Sleepiness during early and late pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pregnancy is a great time, but sometimes it is overshadowed by minor troubles that significantly complicate life, and bring discomfort. Among these phenomena can be attributed to drowsiness during pregnancy. This is a condition in which a woman can not wake up in the morning, and when she wakes up, she feels broken, depressed, and not completely asleep.
At first glance, little things. But along with this, the concentration of attention is significantly reduced, there is a retardation. I want to sleep all the time, sometimes there is a feeling that now "turn off", "drop out of reality." With such a state is very difficult to cope, it happens, as if by will, uncontrollably.
It is very difficult at this time have working women. In the early stages, you can still fight this condition with another cup of coffee or strong tea. But in the late term, when coffee is no longer possible, it is very difficult. The dream turns into the main goal, and the main desire. Waking up in the morning, you think about when it will be time to go back to sleep again. But the problem is that even if you sleep during the day, this condition does not just go away, but it only gets worse, and even there is a headache, a heaviness in the heart, shortness of breath. There is only one thing - to take oneself in hand, and not to be sleepy consciously. Or sleep on a schedule. In fact, no matter how hard it was, there are ways to cope with this condition. But about everything in order.
According to statistics, during pregnancy, every second woman experiences increased drowsiness. In 63% of cases, this occurs against a background of lowering blood pressure. In 2% of people there is a decrease in temperature, in 50% the pulse slows down. All this is a consequence of the adaptive processes taking place in the body.
Approximately 54% of women associate this state with the cancellation of coffee, strong tea. Also, 15% of cases believe that such a condition arises due to the lack of sweet, sugar, as many have noted an excessive desire to eat sweets. Approximately 15% note that this condition may be due to lack of oxygen, insufficient exposure to fresh air, and about 19% believe that drowsiness is facilitated by an insufficient level of physical activity.
Also of interest is the fact that approximately 89% of women notice that the more time you sleep, the more you want to sleep, and the more sleepy. All these women agree that it is necessary to struggle with drowsiness. It is necessary to look for another way out, because succumbing to sleepiness, the state only worsens. The remaining 10% say that you need to sleep as much as you want, the more, the better, and 2% find it difficult to answer.
As shown by midwifery practice, all 100% of women who struggled with drowsiness and led an active lifestyle, within a few months overcame this condition, and their births were natural, much more successful than those women who slept a lot, and led a passive lifestyle. They had a low contractile activity of the uterus, a weak labor activity.
Approximately 67% required additional drug stimulation, and among such women, the cases when it was required to apply cesarean section predominated. Children in women who have had an active lifestyle are more viable about 6-8 points on the Apgar scale. Whereas in women who succumbed to drowsiness in children there were indices from 3 to 7 points on the Apgar scale.
Causes of the drowsiness during pregnancy
The cause of drowsiness is that during pregnancy the body experiences stress, and is in the stage of adaptation. It functions not only for itself, but for two organisms. There is a reorganization of organs, systems, changes in the first place, the circulatory system. If earlier most of the blood was used to provide nutrients to the lungs, the brain, now the accents have shifted, and the reproductive organs, pelvic organs, fetus organs became of paramount importance. There is a reorganization of the bone and muscle systems, a placenta appears, which also requires nutrients and oxygen. There were by-products of metabolism, which must be eliminated from the body. And these products become more, since not one organism functions, but two.
Also during this period there is a decrease in immunity in women, as fertilization and introduction of the egg into the mucous membrane of the uterus is impossible, if the woman's immunity is at a high level. This is due to the fact that a fertilized egg, and the fetus itself is considered as alien to the body, and if the immune system is not understated, it will send all the forces to destroy the alien agent.
Another reason why drowsiness may develop is hormonal changes in the body. There are new hormones (progesterone - a hormone of pregnancy), the ratio of hormones also changes, the amount of estrogens decreases. This all can also lead to a change in the habitual state, drowsiness. There is inhibition of the nervous system, receptors become less susceptible, inhibition develops in the brain (a so-called pregnancy gestalt develops), which reduces the activity of a woman, balances and harmonizes it, providing protection against excessive physical and mental stress.
Also, the cause of drowsiness is a banal lack of oxygen and nutrients, since most of their share goes to the provision of vital functions of the fetus. Sometimes these are psychological reasons, but this is often observed with an unwanted pregnancy, or a woman's subconscious fear of the coming birth, the birth of an infant.
