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Treatment of bronchitis with badger fat in adults and children: does it help and how to apply
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today, most people prefer alternative medicines to drug treatment. And this is not surprising: alternative drugs have virtually no side effects and are better perceived by the body, and the effect from them is sometimes higher than from tablets and injections. For example, badger fat in bronchitis has long been considered a means of № 1: recipes with its use are still transmitted from generation to generation. Is badger oil helping to cope with lung diseases?
The fact that badger fat can successfully heal wounds, treat colds and strengthen immunity, they knew 200 years ago. Residents of Siberian villages cured badger fat frostbite, bronchitis, bites of animals.
During the war, fat was actively used to accelerate the healing of wounds and to improve the condition of depleted wounded soldiers.
To date, most people remember the badger tool only when you have to fight with a cough: indeed, fat has a number of beneficial properties that allow you to quickly and permanently get rid of bronchitis.
It is not always possible to get a doctor for an appointment, and medication sometimes does not bring the expected result. Therefore, adherence to the treatment of badger fat can be an alternative option, time-tested. Fat itself can not be called a medicine: but its action, aimed at stimulating its own body forces, helps to cope faster with the disease.
Of course, one should not self-medicate such complex and dangerous pathologies as pneumonia and tuberculosis - in such cases, the consequences can be fatal. But the use of fat in the complex therapy is possible and even necessary.
Indications of the badger fat with bronchitis
In addition to bronchitis - acute and chronic, badger fat can also be used to eliminate other diseases, such as:
- cough (obstructive, or coughing of a smoker);
- bronchial asthma (some varieties);
- vascular atherosclerosis;
- inflammatory processes in the digestive system, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
- angina, acute respiratory diseases;
- cachexia, asthenia;
- osteochondrosis, arthrosis, sciatica;
- burns, frostbites;
- systemic diseases.
Release form
Badger fat is a natural remedy, with a wide range of healing effects. Fat can be purchased in kind or in capsule form.
- Natural badger fat is available in 100 ml or 110 ml bottles of dark glass. This fat can be used both inside and locally.
- Badger fat in a capsule form is a jelly capsule of 0.2 g, 100 pieces per pack. Capsules can be used only for oral administration.
A typical representative of the encapsulated variant of badger fat is Barsukor. Barsumed also possesses a similar composition, however, in addition to badger fat, it also contains fat of bear, lecithin and sea buckthorn oil.
Among the components of badger fat, you can find a lot of useful microelements and vitamins, which determine the useful capabilities of this product.
- Thanks linoleic and linolenic polyunsaturated fatty acids, trophic tissue improves.
- Oleic acid prevents the cancerous degeneration of cells.
- Retinol improves the condition of hair and nails, helps restore damaged skin.
- B-group vitamins regulate hormonal balance and metabolism, have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous and reproductive system.
After internal use badger fat prevents the formation of atherosclerotic deposits in the vessels, maintains hemoglobin level, potentiates immune defense, improves the functionality of the digestive system.
Often, badger fat is a part of cosmetic products, since it has the ability to improve the condition of the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles.
With respiratory diseases, badger fat has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.
Properties of badger fat in bronchitis
The benefits of badger fat are invaluable. In nature, a badger eats insects, rhizomes and shoots of plants. Due to this nutrition in the fat layer of the animal, useful bioactive components accumulate, which have a complex effect.
Despite the fact that badger fat is used in many painful conditions, it has gained special popularity in the fight against respiratory pathologies. Fat is effective in bronchitis, acute respiratory disease and even with tuberculosis. It has been proved that the agent of tuberculosis loses its activity when it comes into contact with badger fat.
In addition, the fat is concentrated a large number of unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Some of these acids are considered irreplaceable, because they are not produced in the human body and come only from the outside.
