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Suppositories from candidiasis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Suppositories from candidiasis are a number of medications that can cure thrush in a short time. Consider the most effective suppositories from candidiasis, the principle of their action, the main indications and instructions for use.
The action of suppositories is based on the deep penetration of the active substance into the mucous membrane. Thanks to this, the causative agent is destroyed, the inflammation and general symptoms of candidiasis decrease. To date, the pharmaceutical market presents many different antifungal suppositories. Drugs differ in their effectiveness, cost, possible side effects and contraindications. There are candles that are effective in severe forms of candidiasis, and some are used to prevent thrush or enter the therapeutic complex of the disease.
In order to choose a really effective suppository against candidiasis, you need the drug to which the fungus is sensitive. To do this, you need to see a doctor and hand over the smears. According to the result of bacterial inoculation, the doctor determines the resistance, resistance and sensitivity of the fungus to these or other drugs. This is because with chronic thrush or often recurrent, treatment may not bring the desired results, as the fungus acquires resistance to the drug.
- If candidiasis has just appeared or is not too neglected form, then for the treatment you can use the suppository Livarol, Ginezol, Clotrimazole. These drugs quickly and reliably relieve the symptoms of thrush, without causing allergic reactions. In addition, the suppository has a preventive effect.
- With advanced or chronic thrush, stronger candles are used for treatment. Ketoconazole and Nystatin belong to this category of drugs. The advantage of these suppositories is that they are effective in treating the most neglected stages of candidiasis. But independently put such a suppository is contraindicated. Since a strong therapeutic effect can become a causal dysbiosis of the vagina. After such treatment it is necessary to restore the microflora with the help of another treatment.
- Strong suppository from thrush is prescribed with probiotics, that is, preparations containing beneficial bacteria to maintain normal microflora of the body. In addition, the suppository with a pronounced therapeutic effect is contraindicated for pregnant women.
- But the vaginal suppositories Ovulum or Macmirror are used in conjunction with other candles, since they have antiseptic effects. Thanks to this, it is possible to cure not only thrush, but also a number of other infections that provoke the disease.
Indications for use of suppositories against candidiasis
Indications for the use of suppositories from candidiasis are based on the action of a particular drug. First of all, it is necessary to note that treatment should be passed to both partners, as in men, thrush can be asymptomatic. Because of the lack of treatment in men, a woman's candidiasis acquires a chronic form and constantly recurs.
As a rule, candidiasis indicates the presence of sexually transmitted infections. The disease can lead to bacterial vaginosis and gardnerellez. Depending on the manifestation of symptoms, chronic or acute process, therapy is characterized by the duration of treatment. For the treatment of candidiasis, one patient has enough one suppository, but for chronic thrush in others, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment.
The main indications for the use of suppositories from candidiasis:
- Treatment and prevention of diseases caused by Candida fungi.
- Treatment of candidiasis of mucous membranes and internal organs.
- Prophylaxis of candidiasis development with prolonged use of antibiotics, penicillin, oral preparations and tetracycline antibiotics.
Vaginal suppository against candidiasis
Vaginal suppositories from candidiasis are effective medicines that allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of the symptoms of a fungal disease. But the use of a vaginal suppository is better after consultation and examination with a gynecologist. Since the doctor will prescribe a remedy that is safe for your body, cure the thrush and will not have side effects.
For the treatment of candidiasis use such vaginal suppositories:
- Combined topical preparations.
- Antifungal medicines.
- Antimicrobials of local effects.
If treatment is performed with antifungal drugs, then after therapy, a woman needs to restore the normal vaginal microflora. Useful lactobacilli protect against recurrence of the disease and foreign microorganisms.
Some women are faced with the fact that the use of vaginal suppositories from candidiasis does not bring the desired result. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:
- To some drugs, the disease becomes stable, because of this treatment is not beneficial. Resistance to drugs may appear due to an unfinished course of treatment or a small dosage that did not kill the fungus and allowed it to adapt to the drug.
- Improperly conducted self-treatment is another reason for the inefficiency of used candles. Many women who suffer from thrush are engaged in self-medication. For this, therapeutic tampons and preparations for raising the immunity can be used. But it is better to use proven drugs, that is, vaginal suppositories.