Risk factors
The risk group includes people with reduced physical activity, lack of oxygen. Often this is observed in the winter, when the street is dark, cold, the weather disposes to drowsiness and rest. Also, women with anemia, lack of oxygen, congenital hypoxia, unnecessarily nervous, overexcited by nature are at risk. Women with malnutrition, low in protein, vitamins in food are at risk.
Women with a small gap between the two pregnancies are at risk, and also with low body weight. If before pregnancy there was a tendency to hypotension, arrhythmias, decreased vitality, headaches. Drowsiness can be experienced by women who are not working, leading a passive lifestyle, often subject to frequent apathy and depression. Often this condition occurs in vegetarians, women who have abused diets, as well as those who are used to drinking coffee regularly (especially if it is canceled).
At the heart of pathogenesis is primarily the adaptation of the circulatory system to new conditions, in which the provision of blood and oxygen is required not only the body of a woman, but also the fetus. This is accompanied by a lack of oxygen, a violation of the removal of toxins and metabolites out. It is worth noting that all this occurs against the background of reducing the body's defenses, reducing the mechanisms of immune defense, hormonal adjustment.
Symptoms of the drowsiness during pregnancy
The state of drowsiness is difficult to not know. There is lethargy, a desire to sleep, sleep. It seems that you just did not get enough sleep today. There is laziness, or simply the inability to wake up in the morning. You seem to fall into a dream. Everything around starts annoying, nothing you want to do. There is only one desire - to throw everything and go to sleep. Then you decide to sleep in the morning for an hour more, then another hour. And so, you do not notice how you sleep more and more, if nobody and nothing lift you up. However, waking up, you will not feel cheerful and light, slept. The condition will only get worse: heavy, like cotton feet and hands, swollen face, sluggish body. Severe eyelids close and it seems that you are about to fall asleep again.
Sometimes there are times when you seem to be falling through. It seems that you were just sitting, doing your own business, working, or reading a book, and suddenly you realize that at that time you were simply out. Not that they slept, or thought about it. But you do not even remember what you just read or wrote about. It also often seems that you are feeling quite well, but then you seem to shudder, as if woke up. Such a feeling happens in a dream, when you just start to fall asleep.
If you feel that you want to sleep in the morning, your eyes are tired, your eyelids are heavy, closed - this may be the first sign that your pathological drowsiness develops. If your attention has significantly decreased, you are very lazy - it is worth paying attention to it.
Drowsiness in early pregnancy
There is fertilization, movement of the egg through the fallopian tubes, its exit into the uterine cavity, attachment and implantation to the walls. All this is energy-consuming. The basic blood, nutrients, oxygen, are directed on maintenance of these processes.
Then there are processes associated with the division of the egg. There is a zygote, blastula. These elements grow very fast, develop, and their differentiation takes place. It is in the early stages of the laying of the main organs, the formation of systems, they are differentiated by function. All this requires oxygen, nutrients. Concentration occurs precisely in these processes, as a result of which the woman's brain lacks oxygen, and nutrients. This entails the predominance of inhibition processes over the processes of excitation in the brain, which results in a drowsy state. Also, hormones play a role in this, the action of which is aimed at ensuring the processes of inhibition.
Drowsiness during pregnancy in late periods
At a later date, there is intensive growth and development of the fetus. A growing organism requires a large number of nutrient components, oxygen. Due to intensive metabolic processes, changes in blood circulation, there is a sharp change in the first place, in the circulatory system of a woman. The pressure drops sharply, hypotension develops, which can cause a slow reaction, drowsiness.
Also begins to develop a hormone - progesterone, a side effect which is also drowsiness. There is an adaptation of the hormonal system, the ratio, the concentration of hormones changes dramatically. This can be stress for the body, there is an adaptation, which is also accompanied by drowsiness.
It should be noted that quite often there is a synthesis of certain tissue mediators, enzymes, for example, histamine, which cause drowsiness in the body. At this stage, edema often develops, as the load on the body increases, sensitization of the body increases. This can also be accompanied by drowsiness.
Weakness, fatigue, lethargy and drowsiness in pregnancy
This all can accompany normal adaptive processes in the body, in which the body adapts to the new conditions of functioning, rebuilds its activities to ensure and vital activity and development of not only the woman's body, but also the fetus.
