Symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Due to its multifunctionality, the kidneys are susceptible to many diseases. Let's consider more in detail the most frequent diseases - inflammations of kidneys, as well as symptoms of kidney inflammation, as manifestations of pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the bladder.
The functions of the kidneys in the vital activity of the human body are of key importance, since they are all related to blood. Each of a pair of kidneys - weighing about 200 grams, contains about 160 kilometers of blood vessels, by means of which, during the day, approximately 150 liters of blood are filtered or about 50 full cycles of filtration of all human blood. And this is only for a day, using the method of simple mathematical calculations, you can calculate the volume of fluid filtered by the kidneys in a person's entire life. Performing the basic function of the kidneys - cleaning the blood of substances unnecessary to the body and excessive fluid, of course, directly depends on the general state of the kidneys, since the performance of blood filtration is associated with the accumulation of harmful substances and often with large loads on the kidneys. For example, from a hundred liters of fluid, filtered through the kidneys, is converted to urine - one liter. Cleansing the kidneys of blood from harmful, toxic substances, is directly related to the full vital activity of the body and if the kidneys fail, then excess fluid, unnecessary substances will accumulate in the blood, thereby changing its composition and poisoning the body.
As a rule, inflammatory processes that affect the calyx-pelvic system of the kidneys, the renal tubules and further damage to the vessels and glomeruli of the kidneys are due to hypothermia and cold seasonal diseases. Doctors noted an increase in the number of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys during the off-season - spring, autumn, when the human body has not yet managed to adapt to climatic changes in temperature, and is most susceptible to colds. In case of acute respiratory illness, angina, influenza, more than 85% of the microorganisms carrying the disease to the kidneys get into the blood and urine. As practice shows - seven out of ten patients with kidney inflammation are women. Therefore, inflammation of the kidneys is often considered as a complication of typically female diseases, for example, gynecological diseases. Inflammation of the kidneys is possible during the postoperative period, during pregnancy. The most frequent causative agent of inflammation of the kidneys is E. Coli. Enterococci and staphylococcus are less common. Every year, American urologists record more than 2 million cases of inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis. In Ukraine, no one fixes such data, but presumably the figure is several times larger. Such a high incidence rate is explained by the similarity of the symptoms of catarrhal diseases - fever, general malaise, which our fellow citizens treat mostly independently, without referring to specialists or using alternative means. In this case, the pain symptoms do indeed pass until the next exacerbation, leaving in the future the possible development of chronic pyelonephritis.
What are the symptoms of kidney inflammation?
In more detail we will consider the symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis - inflammation of the renal pelvis. The most vulnerable department of the kidneys, urine is filtered through the renal pelvis. Pyelonephritis is of infectious origin. Pyelonephritis is equally susceptible to both adults and children. This is a fairly common pathology of kidney inflammation, the main role in the development of which pathogenic bacteria enter the kidneys through the flow of blood from infectious foci or by penetration from other parts of the urinary system. The main risk factors for pyelonephritis include, first of all, hypothermia, decreased immunity, violation of urine outflow, infectious diseases of the urinary system, decreased blood supply to the kidney tissue, various kidney trauma. Urologists classify pyelonephritis:
- by the nature of the course - on acute and chronic;
- the type of origin distinguishes the primary, the development of which is not accompanied by other diseases and secondary, the development of which occurs against the background of pathologies and various diseases of the urinary system and kidneys;
- the state of the urinary system distinguishes non-obstructive, developing without disturbances of urine outflow from the kidneys and obstructive, developing with violation of urodynamics.
Symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys, namely, pyelonephritis:
- general intoxication against a background of malaise, thirst, weakness, rapid fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting, chills, muscle aches and joint pains, fever, pouring sweat;
- elevated body temperature, high blood pressure;
- pain and tension in the waist and anterior abdominal wall;
- frequent profuse urination, turbidity in the urine.
It should be noted that the symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys are determined by the stage and course of the pathological process. In some cases, pyelonephritis is accompanied by acute symptoms, in other cases, complaints have a weakly expressed character or are generally absent. Acute pyelonephritis is characterized by hematogenous infection, when painful bacteria enter the kidneys with blood. Sometimes infection penetrates into the kidney by ascending from the infectious foci of the urinary system. For the onset of acute pyelonephritis is characterized by a sharp disease with pronounced symptoms - fever, fever, heavy sweats, severe weakness, vomiting, nausea, pain in the abdomen and lower back. Chronic pyelonephritis can be as a consequence of acute pyelonephritis, and arise independently. The bacterial origin of this disease is characterized by alternating periods of remission and exacerbations. Characteristic symptoms of chronic pyelonephritis are pain in the lumbar region, elevated temperature to 38º C, headache, severe weakness, fatigue. During the exacerbation, the clinical picture of the chronic process, in the period of exacerbations, fully corresponds to the symptoms of acute pyelonephritis.
