Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Ingredients include many vitamins, sugars, fiber and other nutrients. Fig is a rather sweet fruit. It contains up to thirteen percent of saccharides. In addition, in the figs you can find vitamins A, B, C and P.
Kinds of figs
Kinds of figs are different, because figs and people are "old friends". Scientists have established that this plant was cultivated by man not one thousand years ago. Moreover, figs are considered one of the oldest cultivated breeds of plants. This tree belongs to the mulberry family.
For a long history of selection, many varieties of figs were produced. Here we will briefly review only a few of them. Kinds of figs vary according to the taste of the fruit, the shape and color of the fruit, frost resistance, the number of harvests per year, and so on.
Most varieties were bred in countries with warm climates, but there are also zoned for our climate. There are also self-pollinated varieties of figs that can be grown in greenhouses.
Dalmatian grape variety
This variety is imported to us from abroad. The fruits of this variety can be eaten raw, but you can also make them dried fruits. This variety is early.
Adriatic variety of figs
The fruits of this variety of figs have a rich taste. They are large in size and soft. When grown this kind of fig does not require pollination, so it can be grown in greenhouses or just at home on the windowsill.
Moisson or Crimean black grape variety of figs
This variety is different from the above-mentioned fruit color. While many varieties of figs have a green or yellowish color, this variety brings black or blue fruits. With good care, this variety can yield several yields per year.
In addition, the composition of the fig includes copper in a fairly large amount. Copper is useful for our body and most of all it is contained in such vital organs as the liver. Also, a lot of copper is contained in bone tissue and muscles.
If you want to preserve the youth and health of your skin, you should eat figs. After all, copper in the figs helps the skin produce elastin and collagen. They retain the elasticity of the skin, its youth and help delay the appearance of wrinkles.
In addition, copper - an essential element in the production of the hormone of happiness - endorphin. Therefore, figs can rightly be called the fruit of life, because it prolongs youth and makes people happier.
In addition to copper, the composition of the fig includes other useful trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, etc.
Useful properties of figs
The fig is rich in various vitamins and microelements. Therefore, the useful properties of figs are manifold. It is used both in dietary nutritional therapy and in alternative medicine.
One of the substances contained in figs is ficin. This substance has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and vascular-cardiac systems of the body. It prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels and can serve as a preventive measure for such a serious disease as sclerosis of blood vessels.
In addition, the useful properties of figs will help you maintain the youthfulness and elasticity of your skin, because in the figs there are a lot of copper that is part of both elastin and collagen.
Moreover, figs are useful for the digestive tract. It helps to prevent or eliminate problems such as indigestion or constipation. He fixes the work of the stomach and normalizes all the processes in it.
Another useful property of figs - it acts as an expectorant and helps with coughing. Kashitsu from a fig can be used instead of a syrup from a cough. At the same time, it does not cause unwanted side effects, as it happens with many medications.
Properties of dried figs
Of the figs are fine dried fruits. In many respects, the properties of dried figs do not differ from the properties of fresh fruits. One of the advantages of this fruit is that it begins to submerge and dry out right on the branches of the tree. It is easy to dry in the sun, which allows the fruits to preserve a maximum of vitamins and beneficial properties.
The useful properties of dried figs in varieties with yellow-green fruit color are best preserved. It is necessary to remember one unique property of dried figs - it significantly increases the sugar content in comparison with fresh fruits. On the one hand, it makes dried fruit tastes better, and on the other hand, this property should be remembered for diabetics.
Dried figs contain a lot of fiber. Fiber is not digested in the human stomach. But it has two unique properties. First, fiber cleanses the stomach and prevents the development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Secondly, the high fiber content ensures fast saturation, which means that dried ginger quickly quenches the hunger and keeps you from overeating and excessive weight gain.
The use of dried figs
The use of dried figs is great. Firstly, it is not always possible to get fresh fruit. And dried fruits are perfectly stored and save in themselves a large percentage of nutrients found in fresh fruits.