Badger fat removes the inflammatory process, softens cough, warms, activates local and general immunity. When you take fat inside the body gets a lot of useful substances - microelements, vitamins and biologically active components. In acute bronchitis, fat contributes to the blocking of the inflammatory process, and in chronic bronchitis prevents the development of relapses of the disease.
The kinetic properties of badger fat have not been studied.
Dosing and administration
The main way to take badger fat adults - is the use of natural remedy inside. It is possible to be treated only with fat, and it is possible to combine it with other alternative means.
- Good reviews are received about the treatment of badger fat combined with infusion of wild rose berries or St. John's wort.
- To soften the unpleasant aftertaste and aroma of fat, you can dilute it with warm milk or honey. At a time, do not eat more than a tablespoon of the remedy, three times a day.
- Some people prefer to put fat on a piece of dark bread - this way of eating is also allowed.
The effect of the treatment will be much more noticeable if you use fat badger and inside, and locally - at the same time. Badger fat perfectly warms, speeds up the transition of a cough from dry to productive, facilitates expectoration.
How to use badger fat in bronchitis?
To reduce the unpleasant sensations from eating fat inside, it can be taken in capsules that are sold in pharmacies. The drug in capsules is drunk six times in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, together with eating. The duration of therapy is 4-8 weeks. It is not recommended to carry out more than two or three treatment courses during the year.
Adult patients can consume badger fat in a warm form. The standard dosage is 1 tbsp. Spoon means daily, with warm milk, herbal or plain tea. Such treatment usually lasts 14 days.
Badger fat will help not only cure the respiratory system, but also restore the function of the organs after antibiotic therapy and surgical interventions.
Rinsing badger fat with bronchitis
Badger fat is very useful for the treatment of bronchitis: its unique composition allows the drug to be completely absorbed and absorbed by the body.
Fat rubbing sore spots, and also apply for massage.
With a sore throat, cold or acute respiratory disease pure fat is rubbed the area of the feet, back and thorax.
If the patient has a dry cough, then after rubbing it should be well wrapped or tied with a towel so that the patient can sweat. In addition, you can offer warm milk with honey.
Badger fat in acute and chronic bronchitis
In order to relieve the patient's condition with acute bronchitis, it is necessary to use badger fat according to this formula:
- Adult patients are recommended to eat 2 tsp. Fat for 14 days three times a day, then go to a more rare reception - twice a day in the morning on an empty stomach and at night.
- For children 10-14 years, the recommended dosage is one and a half teaspoons three times a day.
- For children 6-10 years old rubbing with a mixture of ½ tsp. Fat from 1 tbsp. L. Milk, after which they are wrapped. It is better to spend the procedure at night.
The agent can be used not only to eliminate an existing disease, but also to prevent it. Many people take badger fat during periods of special danger of getting bronchitis - in winter and early spring.
For the treatment of chronic bronchitis, fat is suitable for grinding or for internal ingestion. To make the treatment more enjoyable and more effective, fat-based drugs are made with various additives. For example, many such recipes are suitable:
- Melt in a water bath 4 tsp. Fat and 50 g of butter, add 60 g of pure chocolate, mix. Pour 3 tsp. Cocoa powder, mix and cool. The mass is consumed three times a day for 1 tbsp. Spoon.
- Mix the fat and lime honey in a ratio of 3 to 1. It is allowed instead of honey to take the same amount of currant jam.
- Melt 100 g of badger fat on a water bath. Add 2 tbsp. Spoons of cocoa powder, cool, add 1/4 cup of juice obtained from the lower leaves of aloe. Mix, put in a container of glass. Use at night for 1 tbsp. L. With warm milk.
Badger fat in obstructive bronchitis
Obstructive bronchitis is a special form of the disease, in which the respiratory tract becomes difficult to pass, so-called "obstruction" occurs. Breathing becomes dramatically difficult, the patient in the literal sense of the word suffocates, he develops a panic state. Of course, without drugs in this situation can not do. However, badger fat will not be superfluous: they can supplement traditional treatment.
