Why there is drowsiness, intolerance to smells, constipation, nausea during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Despite the fact that pregnancy is a physiological, that is, normal, condition of a woman, her offensive introduces certain disruptions into the body. Sometimes these failures can be so significant that they begin to border on the disease.
Drowsiness during pregnancy
You already know that this is one of the signs of pregnancy. Almost all pregnant women note that with its onset, the desire to sleep increases many times. This is due to an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone, whose task is to maintain pregnancy, including this "soothing" way. This is the "hint" of the body that the life that has arisen inside you must be protected. And for this you need to run and jump less, and more rest alone with nature and yourself. Increase the night's sleep - before going to bed, and in the afternoon try to carve out half an hour-hour for a day's rest.
Intolerance to smells and irritability
Pregnant women often become very susceptible to some smells, are annoyed at the slightest occasion, even an inoffensive joke told to them can cause a storm of anger or, on the contrary, a bitter resentment and a "waterfall" of tears. All this is connected both with hormonal changes in the body, and with a change in the water composition of the brain. We have already said that the brain of a pregnant woman "withers" by 10-40%, which leads to memory and emotional disorders.
Constipation during pregnancy
More than half of women complain of constipation during pregnancy, and some continue to experience difficulty in bowel movements after childbirth. There are several reasons for constipation. The first reason is hormonal restructuring in the body. Hormones that provide pregnancy, weaken the peristalsis (movement) of the intestine. In fact, they are designed to reduce, or rather completely eliminate, uterine contractions, and at the same time weaken the intestinal peristalsis. The second reason is changes in the water balance. The organism of the pregnant woman tries to retain water, so the absorption of water from the large intestine goes much more intensively and the fecal masses become much drier than usual. The third reason is that the growing uterus squeezes not only the bladder but also the intestines, contributing to constipation. The fourth reason is the violation of the emotional sphere. This is due to the fact that the work of the intestine is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which begins to suffer when the activity of the central nervous system is disrupted. And the last, the fifth reason - the cracks of the anus. Cracks occur with constipation. With subsequent acts of bowel movement, the anus area becomes very painful, bloody cracks can appear. This leads to the fact that a woman, instinctively afraid of pain, "postpones" visiting the toilet for later, when it will be impossible to endure, thereby creating conditions for aggravation of constipation.
If the intestines are not emptied for a long time, stool masses stagnate, begin to decay. Toxic products, among which the most dangerous are indole and skatole, begin to be absorbed into the blood, worsening the state of health. The pregnant woman appears or worsens nausea, vomiting, headache. In addition, overflow of the intestine leads to painful sensations in the abdomen.
How to deal with constipation? First, you need to try to calm down to relieve the tension of the autonomic nervous system; secondly, change the diet. In the diet, you need to enter more foods that contain fiber. It swells in the intestines and sweeps out all its contents with a broom as the stool becomes softer. Fiber is found in beets, carrots, radishes, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin. In addition to vegetables, the diet should also include fruits: apricots, peaches, bananas, plums, which also contain fiber. To normalize the intestinal microflora in the diet should be introduced dairy products: yoghurts, kefir, acidophilus milk. Normalization of the intestinal microflora will lead to the disappearance of putrefactive bacteria from it, which to some extent helps to remove constipation.
Mandatory for pregnant women is the consumption of dried fruits. They contain a lot of potassium, which is necessary to reduce the smooth muscles of the intestine.
If all these "dietary" measures do not help, then you need to try alternative laxatives. You should start with vegetable oil. One or two tablespoons should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Some people are helped by a large amount of prunes eaten. And someone has enough to drink a glass of water in the morning with honey or without it.
If these measures did not lead to "relief", then you need to see a doctor. It is impossible to take laxatives on your own! I hope you still remember that the intestinal peristalsis and uterine contractions are related. If the intestine begins to intensively peristaltic, then you may have a threat of pregnancy failure, as the uterus will begin to shrink after the intestine.
Varicose veins and pregnancy
Very often during pregnancy, women begin to have problems with their veins on their legs. Varicose veins, in general, is a genetically predisposed disease. If your mother has varicose veins, then most likely the same problem will appear with you. But, despite this, it is possible and necessary to fight it.