Vaginal suppositories differ among themselves with active substances, the terms of treatment and the therapeutic range. A number of drugs are forbidden to use during pregnancy and menstruation. For treatment, you need to choose such candles, the use of which will not cause a violation of the microflora of the vagina, the drug will be effective not only to fungal, but also to mixed infections. Suppositories should not give complications in the form of allergic reactions, have a minimum of contraindications and side effects.
Rectal suppositories from candidiasis
Rectal suppositories from candidiasis can be used in case of intestinal fungal disease or vaginal thrush. Rectal suppositories are suitable for pregnant women and for treatment of thrush during menstruation. Let's consider some effective rectal suppositories from a candidiasis.
- Viferon
Complex preparation with antiviral antiproliferative and immunomodulating action. The drug is used to treat urogenital infections, infectious and inflammatory diseases, intrauterine infections. Suppositories are effective in the treatment of candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, herpetic infection, chlamydia, ureplasmosis and a number of other viral lesions.
Rectal suppository is used according to the doctor's prescription. As a rule, for the treatment of candidiasis, patients are prescribed one suppository two times a day. The course of treatment takes from 5 to 14 days. In rare cases, Viferon causes allergic skin reactions, which go through 72 hours after withdrawal of the drug. Suppositories are contraindicated for individual intolerance to the active substance or components of the drug.
Viferon is allowed to be used for treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women, but only after 14 weeks, but when using suppositories during lactation, there are no contraindications. To date, cases of drug overdose have not been recorded. Suppositories are dispensed from pharmacies without medical authorization.
- Nystatin
A medicinal product effective against pathogenic fungi, especially Candida fungi. Despite its effectiveness, the drug is poorly absorbed, so the bulk of the suppository is excreted with feces. Nystatin is used to treat and prevent candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the vagina, mouth, skin, internal organs. The drug is effective in the prevention of candidiasis, especially with prolonged use of antibiotics, tetracycline drugs and penicillin.
Rectal suppository is applied twice a day, injecting deep into the rectum. Duration of treatment takes from 10 to 14 days. Nystatin is low in toxicity, so it does not cause side effects. The drug is contraindicated for patients with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, as this can cause nausea and vomiting, chills, fever. Rectal suppositories from candidiasis are used only for the doctor's prescription.
- Pimafucine
Antifungal drug with the active substance natamycin (macrolide antidiotic). The drug has a broad spectrum of action and is sensitive to fungi of the genus Candida. Rectal suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of fungal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, vaginal candidiasis, candidiasis vulvovaginitis. The drug is used in the complex therapy of fungal diseases.
Suppositories put on the night, as a rule, one candle a day. Duration of treatment is determined individually for each patient, but on average, the course of treatment lasts from 3 to 6 days. After the main treatment course, a preventative, 3-4 days after the disappearance of symptoms of candidiasis. Side effects of the drug are manifested in the form of itching and allergic reactions. Suppositories are contraindicated for hypersensitivity to the components of Pimafucin. The drug is contraindicated for the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women.
Form of issue
The form of release of suppositories from candidiasis is vaginal and rectal suppositories. Suppositories differ in their shape and color. In addition, suppositories differ in the amount of active substance. Each candle has an individual packing, which facilitates the process of their storage and use. Due to the pointed end, the suppository is easily inserted, both in the vagina and rectally.
The form of release of suppositories for treatment of a candidiasis accelerates the process of recovery. This is because the active substances of the drug act directly on the affected mucosa. For greater efficiency, before using suppositories, it is necessary to empty the bladder and intestine and only then to insert a suppository, and the deeper, the better.
Pharmacodynamics of suppositories from candidiasis
Pharmacodynamics of suppositories from candidiasis is a process occurring with the active substance of the drug after its application. Consider the pharmacodynamics of suppositories from candidiasis by the example of intravaginal suppositories Livarol.
The active substance of the drug is ketoconazole. The substance is an antimycotic of the imidazolidioxolane group, it has a fungistatic and fungicidal effect. The drug is active against yeast-like Candida fungi, as well as Pityrosporum, Trichophyton spp., Streptococcus spp. And Staphylococcus spp.
Suppositories are used for the treatment of acute and recurrent candidiasis of the vagina and for its prevention with weakened immunity at the time of application of antibacterial drugs that disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.
