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Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotic sumamed: dosage, how much to drink
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Bronchitis is an inflammatory lesion in which the mucous layer of the bronchi is involved, which in turn represent a branched network of tubes through which the warmed air from the larynx enters the lungs. When an infection or virus is introduced, the circulation of air occurs, which leads to the development of edema and excessive release of mucus. Treatment of bronchitis is often symptomatic, in the acute phase, therapists resort to the appointment of antibiotics, one of the most effective drugs is Sumamed.
Indications of the sumamed with bronchitis
Sumamed is most often recommended for the treatment of such pathologies as:
- infection of the respiratory system;
- infections that are sexually transmitted;
- diseases of the lower parts of the digestive system;
- damage to the skin and soft tissues.
Sumamed in acute bronchitis
The appointment of antibiotics individually, it all depends on the stage of the disease and its progressivity, in some cases, enough symptomatic treatment.
Sumamed with chronic bronchitis
The chronic form of bronchitis is characterized by the development of irreversible changes in the structure of the bronchi, which provokes the development of prolonged and frequent exacerbations. Antibiotics should be prescribed after the analysis of the sensitivity of the main pathogen to the active substance of the drug. Sumamed is a drug of choice for the treatment of this pathology.
Sumamed in obstructive bronchitis
Obstructive bronchitis in addition to the inflammatory process, characterized by a pronounced blockage of the lumen of the bronchi, which leads to oxygen starvation. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, one of the most popular drugs of choice is Sumamed.
Release form
Sumamed is produced in several forms, which greatly facilitates the possibility of prescribing to children and adults of any age:
- Sumamed capsules of 0.25 g, packing of 6 capsules;
- sumamed tablets of 125/500 mg;
- Sumamed suspension on 600/1200/1500 mg vial in a dosage of 15/30/38 ml.
Sumamed 500
With bronchitis Sumamed, 500 mg is given to adults for a one-time appointment for three days.
Sumamed forte
In the dosage of forte, the drug is prescribed in severe conditions, accompanied by marked signs of intoxication, purulent discharge or with a long-term current period of the disease.
Sumamed is a broad-spectrum preparation, suppressing the biosynthesis of the protein part of some microorganisms. In addition, in large doses the preparation has bactericidal properties. In most cases, microorganisms are sensitive to the drug, however, with prolonged use, it is possible to develop a pronounced resistance. Sumamed has a high activity in relation to the most diverse microorganisms.
When ingested, the drug is rapidly absorbed into the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which is due to its resistance to acidic medium and lipid solubility. The drug is quickly distributed throughout the body with a current of blood and lymph.
When does Sumamed start with bronchitis?
The therapeutic concentration of the active substance of the drug in the tissues is noted within a week after the passed course of treatment, a noticeable relief comes already on the 2-3 day of drug therapy.
Dosing and administration
Sumamed in tablets of 125 mg is a one-time daily dosage, which must be taken a few hours before a meal. Do not chew the tablet without swallowing it with plenty of water. In those cases when the next dose was missed, it is recommended to drink the drug as early as possible, after which the next dose should not be earlier than 24 hours.
Sumamed in tablets of 500 mg taken in a single daily dose, regardless of food intake, drinking a lot of water.
Sumamed suspension is prescribed for oral administration, most often to children, once a day, a few hours before a meal. After taking the suspension, the baby needs to rinse the oral cavity of the suspension residues.
How much to drink sumamed with bronchitis?
Proceeding from the fact that Sumamed is an antibacterial drug it is advisable to take it no more than 5-7 days, while taking medications restoring the gastrointestinal microflora.
Use of the sumamed with bronchitis during pregnancy
Sumamed during child-bearing is applied only in acute situations, when other methods of treatment do not bring the desired result. In the first trimester of pregnancy to appoint sumamed is strictly contraindicated, in the second and third as an exception. This antibiotic has not been tested on pregnant women, so it is difficult to say exactly how an organism reacts to the active substance that is part of Sumamed.
