Treatment of transverse flatfoot
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Treatment of transverse platypodia often occurs with the help of various forms that correct the shape of the foot, such as insoles in shoes, or even special shoes. Operative intervention is used in the treatment of flatfoot extremely rarely.
With such a disease as flat feet, every second person on Earth is familiar. If flat feet were not in their youth, this does not mean that in old age it will not overtake you. The foot may deform with age due to various external factors (incorrect shoes, load on legs, etc.). Now this disease is very often diagnosed in children. Flatfoot is a change in the foot. Doctors almost recommend flatfoot prevention. From the correct form of the foot depends our spine, and from it all the organs.
Treatment of transverse flatfoot in adults
The first and frequent clients of flat feet are women. To look beautiful, they go to great sacrifices. Wear the wrong shoes, big heels, platforms blindly following the fashion.
In men, transverse platypodia is much less common. This disease can be in men, when they spend a lot of time on their feet and the whole weight of the body presses on them or aggravates the problem with the wrong footwear. According to statistics, the transverse flatfoot is found in the ratio 8: 2 (female men). Also, the transverse flatfoot is transferred genetically along the maternal line.
Treatment of transverse flatfoot in adults is divided into two stages (species): conservative and surgical. The orthopedist doctor chooses the method of treatment, after examining the foot and taking an X-ray photograph. At an early stage, it is recommended to treat the transverse flatfoot simply with a warm foot bath. Recommend massages that the specialist does to correct transverse flatfoot. The doctor can prescribe corrective gymnastics and physiotherapy. When pronounced flatfoot designate wear special insoles or orthopedic shoes. Serious deformities of the foot are prescribed surgical intervention.
The most unpleasant thing about this disease is that you can not completely get rid of it. The longer you tighten the treatment of transverse flatfoot, the less likely it is to cure. Completely get rid of transverse flatfoot for an adult is almost impossible, but if he was diagnosed as a child, then there are chances.
Treatment of transverse flat feet in children
According to statistics, 60% of children aged 6-7 years have flat feet. If you diagnose the disease in time, you can cure it and forget about it forever if you wear the right footwear. In fact, in young children, it is difficult to treat a transverse flatfoot. Only at the age of 12-13 years, when the arch of the foot is not fully formed, but the whole organism is in the process of active growth, it is possible to influence the proper formation of the foot. At a more mature age, the chances of curing the transverse flatfoot greatly diminish. This means one thing that a child will wear orthopedic shoes and insoles. Very rarely there are cases with congenital flat feet. Then the treatment begins with the moment when they have been diagnosed. For the treatment of congenital transverse platypodia children are prescribed plaster bandages or langets. When flat feet, children do not practice surgical intervention.
During treatment, you need to attach a lot of attention as a child walks. One should try to put the feet in parallel and lean on the outer edge of the foot.
Treatment of transverse-longitudinal flat feet
Cross-longitudinal flat foot is associated with weak foot muscles. There is a movement of the foot muscles, the front part of the foot deviates to the outside, and the heel bone - inside. With transverse-longitudinal flat feet, people often suffer from swelling and pain in the legs. This type of flat feet is most often seen in women who wear narrow shoes with excess weight. In this combination, the stop incorrectly distributes the load and deforms with time.
Treatment of transverse-longitudinal flat feet is first carried out by conservative methods. The treatment package includes hot foot baths with saline solution, which removes swelling. Also recommended baths with chamomile, they will help with pain in the foot and relieve inflammation. From the physiotherapy technique for the treatment of longitudinal-transverse flat feet, electrophoresis with herbal preparations, paraffin applications is very helpful. To support the foot in the correct position will help orthopedic insole. If walking is disturbed, then an operation is performed, otherwise the transverse-longitudinal flat foot will lead to limited movement. Operative intervention will help to get rid of pain and edema, to eliminate discomfort in the foot.
Treatment of transverse platypodia insole
Unfortunately, the first thing that promotes transverse flat feet is shoes. Today, when we live in the modern world, walking barefoot is a luxury for us. Therefore, we suffer from flat feet and are forced to improve our shoes to make our feet comfortable. So for the treatment of transverse flatfoot orthopedic insoles and various arch supports were developed. Orthopedic insoles cope with their task in full.
They well cushion the foot, reduce the load on the feet. Before you buy your insoles, you need to consult an orthopedist. With the wrong choice of orthopedic insoles, you can damage the foot and exacerbate the flatfoot. For correct selection of the insole, you need to measure all changes in the foot. Ideally, orthopedic insoles should be worn not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of transverse flatfoot.
Surgical treatment of transverse flatfoot
In modern clypeons for many years, surgical operations have been performed to eliminate transverse flatfoot. Surgical intervention is prescribed in the case when conservative treatment does not yield any results, and the pain in the foot increases, the foot deforms further. Most often, the essence of the operation is, to change the angle between the bones of the foot and to correct the transverse arch. After surgical intervention, the foot restores correctly, pain and leakage disappear. An important fact is that after surgery the transverse flatfoot will no longer return.
Alternative treatment of transverse flatfoot
Alternative treatment of transverse flat feet involves physical exercises. No herbal tincture can cure flat feet, but it helps to reduce pain and flow. To relieve fatigue, chamomile and various coniferous plants will help. They should be added to salt baths. A good effect is observed when walking on tracing paper. You can also make a special rug with different pebbles, which have different shapes and sizes, and walk on them. A somewhat unusual, but effective method can be accounting accounts. Stop putting on the abacus and doing a massage. It is very useful to walk barefoot, even on level ground. This implies walking not on the asphalt, but on the grass. A good effect is the rocking of the bottle with his feet on the floor. If such exercises are done qualitatively and for a long time, the result will not be long in coming.
Treatment of transverse flat foot 2 degrees
First, you need to understand what is a transverse flatfoot 2 degrees. In medicine, there are three degrees of flatfoot. The second degree is the level of the arch of the foot from 141 to 155 °, the height of the vault is 24-17 mm.
The second degree of transverse flatfoot is characterized by an increase in the angle of up to 15 degrees. The pain mainly comes from the middle metatarsal bone located under the heads. At the second degree, the corns become more and more, and continue to grow. The thumb twists and grows inside. At this stage, the pain becomes more significant with loads on the foot.
Treatment of transverse flat feet of the 2nd degree consists in wearing orthopedic footwear and limiting the stay in an upright position. Massages, physiotherapeutic procedures and therapeutic gymnastics are very effective. Often, an orthopedic doctor recommends surgery. After surgery, the transverse flatfoot of the 2nd degree completely disappears and does not return.
Treatment of transverse flatfoot exercises
Treatment of transverse flat feet physical exercises (LFK) is to strengthen the ligament and the muscle of the foot. Therapeutic exercises should be performed every day for 15-20 minutes, and it is better to do several approaches. Treatment exercises are effective only with transverse flat feet. Such therapeutic exercise is the following process. Connect the straightened legs so that the knees and feet touch one. Try to unbend the left foot and start the front part under the right foot. Repeat for the other leg. Repeat this exercise for 10-15 minutes.
For the following exercises you need to sit down. Take a small ball and try to lift the inside of the foot. Lay out small items on the floor, these can be pencils, batteries, pens and try to collect these objects with your toes. Take a newspaper or paper and crumple your feet.
For the following exercises, you need to take standing positions. Be like on the outer foot while bending your fingers. Also, walk around the room on tiptoe.
Physical exercise is one of the components of successful treatment of transverse flatfoot.