Pharmacokinetics of suppositories from candidiasis
The pharmacokinetics of suppositories from candidiasis are the processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the drug after administration. Consider the pharmacokinetics of the example of suppositories Pimafucin. Suppositories are intended for intravaginal administration, rapidly dissolve at body temperature. Suppositories form a bulk foaming mass, which evenly distributes the active substance along the walls of the vagina.
The composition of the drug includes cetyl alcohol, which can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before using suppositories it is recommended to consult a gynecologist. Suppositories Pimafucin is contraindicated to use during menstruation and to have sex at the time of treatment.
After ingestion, the suppositories dissolve and exert a fungicidal action. The drug disrupts the integrity of the membranes of harmful microorganisms, which leads to the death of the fungus. The drug is excreted by the kidneys within 6-8 hours after application.
Candidiasis treatment with candles
Treatment of candidiasis of a suppository is a local therapy for a fungal disease. The treatment process should be approached in a comprehensive manner. Suppositories and any other drugs from candidiasis are selected individually for each woman. The advantage of suppositories over other forms of drugs is that they relieve the signs of the disease already in the first days of use. But after the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms, the course of treatment still need to continue. Since unfinished treatment can cause chronic candidiasis, it is difficult to cure. Treatment of candidiasis suppositories allows you to get rid of not only the symptoms of thrush, but also completely eliminate the yeast fungus.
- Some drugs for candidiasis should be used with extreme caution, as they cause a number of side effects and disrupt the vaginal microflora. Such medicines include: suppositories Polizinaks and Terzhinan. Suppositories of ketoconazole are effective in any form of candidiasis. But because of the many side effects and contraindications, they are not used often.
- Suppositories Nystatin fight only with a fungal infection, but with respect to bacteria and viruses, the drug is inactive. This drug is not effective in the treatment of chronic thrush, as Candida mushrooms develop immunity to the drug. Prolonged use of Nystatin leads to violations of the microflora of the vagina. Nystatin is recommended to be used simultaneously with the suppositories of MacMyor, since they enhance the action of the former.
- Treatment of thrush with the use of suppositories can be carried out with a wide spectrum of action. These drugs include Ginezol. Suppositories are used to treat recurrent thrush. Treatment with this drug must be done by both partners
Applying a suppository against candidiasis is recommended before bedtime. The suppository should be placed deep into the vagina. The body temperature will allow the candle to melt, and the active substances penetrate the mucous membrane, providing a therapeutic effect and eliminating the symptoms of the disease.
Suppositories from intestinal candidiasis
Suppositories from intestinal candidiasis are drugs that help to eliminate intestinal infection caused by harmful microorganisms. Intestinal infections cause severe pain and discomfort. Candidiasis of the intestine is a form of dysbacteriosis, which is caused by opportunistic fungi. Each person has these fungi present in the intestine, but in a small amount, without harming the body.
Healthy intestinal microflora independently produces substances that prevent the reproduction of fungi and have antibacterial activity. Candidiasis of the intestine occurs when the immune system is unable to prevent the multiplication of harmful microorganisms or becomes too much. The causative agents of Candida are yeast-like Candida fungi, of which there are more than 170 species. Fungi are everywhere: in fruits, vegetables, home utensils, soil and of course in the human body.
- To treat intestinal candidiasis, it is necessary to use medicines that are not absorbed from the intestinal cavity. Ideal - rectal and vaginal suppositories. Prescribe a suppository against bowel candidiasis should the doctor, indicating the dosage and duration of use. In addition, it is the doctor who will be able to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment, since some patients experience allergic and dyspeptic disorders. Treat intestinal candidiasis with the help of such suppositories: Pimafucin, Nystatin and antifungal antibiotics in tablets.
- Pimafucin is an effective antifungal drug that can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Treatment of intestinal candidiasis is long and may take more than one year of therapy.
- The use of suppositories from candidiasis helps prevent the development of a generalized form of the disease. The main criterion of cure is the negative analysis of the planting for fungi and, of course, the absence of symptoms of the disease. In some cases, to achieve a persistent therapeutic effect, antimycotic treatment is performed.
In addition to basic therapy, the patient is given additional symptomatic treatment. To do this, use antispasmodics, laxatives, absorbents, drugs to improve the protective properties of the immune system, multivitamins. It is mandatory to prevent intestinal candidiasis. Prevention is the complete elimination of factors that provoke the development of candidiasis. Do not forget about a timely visit to the doctors at the first symptoms of the disease. It is mandatory to follow a diet, that is, a balanced diet that will prevent the appearance of candidiasis of the intestine.
