Treatment of cough with bronchitis medications: pills, syrups, antibiotics, alternative drugs
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Cough with bronchitis is a serious problem that requires compulsory treatment. Cough can disturb a person, both during illness and after full recovery. This brings not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. Today, there are many traditional and non-traditional remedies that can help get rid of a cough quickly.
Means for coughing with bronchitis
In the treatment of cough, a number of precautions must be followed. You must first consult a doctor, and only after that start taking any funds. First, medications can have side effects if used improperly. It is necessary to clearly know what type of coughing prevails in you and only in accordance with this select a remedy. Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the pharmacokinetics of the substance. There are some medicines that will not have the necessary effect at once, but will only take effect after a while or even after the completion of the course of treatment. Such methods are not suitable for emergency care, but are very effective as preventive and maintenance drugs.
With a damp cough, it is advisable to take expectorants. For example, Herbion syrup with a plantain extract is drunk 15 grams three times. To drink it is not recommended.
Syrup and pills Dr. Mom are good at attacks of dry and wet cough. Lollipops are also provided for children. On average, it is enough to drink a measuring spoon or to dissolve 1 tablet to stop the attack. Lollipops need to dissolve as the appearance of coughing attacks, or with sore throat.
Mucaltin is taken 2 tablets 4-5 times a day. Promotes liquefaction and rapid excretion of sputum from the body.
Bromhexine is taken with a strong cough, which for a long time does not cure. Take 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.
Read also: Antibiotics for bronchitis
Cough syrups with bronchitis
You can prepare cough syrup yourself at home. Do it better in the summer. It is necessary to collect about 2 kg of leaves of plantain, grind them and fill with a liter of honey. Stir well, put in a dark place in the room. Gradually, a liquid (syrup) will form at the bottom of the jar.
The first liquid will appear about a week later. We merge it into small containers, tightly cork. We put in the refrigerator or cellar. Can be stored for 2-3 years. They are used for cough, for treatment of bronchitis and other inflammatory processes.
About other syrups, used for coughing with bronchitis, read this article.
Cough medicine for bronchitis
Cough can be tried potions. To prepare, you need 50 grams of crushed leaves of plantain, 30 grams of coltsfoot, 10 grams of althea medicinal. All this is poured into 500 ml of vodka or alcohol, mixed thoroughly, and drink 2-3 days later. Then add honey, mix until completely dissolved. Expectorant for coughing with bronchitis
Positively affected by various syrups and tablets, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Such cough syrups as Doctor Mom, lazolvan, herbion have proven themselves well. They are taken in accordance with the prescription of the doctor, or by instruction.
You can also prepare the product yourself. For preparation, you need 6 grams of althea medicinal and 20 grams of honey. Althey brewed boiling water, poured honey, stirred. Drink half the glass twice a day.
Effective cough tablets with bronchitis
Cough for bronchitis has long been used mukaltin. This is the most famous, classic cough remedy. Promotes the sputum, ensures its excretion outside. A day is allowed to take up to 10 tablets. Side effects have almost no effect, since this is a plant-based substance.
A stronger agent is bromhexine. Take up to 5 tablets a day. Has a powerful anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. Symptoms of coughing eliminate in 3-5 days.
Also, such tablets as lazolvan, flavomed, ambroxol are well recommended for cough . This is a new generation of drugs that can gently and quickly eliminate a severe cough.
ACS tablets for coughing with bronchitis
ATSTS, or acetylcysteine is an effective cough remedy. Take after meals, about 2-4 times a day. Produced in the form of a powder, which must be dissolved in warm water. For children, the maximum daily dose is 400 mg, for adults - 800 mg. Acts very quickly.
Already after 30 minutes after taking, the cough is significantly reduced. The stable therapeutic effect is noticeable after 2-3 days. Side effects may occur, such as stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn. In this case, you need to cancel the medication. Additional measures are not required.
Bronchitis is a disease that is caused mainly by a bacterial infection. Therefore, during the illness and for 2-3 weeks, you can not take vitamins. They will act as an ideal medium and growth factors for many pathogenic microorganisms. Their development and reproduction will go more effectively, therefore inflammation and the infection process will only increase.
An exception is vitamin C. It can be taken in a daily dosage of 500-1000 mg. It has antioxidant properties, stabilizes cell membranes. This significantly improves the metabolism, increases immunity, promotes activation of resistance and mobilization of internal reserves of the body. This greatly accelerates recovery.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Apply mainly thermal procedures: warming up, infrared heating, ultraviolet. Electroprocedures and light of different wavelength are used. This makes it possible to warm well not only the outer covers, but also the deep layers. As a result, sputum discharge increases.
