
Information about doctor

Mihal Lunz - a famous Israeli otolaryngologist practicing the treatment of various pathologies of upper respiratory tract in patients of different ages. The doctor has more than 35 years of work experience, during which he Lunz conducts successful diagnosis and treatment of any otolaryngological diseases, from acute and chronic impaired hearing to otitis, cholesteatoma, disorders of the vestibular system and the facial nerve, tumor processes of the organs of hearing, etc.

The story of a female professor is quite revealing: due to her hearing problems, she was once treated with an implantation of electrodes that replace the auditory nerve. Having experienced this technique, the doctor was able to introduce it into the practice of Israeli medicine.

Mihal Lunz uses the latest high-performance low-impact endoscopic methods: to date, the doctor has conducted more than a thousand successful interventions, including tympanoplasty, osteoplasty, cochlear implantation, reconstruction of the auditory ossicles, etc.

The doctor Lunz organized and launched into action an extensive medical program involving the use of therapeutic and surgical methods to restore the organ of hearing and auditory function. This program is unique and has no analogues in Israeli clinics. Lunz directs the Medical Center of Otolaryngology and Surgery in the head and neck area, oral cavity and jaw, that at the clinic "Assuta".

The basic clinical practice of the doctor is complemented by active long-term research activities. Mihal Lunz has published more than a hundred scientific papers, periodically holds hearings in popular world universities - for example, her lectures were made at the Universities of Miami, Cambridge, Rome, Hanover, and also at the Royal British Society and Cornell University. In addition, the professor is engaged in teaching activities (medical faculty at the University "Technion" in Haifa).

The doctor Lunz received an award for her invaluable participation in the improvement of the scientific and technological sphere (2002).

Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine, Sackler School, Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • Residency in otolaryngology at the medical center "Meir" in Kfar Saba, Israel
  • Specialization in pediatric and adult otolaryngology of the ear and hearing impairment at the American Hospital “JACKSON MEMORIAL” Miami, USA

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Otorhinolaryngological Association
  • American Otological Association
  • Israeli Neurotological Society
  • American Academy of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
  • Israeli Society for the Study of Hearing
  • European Association of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
  • Israeli Society for Head and Neck Surgery
  • European Academy of Otology and Neurootology
  • Scientific Council of the European Society for Ear Treatment and Hearing Restoration
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