Names of suppositories from candidiasis
The names of suppositories from candidiasis allow you to navigate when choosing a medicine. Knowing the name of suppositories, it is always possible to read patients' reviews about the effectiveness of their use or talk with your doctor about the chosen medication.
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When choosing drugs for thrush, you need to know that there are single-component and multicomponent suppositories.
- One-component preparations contain one antifungal agent, such suppositories include clotrimazole, Nystatin, Natamycin, Ketoconazole, Gino-Dactanol, Zalain, Ginesol.
- The second group of drugs for topical treatment of candidiasis is combined or multicomponent candles. They are effective both in the treatment of thrush, and other sexual infections. These drugs include: Livarol, Terzhinan, Klion-D, Polizhinaks. The main advantage of suppositories is a wide range of actions. But such drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women in the first trimester and during lactation.
In order for the treatment of candidiasis to be truly effective and result in persistent remission of the disease or complete recovery, it is necessary to choose the right drug. Consider the most effective suppositories from candidiasis:
- Livarol
The active substance of suppositories is ketoconazole, an antibiotic from the group of imidazolidioxolane. The drug has fungistatic and fungicidal action. Suppositories are active against yeast-like fungi Candida spp., Pityrosporum spp., As well as dermatophytes, staphylococcal and streptococcal infections.
Livarol is used for the treatment of recurrent candidiasis of the vagina, acute form of thrush and for the prevention of fungal infections with a weakened immune system. The course of treatment lasts from 3-5 days, apply one suppository before bedtime. And with chronic candidiasis treatment can last up to 10 days. The drug is contraindicated in allergic reactions to the active substance suppositories and in the first trimester of pregnancy. Side effects are manifested as nausea, dizziness, irritation and burning of the genitals.
- Ginezole 7
Suppositories have an active substance - miconazole, which has antifungal activity. The drug has an antibacterial effect against gram-positive microorganisms. Suppositories quickly eliminate the painful symptoms of candidiasis (itching, burning, redness). The drug has limited systemic absorption. 8 hours after the application of 90% the drug remains in the vagina.
Suppositories are used to treat vulvovaginal candidiasis and secondary infections. Duration of treatment is individual for each patient and can be from 7 to 14 days of application of suppositories. Put the suppository against candidiasis twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. The drug is contraindicated to use during lactation and pregnancy. Adverse symptoms occur rarely and, as a rule, appear as minor allergic reactions. Suppositories are contraindicated to use with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug and with vaginal herpes.
- Clotrimazole
Local antifungal drug from the group of imidazole derivatives. Clotrimazole has a wide spectrum of action, which covers almost all pathogenic fungi that cause infections. Suppositories are effective in the treatment of: dermatophytes and dermatophilic fungi, blastomycosis and mold fungi, actinomycetes Nocardia. Small doses of the drug have fungistatic effect, and large - fungicidal.
Suppositories have antimycotic, antibacterial, anti-amoebic and anti-trichomonidal effects. The main indications for the use of the drug: urogenital candidiasis, skin mycoses, blastomycetes, mold fungi, secondary skin infection. The course of treatment can last up to 4 weeks, apply the drug 1-2 times a day. Side effects are manifested in the form of allergic reactions. Suppositories are contraindicated to use with individual intolerance of the components of the drug and during the first trimester of pregnancy.
- Terjinan
Complex antifungal drug for the treatment of gynecological diseases. The drug has antibacterial activity, is active against anaerobic flora, has a trichomonascic action. Suppositories Terzhinan used to treat candidiasis, vaginitis and vaginosis of bacterial etiology. The drug is used to prevent purulent-inflammatory complications before and after surgical interventions in the pelvic area.
Vaginal pills are injected deep into the vagina. The duration of continuous treatment takes 10 days, one suppository per day is used. Side effects of the drug are manifested as allergic reactions, which pass by themselves. Terzhinan is not used for intolerance of the drug components and in the first trimester of pregnancy.
- Viferon
Medicinal product with immunomodulatory, antiviral and antiproliferative properties. Suppositories are used to treat various infectious and inflammatory diseases. Suppositories are effective in the treatment of candidiasis, herpes, chlamydia and a number of other diseases. The dosage of suppositories is selected by the attending physician, individually for each patient. With therapy of candidiasis, the course of treatment takes 5 to 10 days, and the preventive course of treatment is carried out 5 days after the main.