Symptoms of kidney inflammation in children
To the great regret of parents and doctors, the symptoms of kidney inflammation in children are quite common. The rapid development of the disease makes diagnostics impossible in the early stages of development. In most cases, after an ultrasound examination, a specialist can diagnose. What are the initial symptoms of the disease, what do parents need to pay attention to?
First of all, the change in habitual behavior, the child becomes sluggish, apathetic, an absolute lack of interest in things previously interested, there is rapid fatigue, frequent diseases of colds, sore throat. The disease in the stage of active development will report more obvious symptoms - pallor of the skin, puffiness of the lower and upper eyelids, lack of appetite, complaints of headaches and pain in the lumbar region, increased frequency of nighttime urination, changes in color and odor of urine. Diagnosis of kidney inflammation in children is based on the same methods as in adults, with minor characteristics of the general symptoms of the disease that are characteristic of children. When diagnosing kidney inflammation in children, it is important to conduct quantitative studies of urine sediment, the importance of the microbial number. Detection of the above symptoms, signals the need for urgent advice of a specialist. In this case, it is mandatory to conduct detailed blood tests, urine tests, and ultrasound. In order to prevent such cases, parents need careful monitoring and care of the child. Namely, especially carefully it is necessary to monitor the temperature regime of the environment, in order to prevent the slightest supercooling of the child. It is hypothermia that provokes the inflammation of the kidneys in children. Equally important is personal hygiene, which is more important for babies than for adults, due to the susceptibility of the body to infections and the underdevelopment of the immune system. If basic hygiene is not respected, infections can enter the urethra and then into the kidneys of the child. All kinds of parasites, in the form of worms or pinworms, can also provoke the symptoms of kidney inflammation in children. Symptoms of kidney inflammation in children can be determined by parents, it is enough to observe the behavior of the child. If, observing the child, such a symptom is found, urgent consultation of a specialist and further diagnosis of the disease is needed.
Symptoms of kidney inflammation in women
Most often, due to the anatomical structure of the body, experts fix the symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys in women. This fact is explained by the short length of the urethra in women, unlike men, which contributes to faster and unimpeded penetration of the infection into the bladder and kidneys. In addition, the immediate proximity of the vagina, contributes to the rapid spread of infection. Symptoms of kidney inflammation in women are observed 7 times more often than in the male half. As practice shows, young women under the age of 30 become ill with an increased risk of various infections of the genitourinary system, due, for example, to the onset of sexual activity, pregnancy and childbirth. As a complication in pregnancy, due to the increasing burden on the kidneys, there are symptoms of kidney inflammation in women. In adulthood, the symptoms of kidney inflammation in women are more likely to occur as a result of lowering the protective functions of the body, weakening of immunity after colds, flu and ARVI, chronic disease, systematic overwork, stress, beriberi. Symptoms of kidney inflammation in women, as a rule, have characteristic signs - lack of appetite, systematic thirst, dry mouth, fast fatigue, constant headaches and pain in the lumbar region. With the onset of the pathological process, the amount of urine decreases, the stomach swells, diarrhea begins, nausea and vomiting, swelling of the legs and face. The composition of urine changes - the level of lipids increases, protein is contained. Prolonged inflammation of the kidneys is characterized by the appearance of a sensation of tingling and numbness of the skin, a decline in strength, muscle aches and cramps, which is explained by the large loss of potassium and chloride. In exceptional cases, it is possible that dyspnea develops in a calm state. With swelling of the limbs, it is possible to limit normal activity. There is a pallor of the skin, a decrease in body temperature, peeling of the skin, increased brittleness of hair and nails.
In the majority of cases, by the age of 55, 85% of women develop kidney inflammation, and the disease proceeds without significant symptoms. Exacerbation of the disease often occurs during pregnancy, due to compression of the ureters, enlarged uterus and violation of the outflow of urine from the kidneys. It is during pregnancy that an exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis occurs, which previously occurred without obvious symptoms and was not cured in time.
Symptoms of kidney inflammation in men
Features of the anatomical structure of the body, allow early symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys in men. As a rule, frequent painful urination, rezi in the urethra, heaviness in the perineum, difficulty urinating makes you urgently consult a specialist, which actually contributes to the timely treatment of the disease. Very often cases when in adulthood in men with a diagnosis of prostate adenoma, which violates the outflow of urine and provokes the development of inflammation of the kidneys. Symptoms of kidney inflammation in men are characterized by an increase in temperature to 38 ° C, pain symptoms in the lumbar region, in the place of pain localization. By type, the pain can be sharp or aching with acute periodic bouts. Possible sudden attacks of nausea passing into vomiting. Typically, the temperature drops to 35 ° C, accompanied by excessive sweating and fever. With chronic inflammation of the kidneys, the symptoms are usually poorly expressed. The disease proceeds in a latent form, and it can only be diagnosed in the laboratory. The patient feels only the symptoms characteristic of most chronic diseases, namely, general malaise, fatigue, lethargy, a slight systematic increase in body temperature.