But sometimes this can be a sign of pathological processes: for example, a biochemical cycle. Exchange processes, the violation of the synthesis and metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, excess glucose, lack of vitamins and minerals, impaired blood circulation and cardiac activity, too low pressure, hypersensitivity and sensitization of the body, excessive histamine production, stress on the kidneys, edema, and other pathologies . Be sure to consult a doctor about this.
Constant drowsiness during pregnancy
Drowsiness is almost impossible to avoid, because this is a natural reaction to changes occurring in the body. But, how quickly the body can adapt, largely depends on the woman: her behavior, way of life, and even thinking. With drowsiness you can fight, and many women successfully overcome this condition.
Severe drowsiness during pregnancy
First, you need to consult a doctor to know exactly whether the adaptation of the organism is difficult, or it is the result of some pathological processes. If pathology is possible, you will need treatment, after which it will become easier for you. But if this is a consequence of adaptation processes - you will have to work hard to overcome the state of drowsiness.
When does drowsiness occur during pregnancy?
Can pass for several weeks, months, or may not pass at all. Most women note drowsiness in the first trimester, by the end of which the condition is normalized. But if you too much succumb to your drowsy state, you can start it, and then it can last long enough, and sometimes even the entire pregnancy.
Complications and consequences
There is a decrease in activity, a decrease in muscle tone, braking processes in the brain begin to predominate on excitement. This manifests itself in the form of reduced mechanisms of thinking, memory, and attention violation. Also, the possibility of building logical-intuitive chains is disrupted. Reduced muscle tone, activity, strength. The same applies to the uterine tone. If it is too low, miscarriage or premature birth may occur. It also has a negative effect directly during childbirth: decreased muscle tone, inadequate activity and contractility of the uterus, protracted and problematic births, which often require drug support, help, and surgical intervention.
It is also worth noting that children are often born weakened, experience hypoxia, they develop hypoxic brain damage, or post-hypoxic disorders are noted. Often there are disorders from the nervous system, reduced sensitivity, and weakness of the newborn's reflexes, a weak sucking reflex. The immune system of such children is disrupted.
Diagnostics of the drowsiness during pregnancy
To determine the condition, it is necessary to establish whether drowsiness is a sign of pathological processes taking place in the body, or is a consequence of the organism's adaptation to new conditions of functioning. To do this, you must tell your doctor, and also determine how often, at what time you experience drowsiness, under what circumstances it increases, under what conditions it decreases. It is worth telling the doctor about the usual regime of the day, about your feelings, accompanying pathologies. All this can have an important diagnostic value, even, at first glance, inessential details.
After the information is collected, the doctor conducts a routine examination, weighs, measures the pulse, pressure, body temperature, abdominal size, and listens to the child's heartbeat. Then, a general examination for pathology can be carried out: classical methods of investigation, such as palpation, percussion, auscultation, are used. During palpation the doctor probes possible lesions, assesses the degree of hyperemia, swelling of tissues, local temperature. It is very important to assess the degree of swelling: edema on the legs, hands, swelling of the face. When auscultation, the doctor listens for breathing, palpitations. With percussion, you can also identify multiple lesions, for example, foci of inflammation, swelling, and seals. It is important to tap the kidney area well, as there can be edemas, including internal ones, which can cause drowsiness. Kidneys during pregnancy suffer in the first place, because they are sharply increased load.
If necessary, laboratory and instrumental methods of investigation may be prescribed, which depend on whether any pathology has been detected.
The most commonly prescribed clinical tests: blood, urine, feces. They allow us to assess the overall orientation of the processes occurring in the body. When analyzing urine, first of all pay attention to the presence in the urine of protein or sugar, which is a negative sign, and may indicate the development of violations of normal functioning of the kidneys.
Important clinical markers can also be found in clinical blood analysis. They can directly or indirectly indicate an inflammatory, infectious, or allergic process. You can also roughly guess which system of organs is the main pathological process, what is its severity.
For example, with excessive intoxication and increased sensitization of the body, a blood test shows a high content of eosinophils and an elevated level of histamine, one can assume an allergic process. To clarify the data, allergens are prescribed, the analysis for the content of the total and specific immunoglobulin E, on the level of histamine. A detailed immunogram may be required that will display the current state of the immune system.