Secondly, the dried figs are sweet and tasty. He is eagerly eaten by children, even those who do not like other dried fruits. The use of dried figs is also in high content of pectin. This substance helps to quickly repair the connective tissues of the body. It is indispensable for a young and growing baby's body. Pectin helps strengthen ligaments and cartilage, and is also very useful for trauma to these tissues.
There is a benefit from dried figs and a violation in the work of the digestive tract. It can be used both with constipation, and with a disorder of the stool. Fiber in dry figs clears the stomach and reduces the intoxication of the body from the accumulation of its own waste.
The use of fresh figs
Fresh figs contain a large number of microelements, minerals and vitamins. The use of fresh figs is for the cardiovascular system, and for the gastrointestinal tract, and even for the skin.
Figs are a pretty sweet fruit. It contains many natural sugars and glucose. Therefore, it can be safely given to children who love sweets. The child's organism always needs energy, especially if it leads an active lifestyle. Glucose is the best source of fast energy, so the fig quickly rebuilds the child's strength and prevents the onset of acetonium.
If the energy in the child's body ends, it begins to break down the fat stores, which break up into glucose, water and acetone. Acetone enters the bloodstream and causes an intoxication of the body. Figs can easily replenish energy reserves, prevent depletion. It is also useful in acetone, since it can quickly give the body energy and stop the splitting of fat.
Figs are a calorie fruit, so do not eat it in large quantities. Yes, you do not, because the fig is rich in fiber. Fiber contributes to the fact that the body quickly reaches a sense of satiety and prevents overeating.
What vitamins are in the fig?
What vitamins do you find in figs? It is rich in vitamins of several groups. For example, in a fig contains a lot of vitamin C. This vitamin is necessary for the body, especially in ARI or when recovering from various viral or infectious diseases. The same vitamin is known as ascorbic acid. So, if you do not like sour lemon, it can be replaced with sweet figs.
The fig contains folic acid or vitamin B9. This acid is just a necessary woman in the first trimester of pregnancy. It helps the fetus to form properly in the womb. With a deficiency of this vitamin in the body of a pregnant woman, the risk of fetal development with various abnormalities is high. Therefore, figs are called the fruit of life.
In addition to the above vitamins, in figs you can find several more vitamins of group B and group P. They support youthfulness of the skin, strengthen ligaments and joints, improve digestion. So, figs are the fruit for the whole family. It is useful to children, adults, and the elderly.
Harm to figs
Damage to figs is closely related to certain diseases. For example, with diabetes or gout. Both dried and fresh figs contain a lot of sugars. But we must remember that in dried figs the sugar content rises many times. Therefore, it is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus.
Also figs are very caloric, so its use should be limited to people with obesity. Although in this case, it is much better to use figs instead of sugar or sweets, such as sweets, cakes and so on. Natural sugar figs are much less harmful than artificial and refined sugars contained in sweets.
Another thing to remember is that the fig has a laxative effect. Therefore, do not get carried away by this fruit before the long journey.
Contraindications to the use of figs
There are different contraindications to the use of figs. The main one is diabetes mellitus. It is especially dangerous to use dried figs, because it contains 40 percent more glucose than fresh fruits.
Severe indigestion is another contraindication to the use of figs. It has a laxative effect on the digestive tract. Figs contain a lot of fiber, which is not processed and not digested by the human stomach, which can increase indigestion.
The high caloric content of figs can make the use of this fruit undesirable people with excess weight or whoever is dieting.
How to use figs?
Do not know how to use figs? It can be eaten fresh, dried, baked, mashed, put in compotes, put pies into stuffing, and so on. If you want to eat fresh berries, you need to take into account the fact that in countries with a cold climate, figs are brought from afar.
These berries are poorly stored, so for transportation rip off slightly under-ripe fruit. Therefore, they do not have time to gain all the flavor and sweetness. Such berries should be put on the window to "ripen" in the sun, as we do in the fall with underserved tomatoes.
If the fig and after such "processing" remains firm and not sweet, it can be boiled or baked in the oven. Figs can be placed in different vegetable and fruit salads. It can be cut into pieces and filled with sour cream, cream, lemon juice or liqueur.
