Inhalation with bronchitis nebulizer for children and adults: how to breathe and recipes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Bronchitis is an inflammatory process of the respiratory system, which involves bronchi. This disease is accompanied by a continuous exhaustion cough, fever, weakness and poor health. The doctor hears hard breathing, wheezing. The acute phase of bronchitis is accompanied by a dry cough, then sputum begins to come off, and relief comes. Ignoring the problem leads to the development of chronic bronchitis and other serious complications. At the acute stage of uncomplicated bronchitis, as a rule, antibiotics are not prescribed. In contrast to nasopharyngeal diseases, where it is possible to apply medications directly to the damaged surface, local treatment of bronchitis is possible only with the help of special devices. The nebulizer with bronchitis is just such a device that turns drugs into aerosols and delivers them to the lower respiratory tract.
Can I use a nebulizer with bronchitis?
Nebulizer therapy is effective not for all manifestations of cold or infectious diseases. For example, with a cold, inflammation of the throat, sprays and gargles, drops in the nose are more effective. The use of a nebulizer is the delivery of therapeutic agents in the form of aerosols deep into the respiratory tract. So, is it possible to use a nebulizer with bronchitis? Inhalation with bronchitis nebulizer in the world practice has been carried out for more than 100 years and in medical circles their effectiveness has been recognized. The nebulizer is a compressor type of the inhaler. Steam in it does not arise from temperature, but from fine particles, obtained with the help of discharged pressure.
Indications for the procedure
When using a nebulizer, it should be understood that he heals not himself, but the medications poured into him. The list of drugs delivered to the "destination" in this way is not that large, so the indications for inhalation are not all the respiratory diseases. The device is used for false croup (laryngeal stenosis) to reduce edema and increase the gullet by inhalation steroids, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, pulmonary tuberculosis with the use of antibiotics and diluting drugs. It is also effective in obstructive bronchitis and exacerbation of bronchial asthma. In this case, steroids are used to suppress the inflammatory process and bronchodilators to relieve the spasm. The use of nebeliser for the treatment of chronic bronchitis is also relevant, because minimizes the harmful effects of drugs with prolonged therapy.
Inhaler nebulizer with bronchitis - an indispensable thing for treatment at home. This method is much more effective than the usual means of treatment of the disease, tk. With the help of the device, the drug is sprayed onto the smallest particles, so that they get to the most remote parts of the respiratory system. It is very convenient in the treatment of children and bedridden patients. Preparation for its application includes the following stages:
- Before assembling, hands are washed thoroughly;
- the device is assembled according to the instructions, batteries are inserted (connected to the mains);
- Water is poured in and the tightness is checked;
- the inhalation solution is heated in a water bath to room temperature;
- when several therapeutic solutions are prescribed, the following sequence should be observed: first, pour in a bronchodilator, then a sputum preparation, an anti-inflammatory drug or an antibiotic. Pauses between inhalations should be a quarter of an hour;
- the required dose is poured into the nebulizer capacity and brought to the mark with a solution for injection or saline solution;
- the procedure is not performed immediately after physical activity and eating, and after 1.5 hours.
Technique of the inhalation nebulizer with bronchitis
How to breathe properly with a nebulizer for bronchitis? The technique of inhalation is as follows:
- if possible, the procedure is carried out in a sitting position;
- The air slowly draws in and exhales through a special mouthpiece;
- breathing in, the breath is delayed for a few seconds, then a slow exhalation is made;
- the duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes (the doctor determines);
- after inhalation of the hormonal preparation, rinse the mouth with warm water;
- less talk and do not immediately go out.
Recipes for nebulizer with bronchitis
How to fill a nebulizer with bronchitis? To conduct inhalations using a nebulizer, various ready-made dosage forms are used. Based on the nature of the cough, the doctor prescribes:
- bronchodilators for the expansion of bronchi (berodual, berotek, salbutamol, atrovent);
- anti-inflammatory (malavit, tonzillion H, phytochemicals rotokan, eucalyptus, propolis);
- antibacterial and antimicrobial (gentomycin, furacilin, flumucil, chlorophyllipt);
- for liquefaction and expectoration of sputum (ATSTS, fluimutsil, lazolvan, ambroben, sinupret, mukoltin);
- antitussives (lidocaine, tussamag);
- vasoconstrictive (naphthyzine, adrenaline).
Antibiotics for nebulizer with bronchitis
For inhalations with a nebulizer for bronchitis antibacterial drugs: flumucil antibiotic, dioxidin, gentamicin, tobramycin.
Fluimucil - consists of two components - a broad-spectrum antibiotic for thiamphenicol and mucolytics of acetylcysteine, which dilutes sputum and pus, facilitates rapid penetration of the antibiotic into lung tissue. The dose for inhalations to adults is 250 mg, children - 125 mg. Multiplicity of admission 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is not more than 10 days.
Dioxydin - a synthetic antibacterial bactericidal drug of broad pharmacological action. There are 1% and 0.5% solutions of the drug. For a nebulizer, 1% dioxygen is diluted with saline in a proportion of 1: 4, and 0.5% - 1: 2. Two procedures per day are recommended.
Gentamicin - suppresses Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, use 0.1% solution of the drug.