Obligatory is the biochemical analysis of blood, according to which it is possible to judge the presence of metabolic disorders in the body, including. For example, biochemical analysis can show a disruption of carbohydrate metabolism, protein deficiency, excess, or lack of adipose tissue.
If there is a suspicion of an infectious disease, virological studies are appointed, as well as bacteriological culture, which will allow to differentiate the viral disease from bacterial or fungal infection. Blood is also examined by microscopy, bacteriological inoculation, serological or virological studies. With a disease of unclear etiology, it is advisable to conduct a study on hidden infections, parasitic diseases.
Also, if necessary, an analysis for hormones can be prescribed. There are many types of tests for hormones, depending on which of the glands is suspected of a disorder. For example, with excessive amounts of glucose in the blood, there may be a need to investigate the function of the pancreas, and the adrenal glands, respectively, are assigned to the analysis of the hormones synthesized by these glands. If there is a suspicion of a violation of the activity of the thyroid gland, they give an analysis for TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), tyrosine. Violation of the structural or functional state of the thyroid gland can lead to drowsiness.
Analyzes may be required for the hormones of the epiphysis, the pituitary gland, as a violation of the function of these organs entails a failure of the entire endocrine system, a violation of the functions of all organs and systems. Also, these glands exert a significant influence on the regulation of biorhythms in the body, including the regulation of the "sleep-wake" cycle, as a result of which the ratio of these cycles is violated toward an increase in the need for sleep.
Instrumental diagnostics
Instrumental diagnostics is appointed after a preliminary examination and interview of the patient, when the doctor already has a presumptive diagnosis, or the alleged cause of the pathology. The main method of research in pregnancy is ultrasound, because it is the safest method that allows to investigate the anatomical and functional features of the woman's body, and makes it possible to identify the features of the fetus's development: its structural, functional features, possible defects, abnormalities, genetic abnormalities. In addition, this method is non-invasive and as safe as possible. An external ultrasound (through the abdominal wall) and transvaginal can be performed, which is performed using a special transvaginal sensor.
Another method of investigation is Doppler ultrasound, which allows one to evaluate the characteristics of blood flow. To assess the formation of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems of the fetus, the filling of blood vessels with blood vessels.
Instrumental methods are also carried out if there is a suspicion of the pathology of any other organs. So, if you suspect a GI disease, you may need a gastroscopy, a radiography, an ultrasound, a colonoscopy. If there is a suspicion of respiratory system diseases, a thorough investigation using spirogram, x-ray, functional tests is used. In heart and circulatory system diseases, an electrocardiogram, ultrasound of the heart and other studies may be required.
Radiographic methods of research are used in extreme cases, since the risk of exposure to the fetus is high, which negatively affects its development. Applicable in the event that there is no alternative. Although this happens very rarely. If you still can not avoid X-rays, spend it with the use of special protective aprons, which protect the stomach. They allow to minimize irradiation. The same applies to computer, magnetic resonance imaging: it allows to assess the state of the bone system and soft tissues, to identify possible pathologies at the earliest stages of their formation. But these procedures are at risk for mother and child.
Differential diagnosis
First of all, it is necessary to determine, because of what has developed, and what is drowsiness: is it a pathological phenomenon, or an adaptation process? Then, depending on this, appropriate measures are taken.
If drowsiness is a consequence of the development of the pathological process, then in the future it is necessary to differentiate between diseases that can cause such changes. Instrumental methods are used primarily, consultations of other specialists may be required. It is also necessary to determine the exact cause of drowsiness. This can help observation in the dynamics, as well as a questioning of the patient. It may be necessary to diagnose cerebral activity, for example, an encephalogram, a somnography.
Treatment of the drowsiness during pregnancy
On how to deal with drowsiness during pregnancy, read here.
At the heart of prevention lies in the first place, timely diagnosis. It is important to identify pathology, if it exists, at an early stage of its formation and take the necessary measures. This will prevent the progression of the disease. If there is no pathology, and the adaptation processes are too difficult, also help is needed (for example, a special adaptation program, a treatment regimen).
It is necessary to avoid excessive exposure to sunlight, apply less cosmetics, observe the regime of the day, nutrition. A good prevention is massage. It is necessary to exercise, eat right. Clothes should be natural, should not irritate the skin and cause excessive compression and squeezing of the skin. You need to consume enough vitamin.