The most frequent contraindications to the use of an antibiotic are:
- renal and hepatic insufficiency in the terminal stage;
- the first trimester of pregnancy;
- allergic reaction and hypersensitivity to the constituents of the drug;
- Children under 16 years of age if the drug is in the injectable form.
Side effects of the sumamed with bronchitis
The list of possible side effects of Sumamed is quite long, however, the frequency of their occurrence is relatively low, most often they mark the development of such symptoms:
- severe dizziness;
- nausea, rarely vomiting;
- drowsiness;
- feelings of anxiety, restlessness, irritability;
- cardiopalmus;
- flatulence;
- rash, itching of the skin;
- pain in large joints;
- fungal infection of the intestine and vagina;
- herpetic eruptions;
- constipation, diarrhea;
- defeat of the renal apparatus.
In case of an overdose with an antibiotic, it is possible that the development of clinical signs such as loss of consciousness, diarrhea, a marked feeling of malaise, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, temporary hearing loss. To eliminate the above listed symptoms, it is necessary to cancel the drug and prescribe further restorative therapy.
Interactions with other drugs
Particular attention should be given to compatibility with other drugs, while using with anthracites, the absorptive capacity is lost, so taking these medications should be separated with a difference of several hours. When taking ergomatamine, intoxication may occur.
Separately, it should be noted that the use of Sumamed with alcoholic beverages is strictly contraindicated.
Storage conditions
Sumamed must be stored in a dark and dry place out of the reach of children. The temperature regime should not exceed 25-27 degrees.
- Last winter, a child at age 5 fell ill with obstructive bronchitis, and for a very long time could not find a suitable preparation. The ambulance doctor appointed Sumamed, on the third day of taking the daughter it became much easier, went on the mend. A good antibiotic, in parallel it is desirable to take something for the intestines, we drank Lactile, there were no side effects.
- Sumi was given to our son in three years. Before buying pills were consulted with several pediatricians, immediately did all the necessary tests, including sensitivity. The drug was given according to the instructions, one tablet once a day. I read reviews that Sumamed can cause an allergic reaction, so I combined antibiotic with antihistamines and bifidobacteria. Everything went without complications, the amendment was already on the second day, the drug is very satisfied.
- To the child of 11 months, have got in a hospital, the doctor on duty at once has appointed Sumamed. While the result is doubtful, the temperature is variable, does not decrease, wheezing audibly distinctly. I really hope for a positive result.
What should I do if Sumamed did not help with bronchitis?
In cases where the use of the drug for a long time does not bring a positive result, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The reason for the lack of effect can be the resistance of bacteria to the active substance.
Just a few decades ago, analogues to such a drug as Sumamed found it simply impossible, to date, things are much better. The pharmaceutical market is filled with such drugs, so it is worth highlighting only those antibiotic analogues in bronchitis, who received a maximum of positive feedback from doctors and patients.
Supraks is a highly effective bactericidal agent, which is often prescribed in severe infectious and inflammatory processes. From Sumamed drug differs in composition different active substance.
Amoxiclav is a preparation of the penicillin group, which has antibacterial action. By its action, this parasite is weaker than Sumamed, therefore Amoxiclav is prescribed in the early stages of the disease, without the development of serious complications.
Flemoxin belongs to the group of penicillins, has antibacterial action and is less toxic than Sumamed. A significant disadvantage of this drug is that it is only available in tablet form.
Augmentin in chemical composition completely coincides with Amoxiclav, its only difference from this group of preparations is the country's producer.
Vilprafen, like Sumamed, belongs to the group of macrolides, but the composition is different in composition. The list of indications for the use of Wilprafen is much wider, but the length of the course and the frequency of the procedures are some of the disadvantages of the patient.
Azithromycin is a preparation belonging to structural analogues of sumamed. There are some differences in the composition of the excipients, for all other criteria, the drug is completely identical to Sumamedu
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotic sumamed: dosage, how much to drink" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.