With a strong dry cough apply KUF, inhalation. Electrophoresis also proved to be very good. During this procedure, the drug enters the body. It penetrates through the mucous membranes under the action of microcurrents. This ensures high accuracy of impact.
In addition, the substance penetrates directly into the tissue that needs it and in which the inflammatory process takes place. Such sighting therapy allows you to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process, reduce the concentration of the active substance. Local effects are achieved, which significantly reduces the risk of side effects and overdose.
Gorchiki for cough and bronchitis
Gorchichniki contribute to the elimination of cough, the removal of the inflammatory process. Substantially facilitate the patient's condition. The mustards are put on the chest, and with a strong cough - additionally also on the back.
The technique of the production is quite simple. The mustard is soaked in warm water, applied to the skin. If the mustard is single-layered, apply the layer that is greased with mustard. We cover from above with a warm towel or cloth, we hold 15-20 minutes. If it burns and bites heavily, you can take off a little earlier. With increased sensitivity of the skin, the area on which the mustard plaster is applied is pre-lubricated with grease. You can also put a mustard plaster through a thin gauze layer.
Compress from potatoes from cough with bronchitis
With a strong cough and inflammatory process, compresses are used. A pack of potatoes works well. It has astringent properties, it retains heat for a long time.
To make a compress make a mashed potatoes. Take a two-layer gauze or bandage. Potatoes are put on one side. Top cover with a layer of gauze, evenly distributed. Make a comfortable temperature. Compress should not burn the body. Place a blade on the sternum.
The top is covered with food film or cellophane, which will keep heat and evaporation. Then we impose one more layer of a thin fabric, and we wrap it on top with a warm, better woolen cloth. This compress should be kept at least 2-3 hours. It is better to do it at night, until the morning.
With increased sensitivity of the skin, honey is added to the mashed potatoes. Stirred until a uniform state is formed and similarly applied.
Alternative treatment
There are many means in the people that are effective enough in the fight against a strong cough.
First of all, the patient is given the opportunity to sweat. To do this, you need to drink a decoction of sweating grass, and go to bed in dressed form. Be sure to wear pants, courts with long sleeves, warm socks. Lie down, wrapped in a warm blanket, do not open under any circumstances. It is necessary to close even the hands, and the neck completely. A very effective diaphoretic is the decoction of linden. Even more effective is the lime tree with honey. You can drink a decoction of raspberries, sage, elderberries. Care should be given to raspberry pregnant, because it has abortifacient action and can provoke the development of miscarriage. Ginger and figs also have a strong diaphoretic effect . They can be added to the tea.
In the early stages of the disease, when a person is concerned about a dry, unproductive cough, it is recommended to take milk whey with the addition of honey. A day is recommended to drink up to 3-4 glasses of milk whey. At night, it is better to drink a glass of warmed milk with the addition of honey. You can also add a little cinnamon and ground ginger to the honey.
Decoction, elimination of the inflammatory process contributes to the decoction of anise. Take the seeds of anise, brew. They are allowed to infuse, then filter. Stir thoroughly, drink a quarter cup.
Recipes for coughing with bronchitis
If the disease does not last for a long time, it is recommended to dissolve the almond oil on a piece of sugar. Take lump sugar, drip 2-3 drops of oil on top, dissolve when a cough occurs.
Expectorant properties have juice of onions, which is recommended to drink 30-40 grams twice.
Add a little sugar to a glass of juice, stir until completely dissolved, drink in small sips.
A potato helps. You need to take 1 potatoes boiled "in a uniform". Crush the crush with the peel. Add 2-3 drops of iodine, mix thoroughly. Lay out on the throat area. Wrap the top with cellophane and dry heat, like a compress. Do for the night. You can shoot only when it is completely cool.
They drink decoction of lime. For cooking, take lime flowers, pour 500 ml of boiling liquid. Drink instead of tea.
A glass of fresh carrot juice should be mixed with a tablespoon of honey. Stir thoroughly, drink half the glass twice a day.
Juice turnips take 1-2 tablespoons before meals 2-3 times a day. If the pure juice seems too harsh, you can make a dilute infusion. For cooking, take half a cup of warm water, add pure juice to it.
Honey with bronchitis and cough
Honey is almost universal. He will help cope with the cough. Relieves spasm, painful sensations. Stimulates the immune system, which significantly accelerates recovery. Apply it in various forms: add to tea, decoctions, apply for compresses, wraps. From honey prepare candies for children, cough syrups, infusions and elixirs. Honey can be taken in pure form. It has a softening effect on mucous membranes, restores damaged areas, eliminates inflammation.
