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Tablets from drowsiness
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The state of drowsiness of the physician is attributed to sleep disorders. Complete apathy, fatigue and desire to lie down in a time period that is not meant for rest. The reasons that provoke such a state are quite a lot. Therefore, before hurrying to the pharmacy to buy pills for sleepiness, it is desirable to establish the source of the problem. This is the only way to talk about the effective management of a pathological deviation.
Indications for the use of tablets from drowsiness
Decrease in the general tone of the body, rapid fatigue, a constant desire to lie down and sleep - this condition can be a symptom of many both pathological diseases and physiological failures in the body. Therefore, if this is the result of overwork, which after a full rest passes, you should not worry, but if such a state persists for a long time, then do not tempt fate. It is better to seek the advice of a qualified specialist and take a survey. The doctor will help identify the source of the problem and prescribe the drugs that are most suitable for stopping the problem.
Basically indications for the use of tablets from drowsiness are as follows:
- The patient feels completely shattered.
- Defective night's sleep, or insomnia.
- Throughout the day, not passing desire to lie down and take a nap.
- Depressive state.
- Fast fatiguability.
Such symptoms can be a consequence of various diseases:
- Taking some antihistamines and other pharmacological groups.
- Propensity to alcoholism.
- The apnea syndrome is an episodic stop of nasal breathing with a duration of at least 10 seconds.
- Catalepsy - pathologically long-term preservation of the adopted posture.
- Arterial hypotension and hypotension.
- Anemia. Syndrome of vitamin deficiency.
- Many infectious diseases. For example, influenza, tuberculosis ...
- Neurasthenia and various neuroses.
- Diseases affecting the respiratory system.
- Asthenia.
- Failure in the digestive tract.
- Violation of metabolic processes.
- Narcolepsy is the result of a break in the phase of fast sleep.
- Age memory impairment.
- The reason for this condition can be a sharp change in climatic zones, adverse environmental conditions of residence.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular or endocrine system.
- Heavy physical labor.
- Mental overwork. Multiple sclerosis.
- Klein-Levin Syndrome.
- Alzheimer's disease.
Form of issue
This group of medicines on the shelves of pharmacies is represented by a rather wide variety. Various and the form of release, giving the right choice for the appointing doctor and his patient.
You can buy the drug in the form of tablets. People who prefer herbal tinctures can use liquid alcohol extract. Pharmacological companies drugs of the group in question are issued in the form of solutions for injection, or in the form of drops.
Preparations of this group were designed to have their pharmacodynamics possess adaptogenic agents. The drugs have a stimulating effect on the receptors of the central nervous system, activate the work of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system. Biostimulators of natural, synthetic or semi-synthetic origin are tonifyingly acting on the whole organism, showing general strengthening characteristics.
Under the influence of active components of medicines, with arterial hypertension, normalization of arterial pressure occurs. For example, the chemical compounds that form the basis of pantocrine are very similar in their biostructure, biodynamics and biokinetics with microelements of the human body, which enables it to be absorbed more efficiently into tissues without causing them any significant negative effects.
The amino acids present in them positively influence the normalization of carbohydrate and protein metabolism, which has been malfunctioned after a stressful situation or pathological changes caused by a disease. Activate the total nonspecific resistance of human body systems, improve intestinal motility.
Phospholipid structural structures allow the restoration of the norm of transmembrane ion exchange, leading to a balance of the function of the biomembrane. Preparations of this group are directed to stimulate the flow of enzymatic reactions, adequately affecting the neurological status of the patient.
The drugs of this group increase the overall tone of the skeletal muscle tissue, and relate to the drugs of a psychostimulating action that activates the patient's psychomotor characteristics.
Not a bad indicator shows the pharmacokinetics of psychostimulating drugs.
Medical workers note a sufficiently high rate of adsorption. The maximum number of active active substances in the blood serum is observed from 1 hour 50 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes. Such parameters, for example, show armomafinil and modafinil, respectively. At the same time, the quantitative component of these chemical compounds corresponds to: ardomafinil - 5.44 mg / ml (+/- 1.64), modafinil - 4.61 mg / ml (+/- 0.73).