Caloric content of figs
Caloric content of figs is quite high. This fruit contains many saccharins, some proteins and fats. It is worth considering that dried figs are much calorie and sweeter than fresh. The content of glucose in dried figs almost doubles.
But, despite the high caloric content of figs, these berries can be included in the diet of people who are trying to lose weight. The fig is rich in fiber. As you know, fiber is not digested and not digested. It clears the stomach. But while the fiber "stuffs" the stomach and the brain quickly receives a signal of saturation.
Therefore, many figs can not be eaten. It will quickly quench your hunger and saturate the body with useful substances that are just necessary for a healthy and active life. In addition, the figs will quickly fill up the energy reserve and allow you to move more and play sports.
Caloric content of dried figs
Caloric content of dried figs is higher than the calorie content of fresh berries. And not just higher, but six times higher. The increase in the caloric content of dried fruits is due to the accumulation of glucose in them. Therefore, the dried figs are sweeter than fresh ones.
Accordingly, dried fruits from figs are not recommended for people with diabetes, as well as people with excess weight. If you want to lose weight, then figs and all the useful substances that are hidden in it, you can eat in compotes. He will give a pleasant taste to this drink.
You can also put pieces of dried figs in tea. The crust of this dried fruit is firm. In tea, it soaks, and all useful trace elements are not lost, as is the case if the figs are soaked in water before use. A small number of fruits consumed compensates for the caloric content of dry figs.
Caloric content of dried figs
Caloric content of dried figs is comparable to the calorie content of dried figs. After all, drying is the way to dry berries in the sun. This is the most sparing way to preserve and prolong the "life" of these berries. When dried in figs, the maximum amount of vitamins and trace elements is retained, because it is exposed to sparing effects and temperatures when heated by sunlight.
Although the calorie content of dried figs is high, these berries are very healthy. The latest research has shown that the nutrients of figs help the body fight cancer cells.
In addition, these berries rejuvenate the skin, support the work of the cardiovascular system, treat a cough and establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, to use figs, even despite its high caloric value. After all, it is not necessary to eat this berry in large quantities.
Recipes from figs
Figs can be used not only in fresh or dried form. Recipes from figs can diversify your table and please your loved ones. From figs you can make a fruit salad. To do this, take a variety of fruits: apples, tangerines, bananas, fresh or dried figs (dried must be pre-soaked), kiwi. All fruits are diced and filled with yoghurt, cream or sour cream. You can add sugar to taste or sprinkle a salad with chocolate or coconut shavings.
The fig can be added to curd and cook a delicious and healthy breakfast. To do this, fresh cottage cheese is mixed with honey. Fresh figs are cut into cubes. You can also use dried figs, but first you need to soak it well. Figs are put in a bowl, top spread curd mass and sprinkle with ground nuts.
Recipes from figs are varied, but all will please you with a special taste, health benefits and originality.
Dishes from figs
Dishes from figs will be an ornament of any table. They can be served at least every day for breakfast, or put on a festive table. Figs are perfectly combined with cottage cheese. Therefore, it can be added to fresh cottage cheese along with other fruits and seasoned with honey. And you can bake with cottage cheese - you will get a delicious and useful casserole.
Dishes with figs do not have to be sweet. Although these berries are very sweet in themselves, they can also be added to meat dishes. For this, the meat is fried with onions, garlic and spices. Almost at the end of the passage, the diced figs are added. It is better to use dried berries, then they will remain pieces, and their taste will be more pronounced. Such meat can be served with rice.
In addition, you can put figs in pies, cook jam, compotes, and so on.
Jam from figs
Jam from figs has a very rich taste. It is quite unusual for residents of countries with a cold climate. Such jam can be cooked from fresh as well as from dried fruits.
Since the figs are very sweet, sugar is not put one to one. You can put 800 or less grams of sugar per 1 kg of figs. In addition, the sweet and even sugary taste of figs can be balanced by adding lemon juice or a whole lemon to the jam from the fig.