Well-proven black tea with honey, drunk at night. You can also drink milk with honey. In honey, you can add lemon juice, which will enhance the protective and regenerative properties of both components. You can also add ground cinnamon or ginger. This will strengthen the warming effect, and quickly eliminate the inflammatory process.
Milk from cough with bronchitis
The most famous remedy is milk with honey from cough. Drink it should be in hot form, preferably at night. With a strong cough, it is recommended to add a small piece of cocoa butter, or butter, into the milk. This will help to quickly restore the mucous membranes and reduce irritation. Milk can be added to tea. In the morning it is recommended to drink milk with tea, in the evening - pure warmed milk with honey.
Tea for cough and bronchitis
Tea has a warming effect. Passing through the esophagus, it warms the bronchi, ensures the expansion of their lumen. Sputum separation and liquefaction can occur.
At high temperature, tea exerts a diaphoretic effect. In this case, it is necessary to drink it, and wrap it up as quickly as possible with a warm blanket. It is desirable to add honey to tea, which will greatly enhance the positive effects. Tea is suitable for everyone, the main thing is that it should be hot. You can drink green, black, white tea, karkade, vegetable decoctions.
Lemon with cough and bronchitis
Lemon saturates the body with vitamin C, increases resistance, endurance, stimulates the immune system. If you take a lemon during an illness, recovery comes much faster.
Lemon is added to the tea. You can eat slices of lemon, interspersed with sugar. Also prepared are various juices, jure, mixtures, which include lemon.
It is recommended to drink lemon juice on a tablespoon three times a day. A mixture of lemon and honey works well. For cooking, take about 50 grams of honey, add a lemon, mix thoroughly. Eat with every fit of coughing.
Herbal Treatment
For cough treatment use a decoction of mother-and-stepmother. To prepare the broth requires 30 grams of grass. Cook for 5 minutes. Drink a third of the glass three times. Particularly well in the fight against wet cough.
For a long time used plantain. To prepare the broth, 5-6 crushed leaves are brewed.
Sage is used to prepare a decoction from a cough. Take 30 grams of greens on a glass of boiling water. Drink 4 tablespoons every 4 hours.
The bay leaf from coughing with bronchitis
The bay leaf effectively eliminates the inflammatory process and promotes intensive sputum discharge from the bronchi. As a result, the lumen of the bronchi increases, the inflammation decreases. It becomes easier for a person to breathe, the well-being improves significantly.
To prepare the broth take 15-20 leaves of laurel on a glass of boiling water. Drink during the day.
Charges for bronchitis and cough
- Recipe number 1.
Take a teaspoon of sleep-grass, nettle and stevia. Pour boiling water, insist the hour. Then add the leaves of mother-and-stepmother, insist another 15-20 minutes. They drink during an attack of cough and at night.
- Recipe number 2.
You need to take the mother-and-stepmother, herb oregano and inflorescences of chamomile in a ratio of 2: 1: 2, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for 3-4 hours. Then filter, take inside on a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.
- Recipe number 3.
Grasshopper grass, birch buds and herb of oregano are mixed in a ratio of 4: 1: 2. Pour 500 ml of boiling water, give the opportunity to brew. Filter, drink a third of a glass 3-4 times a day.
Homeopathic remedies are more harmless in comparison with medicamentous preparations. But you still need to take them with caution. It is important to observe precautions. Before you start taking it, you need to consult a doctor, check if the funds are being taken together. Also, you must strictly follow the prescribed treatment regimen and the prescribed dosage. Otherwise, there may be numerous side effects, up to a worse state.
- Mixture number 1.
A good soothing effect is provided by the mixture. For cooking, you need 50 grams of butter, flour, honey, 2 eggs. The butter is melted on the fire, the yolk is driven in. Stir until smooth, remove from heat. Slowly pour in the flour, honey. Gradually stir, bring to a homogeneous consistency.
- Mixture number 2.
To prepare the mixture take 100 grams of butter, smaltz, honey bee. Melt with constant stirring. Add a little cocoa powder. Stir. Cool. They give the opportunity to thicken.
- Mixture number 3.
Take about a glass of porridge. They melt. Then add ground cinnamon, ginger and coriander, mix, cool.
- Mixture number 4.
Aloe juice (about 50 grams), puree from leaves is required. You can just chop the leaves. Stir thoroughly. Use with the addition of honey.
Surgical intervention is rarely required. Usually there is enough conservative therapy. But with a strong inflammation of the tonsils can be carried out tonsillectomy - the removal of tonsils. The operation is performed after complete recovery. A tracheotomy may be required in case of a strong attack of suffocation, when a person can not breathe through the respiratory tract. At the same time, a breathing tube is inserted into the throat, through which air enters the respiratory tract.