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Effective alternatives for acute, chronic and obstructive bronchitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Bronchitis is an inflammation of the airways of a person, which most often occurs due to the ingress of various viruses into them. This is a dangerous disease, because without proper or untimely treatment, the inflammatory focus can spread to the lungs or flow into a chronic stage. Bronchitis is unpleasant in that it causes a strong convulsive cough, sometimes depriving sleep and rest.
At the first stages of the emergence of pathology prescribe antitussive drugs, antipyretic, if necessary, antibiotics. There is a huge arsenal of alternative prescriptions for fighting bronchitis, which are used along with drug treatment or independently.
Indications of the folk remedies for bronchitis and cough
Indications for the use of alternative drugs are cold and infectious diseases, accompanied by characteristic symptoms: a runny nose, fever, sore throat, dry cough. During the appointment of the doctor, the doctor always emphasizes the need for copious drinking using various anti-inflammatory and antiseptic herbs known in the people or other means: raspberries, linden, honey, etc. The acute course of viral infections stops in a few days, the bacterial flora is connected to the viral, the mucous membrane bronchus swells, cough becomes more moist, it is easier to clear the throat. Cough lasts at least 2 weeks, and sometimes drags on for months. The task of alternative means to help get out of this painful condition: to remove inflammation, reduce the viscosity of sputum, strengthen immunity.
Pharmacodynamics of alternative agents used to treat bronchitis is to enhance fluid synthesis and protect the mucous respiratory organs from external influences, including infections, which facilitates the fastest separation of sputum, cough reduction. For example, the pharmacological properties of mother-and-stepmother, are covered in anti-inflammatory and emollient properties, due to the formation of mucus. Slime spreads over the bronchial mucosa, a protective film is obtained, which protects the epithelium from harmful effects, and also reduces the activity of inflammation. Pharmacodynamics of the same infusion of linden flowers consists in spasmolytic, diaphoretic and sedative action.
Dosing and administration
Dyspnea with bronchitis is characterized by a sudden lack of oxygen, while the depth of inspiration and exhalation changes, breathing becomes more frequent, a characteristic whistle appears, and an attack of suffocation can develop. This is due to the fact that the lumen of the airways is narrowed either because of spasm of muscles, or because of the large number of accumulated sputum.
Alternative means for dyspnea with bronchitis
From medicamentous preparations in this case vasodilators are appropriate, and from alternative medicine it is possible to use following recipes:
- connect 0.5 liters of honey, 5 crushed lemons and 3 heads passed through garlic cloves garlic. Day to insist and take for the night 2 tablespoons;
- drink instead of tea the brewed leaves of cranberries;
- mix a glass of carrot, half a glass of beet juice, half a kilo of chopped onions, a spoonful of sugar. Cook on low heat for about 3 hours, after cooling add 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Take a tablespoon before eating.
Expectorant alternatives for bronchitis
With the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi, breathing becomes difficult, there are new desires for coughing, sleep at night is interrupted - all this greatly exhausts the patient. In such a period, it is appropriate to use expectorant alternatives for bronchitis. A good effect is given by inhalation with eucalyptus oil, drinking warm milk with the addition of soda at the tip of the spoon and, of course, herbs that have an expectorant effect. These include the plantain, mother-and-stepmother, licorice root, marshmallow, sage, mint, oregano, anise. Special pharmacies are available in pharmacies for the preparation of infusions and broths, but they can contain those herbs to which there are contraindications. It is convenient to use the thermos: combining several (take in equal doses) or using one herb, pour boiling water, let it brew for several hours, drink warm 3-4 times a day.
Alternatives for chronic bronchitis
After an acute course of the disease, cough often lasts a few more months, turning into a chronic stage. Observation of the doctor is obligatory, tk. Such a symptom is inherent in other, more dangerous pathologies, for example, tuberculosis or lung cancer. If the diagnosis is established, then you can refer to alternative means for chronic bronchitis. Very common recipes that use black radish with honey:
- cut a hole inside the radish and put honey there, leave for the night, drink the juice that is formed inside, two tablespoons several times a day;
- rub on the grated radish, squeeze out the juice, add an equal portion of honey.
Still such recipes:
- in the same parts (100 gr.) mix butter, goose fat, honey, cocoa, add two tablespoons of aloe juice. To warm slightly for better dissolution, add to warm milk;
- brew linden flowers in a thermos, drink instead of tea several times a day;
- in a red wine put a few leaves of aloe, give a couple of days to brew, drink before eating for 50gr .;
- garlic (5 cloves) grind with salt and mix with 100 gr. Butter, spread on sandwiches.