If you are cooking jam from dried figs, then it is better to firstly pick up berries in water or sugar syrup and then cook. In addition, the dried figs can be twisted in a meat grinder and in this form to cook jam out of it.
You can also make jam from fresh berries and take them whole. If this jam is not digested, then the berries come out in their own juice, only to pour them before cooking, you need already prepared sugar syrup.
Compote from figs
Compote from figs is a useful and tasty drink. You can put in it only berries of figs, and you can combine them with other fruits, berries or dried fruits. If you put only figs in the compote, do not overdo it with sugar. After all, these berries are so sweet, especially if you take dried figs.
In order to taste more harmonious, you can add a lemon to the compote from the fig. Sweet taste of figs can be supplemented with the sharpness and freshness of ginger. For this purpose it is enough to throw in a boiling compote a small piece of ginger root.
Also in the compote from the figs, you can add spices, for example, cinnamon. It will give a compote of refinement and spiciness.
Salad with figs
Salad with figs can be sweet, that is, it is made from fruits and dried fruits. Season this salad with yogurt, lemon juice, sour cream or whipped cream.
But you can combine sweet figs with vegetables and herbs. In this salad you can add different types of cheese, ham, olives and greens. For example, you can combine figs in salad with ham, basil and mozzarella.
You can fill this salad with figs with olive oil, lemon juice, mayonnaise or other sauce.
Gem from figs
There are several ways of making jam from figs. First, fresh or dried figs can be passed through a meat grinder or blender. Shredded fruits must be poured with sugar syrup. In the syrup, you can add lemon juice, chopped lemon and zest or cinnamon.
When pouring the syrup should be hot, so the berries will quickly give up their juice or stretch themselves with syrup. Allow the mixture to stand and weld it over low heat.
If you use dried berries, they can be soaked in hot water. Water change several times. So the berries will soften. Then they are cut into slices and poured hot syrup. Welded and closed.
Wine from figs
Wine from figs is almost the same ancient delicacy as these berries themselves. In the process of fermentation these berries give all their useful properties to wine and make it not only tasty, but also very useful.
To make wine from figs, you need to cook sugar syrup. In this case, despite the sweetness of figs, sugar should be taken almost as much as berries. The figs are ground and poured with syrup. Add wine yeast to this mixture, plug the container with parchment and put it in a dark place to wander. The fermentation time is about a month. Then the wine is filtered and bottled for storage.
Fig with cheese
A fig with cheese is an exquisite treat. It can be served and cooked in different variations. Of course, the best combination is fresh figs and goat or sheep cheese. They can be served freshly in a sliced or salad dressing and dressing with olive oil.
In addition, the figs can be baked with hard cheeses and herbs. For baking, fig fruits can be cut into slices, mixed with finely chopped greens, nuts, poured with olive oil and sprinkled with cheese on top.
And you can cut each berry from above. Make a cross-cut and fill it with a filling of a mixture of soft cheese or cottage cheese and herbs with seasonings. Put in the oven or in the microwave with a grill and bake.
Candies from figs
Candies from figs can be prepared in several ways. You can make sweets from dried figs. To do this, the figs need to be soaked, twisted into a meat grinder or finely chopped. Mix with finely chopped raisins, dried apricots or other dried fruits. Add crushed walnuts, almonds or peanuts and pour a small amount of thick sugar syrup or liquid honey. From the resulting mixture roll balls or glide hearts. They can be rolled or sprinkled with ground nuts. In this mixture, you can add various spices, for example ground ginger or cinnamon.
And you can make candied fruits from figs. To do this, the figs must be cut into quarters. Dried figs must be previously soaked. Pour sugar syrup and cook until done. Then throw in a colander and pieces of figs roll in the sugar.
Treatment with figs
Treatment with figs is one of the popular means of alternative medicine. What can be treated with figs? For example, you can cough these berries. To make a syrup from a cough of figs, you need to grind the berries (it is better to grind in a meat grinder). You can use both fresh and dried figs.
Then you need to fill the berries with hot milk. Insist and take this mixture half a cup several times a day.
