Sputum discharge in acute and chronic bronchitis: character, color
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Bronchitis is the disease of the lower respiratory tract, which is accompanied by inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. Cough and sputum during bronchitis are characteristic signs of the disease.
The appearance of bronchitis is closely related to environmental conditions and the way of life of a person. This pathology is leading among diseases of the respiratory system. The greatest number of cases of bronchitis is observed in the cold season, in the period from November to March. Therefore, this disease is called catarrhal (seasonal) catarrh of the respiratory tract.
Bronchitis can occur due to irritation of the mucous by chemicals as a manifestation of allergies.
Sputum examination for bronchitis is one of the most important stages of diagnosis. With the help of such an analysis, an accurate diagnosis can be made and differential diagnosis performed to exclude other pathologies, for example tuberculosis.
What is sputum for bronchitis?
Sputum during bronchitis depends on the type of bronchitis and the degree of the disease.
Often the initial degree of bronchitis manifests itself in the form of an unproductive (dry) cough, which after a couple of days passes into a productive (wet cough).
A productive cough is accompanied by the separation of sputum.
Separation of sputum is painful, especially in the middle of the disease. In the course of recovery, when the inflammatory process decreases and the temperature falls, sputum leaves painlessly.
Sputum in diseases of the bronchial tree is of three types:
- Mucous (transparent or whitish viscous liquid)
- serous-mucous (a white viscous liquid that can foam from air impurities)
- Purulent (viscous liquid of yellow, dark yellow or green color).
Mucous sputum is observed with mild bronchitis, with a moderate increase in temperature. Serous-mucous sputum appears at an average severity of the disease, when the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, but there is no attachment of a secondary infection.
The decline of the defenses of the body and the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection can lead to the appearance of purulent sputum with an unpleasant odor. This condition is the most severe and is treated exclusively in a hospital.
- Sputum for acute bronchitis is light, excreted in small amounts. Separation of sputum in acute bronchitis can be accompanied by pain and an abrupt cough.
- Sputum during chronic bronchitis appears on the soil of a slow inflammatory process. Chronic bronchitis develops from acute in the absence of complex treatment and non-compliance with bed rest. Chronic bronchitis can be accompanied by a dry cough and a wet cough with a clear colorless mucus (allergic cough) or sputum with dust impurities (in mine workers, cement plants).
- Sputum in allergic bronchitis occurs due to the constant exposure to the walls of the respiratory tract of foreign antigens. As irritants are chemicals, dust, pollen and tobacco smoke. Such sputum is usually mucous and appears in the presence of an allergen.
- Sputum in the smoker's bronchitis is a yellowish viscous consistency. Its appearance is associated with prolonged irritation of the walls of the upper, lower respiratory tract with tobacco smoke and resins. The amount of sputum is affected by the experience and frequency of smoking.
- Obstructive bronchitis is characterized by spastic narrowing of the bronchi. The patient's breathing is difficult, complaints are received regarding shortness of breath and the inability to do a full one-stage exhalation. Sputum for obstructive bronchitis is the same as for allergic bronchitis. However, the chronic form of obstructive bronchitis can lead to the formation of purulent sputum as a result of stagnant phenomena.
How much does sputum go away with bronchitis?
Sputum during bronchitis departs for a long time, an average of 2-4 weeks. The lower the immunity and the heavier the disease, the longer the sputum goes. Leaving sputum for more than 5-6 weeks may indicate a more serious pathology.
The amount of sputum is different. At the beginning of the disease, the patient emits a little mucous sputum. The resolution of the inflammatory process is characterized by an abundant release of serous-mucous or purulent sputum. The larger the area of the inflammatory process, the more sputum is produced.
How can I pass a sputum examination for bronchitis?
Sputum analysis must be submitted in such cases
- With prolonged cough (more than 5 weeks), which is accompanied by weakness, sweating or subfebrile temperature (37-38 degrees)
- If a suspected pulmonary stage of development of some parasites (ascariasis)
- For detailed diagnosis of acute pulmonary diseases of various origin
- When blood and impurities appear in the sputum
Sputum is collected in a hospital or at home. The sputum is collected in a clean container, which, after collecting the assay, is tightly closed with a lid.
