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Treatment of bronchitis and cough with honey with milk, aloe, onion and radish
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Honey is a famous bee product, famous not only for its taste qualities, but also for medicinal properties. The basis for this is its unique composition: fructose (22-54%), glucose (20-44%), in less quantity organic acids, proteins, chemical elements, vitamins, water - about 300 substances in total. Such characteristics give the right to apyproduktu be used for the treatment of various diseases. But is it possible to use honey for bronchitis?
Treatment of bronchitis with honey has long been used along with medication. Most people are confident in its healing properties, so when the first symptoms of a cold, the appearance of a cough get its stores of sweet medicine from the pantry. Efficiency was tested by a lot of people, because honey is famous for its antipyretic, antibacterial, immunostimulating property.
Indications of the honey with bronchitis
Indications for use are cold or infectious manifestations such as fever, fever, runny nose, cough, chest pain. It can be used even for diabetics. The treatment of bronchitis includes not only ingestion in various variations, but also aerosol inhalations on its basis, compresses, wipes.
Pharmacodynamics therapeutic effect is the ability of honey to activate the synthesis of compounds that oppress the cough reflex. Cough is a defensive reaction of the body, aimed at removing irritating agents from the respiratory tract. With a dry cough, honey reduces the sensitivity of cough receptors, while moist it helps to dissolve sputum and remove it from the bronchi. By its enveloping action it provides softening of the sore throat, reduces perspiration, which is often also the cause of coughing.
Dosing and administration
Use honey in uncontrolled volumes can not. There are norms of consumption of the product. Daily dose for an adult is 50-100 grams, for children it is less - 30-40 grams, divided into several methods.
Children more often than adults are exposed to infectious diseases, including bronchitis. This is due to their large concentration in kindergartens and schools, where transmission of infection becomes inevitable. Drug treatment for young children is often a big problem, and honey for them is simply a treat. Honey in bronchitis for children - an effective diaphoretic, antipyretic, expectorant, immuno-fortifying agent.
Recipes with honey from bronchitis
There are many recipes with honey from bronchitis, each person can try them and find the most effective for themselves.
- Milk with honey for bronchitis: boiled milk, cooled to a warm state, a teaspoon of honey is added, drunk in small sips. A hot drink can burn your throat, and it also loses the useful properties of honey.
- Radish with honey for bronchitis: a real healer cough in alternative medicine is a black radish. There are several recipes for its preparation. The most famous is this: in a large well-washed fruit cut out a groove, there is laid honey and left for several hours. When the radish leaves the juice, the therapeutic drink is ready. Another way to cook it is to cut the fruit into cubes, put it in glassware, add honey, let it brew. It's even easier to rub on a beet grinder, put two tablespoons of honey, leave for a few hours. Radish with honey from bronchitis is ready. Taking a tablespoon 3-4 times a day, you can significantly accelerate recovery.
- Onions with honey from bronchitis: onions - a powerful natural antiseptic, in tandem with honey creates an effective antitussive. It can be prepared in different ways: rubs a crude bulb on a grater, squeezes the juice, adds honey in the same ratio; onions are baked in the oven, crushed in a blender, combined with honey; half a kilo of raw onion is twisted through a meat grinder, combines with 50 grams of honey and two tablespoons of sugar. The resulting mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water, it is infused.
- Aloe with honey for bronchitis: Aloe has long been used to treat colds. In order for the plant to produce the expected result, it is necessary to hold the cut leaves in the refrigerator for several days before preparing the drug (5-7). Then they should be twisted in a meat grinder, squeeze the juice and in a ratio of 1: 1, combine it with honey. Other components are also possible as auxiliaries. Often they add butter or Cagor wine.
- Honey, Aloe and "Cahors" with bronchitis: this combination of ingredients is used even for the treatment of tuberculosis. Before preparing the medicinal composition, the plant should not be watered for two weeks or the leaves should be stored for a week in the refrigerator. This is done in order that out of them came out excess moisture and left more useful properties. After that, they are ground and placed in a ceramic or glassware, add honey and wine in the amount of 150 gr., 50 gr. And 350 gr. Respectively. After that, everything is mixed and left to insist in a warm and dark place for 7-10 days. Stretching the mixture, you can be cured for a cough. One tablespoon is enough three times a day for half an hour before meals to speed up recovery.
- Cabbage with honey for bronchitis: from cough get rid of not only the means for ingestion, but also compresses. They are effective, due to their warming property, the ability to enhance blood circulation. Before it is applied honey is heated and brought to a liquid state, but not more than 50 0, and a whole leaf of cabbage is boiled, lowered into boiling water for several minutes. Then a sheet with a layer of honey applied to it is applied to the back or chest (both of which can be done simultaneously). Over cover with food film, then put a warming layer. Fixing cabbage leaf with honey, you can sleep all night.
- Milk with soda and honey for bronchitis: this combination is especially effective with a dry barking cough. Milk should be warm, but not hot. To the glass of the drink is enough sex of a teaspoon of soda and a spoonful of honey. Drink it should be after eating, tk. Soda can cause irritation of the digestive tract.