The half-life (T1 / 2) of the medications considered in this article is, on average, determined by a time interval of 13 to 15 hours. The half-life (T1 / 2) of specific substances is sufficiently time-separated. For example, the R-isomer of modafinil leaves the patient's body together with urine after 15 hours, whereas the modality of the modafinil S isomer lasts for four to five hours.
The therapeutic efficacy of the drug taken is usually maintained for two days, from the time of injection.
Tablets from fatigue and drowsiness
From the point of view of modern medicine, this pathology can have as a trivial temporary physiological character: mental or physical overwork and so on. But it can also signal a fairly severe pathology present in the patient's body. Therefore, before swallowing tablets, it is necessary to establish the cause of the ailment and if this is one of the diseases that can cause drowsiness, then the treatment protocol should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist. Doing self-medication is sometimes not only unpromising, but also dangerous.
If the cause of the ailment is one of the diseases - the doctor will prescribe special medicines and techniques, something to recommend without knowing the source - it's just not professional.
If, however, the reason for taking the medication - about side effects should be reported to your doctor who, based on the picture of the pathology, adjusts the dosage, replaces the drug with another, similar to the action. If the symptomatology is not so pronounced, and the treatment is short, the patient will simply have to show patience. After the course of therapy, the pathological malaise will disappear on its own.
But it is still possible to improve the patient's condition. Modern pharmaceutical companies produce special pills for fatigue and drowsiness, the pharmacodynamics of which are aimed at eliminating this particular problem. Usually they have not only an invigorating, but also a soothing effect.
Quite often cases when the drugs of the group in question have a negative effect on the function of a particular organ or process. In this case, the drug is canceled and its analog is assigned. Thus, a drug is selected that shows the greatest effectiveness of obtaining the expected result, while providing the patient with a minimal negative impact.
To date, one of the most innovative developments is the pharmacological agent modafinil. The prerequisites for its creation were founded in the 70s in the USA, but it appeared on the shelves of pharmacies only in the late 90s. The main concept of modafinil is its ability to exert its influence on the areas of the cerebral cortex. Stimulating them to work, it allows you to get rid of drowsiness and fatigue in a short time. A positive characteristic is that it does not disturb night sleep. On the contrary, sleep becomes more productive, allowing a person to have a great rest with the allotted time and feel in the morning vigorous and healthy.
The tablet contains an active chemical compound benzhydryl sulfinylacetamide, which exerts a psycho-stimulating effect on the receiving organism, increasing its psychomotor activity. This "work" of the drug not only relieves the patient from drowsiness and rapid fatigue, but also improves memory, mobilizes the logical and intellectual capabilities of the brain. As research has shown - this drug even helps to increase physical endurance. Another good feature is that this drug does not belong to the category of narcotic drugs, and, therefore, does not lead to addiction.
They are just a godsend for those people who, due to various circumstances, are forced to spend a short sleep, while feeling vigorous and efficient.
Clinical trials of the drug confirmed its high pharmacological safety.
This drug is already widely used in the army, in aviation transport and in other areas of human life. Where there is a need for high efficiency, the ability to concentrate for a long time, to think quickly and make a decision.
But no matter how wonderful the drug was, it is still a pharmacological unit, which should be assigned only by a qualified specialist.
The modern market is ready to offer and medicines, developed on the basis of plant components.
Names of tablets from drowsiness
Medicines on a natural basis are quite effective in dealing with the problem discussed in this article. They help the person who receives them feel more cheerful, increase their efficiency. Admission of drugs of this pharmacological group activates the work of the central nervous system. Often, the names of tablets from drowsiness are consonant with the medicinal plant, which formed the basis of the drug. This echinacea is purple, Chinese magnolia vine, rhodiola rosea, dog rose, eleutherococcus, ginseng root.
Tablets are also often prescribed, the basic component of which is taken by royal milk, mummy or propolis - excellent natural stimulants.
You can voice some of them. This is already mentioned above modafinil, as well as can be called pantocrine, longdine and others.