Alternatives for obstructive bronchitis
The role of alternative agents in obstructive bronchitis - along with medicamental treatment, has a bactericidal, expectorant and strengthening effect. In this case, rubbing with interior pork or mutton fat, mixed with turpentine, can help. Effective and inhalation over slightly crumpled boiled potatoes in uniforms with the addition of soda or vegetable oil. These procedures are done when the high body temperature is already knocked down. Effective reception of expectorants, prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs and plants:
- a few bulbs bake in the oven, chop the blender, add honey;
- choose a large beet, hollow out a hole on top, put honey and bake in an oven in some kind of container. The juice, which is released at the same time, has medicinal properties.
Also for the treatment of a cough, any herb having a bactericidal, expectorant action is suitable.
Alternatives for purulent bronchitis
Purulent bronchitis is a dangerous form of it; is accompanied not only by the formation of mucus on the walls of the bronchi, but also by purulent secretions that go away together with the cough in the form of a thick, hard-to-separate secretion. It is characterized by a constantly holding fever, weakness, sweating, severe coughing, shortness of breath. Often this pathology requires in-patient treatment, but alternative agents for purulent bronchitis will be a good help for its elimination. The main in this therapy are various fats, which are taken either inside or are used externally for grinding. Healing properties are characterized by badger fat. From it you can prepare such a drug: 100 gr. Black chocolate, the same butter melted in a water bath, cool and add 6 tablespoons of badger fat and 6 teaspoons of cocoa, which will permeate the unpleasant smell of fat. All stir, take a spoon before meals several times a day or add to warm milk. Effective are also recipes using goose, goat, canine fats. There are many ways to prepare medicinal mixtures based on them, most often they use honey, aloe, garlic, onions. Applied also for the treatment of purulent bronchitis are various expectorant weeds: sage, chamomile, plantain, mother-and-stepmother, etc.
Alternative agents in the treatment of bronchitis in adults
For the treatment of bronchitis in adults, any alternative means can be used, unless there are precautions for taking the individual components that make up the recipes and contraindications from other organs. It can be various fats for rubbing and ingestion, infusions and herbs of herbs, beekeeping preparations, various alcohol tinctures, compresses, mustards, cans, inhalations.
Alternatives for bronchitis in pregnant women
Alternative treatment for bronchitis in pregnant women is an alternative treatment for women, because medication is contraindicated. Only in some cases, if there is a threat to life, prescribe medications. Many herbs are contraindicated in pregnancy, because can cause miscarriage, so it is advisable to focus on inhalation, rubbing back and chest, warm compresses. Inhalations can be made alkaline or oil. In the first case, put two teaspoons of soda into several liters of water, in the second - a few drops of essential oil, for example, eucalyptus or thyme. Leaning over the pot and covering himself with a towel, breathe 10-15 minutes. For compresses, warm, suppressed potatoes, cooked in a peel, with the addition of vegetable oil, are suitable. You can make a cake from flour and honey. The back should be covered with a warm blanket. If within 5 days there was no significant relief, the doctor will pick up less dangerous drugs for the future child.
Alternative means for bronchitis in children
Treatment with alternative medicine for bronchitis in children is slightly different from the recipes used by adults. So, to take various animal fats inside is not worth up to 3 years, after the same adjust dosage according to age, from a third of a spoon to four years of age and bringing to a teaspoon in a seven-year old. There is no age restriction for grinding fat, it is only necessary to provide the appropriate thermal regime (wrap it, do not let it out after the procedure). Unacceptable for the treatment of children and alcohol tinctures. With allergies to honey, which often happens in childhood, it is necessary to exclude this product from alternative recipes. In the rest, as well as adults, it is possible to use various herbs and products for the speedy departure of sputum and immunity strengthening: licorice, aloe, lemon, ginger, fig, onion, garlic, mustard powder, propolis, honey, cocoa powder, etc.