- Honey, ginger and lemon in bronchitis: ginger is widely known for its medicinal properties in the treatment of infections and colds. It stimulates blood flow, restores metabolic processes, has antiseptic properties. The secret of its useful properties lies in the essential oils contained in it. Effective with a wet cough. Lemon is a storehouse of vitamin C, which increases the body's resistance against disease-causing bacteria. To prepare a medicinal drink you will need a glass of boiling water, a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger, the same spoon of honey, a slice of lemon.
- Tea with lemon in bronchitis: lemon is popular because of its biologically active substances. It contains provitamin A, vitamins C, B1, B2, D, flavonoids, various minerals. Its ability to strengthen immunity, support metabolic processes makes this citrus very popular in the treatment of colds, their prevention. Tea with lemon in bronchitis is a good recipe for mobilizing forces to fight inflammatory processes in the bronchi. The only caveat is that it should not be hot, but only warm.
- Tea with honey for bronchitis: an effective method to soften the throat, reduce the intensity of cough. Especially suitable for this purpose is linden honey. One or two teaspoons of tea is enough for a glass of warm tea. Do not forget that honey loses its properties at a temperature of more than 50 0 C.
- Cinnamon with honey from bronchitis: cinnamon in its composition contains vitamins C, E, PP, iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium and other trace elements, so it is often used in alternative recipes. To treat a cough, you need a teaspoon of warm honey with the addition of a fourth part of a spoonful of cinnamon.
- Honey, mustard and vinegar from bronchitis: these ingredients are suitable for making a cake as a compress for bronchitis. The basis can be flour or boiled potatoes in the peel. To them is added a spoonful of each ingredient and a little vegetable oil. The cake is mixed and formed, applied to the back or chest, fixed. This compress can be kept for four hours.
- Banana with honey from bronchitis: this recipe is not just a delicious dessert, but also a remedy. Banana has been recognized in the fight against pathology, thanks to its composition, including the large content of potassium. This microelement restores strength, is effective in fighting bacteria. A medium-sized banana is warmed up, a tablespoon of honey is added, kept on low heat until a dark golden color is obtained.
- Beer with honey for bronchitis: beer - alcoholic beverage and recipes with it are used only for the treatment of adults. To prepare the medicinal mixture you will need half a liter of beer and a few tablespoons of honey. Initially, the drink is well heated on fire, but not brought to a boil, add honey. You need to drink before going to bed, then wrap yourself up well with a blanket to sweat. Three evenings are enough to feel relief.
- Honey and walnuts with bronchitis: nuts have anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect, due to its composition: polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, minerals. Cough is used to prepare such a drug. The kernels of the nuts are crushed, combined in equal proportion with honey thoroughly mixed. At 100g. A teaspoon of the prepared mixture is put in warm water and drunk.
Use of the honey with bronchitis during pregnancy
The use of honey during pregnancy is recommended even in the absence of colds, bronchitis. In the early stages of pregnancy, it reduces toxicosis, smooths the emotional background, relieves tension and anxiety. It also strengthens the immune system, improves sleep, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, is an anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, antifungal agent. Therefore, the use of honey in bronchitis, especially its light forms, relieve the need to take chemical preparations. But we must remember that honey is a powerful allergen and can cause an allergic reaction. It is contraindicated in women who have low blood pressure, because they have low blood pressure. Refers to antihypertensive drugs.
First of all, a contraindication to use is the individual intolerance of the product, causing allergies, and asthmatics - an attack of suffocation. It requires careful use, and it is better to exclude from the diet diabetes mellitus of the first type. Honey should be dosed to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (with gastritis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis). Medicinal inhalation from honey is prohibited in a number of lung diseases (emphysema, pneumosclerosis, pulmonary hemorrhage), heart (heart failure, myocardium, malformations).
Side effects of the honey with bronchitis
With honey intolerance, there are side effects such as urticaria, severe itching, rhinitis, headache, fever, sometimes even choking. Sometimes people react in a similar way to a specific kind of honey, because there are a lot of varieties of honey. The honey-plants are flowers of various plants, such as buckwheat, acacia, sweet clover, clover, chestnut, linden, sunflower and many others. Depending on the reaction to them, a "relation" with this sweet delicacy is also determined. Intolerance to honey can be determined through an intradermal test.
Overdosing with honey is possible if it is eaten more than 150gr. At once. It is expressed in the loss of coordination of movement, confusion of consciousness. Another variant of the appearance of symptoms of poisoning, if the combination of honey with medicinal plants that have toxicity, increases their toxicity. With repeated heating of honey, hydroxymethylfurfural is formed in it, which is also a poison.
Storage conditions
Honey can be stored for a long time without losing its qualities. To do this, he needs certain storage conditions. The temperature regime should be within -5 0 - + 20 0 C. The colder temperature has less effect on the loss of quality than heat. An important point for preserving its useful properties is the packaging in which it is packed. The best for this is a glass, clay or enamelware. Packages made from other materials can react with honey and make it toxic.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Treatment of bronchitis and cough with honey with milk, aloe, onion and radish" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.