- Mix 100 grams of the following ingredients: badger fat, cocoa powder, honey. Add 50 grams of aloe, passed through the meat grinder, 50 g of butter, 4 g of mummy, 5 g of propolis and 5 g of medical alcohol. All is mixed until uniform. The received medicine is applied externally and orally:
- external use consists in rubbing with a solution of water with the resulting mixture (for 200 ml of water - 1 tsp mixture);
- internal application is to prepare a medicine from 1 tbsp. L. Mixture and 200 ml of warm milk, this medicine is drunk before each meal, about 15 minutes.
Badger fat in pneumonia and bronchitis
To accelerate recovery for pneumonia and bronchitis, adults are advised to eat warm badger fat at 1 -3 st. L. Three times a day for 3-4 weeks. If the disease is sluggish, then the course can be repeated in three weeks. Treatment is repeated until the patient completely recover.
- Prepare a mixture of 100 grams of badger fat, 100 grams of quality honey, 50 g of juice from aloe leaves (the plant must be at least three years old). The mixture is taken in 1 tbsp. L. Three times a day, half an hour before a meal.
- Take five medium-sized lemons along with the skin, five eggs, 250 ml of cognac, 500 ml of badger fat, 500 ml of honey. Lemons are passed through a meat grinder, poured over eggs and left for 4-5 days. Next, knead the shell and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Take the composition of a third of the glass daily.
Badger fat after bronchitis after smoking
It is proved that badger fat can help smokers with experience to clean the respiratory system of tar and deposits. Those who have already tried the effect of fat on themselves, say that in a few days passes even the longest and most exhausting cough. Fat can be combined with honey, milk, hips, or St. John's wort.
Of course, it will be better if, at the same time as cleansing badger fat, a man forever abandons his addiction.
Optimal use of badger fat for one tablespoon three times a day for an hour before meals for 14 days. The remedy is allowed to be washed down with warm milk, seized with a spoon of honey or jam, washed down with herbal tea. After a few days, treatment can be repeated, but the general course of therapy should last about four weeks. Repeat the course, only a month later.
The use of badger fat in children with bronchitis
If a child has bronchitis, then it can be treated with badger fat only after reaching the age of 6, having consulted the pediatrician beforehand. Consultation with a doctor is necessary, since the treatment of children is twice as more responsible, because a child sometimes can not explain what and how it bothers him.
- Children after 12 years before going to bed do fatigue. Rub the area of the chest, back, and feet. Against the background of rubbing fat is given inside - 1 tsp. For half an hour before a meal.
- Children 6-12 years old offer fat for internal use should not be: enough grind the area of the chest, back and legs.
As a rule, after following the above recipes, improvement occurs on the third or fifth day. However, it is not necessary to finish the treatment on this: the full course should be 7-10 days.
To strengthen immune protection, a child is offered such a remedy: take 100 g of badger fat, combine with 100 g of honey, add 100 g of nuts, as much raisins and chopped apricots. The product gives the child 1 tsp. Three times a day for 15 minutes before meals. The same tool can also be taken by adults - but already one tablespoon.
Use of the badger fat with bronchitis during pregnancy
Pregnant women should not use badger fat, either for therapeutic effects, or for prevention.
Badger fat has much less contraindications than it seems at first glance. Any medicinal product has a more extensive list.
Thus, oral administration of badger fat is not recommended:
- with a tendency to intolerance of such fat;
- with pancreatitis, hepatitis, diseases of the biliary system.
Do not use fat during pregnancy, as well as to treat children under the age of 6 years.
Interactions with other drugs
Badger fat is perfectly combined with all medicinal and alternative products.
Storage conditions
Pure fat is stored in a refrigerator.
Badger fat, which is sold in the form of capsules, is stored in a package, in a dark, dry place, hard to reach for children.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Treatment of bronchitis with badger fat in adults and children: does it help and how to apply" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.