Treatment of bronchitis in diabetes by alternative means
Treatment of bronchitis in diabetes with the help of alternative medicine is complicated by the need to control sugar, because an increased level of it can cause a diabetic coma. In addition, diabetics often have other concomitant diseases, their immunity is weakened, and changes in the structure of the vessels of the mucous membranes are also affected by bronchi. The process of recovery of this group of people is usually longer, and the consequences of complications of the disease are more dangerous. Nevertheless, from the whole arsenal of recipes for alternative medicine, they have something to take advantage of. An effective remedy to relieve the painful dry cough, helping to clear the throat and remove pathogenic microbes, is the root of licorice. It has a low glycemic index, which does not lead to an increase in blood sugar, moreover, it contains some substances that help reduce sugar. You can also use lemon, garlic, onion, acorn, linden, plantain, etc. In recipes.
Using one or another prescription of alternative medicine, you need to carefully study its effects on the body, so as not to harm other organs. So, patients with diabetes should not get involved in recipes with sweet berries, honey. People with pathology of the digestive tract, diseases of the heart, kidneys will be harmful recipes that use black radish. Licorice is contraindicated in pregnant, lactating women, people with cardiac pathology. Some herbs are able to raise blood pressure, which in no case is not permissible for hypertensives. Inhalations, various thermal procedures are inadmissible in the presence of neoplasms. Each person, like no other, is aware of the state of his health and only in his hands does not hurt himself.
Side effects of the folk remedies for bronchitis and cough
Familiarization with the peculiarities of the use of this or that herb will make it possible to avoid side effects. On the packaging of pharmacy herbs are detailed all possible reactions of the body to their reception. When self-procurement of raw materials need to look into the dictionaries of medicinal herbs. It must be remembered that herbs, like tablets, contain chemicals, and each drug has its own way of preparation, application and dose. The reaction to them of each organism is strictly individual. General recommendations do not exist, so at random or by eye to prepare infusions of herbs is not worth it.
It is no accident that a dose is indicated on each package of medicinal herb or collection of herbs. An overdose of herbs is possible and can be expressed in various body reactions: allergies, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain. In general, treatment with the same herb is not recommended for longer than 3-4 weeks, it is advisable to change the therapeutic components after this period.
Interactions with other drugs
Healing substances in different plants are not always compatible, not to mention the interaction with other drugs. Unfortunately, synthetic tablets are much better studied by science than herbs. Nevertheless, a number of features of individual herbs are known. So, the use of tinctures from ginseng, which increases the immunity, are not compatible with coffee and preparations containing caffeine. St. John's wort can not be used simultaneously with tetracyclines and sulfonamides. All the subtleties can be told by a phyto-therapeutist.
Storage conditions
Storage conditions of grasses - dry, protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Herbs should be stored in a pharmacy package or in a glass jar with the tightness of the package. In the case of failure to comply with storage rules, useful substances lose their properties.
Shelf life
Shelf life of different parts of plants is different: herbs, leaves, flowers are stored for 1-2 years, fruits - two years, rhizomes 2-3. Of the medicinal herbs and berries described above for the treatment of bronchitis, the shelf life of fruits of raspberry, currant, linden flowers, plantain leaves is 2 years, leaves of mother-and-stepmother - 3 years, calyx bark - 4 years, etc.
The best alternative means for bronchitis
Summarizing the above, let's name the best alternative means for bronchitis. First of all, they include medicinal components taken inside as part of the prescription: fats, bee products, milk with soda, fats, honey, herbal teas from herbs (licorice, plantain, sage, coltsfoot, pine nettle kidney and etc.), radish, aloe, garlic, onion. A good therapeutic effect is provided by inhalations, compresses, grinding of the chest and back with animal fats, mustards, cans. Here are some more effective recipes:
- on a liter of boiling water two onions with husks and a glass of sugar. Cook for about an hour, toss the onions, a warm broth to drink half a glass several times a day;
- 100ml of hot milk and the same amount of mineral water Borjomi mixed, take a third of the glass 3 times a day;
- juice aloe (2 tablespoons) combine with a glass of honey and 100 grams. Pork lard (butter);
- a pinch of nettle flowers is brewed with 4 cups of boiling water, drinking instead of tea;
- a slice of bread to sprinkle with water and steam out in the oven, wrapped in a towel, attach to the back or chest, gradually unfolding as it cools (best suited for coughing in a child);
- to grind 50gr. Propolis, combine it with 300gr. Softened on a water bath of butter, stir well, continue to hold over heat for another 20 minutes, then drain. Add a teaspoon in warm milk and drink.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Effective alternatives for acute, chronic and obstructive bronchitis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.