Figs can be used as a laxative. He perfectly copes with constipation. To do this, it is enough just to eat a few berries on an empty stomach in the morning. Or add figs to a healthy breakfast: in curds or throw pieces of figs in tea.
Treatment with figs is an excellent remedy for abscesses. For this, the dried figs are soaked or fresh berries are taken. Cut them and apply as a compress on the abscess. To increase the effectiveness of such a compress, fig fruits can be pre-cooked in milk.
Figs with diabetes
Unfortunately, figs in diabetes are contraindicated. This mulberry fruit contains a lot of sugar. A dried fig fruit doubles the sugar content. Therefore, these berries can harm people with diabetes. Especially if there is a low level of insulin production and the sugar level in the blood very quickly rises.
In this case, the fetus can be used for those diabetics who quickly drop blood sugar levels. Figs are easily digested, quickly absorbed by the body and quickly restores sugar levels and energy levels in the body.
Figs with constipation
Figs with constipation - the first remedy. It is rich in pectins and fiber. Fiber is not digested and not absorbed by the human body. But she cleans the stomach and prevents or treats constipation.
In this case, you can simply eat fig fruits, or you can prepare medicinal tinctures on water or milk. The figs are crushed and poured either with boiling water or with hot milk. Sugar can and do not add, because the figs and so very sweet. This product perfectly cleanses the stomach, relaxes and helps with constipation.
Laxative-based laxative
Laxative on the basis of figs can be bought in pharmacies or cooked by yourself. One of these pharmacological agents is Frutolax. It contains a powder of fig fruit. Figs are a wonderful natural laxative.
In addition to finished products, which can contain various harmful additives, you can take a laxative from the figs of home cooking. To do this, make a syrup or tincture of figs. Children are more suitable syrup, as it is sweet, and for adults - tincture. Prepare it either on water or sugar syrup, or on milk.
Figs with bronchitis
Although now there are a lot of different syrups from cough, all have one and the same disadvantage. They have side effects. But there is an alternative - this is figs with bronchitis. These berries can be made at home to make a cough syrup, which will not have side effects.
Prepare it this way: berries cut or grind, pour hot milk and cook for ten minutes. You can add sugar for taste or honey. You can also add a useful spice, like cinnamon.
Figs cure cough and strengthen immunity, because it contains a large amount of vitamin C. So, this fruit is perfect for people with high acidity or those who do not like lemons.
Fig with pancreatitis
Figs with pancreatitis - this is one of the contraindications. Unfortunately, this fruit should not be used by people with acute pancreatitis and by the fact that they are sitting on a medical diet. Figs act as a strong laxative, it intensively cleanses the stomach, which can exacerbate the course of the disease.
Therefore, these berries were included in the list of prohibited products. Do not use a number of other dried fruits with pancreatitis, such as dried apricots, dates or raisins.
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Figs for the heart
Figs for the heart are just a panacea. It is rich in various microelements, very important for the healthy work of the heart and blood vessels. For example, figs are rich in potassium, calcium and copper. It is also rich in various vitamins.
Figs for the heart can be eaten both in raw and dried form. Still it is possible to make tinctures or the mixtures useful to heart. A perfect mixture of figs, dried apricots and raisins. All dried fruits are taken in equal parts. They can be steamed or made from them healthy candy. Fruits are ground, honey and nuts are added and candy balls are made.
Treatment with fig figs
Treatment with figs of the thyroid is possible because this fruit is rich in iodine. As you know, thyroid disease or goiter occurs against the background of iodine deficiency. Replenishment of the needs of the body in iodine contributes to its speedy recovery.
Since figs - a fruit useful, you can safely use it in quite large quantities. It strengthens the general immunity of the body and keeps it toned. In addition, figs deliver to the body a large number of useful substances necessary for health.
Figs with gastritis
Figs with gastritis can be consumed, especially in the form of a sticky jam or jam. It improves the work of the digestive tract, helps to cleanse the body and removes constipation. But we must remember that figs can not be used during an exacerbation of gastritis or with acute gastritis.
