How to deal with drowsiness during pregnancy?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The main way to combat drowsiness during pregnancy is to observe the regime of the day. You need to train yourself to get up at the same time, and go to bed too at the same time. There are several rules for healthy sleep.
- The first rule is that you must go to bed before 23:00, and even better until 22:00, so that at 23:00 it's time to sleep. This time corresponds to biological rhythms, when the rest of the main systems take place, the body restores. It is at this time that you can get the most sleep, and this will be the most useful sleep for the body, as deep as possible.
- The second rule. Wake up ideally at dawn. It is usually recommended to get up at 5-00 (in the morning), take water procedures, practice yourself, enjoy your favorite pastime or sunrise. If you can not get up so early, you can get up later. But the main thing is not later than 8-00, maximum 9-00. If you wake up later, you'll feel tired and broken all day, want to sleep. But in any case, it's worth trying to get up at 5:00 in the morning, at least 5 days in a row. At first it will be hard, but then the body will get used, and you will certainly like it. All who get up at this time notes that the main thing is to overcome yourself, and continue to get up at the same time every day, even if it is given at first is difficult. The fact is that this is the optimal time for recovery. The organism at this time wakes up, the most actively functions. Nature also helps to make everything around wake up. This time corresponds to the natural biological rhythms of the human body.
- The third rule. It is necessary to get up on the first bell of the alarm clock, without rearranging it and not succumbing to laziness and the desire to sleep. If you decided to get up at 5-00 in the evening, then set the alarm for this time, and go up the first bell, as if you did not want to sleep again. Better think well from the evening. Are you really ready to get up at such a time. If you understand that you can not wake up, it's better to set the alarm at a later time. Otherwise, interrupted sleep can play a cruel joke with you: it creates an additional strain on the heart, and regular interrupted sleep can lead to serious consequences. There are cases when the violation of the regime ended even with a heart attack or stroke.
- Rule four. How would you not like to sleep during the day - do not be sleepy, and do not go to bed. Wait until 22-00, or until 23-00, and only then go to sleep. At first it will be difficult to cope, but if you follow this regime, you will soon return to normal.
- The fifth rule. Observe the daily routine. Set yourself an approximate time when you will eat, when you will walk, rest, work, and strictly follow this schedule on a daily basis. Set yourself a reminder, or write a schedule on the sheet, put in a frame and observe daily.
There are even medications that will help you to adapt more easily, and cope with drowsiness. First of all, these are the means regulating biological (circadian) rhythms, as well as normalizing the hormonal background, the state of the nervous system, and contributing to the regulation of the overall endurance of the organism, the degree of its adaptation to changes occurring in the body.
These drugs should be used only after a preliminary consultation with a doctor, because you need to consider different aspects, individual characteristics of the body, the features of the pregnancy, lifestyle. Consultation with a doctor is the main precaution, which helps to avoid many complications and side effects. With improper intake of medications, a number of complications are possible, including premature birth, miscarriage, and various pathologies of pregnancy.
Glycine is recommended to take on a tablet (50 mg) 4-5 times a day. The drug is relatively harmless. Normalizes biological rhythms, removes drowsiness, and also calms and normalizes the emotional background. Activates the work of the brain. It is an essential amino acid that is part of the human body. Lack of this amino acid can lead to disorders of the "sleep-wake" cycle, can cause increased drowsiness, and can also cause nervous disorders, memory loss, attention.
Neurovitan is a drug that regulates the activity of the nervous system, and the brain. It should be noted that this drug normalizes metabolic processes in the brain and spinal cord, in the nervous system. Take the pill twice a day.
Suprastin is prescribed in the event that drowsiness occurs as a result of severe puffiness, an elevated level of histamine in the blood, against a background of increased sensitization. Take the pill 1-2 times a day. It should be taken into account that the drug is also accompanied by drowsiness as a result of its effect, so you can strongly want to sleep about 30-40 minutes after taking the drug. Therefore, you can go to sleep for a short while, if you can not overcome drowsiness in other ways.
Also, with increased sleepiness, you can appoint loratodine, which is an antihistamine means of prolonged action, aimed at removing increased sensitization and lowering the level of histamine in the body. Take the pill once a day.
When drowsiness occurs, it is necessary to take vitamins, because in most cases drowsiness is directly or indirectly associated with a violation of vitamin metabolism and their lack in the body. Drowsiness can be associated primarily with a lack of vitamins A, E, PP. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to take vitamins in the following daily concentrations:
- Vitamin PP - 60 mg
- Vitamin A - 240 mg
- Vitamin E - 45 mg
- Vitamin C - 1000 mg.