Side effects of suppositories cause skin allergic reactions that go through 72 hours after drug withdrawal. Suppositories are contraindicated to use in the first trimester of pregnancy and with individual intolerance of the drug components.
- Zalain
Antifungal medicinal product topical. The active substance of suppositories is sertaconazole. The drug has a fungicidal and fungistatic action against a wide range of yeasts and fungi. Due to the complex effect on cells of harmful microorganisms, the number of relapses of the disease decreases. Sertaconazole has antifungal activity against a wide range of fungi. With topical application, the active substance is not absorbed into the systemic circulation.
Vaginal suppositories are used for topical treatment of infectious lesions of the vaginal mucosa. The drug is used to treat vaginal candidiasis and mixed vaginal infections. Suppositories are used once a day, before bedtime. The duration of treatment is individual for each patient and is determined by the attending physician. In addition to the basic course of treatment, after seven days it is necessary to carry out preventive. The drug does not cause side effects, as it is low toxicity. Suppositories are contraindicated to use during pregnancy and with individual intolerance of the drug components.
- Lomexin
Effective drug with antifungal and antibacterial action. The drug is active against fungal infections, pathogenic yeast fungi, mold fungi and Gram-positive bacteria. Indication for the use of the drug: genital candidiasis, dermatomycosis, cutaneous candidiasis, fungal infections, vaginal trichomoniasis.
Put the suppository before bed, one after three days, for 10 days. The second course of treatment can be done after 2 weeks. Side effects of the drug are manifested in the form of allergic reactions and burning. Suppositories are contraindicated to use with individual intolerance of the drug components and during pregnancy.
Dosing and Administration
The method of administration and dose of drugs for treatment of candidiasis is established by the attending physician. Only a gynecologist can pick up effective candles, the necessary dosage and the duration of treatment. Dosage depends on the symptoms of thrush and its kind. If it is a question of intestinal candidiasis, the treatment is quite long and the use of one suppository will not help in eliminating the symptoms of the disease. But with vaginal candidiasis, even one candle of an effective drug is able to stop a fungal disease. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts from 3 to 14 days. A day can be used for 1 or 2 suppositories, depending on the symptoms of thrush.
The method of application depends on the type of candles, that is, rectal or vaginal suppositories. Rectal suppository is injected into the rectum and vaginal into the vagina. It is recommended to put the suppository in a prone position or other convenient. The suppository should be introduced deep enough, both into the rectum and into the vagina. It is most convenient to apply the drug before bedtime. The use of suppositories before bedtime allows for maximum effectiveness. Medicinal substances are absorbed as much as possible into the mucous membrane and allow to avoid troubles with smeared with melted suppository clothes. After the introduction of a candle, it is recommended to cover the vagina with a cotton swab. This will prevent leakage of melted suppository. As a rule, the active ingredients of suppositories are absorbed within 30 minutes.
Use of a suppository against candidiasis is necessary in accordance with the established course of treatment. The symptomatology of the disease may disappear after a few days after the application of the candles. But it is impossible to completely cure diseases in such a short period of time. The thrown-out treatment leads to the fact that candidiasis takes a chronic form and can even lead to tolerance of the fungus to the drugs used.
Use of suppositories against candidiasis during pregnancy
The use of suppositories from candidiasis during pregnancy is a very topical issue, as many women face this problem due to a weakened immune system. Most drugs are not allowed to be used by pregnant women, since there is no reliable data on the safety of drugs for the fetus. Suppositories from thrush during pregnancy are most preferable, in contrast to tablets and solutions. Typically, pregnant women are prescribed Nystatin or Pimafucin, since they can be used from the first trimester. Another effective drug is the clotrimazole suppository, but they are used with extreme caution, since they are prohibited in the first trimester and are undesirable in the following.
Among the local drugs from candidiasis during pregnancy, women are prescribed:
- Pimafucin.
- Nystatin.
- Primafungin.
- Vagikal.
These suppositories are allowed to use from the first trimester, as they are safe for both the future mother and her baby. In addition to the use of suppositories, candidiasis is treated with a combination of drugs. These include the drug complex Macmirr, with the active substances nitstatin and nifuratel. Pregnant and Terzhanin, but it can be used only from the second period of pregnancy.