It can not only cleanse, but also irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach due to the high fiber content. Fiber is not digested by the stomach, but simply passes through it and cleans. She also can cause irritation.
Figs from a cough
Figs from cough are a wonderful tool, both for adults and for children. To increase the effectiveness of treatment with figs, it can be combined with the medicinal properties of milk. To do this, the figs are ground in a meat grinder and insist for several hours on hot milk. Then drink the resulting syrup from the cough several times a day. Dosage: from a tablespoon for a child to half a cup for an adult.
You can also cook compote from figs. After all, a patient with a bronchitis simply needs a copious drink. It does not give mucus in the respiratory tract to dry out and prevents the development of the disease. In addition to medicinal properties, the fig will provide your body with a number of vitamins, including vitamin C, which is so necessary for respiratory and respiratory diseases.
Fig with cough milk
A fig with milk from a cough is the first alternative medicine. It is very effective, but due to the fact that these berries do not grow in our climate, very few people know about its benefits. Here's how to easily and easily prepare a healthy and effective cough syrup without side effects at home.
Prepare the figs with milk from a cough: take 5-6 berries (fresh or dry), grind them. You can just finely chop, grind on a blender or grinder. Pour them with hot milk and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Cool and take 4 times a day. Adults can take half a cup at a time, and children from one tablespoon.
Syrup from figs
Syrup from a fig is an excellent remedy for many problems and diseases. For example, figs perfectly cure cough and bronchitis. It removes constipation and normalizes the digestive system. It tones up the body and improves the work of the heart and blood vessels.
In addition, figs rejuvenates the skin, adds to it elasticity and prevents the appearance of early wrinkles. It saturates the body with a lot of vitamins, minerals and minerals.
Syrup from a fig can be prepared on water or on milk. To prepare the syrup on the water, you must first cook the sugar syrup, grind the figs, pour it with syrup and boil. In such syrup, you can add various herbs, for example, mint or thyme. You can add ginger root or spices such as cinnamon. Such a syrup from a fig will be not only curative, but also toning.
Tincture of figs
Tincture of figs is prepared both on water and on alcohol. To prepare the tincture on the water, you need to pour the chopped figs with boiling water. Let cool and press for several hours. Then this water can be consumed, as a medicinal tincture from cough or constipation. To cure a cough, tincture of figs on milk will do. It is prepared in the same way, but instead of boiling water take hot milk. In the tincture you can add sugar and spices.
In addition, you can prepare a tincture on alcohol. For this, vodka is taken. For one liter of vodka or alcohol take about a hundred grams of figs. You can use fresh or dried berries. If you put the whole berries, you need to pierce them with a fork or cut in several places. So they will quickly give their taste and useful properties tincture. You need to insist for at least ten days, and then add a little sugar.
Figs for weight loss
Although figs are a sweet and high-calorie berry, it can be used in a diet. The fig for weight loss is good because it contains a lot of fiber. In addition, in small quantities of these berries contain vitamins, minerals and trace elements in a concentrated form.
So, it is not necessary to have a lot of fruits to fill all the body's nutritional needs and lose weight without harming one's health. In addition, the figs are sweet and can easily replace sweets or other goodies for sweet tooth.
Natural sugar in figs is much more useful than refined sugar or sugar substitute in sweets. From the figs you can prepare a variety of desserts and healthy snacks. Figs for weight loss - just an indispensable tool.
Can I recover from a fig?
Can I recover from a fig? You can recover from almost any product, especially from such sweet as a fig if you abuse it. Therefore, these berries need to be eaten skillfully and in moderation.
For example, if you sit on a diet and want to eat five or more fig fruits for breakfast or dinner, then you should give up all other dishes for this meal. The fig is caloric and nutritious enough to fill you with energy and give you everything you need for health. Therefore, it can serve as an independent dish.
Caloric content of a fig is high, therefore, it can be added in small amounts to various dietary dishes. For example, to prepare a salad of greens, low-fat cheese and figs. Or add figs to low-fat cottage cheese.
