment perfectly fights, giving a very good softening effect, especially when used in combination with other active elements such as benzoic acid.
Often antimony ointments sold without a prescription contain glycolic acid, which has an antiseptic antifungal effect.
Also very effective in the fight against calluses is the well-known Vishnevsky ointment and keratolytic ointment.
The best ointment from corns on the legs is salicylic, although there are other drugs (but they are also made based on salicylic acid). Use it carefully, avoiding hitting the patches of healthy skin. To fulfill this condition, you need to buy a special plaster, or make a hole under the trample in the usual plaster. You need to glue it so that the formation fits perfectly into the hole, and is surrounded on all sides by a plaster. Lubricating natoptysh ointment, you need to glue it with one more plaster top. This method of applying the drug will be the safest.
Salicylic ointment is applied to the carotid 1-2 times / day. The course of treatment should last no more than 28 days. There are also antimourosive patches, which are glued on the formation and removed after some time with the already separated dead keratinized tissue.
Ointment from coriander has both advantages and disadvantages. It should be noted both the pros and cons of the drug. Among the advantages:
- Ointments are dispensed without a prescription, and also have a low cost;
- The drug is very compact - it can be worn everywhere in a bag;
- High efficiency and quick action.
Minuses of ointments from corns:
- Apply carefully and carefully, so as not to get on a healthy skin area;
- In neglected cases, the ointment is not very effective;
- Sometimes the drug may cause an allergic reaction.
Ointments and cream from dry calluses and corns
There is an opinion that calluses, which do not cause pain, do not need to be treated, although this is not right. In addition to the fact that outwardly such feet do not look very nice, it's not a fact that discomfort and pain will not appear after a while. Appeared napotypes and calluses should be removed as soon as possible from the skin.
The cream has an acidic pH, which makes it possible to soften the rough skin of the feet, dry calluses, and corns. The composition includes urea and glycolic acid, which purify hard, dry skin. Tea tree oil and ethenol have antiseptic properties, and camphor and menthol - deodorize, refresh and soothe.
Contraindications cream does not.
Apply cream is recommended 1-2 times a day, massage movements rubbing into coarse areas.
Shelf life 3 years.
Ointment from trampled lactic acid - softens keratinized tissue. Such drugs do not act as aggressively as salicylic. The application procedure is carried out as follows - the ointment is applied to the nail in a thick layer, after which the leg is wrapped in wax paper and woolen socks are put on. After 2 hours, the softened corn is scraped off using a special nail file. The remaining ointment should be washed off with warm water. Repeat the procedure in a day or two.
Salicylic ointment
Salicylic ointment is very effective in fighting various skin diseases. Among them - calluses, warts, corns, pimples. The main active ingredient of the drug is salicylic acid. It has a strong anti-inflammatory, as well as antiseptic effects. Thanks to the active substance of the ointment, the papillomas and calluses on the skin of the feet quickly soften.
Nowadays it is manufactured industrially, although initially this component was removed from the raw material - willow bark. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, ointment from corns is keratolic - it exfoliates the skin, thereby helping to restore it.
Vishnevsky ointment
Ointment Vishnevsky is an effective antiseptic drug, which includes components such as tar, castor oil, as well as xerobes.
This drug has a lot of healing properties, it can be used in many areas. It is often used as a means of eliminating the inflammatory processes that occur with furuncles and other abscesses. Also, he restores the tissue after frostbite, burns or bedsores, can dry out the skin when it produces blackheads. It can be used both as an ointment from corns, as well as from trophic ulcerative lesions of the legs. It is used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis.
Keratolytic ointment from corns
Keratolytic ointments from corns usually include salicylic acid, which has an antiseptic effect. By themselves, the corns are a cluster of dead cells that have appeared as a result of the protective reaction of the skin to the mechanical pressure exerted on it. With the help of salicylic acid, these cells soften, after which they are easy to remove.
In addition to salicylic acid, keratolytic ointment from corns contains the following substances: petrolatum, lanolin, herbal extracts. Each of these components has a softening effect.
Keratolytic drugs can be bought at any pharmacy, they are dispensed without a prescription. In addition, among all the medicines against the corns, they are most effective.
The advantages of keratolic ointments from corns:
- They include only natural ingredients;
- They quickly and effectively act on painful education;
- With their help, you can remove the bug on your own;
- Low cost.
Minuses of ointments:
- Healthy skin areas around the corns should be protected from getting the ointment, so as not to get a burn or a wound;
- If there is individual sensitivity to some components of the drug, allergy may occur;
- Ointment should be used regularly, not missing the execution of procedures.