In any case, it should be re-warned that only a qualified doctor should prescribe any medication.
Planned works in this area allowed scientists to create a unique product - longdazine, which, with its adequate reception, allows you to shift, bringing to normal, the biological rhythms of man. Thus, it turns out, to achieve a positive result in the fight against drowsiness at the time when the mind should be clear, and the body vigorous. Its name is not for nothing. Its name can be translated as an "extender of the day".
Doctors believe that this drug will be especially useful for people who travel a lot, which is why they have to periodically change their sentries, and with them, climatic belts. He will come to the rescue and those whose professional activities require shift work, including the night period.
But special attention should be paid to the medicinal product developed and produced on the basis of still not hardened antlers of maral, red deer or spotty deer (only beginning to grow and not yet ossified horns). This drug is called pantocrine.
Thanks to this development of scientists, a positive effect on the digestive tract, receptors of the central nervous and cardiovascular system, increases the level of efficiency, while eliminating the rapid fatigue and the desire to sleep.
Consider another gift of nature. This drug is made on the basis of Chinese magnolia vine. Tincture of Schizandra, prepared from the extraction of seeds of this plant, has an alcohol base. Getting into the patient's body, active ingredients begin to affect the heart rate, activating the bloodstream, which stimulates the brain cells, increasing mental and physical activity. The optic nerve also tones up. All his actions are aimed at removing signs of drowsiness, apathy and fatigue.
Dosing and Administration
When appointing any medicine, the doctor in charge must describe the way of application and the dose of the drug. If such advice is not received, you should follow the recommendations, which are always indicated in any instructions attached to the medicine.
For example, to obtain stable therapeutic effectiveness, a natural biostimulator pantocrine is recommended to be administered to the patient's body 30 to 40 minutes before a meal. The dosage of the drug during the day is one tablet (or a dosage analogue in the form of an alcohol extract), administered two to three times. The duration of treatment is usually two to three weeks.
You can conduct preventive courses for seven to ten days, several times throughout the day.
If the attending physician believes that injections are more effective, the solution of the drugs under consideration is injected into the patient's body under the skin or inside the vein in a daily dosage of 1 to 2 ml. The duration of therapeutic therapy in this case is 20 days. If there is a medical need, the doctor can prescribe two or three courses, withstanding the intervals between them in ten days.
If the drug is selected in the form of drops, the active ingredient enters the patient's body orally, 20-40 drops, which were diluted with a small amount of liquid before use. This form of the drug is most effective in taking half an hour before a meal, or two hours after a meal. The drug is taken two to three times throughout the day. How to prevent insomnia Pantocrine can be taken no later than four hours before the proposed bedtime.
A drug that has a "tonic" effect on the central nervous system - a mododal (modiodal) is recommended to take a daily dosage of two to four tablets. This pharmacological agent is taken in the morning and lunch time. A few hours before bedtime, his input stops.
If a history of the patient has violations affecting the function of the liver, the quantitative component of the drug is reduced and is from 0.1 to 0.2 g per day.
If the reception schedule corresponds to 0.2 g, which are administered one-time in the morning - there are no deviations in the night sleep. If the drug is taken at 0.1 g in the morning and at lunchtime - doctors state an increase in the duration of night sleep. Reception in the evening is unacceptable - this can only aggravate the situation, leading to a sleep disorder.
Biostimulant - tincture of Chinese magnolia vine (Tinctura schizandrae) is taken orally 20 - 25 drops twice - three times during the day. The duration of an effective drug course is from 20 to 25 days.
Use of tablets against drowsiness during pregnancy
Based on the high level and rate of penetration of the drugs in question into all tissues and fluids of the human body, the use of tablets against drowsiness during pregnancy and during lactation is undesirable. After all, a fetus or a newborn baby, along with breast milk, also receives high concentrations of the active ingredients of the injected drug. This fact can adversely affect the health and development of the child. In case of vital necessity, only the attending physician can decide on the use of medicines of the group of medicines under consideration. If the administration of the drug is clinically necessary, it should be administered cautiously, with reduced dosages. At the time of passing the treatment course, it is better to refuse from breastfeeding by transferring the baby to artificial nutrition.