Tombrasin - destroys bacteria, effective for various infections of the respiratory system. When inhaled, the drug remains in the airways. Children older than 6 years and adults are recommended 300 mg 2 times a day, but not less than 12 hours between treatments, for 28 days. The ampoule is opened and placed in a nebulizer, it is necessary to breathe until the liquid runs out.
Solutions for nebulizer with bronchitis
In addition to antibiotics, we will consider other solutions for nebulizer in bronchitis. The most safe for bronchitis for both adults and children is inhalation with saline solution for the nebulizer. Often, due to increased sensitivity to various components of pharmacological drugs, people can not use these or other drugs. The physiological solution is a salt dissolved in water (1% solution), has antiseptic, softening effect, promotes sputum evacuation. In addition, it is used as a basis in the preparation of many recipes. Some of them are described below.
Inhalation with bronchitis berodualom and saline solution nebulizer
Berodual - bronchodilator, used to treat chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma. The dose is selected individually, depending on the condition and severity of bronchospasm attacks. As a rule, inhalations start with the lowest recommended dose. Children under 6 years - 2 drops per kilogram of body weight, at the age of 6-12 years - 10 drops, after 12 - 20 drops. Doses may vary, but not exceed 10, 40, 80 drops, respectively. The drug with saline solution is brought to a volume of 3-4 ml and inserted into the nebulizer. For a new inhalation, you must again make the solution, the remainder of the previous pour. As a result of clinical studies, during inhalation with berodual and saline solution, negative reactions were noted in the form of nausea, dry mouth, headache, tachycardia, increased blood pressure.
Inhalation in bronchitis with a lazolvan, Berodual and saline solution by a nebulizer
Inhalation with nebulizer with bronchitis lazolvanom, berodualom and saline solution have an even more pronounced therapeutic effect. Lazolvan increases the secretion and excretion of mucus from the bronchi. Well tolerated by patients, the dose applied varies depending on the age and is: up to 2 years - 7.5 mg, 2-5 years - 15 mg, children older than 5 - 15-22.5 mg. If possible, it is best to have 2 inhalations a day. With bronchitis, you can do inhalations with a nebulizer only with lazolvanom and saline.
Miramistin for nebulizer with bronchitis
Miramistin for nebulizer with bronchitis is not effective, tk. Is selective with respect to microorganisms. More is used for inhalations in otolaryngology: with tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis.
Inhalation with mineral water by a nebulizer with bronchitis
With bronchitis allowed inhalation of mineral water nebulizer, but with a number of restrictions. Mineral water should be non-carbonated and slightly alkaline, which is known for its curative qualities Borjomi. Originally from Georgia, it has a complex chemical composition that favorably affects many human systems, including reducing catarrhal phenomena. Inhalation of Borjomi in a nebulizer with bronchitis will moisturize the respiratory tract, make the secretion of sputum more liquid, facilitating their excretion. An important value of this procedure is that it does not cause allergies, and therefore suitable for children of any age and pregnant women. Skeptics of this treatment warn against using unsterilized solutions to avoid the development of pneumonia, which is mineral water.
Inhalation with nebulizer for bronchitis in pregnant women
Inhalation with a nebulizer for bronchitis in pregnant women is an effective way to accelerate recovery without resorting to drugs that threaten the fetus. There are conditions when the risk from the use of medications is lower than the danger to life from the disease, so you have to apply this treatment. If it is possible to avoid the negative effects of chemical components, it is better to do without them. Of the proposed recipes is obvious - the safest inhalation using saline and mineral water. The same inhalations for bronchitis nebulizer are recommended for children. In addition, this method of inhalation to children is advisable not earlier than after a year of life, tk. The child is unable to cough up intensively sputum. Using medicines, you need to carefully study the instructions. So, lazolvan can be used for children and women after the 28th week of pregnancy, berodual - after the first trimester of pregnancy, etc.
Contraindications to the procedure
There are contraindications to inhalation by a nebulizer. First, it is impossible to do the procedure if the medicine used is intolerant. Also, such diseases as severe pulmonary and cardiac failure, less than six months of stroke and heart attack, pulmonary hemorrhage, tuberculosis, bullous emphysema of the lungs, body temperature above 37,5 0 are an obstacle to the procedure. In obstructive bronchitis, inhalations with medicinal herbs and essential oils should not be carried out in order not to exacerbate the bronchial state by excessive allergization.
Consequences after the procedure
Consequences after inhalation by a nebulizer are favorable, provided all the rules of using the device and the appointment of a specialist are fulfilled. Only a doctor can determine the remedy necessary to eliminate the symptoms of bronchitis. Do not forget that the nebulizer is a "vehicle" for delivering the medicine to the foci of inflammation, from the correct choice of which the consequences depend.
Complications after the procedure
There are cases of complications after the procedure. It is about the use of non-sterile solutions (mineral water, herbal decoctions) for inhalation by a nebulizer. Bacteria, getting deep into the respiratory tract, can cause pneumonia and other infectious diseases. The use of oily solutions can also be harmful to health. Fats settle on the walls of the bronchi and alveoli and can lead to disruption of gas exchange and the development of fat pulmonitis.