The mechanism of its occurrence is that the pregnant uterus squeezes large veins in the abdominal cavity and blood stagnation occurs in the underlying parts of the body, that is, in the legs. This leads to the fact that the valves located in the veins of the lower extremities (they are not present in other veins) cease to hold blood and the veins expand even more, which leads to stagnation of blood and increased thrombus formation.
How to deal with varicose veins? First of all, every effort must be made to prevent it. Refuse wearing a stocking, squeezing the leg in the upper thigh, golf, various garters and all that worsen the outflow of blood from the legs. After a long walk and especially after a long standing, you need to lie on your back across the bed with your feet to the wall and lean your feet on it, raised up. Blood will flow from your feet, and you will immediately feel relieved. After this, you need to take a warm bath with the subsequent pouring of feet with cold water (contrast baths).
If there is already varicose veins, then you need to buy special elastic stockings or elastic bandages and put on (or bandage) them while lying in bed without lifting. Only then you can get up and start doing homework or production activities. Stockings or bandages in this case will to some extent replace the lost venous valves.
Bleeding and itching during pregnancy
In some women, whites are already in childhood, others they appear at the time of puberty. Belyam called increased discharge from the uterus and the vagina. In norm they are insignificant. Usually they are colorless, glassy, rarely white. With whites, the secretions become white-yellow, sticky, dense, and sometimes flaky and clumpy.
During pregnancy, discharge increases, as the pelvis of a pregnant woman is full of blood, and excessively blood-filled tissue lets in more of the body's secrets. The causes of leucorrhoea are different. Most often this is an abnormal position of the uterus, general weakness, anemia, constipation.
Every woman who has leucorrhoea needs to consult a doctor as soon as possible, because in some cases, leucorrhea is caused by a venereal disease - gonorrhea. And the sooner you start treatment, the faster and more likely you can be cured. But the whites, caused by other causes, must be treated, since they exhaust the woman, and generally unpleasant.
During pregnancy, you can not do syringing, which in some cases is a method of treatment with whites. Douching can stimulate uterine contractions and, therefore, lead to pregnancy disruption or at least contribute to infection.
To fight against whites, it is enough to take sedentary baths every day or even twice a day, or just wash yourself with soap and water or a decoction of chamomile. If leucorrhea is very abundant and corrodes the skin, it is recommended to wear a sanitary napkin and change it more often.
Strengthening of whites causes, in addition to other unpleasant sensations, also itching. Sometimes he is very painful and even painful. Itching in the external genitalia can also be tested without leucorrhoea, simply because these organs are full of blood. In both cases, it is enough to take a sit-down bath or just to wash yourself. Wash with clean hands or a washcloth, which is intended only for these purposes. It should be often boiled, and after each washing, pierce and dry. In addition to soap and decoction of chamomile, you can wash yourself with decoction of oak bark. If the itching is especially painful, you should consult your doctor.
Cramps in the calf muscles
Cramps in the muscles occur with a lack of calcium in the body. During pregnancy, calcium from the pregnant woman's blood is expended intensively to build the skeleton of the unborn child. Most often, cramps "grasp" the calf muscles, and at night more often than in the day. This is due to the fact that during the day the blood circulation is much more intense than at night, and even in conditions of insufficient calcium in the blood, its flow to the muscles is maintained at the minimum acceptable level. And at night, when the blood flows more slowly, much less calcium enters the muscles and convulsions occur.
If you feel that the gastrocnemius muscle is constricted by a cramp, quickly grasp the fingers of the foot and pull it strongly toward yourself (especially the thumb). Thus, you stretch the gastrocnemius muscle, not allowing it to contract.
Prevent the appearance of seizures can be by eating foods rich in calcium - cheese, cottage cheese, milk.
Heartburn during pregnancy
Very often a pregnant woman has heartburn. Ordinary activities - drinking water, taking soda or magnesium oxide are either ineffective or do not help at all.
Heartburn during pregnancy is due to the fact that the pressure of the uterus on the stomach increases (especially when lying down) and leads to the transfer of acidic gastric contents into the esophagus.
That the heartburn did not excruciate, it is necessary to accept such position of a body that the uterus less pressed on a stomach. You need to eat small portions, often and do not overeat. It is especially harmful to eat up at night.