Contraindications to the use of tablets against drowsiness
But no matter how modern and safe the prescription medication is, it still has active biophysical characteristics that can positively affect certain body systems and harm others who have some kind of defectiveness. Therefore, there are contraindications to the use of tablets from drowsiness.
To such prohibitions doctors include a number of changes in the patient's body:
- In case of individual intolerance of one or more components present in the formulation.
- Increased tendency to allergic reactions.
- Severe form of atherosclerosis.
- Acute stage of nephritis.
- Chronic condition, represented by high blood pressure.
- Presence of symptoms of diarrhea.
- Dysfunction of the heart, which is chronic. Including violations of organic nature, angina and others.
- Hypercoagulation - hanging blood clotting.
- Presence of a malignant neoplasm in the patient's anamnesis.
- Such drugs should preferably not be used in treatment protocols for children who have not yet reached the age of ten.
- With special care, it is necessary to administer to pregnant women or to those who are fed the newborn with breast milk.
Side effects of tablets from drowsiness
Predominantly pharmacological agents that effectively solve the problem under consideration are well perceived by the human body. But in a number of cases, you can still observe the side effects of tablets from drowsiness, which are manifested by a certain symptomatology. It can be:
- Allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug, expressed:
- Each itching.
- Rashes.
- Hyperemia of the epidermis.
- And other manifestations of allergies.
- In rare cases, pain in the head region is noted.
- Blood pressure may increase.
In case of taking a large dose of the drugs under consideration, an overdose is possible. If this happens (for any reason), it is possible to observe such symptoms:
- Headache.
- Allergic manifestations.
- Signs of diarrhea.
- Overexcitation of nerve receptors.
If you have one or more symptoms, you should definitely notify your doctor who will either cancel the drug, appoint another analog if necessary, or perform symptomatic treatment.
Interactions with other drugs
In order to prevent unwanted reactions of the body, manifestations of complications, or unregulated enhancement or inhibition of pharmacological actions of medicinal products included in the protocol of treatment, a specialist should represent the pharmacodynamics of the drug administered and the result of its interaction with other drugs.
Preparations of this group should not be prescribed together with medicines containing calcium salts. It is not recommended their tandem entry with drugs, the reception of which leads to an increase in the coagulability of blood.
Biostimulants enhance the action of pyracetam, as well as other drugs belonging to the group of nootropic drugs.
It is not necessary to introduce biostimulants and drugs that activate the intestinal activity and contractile activity of smooth muscle fibers of the small and large intestine (for example, with domperidone) in one therapeutic protocol.
Do not take alcoholic beverages against the background of therapy with biostimulants. Do not allow their joint input and with anticoagulants.
It is also necessary to warn the category of people who are engaged in sports professionally. When passing the doping test, taking these medications can give a positive result of doping control.
Storage conditions
To ensure that the medicinal product does not lose its therapeutic effectiveness during the allowed shelf life, it is necessary to fulfill its storage conditions, which are simple, few, and stipulated in the instructions accompanying the drug.
- The storage of the preparations should be protected from direct sunlight.
- The room must be dry.
- Do not allow access for children.
- The temperature at which the medicine is stored should not be above 25 ° C.
Shelf life
The period of effective use of this group of drugs is somewhat different and ranges from two years (24 months) to three years (36 months). At the same time, the date of issue and the deadline for implementation are mandatory on the packaging. If the expiration date of the medicinal product has expired, further use of the drug is not recommended.
If you are overtaken by apathy, you feel an increased fatigue and constantly tends to sleep, you should not ignore this symptomatology. Consultation with a qualified doctor "will put all the points above i". Perhaps it is enough to just take a vacation and go on nature, but the main thing in such a situation is not to miss the development of a more serious pathological disease, the symptoms of which are these manifestations. Do not engage in self-medication, appointing self-tablets from drowsiness - this should only be done by a doctor. Otherwise, instead of facilitating, the situation can become aggravated with the appearance of a number of complications, the elimination of which will take many more forces, time and money.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Tablets from drowsiness" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.