The best ointment from cornses often has in its composition additional substances that can soften the corn. These are mainly oils that are of vegetable origin. To increase the effectiveness of these components of the ointment before its application, it is necessary to steam out the legs in a soda-salt bath.
Cream the healer
Cream The healer is used in the process of skin care on the legs. It is used for dry calluses and corns, as well as for peeling of the skin and microcracks appearing on the heels. Thanks to a unique formula, this ointment from corns with urea can immediately fill the deficit of moisture.
The composition of the cream includes a complex of medicinal herbs, urea, vitamin E and other auxiliary substances that have a softening, antiseptic and wound-healing effect.
Another component of the drug - tea tree oil - will make the skin softer, and extracts of oak bark and celandine will relieve pain and fatigue, as well as heal wounds.
Indications for use: corns, dry calluses, cracks and peeling of heels. Apply the cream on clean skin once a day.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the constituents of the cream.
In case of an overdose, redness and rash on the skin are possible.
Keep the cream at a temperature from 0ºС to + 25ºС in a place inaccessible to children. Avoid direct sunlight.
Shelf life 3 years.
Cream Avon (Avon)
Active ingredients of the cream are glycerol, lactic acid, menthol, peppermint oil, which effectively soften the corns and calluses.
Indications for use: a cosmetic for combating the burrs and rough skin of the legs.
Apply the cream once a day with massage movements on coarsened skin areas, previously cleaned.
Avoid direct sunlight. Store at temperatures from 0 ° C to + 25 ° C out of the reach of children.
Shelf life 3 years.
The composition of the cream includes urea in a concentration of 25%, which effectively fights with nattoids, coarsened and dry skin of the feet, heals cracks.
Indications for use: hyperkeratosis of elbows, knees, feet, elimination and prevention of calluses and corns.
Cream Aquapilings are used in combination with a solution Aquapilling or as an independent tool 1-2 times a day for 7 days or more, until the disappearance of the natropish. The duration of the cream is unlimited.
Limitations in use during pregnancy or during lactation are not present.
In case of an overdose, redness and rash on the skin are possible.
Store at temperatures between 5 ° C and 25 ° C, out of the reach of children.
Shelf life 3 years.
Cream School
The cream helps to restore the natural elasticity of the skin of the legs, softens, antiseptic and wound-healing effect. Lanolin, which is part of the cream, promotes the natural moisturizing of the skin. Does not contain fragrances.
Possible use during pregnancy and during lactation.
Dosing and Administration: Apply the cream twice a day to dry and clean skin with massage movements. The period of application is unlimited, until complete recovery.
In case of an overdose, redness and rash on the skin are possible.
Store in a dark place inaccessible to children at a temperature of up to 25 ° C.
Shelf life 3 years.
Creams from corrugated production of Altai
A unique formula of the cream effectively helps to fight with the burrs, cracks and calluses. Urea, natural soy and coconut oils, peppermint oil and menthol, horse chestnut extract - all these ingredients that go into the cream, soften and nourish the skin, eliminate swelling, soften horniness.
The use of cream during pregnancy is not contraindicated, can also be used for diabetes and obesity.
Has no side effects.
Use the cream can only be on the surface of the feet, rubbing into the dry clean skin of the legs until completely absorbed 1-2 times a day.
Shelf life 3 years.
Cream Oriflame (Oriflame)
The cream provides a deep moisturizing of the feet from the first day of application. An improved formula with shea butter helps to fight effectively the burrs, and salicylic acid helps the process of cell repair. Peppermint oil and intensive care complex smooth the coarsened skin of the feet and moisturize them well.
Not contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.
Cases of overdose were not observed.
Dosage and administration: apply the cream 1-2 times a day on dry and clean skin with massage movements. Apply until complete recovery.
Shelf life 3 years.
The way of using the means from the corns
Salicylic ointment from corns is applied to the affected skin 1-2 times / day. It can be first spread a thin layer (about 0.2 g per 1 cm 2 ) without rubbing and cover with a sterile napkin. In cases where the touch to the skin brings pain, you need to soak a sterile bandage of gauze with this ointment, and apply it on the burr. This procedure should be repeated 2-3 times / day.
Beeswax - take 30 g of wax and 50 g of propolis, add lemon juice to it (1 lemon is enough). The resultant mixture is turned into cakes, which must be applied to the formation, fixing with adhesive tape. A few days later the honeycomb is softened in a 2% solution of soda, which makes it easy to remove it.