Also, you can take special complexes of vitamins intended for pregnant women, for example, pregnavit, vitrum and others. Pregnant women need not only vitamins, but also mineral substances, including sulfur, iron, copper, and others. Often pregnant women lack routine, which causes increased bleeding gums, blood from the nose, bleeding of the mucous membranes. Therefore, you need to take ascorutin, which is a mixture of ascorbic acid, rutin and glucose.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Mostly during pregnancy, physiotherapy is not applied. However, there are some remedies that are approved for use even during pregnancy. The main methods of physiotherapy are ultrasound, microcurrents, waves of different lengths. Electrophoresis is used, with the help of which drugs are injected directly into the tissue. Sometimes this is the only safe method of treatment during pregnancy. It also allows the introduction of certain vitamins, mineral complexes. The depth of their penetration is regulated by a microcurrent. But such procedures as massage chairs, beds, hydromassage, Charcot's shower, cryotherapy, thermal procedures, pilling, laser therapy are strictly contraindicated.
Alternative treatment
- Recipe number 1. Cravings, hardening
It is recommended daily, after you wake up, to wash your neck, neck, hands (up to the shoulder girdle) with cold water. It is also recommended to wash in cold water. Then rub your face with ice cubes. This will allow you to quickly give vivacity, a feeling of freshness. You can also use decoctions of herbs instead of water.
- Recipe number 2. Morning exercises
After you have washed, you need to begin to perform the mandatory complex of morning exercises for pregnant women. Well-proven complexes of exercises taken from the Qigong system, Chinese health practices, hatha yoga, Slavic gymnastics Zhiva. It should be noted that these complexes are maximally adapted to the physiological characteristics and specific needs of a pregnant woman, they can prevent and prevent possible violations and abnormalities, normalize the overall emotional and biochemical background. This significantly improves well-being, mood, harmonizes, stabilizes the condition. Complexes for pregnant women in various variations are widely represented on the Internet. They are recorded in the form of various video games, video complexes.
It is recommended to include in the morning training several exercises and complexes for warm-up, stretching, awakening the body. It can be a complex of "Qigong", a complex of hatha yoga "Salutation to the sun", or "Surya-Namaskar", complex "Element", women's gymnastics "alive", other mobile complexes. Then go to the main part - the exercises on the basic muscle groups, such as squats, strap, push-ups. After this part, we turn to the mandatory performance of respiratory practices, since without the correct delivered breath, pregnancy can not proceed as smoothly as one would like. In this regard, a complex of breathing exercises "pranayama" from hatha yoga, represented by various complexes of both dynamic and static exercises, is well suited.
- Recipe number 3. Mandatory relaxation.
Complete the morning workout is recommended by a meditative complex aimed at relaxing the body. These can be different types of meditation, relaxation practices. A well-known exercise "Bon", in which a person sits in a lotus position, or any other available position for him, concentrates on his breathing, his feelings. At the same time, the eyes are closed, you also need to try to disconnect from all thoughts, and focus only on your own sensations, breathing, relaxation of all muscles.
Also it is worth trying such an exercise as Shavasana, in which the person lies in a posture on the back, the arms and legs are relaxed, the entire body should also be as relaxed as possible. It is necessary to eliminate all thoughts, and concentrate all attention solely on one's own sensations, breathing.
Herbal Treatment
Most drugs are not prescribed during pregnancy. But still there are herbs that can be taken in small amounts and during pregnancy too.
For example, mint can be taken in the form of a decoction with severe drowsiness. It normalizes the neuropsychic state, normalizes circadian rhythms. Also helps to eliminate nausea, a feeling of heaviness, pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Take on the basis of a tablespoon of mint on a glass of boiling water.
If you have increased drowsiness, and your head hurts, you can use a decoction of Echinacea. In addition, it increases immunity, has antiviral properties, provides reliable prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases.
The broth of chamomile not only gives strength, relieves drowsiness, but also eliminates various inflammatory diseases. To prepare the broth requires a tablespoon of a glass of boiling water.
Stevia and nettle removes drowsiness, fills the body with vitamins, minerals, normalizes metabolic processes, immunity, and is a reliable means of preventing catarrhal and viral diseases.
When pregnancy, use herbs and homeopathy is not recommended, because they can cause poisoning, can disrupt the already fragile state of the body. Often they create an additional, unnecessary burden on the body and disrupt the adaptation processes. But that such side effects did not arise, it is necessary to observe the precautionary measures - to take any means only after preliminary consultation with the doctor. .
- Recipe number 1. Broth of dogrose.
Saturates the body with vitamins, especially vitamin C, normalizes homeostasis, the immune system, vitamin and mineral metabolism. 2 tablespoons of wild rose berries pour a glass of boiling water, insist for at least an hour. Drink within a day.
- Recipe number 2. Decoction of marigold.
Removes inflammation, fatigue, drowsiness. Recommended for a glass twice a day. A glass of boiling water requires about a tablespoon of calendula.
- Recipe number 3. Decoction of acacia - is made from the calculation of a teaspoon of flowers for a glass of boiling water. Drink a glass a day.
- Recipe number 4. Tea made from viburnum with honey. Bunch of berries pour a glass of boiling water. They give the opportunity to brew (until it becomes comfortable, warm temperature). Drink like tea, adding honey to taste.