To ensure that the results of the analysis are as accurate as possible, sputum collection is carried out taking into account such rules:
- Take care of the purity of the oral cavity. Before collecting sputum, teeth cleaning and rinsing of the mouth are mandatory
- Sputum should be collected in the morning
- To facilitate the departure of mucus and sputum, you can slowly drink 1-2 glasses of warm water
- Sputum is spit immediately after coughing, it is advisable not to mix it with saliva
- The sterile closed container with sputum is delivered to the laboratory department within 1-2 hours. In the warm season it is desirable to deliver the analysis for one hour.
If the sputum does not go away, you can hold the inhalation with hot steam.
Diagnosis of sputum during bronchitis involves evaluating the physical properties of sputum and examining a native smear under a microscope.
The laboratory assistant evaluates the amount, color, consistency of sputum, the presence of foreign impurities.
The color of sputum during bronchitis indicates the degree of the disease and the presence of concomitant pathologies.
Green sputum during bronchitis appears during complications. Complications can lead to non-compliance with bed rest, repeated hypothermia, the emergence of secondary infection. The offensive smell of green sputum indicates the presence of a purulent focus in the lungs.
Yellow sputum in bronchitis (sometimes accompanied by an unpleasant odor) may indicate the resolution of the inflammatory process. Sputum of this color can often occur in heavy smokers, as well as people with allergies.
Pink sputum with bronchitis appears against a dangerous complication - pulmonary edema. This disease requires urgent hospitalization. Admixtures of foam in pink sputum indicate the presence of heart diseases and stagnant phenomena in a small circle of circulation.
White sputum in bronchitis indicates a moderate course of the disease without complications.
Rusty sputum during bronchitis does not appear, as it is a symptom of a more severe pathology - croupous pneumonia. Sputum becomes a characteristic color during the decay of hemoglobin, the main component of red blood cells.
Sputum with blood in bronchitis indicates the development of the pulmonary form of tuberculosis.
Deciphering sputum analysis in bronchitis is performed by a doctor. Information about the microflora contained in sputum is necessary for the delivery of an accurate diagnosis and the administration of effective antibiotics.
Who to contact?
Than to strengthen departure of a sputum at a bronchitis?
For treatment, mucolytics and expectorants are used.
Mucolytics are the means that dilute sputum during bronchitis. They make slime less viscous, which facilitates its removal from the bronchi.
Expectorants relax the smooth musculature of the bronchi, eliminate the feeling of pain when coughing and promote the production of sputum.
To eliminate the underlying cause of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed, which are selected depending on the cause of the disease.
To stop allergic bronchitis, you must eliminate the source of allergy or isolate the patient and prescribe antiallergic drugs, for example, Loratadine or Diazolin.
Easier sputum discharge during bronchitis will help herbal inhalation with hot steam with the application of fees based on sage or althea root.
Exercises for sputum discharge in bronchitis
There is a special set of exercises using the Buteyko method, which helps to remove sputum from the bronchi, improves general well-being and prevents the development of chronic bronchitis.
Contraindication to the performance of respiratory gymnastics is high fever, pulmonary tuberculosis, pulmonary edema and the presence of a purulent focus in the lung tissue.
- Exercise # 1
Superficial breathing during a deep breath. The patient takes a deep breath, holding the air in the lungs, and makes short, superficial breaths and exhalations. The pace and rhythm of breathing is individual. Exercise is carried out as long as possible, focusing on your own feelings.
- Exercise 2
Walking on inspiration. The patient inhales air, holds his breath, and walks around the room at a convenient pace. Do not be too zealous, it is better to start with a few seconds. After a few seconds, catch your breath in normal mode and repeat again. On average, 5-10 approaches are carried out 3 times a day.
- Exercise 3
Superficial breathing. The essence of this exercise is to breathe without making deep breaths. Frequent shallow breathing can be practiced while lying down, sitting or while walking.
This complex enhances blood circulation in the lungs, eliminates hyperventilation, improves the performance of respiratory muscles and positively affects the work of the central nervous system. Suitable for adults and children.
More information of the treatment