Balmamed Basal should be applied every day to dry cleansed skin, rubbing with massaging movements.
Verrukatsid applied to the affected area with a thin wooden stick or special applicator. Do not allow skin to come into contact with healthy skin. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times, making intervals between them in 3-4 minutes.
Ointment Super Antimosolin is applied thickly to the affected area, then covered with a film or waxed paper and fixed with a plaster. Change the patch every day, removing also the softened parts of the skin. You need to apply the drug before the natypes completely disappear. Next, use an ointment as a preventive.
Ointment with benzoic and salicylic acid, as well as vaseline is applied to the problem feet. The drug should be gently applied with a thin layer twice a day until the complete disappearance of the horny part of the skin.
Ointment Jin Ji Hou Ke is applied as follows - it is applied to the skin 1-2 times / day with a cotton swab. Repeat the procedure you need to fully remove the natoptysha.
The use of ointments and creams from the corns in pregnancy
The use of ointments and creams from corns during pregnancy is usually not prohibited, but there are some exceptions. This, for example, salicylic ointment - due to the fact that salicylic acid can be absorbed into the bloodstream. But if necessary, pregnant women can use this drug, but not more than 1 g during a single treatment of the affected skin.
It is also not recommended to use ointment from coriander Verrukacid, but in some cases, if the expected therapeutic effect exceeds the possibility of complications for the fetus, it is allowed to use.
Contraindications for use
Salicylic ointment is contraindicated in renal failure or allergy to drug components. Also can not be used by infants.
Beeswax is not allowed to be used for allergies to it.
The drug Verrukacid can not be used on birthmarks and moles, if the lesion size on the skin exceeds 20 cm 2, children under 7 years of age.
Ointment from corns with petrolatum, benzoic and salicylic acid should not be used by those who have hypersensitivity to the above components. Also, it should not be applied to the skin in places where its integrity is impaired.
Chinese plaster for calluses should not be used if there are violations in the integrity of the skin or individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
Side effects
Side effects of ointments from corns (for example, salicylic) are rather few and very rare. Among such manifestations: burning, itching, rashes on the skin, as well as some allergic reactions. If you are allergic to salicylic ointment, you should stop using it.
Verrukatsid can have such side effects - redness and swelling, which pass themselves.
An ointment mixture of petrolatum, salicylic acid and benzoic acid can give such side effects as skin irritation in those places on which this ointment is applied.
Cases of an overdose of ointment from the corns have not been identified at the moment. Provided that any ointment from the corns for any reason fell into the stomach, you should immediately wash it, using cool boiled water.
Interactions with other drugs
Salicylic ointment can not be combined with remedies, since it creates a melting mixture. In addition, the ointment should not be interfered with with zinc oxide, because the result is an insoluble salt. Salicylic acid, combined with any drugs used externally, enhances the absorption of the latter into the circulatory system, thereby increasing the permeability of the skin for other drugs. Among them, glucocorticoid hormones, often included in a variety of ointments (Triderm, and also Dexamethasone, etc.). Another salicylic ointment can increase the severity of side effects of hypoglycemic agents, as well as sulfonylureas and methotrexate.
The components of Verrukacid dissolve rapidly in other ointments, so do not use them to patch skin areas that have been treated with this agent.
Storage conditions
Storage conditions Verrukatsida - Keep in a closed place from children, protected from sunlight place. Storage temperature: 18-22 ° C.
Basalmed Basal is stored in the dark places at a maximum temperature of 25 ° C.
Chinese plaster from corns should be kept in a cool and dry place.
Salicylic ointment from corns should be stored at a temperature of not more than 20 degrees. After opening the jar, it should be kept in a warm dry place, where the sun's rays do not penetrate. In a refrigerator it can not be put in any way. Also, the storage location should not be accessible to young children. Do not allow moisture and dampness to affect the ointment. It is best to store the ointment in its original packaging.
Shelf life
Ointment from coriander Verrukacid can be stored for 5 years. The drug is prohibited to use at the end of the period indicated on the original packaging.
Chinese antimony patch has a 3-year shelf life.
Salicylic ointment can be used within 2 years from the moment of its release.
Creams and ointments from napotyshey are effective remedies for combating coarse skin, cracks, dry calluses. Means contribute to softening of the skin and easy removal of dead cells, and essential oils, which are part of their composition, moisturize the skin well.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ointments and creams from corns" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.