Figs in Pregnancy
Figs in pregnancy - just an indispensable treat. The fig is rich in folic acid. It is a vitamin of group B. Usually, this acid is prescribed to women in the first months of pregnancy and taken in capsules. But figs are naturally rich in this vitamin. Therefore, even if you are taking a preparation of folic acid, you can include fresh or dried fig fruits in your diet.
Folic acid contributes to the proper formation of cells and organs of the fetus and is simply necessary in the early stages of pregnancy. In addition, the fig is rich in copper and increases the elasticity of the skin, which is simply necessary for pregnant women. High elasticity of the skin will help you avoid stretch marks on the abdomen, hips and chest.
Is it possible to make figs for children?
Is it possible to make figs for children? And can and should children give vitamins, minerals and trace elements? Do they need to grow and develop a child? Of course! The fig is rich in vitamins of group B, C and RR. There is a lot of pectin in it. A pectin promotes the growth of healthy ligaments and cartilage. What can be more important for a fast-growing child's body?
In addition, pectin helps to get rid of constipation, which often happens in children with a diet rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Figs help to regulate digestion and defecation in a child.
Figs also serve as prevention of ARI, because it is rich in vitamin C. In addition, it can be used as a natural cough remedy for bronchitis.
Figs for men
Figs for men are as useful as for women. It's no secret that many men suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. In many ways, the increased risk of heart attack and stroke is due to the lifestyle and bad habits of men.
Figs tones blood vessels, improves heart function, prevents the formation of blood clots and fatty plaques in the vessels. Therefore, it is very important for maintaining the health of men.
In addition, since ancient times the fig is famous as one of the strongest aphrodisiacs. It enhances sexual attraction, both in men and in women.
Figs and potency
Figs and potency are a fatal combination. It has long been believed that figs are the fruit of life and love. In the east, where this berry is known not for one millennium, the figs gave the newlyweds that their intimate life was successful and prolific.
Figs and potency - what's the secret? Firstly, the fig is rich in a substance that is felt in the production of endorphin. It is a hormone of happiness and tranquility. When a person is happy, nothing can stop his sexual arousal. In addition, figs have a beneficial effect on the work of the main systems of the body, without the health of which the potency is at zero. Namely, it improves the work of the heart, vessels, improves blood flow to the right organs, improves liver function, and so on.
Allergy to figs
Allergy to figs is possible, because this fruit contains salicylates. As a rule, babies who can "eat" figs with mother's milk or small children are at risk of developing an allergic reaction.
Therefore, the figs with caution should be included in the diet of nursing mothers. It also should not be introduced into the lure in the forefront. Of course, figs are a healthy and healthy treat, but it should not be offered to children until a year. Otherwise, it can cause an allergic reaction and it will have to be ruled out for a long time.
Dream interpretation: figs
Want to know what to dream figs? Although this fruit is not a frequent guest of dreams, its appearance is pleasant. Looking into the dream of figs, you will learn that this fruit is a dream for good. Since figs are considered to be a berry of life, it also dreams of profit or profit.
A fig on a tree can mean a useful meeting with a person who will help you in life or in business. Also, figs in a dream can portend to you new knowledge and development. So, this mulberry fruit is useful not only in real life, but also in the unreal and magical world of dreams.
Storing figs
The storage of figs has several features. In our climatic conditions, figs do not grow. Therefore, most often people buy it in the form of dried fruits. It is not difficult to keep such fruits. They need to be protected from excessive humidity and to watch that the midges do not start.
It is quite another matter to store fresh figs. Fresh fig fruits quickly deteriorate. Store it at room temperature can be no more than a day. In the warmth, he quickly begins to wander and deteriorate, losing his taste. It is best to store fresh figs in the refrigerator at a temperature of about - 1 degree. So you can extend the life of these fruits to several weeks.
And still fresh figs can be frozen at low temperatures and stored at least throughout the winter in the freezer. And yet, drying or drying is one of the most effective means of storing and preserving figs. Or it is worth using fresh fig fruits immediately after purchase or within one day.