Inflammation of the kidneys involves a general painful condition of the whole body, muscles and joints, bones and mucous membranes - pain spreads throughout the body. If we talk about local symptoms - necessarily a manifestation of the tension of the smooth muscle of the abdominal cavity, the appearance of pain symptoms in the lumbar region. The general state of a person is aggravated by an increase in temperature. Well, the last defining symptom is the presence of flakes, a change in the color and smell of urine. The causes of inflammation of the kidneys are many, but the most common is hypothermia of the body. Often inflammation of the kidneys develops on the background of a weakening of immunity.
Symptoms of kidney inflammation in pregnancy
Symptoms of kidney inflammation in pregnancy are characterized by severe chills with a simultaneous increase in body temperature, a headache. The ache in the muscles is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, there is an increase in heart rate and shortness of breath. Increased sweating is accompanied by stabilization of body temperature. In the intervals between chills characteristic flaccid state, adynamia. Pain in the lumbar part corresponds to the side of the disease. Painful sensations increase at night, when the patient lies on the back or side of the opposite organ. Possible pain with a deep breath or cough. Bimanual palpation shows the painful tension of the abdominal muscles. Chronic inflammation of the kidneys is characterized by blunt pain in the lumbar region, which are intensified when walking or with minor physical exertion, headache, and general weakness. It should pay attention to the possibility of asymptomatic inflammation of the kidneys.
When diagnosing, as a rule, conduct a full range of laboratory tests of blood, urine. But there are a number of limitations in the methods of diagnosis. Thus, the use of X-ray methods is contraindicated, therefore, pregnant women are shown ultrasound and endoscopic studies, clinical examination. If we consider the course of pregnancy and childbirth of women with inflammation of the kidneys, we can note the fact of a less pronounced adverse effect on pregnancy in general. With long-term inflammation of the kidneys, miscarriage or premature birth may occur. The main reason for miscarriage is a severe form of gestosis, developing with inflammation of the kidneys. In recent years, acute gestational inflammation of the kidneys is not the determining factor for abortion, if there are no other factors.
What are the symptoms of kidney inflammation most of all?
Symptoms of the disease are fairly pronounced literally during the first day of exacerbation. The most common characteristic manifestation is elevated body temperature, accompanied by fever and headache. Symptoms with inflammation of the kidneys suggest a significant increase in sweating, and regardless of the cold or heat, the sufferer equally experiences uncomfortable sensations. The genitourinary system of the patient functions with obvious impairments - frequent urination accompanied by pain. It is undeniable that painful urination does not need to be tolerated even for one day - this is a sure sign of the disease. The appearance of urine changes from the degree of development of the disease. The color of the urine becomes dark with flakes and a pungent odor. Often, inflammation of the kidneys is accompanied by nausea, resulting in vomiting.
Inflammation of the kidneys involves a general painful condition of the entire body, there is rapid fatigue, attacks of apathy, headaches. As with most diseases, there is a lack of appetite, which in the case of kidney inflammation is a positive thing. Speaking of local symptoms, it is necessary to note the tension of the smooth muscles of the abdominal cavity and lumbar region. Increased body temperature with inflammation of the kidneys significantly worsens the overall condition of the patient. Chronic inflammation of the kidneys has similar symptoms, you can also note the presence of an earthy color of the skin, the appearance of icteric color of the face, sleep disturbance.
After the detection of such symptoms, as a rule, a set of necessary tests follows, allowing to establish the correct diagnosis and begin treatment. With inflammation of the kidneys - qualitative tests and timely diagnosis will help successful treatment of the disease.
Symptoms of inflammation of the right or left kidney
In fact, the symptoms of inflammation of the right or left kidney are similar to those of other diseases, for example, biliary colic, abnormalities of the intestine, attacks of appendicitis. Therefore, diagnosing inflammation of the right or left kidney is difficult even for specialists, not to mention the patient himself. Of the most common symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys, one can note the intensifying pulling pains in the left or right lower abdomen, pain in the lumbar region, hypersensitivity to palpation, an increase in body temperature accompanied by frequent excruciating urination, fever, nausea and vomiting. Very often, pain in the left or right kidney may indicate a disease not directly related to the kidneys. For the purpose of timely diagnosis, in the presence of similar symptoms, a specialist's consultation will help determine the cause of pain in the right kidney.
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