Contraindications to the use of suppositories against candidiasis
Contraindications to the use of suppositories from candidiasis directly depend on the active substances that make up the suppository. First of all, it is worth noting that any vaginal suppository from candidiasis is contraindicated to use during menstruation. If treatment can not be stopped, the woman is prescribed rectal suppositories.
The main contraindication to the use of suppositories from candidiasis is the individual intolerance of the components of the drug, and in particular the active substances. If the patient has allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to at least one component, then the drug is not used. During therapy, it is contraindicated to wear synthetic and tight underwear. It is necessary to comply with all the rules of intimate hygiene, do not use chemical and flavored pads and intimate hygiene products, which worsen the symptoms of the disease.
Side effects of suppositories from candidiasis
Side effects of suppositories from candidiasis are rare, since suppositories refer to topical medications. But manufacturers warn patients that prolonged treatment, exceeding recommended or higher dosages of the drug, can cause a number of side effects.
Most suppositories are low in toxicity, so side effects are manifested in the form of minor allergic reactions on the skin: itching, hyperemia, rash. But there are toxic suppositories, the use of which can cause not only adverse allergic reactions, but also nausea, vomiting, chills, diarrhea, fever and other. To eliminate side effects, it is recommended to reduce the dosage of the drug. After the drug has been discontinued, all the side effects occur within 72 hours.
Overdose of a suppository against candidiasis is unlikely, but if this happens, then the symptomatology is similar to the side effects of the drug. Depending on the type of suppository (vaginal or rectal) and the active ingredient (toxic, low toxicity), the symptoms of overdose may manifest as lower abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions.
For the treatment of overdose, it is recommended to carry out symptomatic treatment, stop using the suppository against candidiasis or reduce the dose of the drug.
Interactions of suppositories against candidiasis with other drugs
The interaction of suppositories from candidiasis with other drugs is possible only with the permission of the attending physician. The doctor conducts the diagnosis of the disease, takes swabs and appoints a course of treatment. For the treatment of candidiasis can be used as a means of local treatment, that is, suppositories, tablets, ointments, and solutions for intravenous administration.
Let's consider an example of interaction of suppositories from a candidiasis of Klotrimazolum with other preparations. Suppositories Clotrimazole are able to inhibit the action of other drugs used topically for the treatment of fungal disease. The drug slows the action of polyene antibiotics, such as Nystatin and Natamycin. If clotrimazole is used with the drug Dexamethasone, then this significantly inhibits the antifungal effect of suppositories. A concentration of propyl ester of p-hydroxybenzoic acid increases the antimycotic properties of suppositories from candidiasis.
Conditions for storing suppositories from candidiasis
The storage conditions of suppositories from candidiasis correspond to the rules for storage of any other suppositories. Suppositories must be stored in their original packaging, this will prevent the deformation of suppositories. Storage temperature should be between 15 ° and 25 ° C, but not higher, as the suppository will melt. Keep the drug in a place protected from sunlight and inaccessible to children. Failure to observe the storage conditions of suppositories from candidiasis leads to the loss of the medicinal product of its antifungal properties.
Shelf life
Shelf life of suppositories from candidiasis is indicated on the drug package. As a rule, vaginal and rectal suppositories are stored for 12 to 24 months. After the expiry date, the suppository must be disposed of. The use of overdue medications does not have therapeutic effect, but on the contrary can lead to uncontrolled adverse symptoms.
Price of suppositories from candidiasis
The price of suppositories from candidiasis depends on the amount of active substances in suppositories. That is, the higher the dosage, the more expensive the drug. Suppositories for treatment of thrush are selected by the attending physician after examining the patient and taking the tests. It is the doctor who prescribes the necessary dosage and duration of treatment. Consider the popular suppository of candidiasis and their approximate cost.
The name of suppositories from candidiasis The cost of the drug Nystatin from 10 UAH. Clotrimazole from 15 UAH. Ketoconazole from 20 UAH. Klion-D from 60 UAH. Polizhinaks from 70 UAH. Zalain from 72 UAH. Lomexin from 75 UAH. Pimafucin from 80 UAH. Terzhinan from 85 UAH Viferon from 110 UAH. Natamycin from 117 UAH. Gino-Daktanol from 130 UAH. Livarol from 148 UAH. Ginezol 7 from 210 UAH.
All the above prices are indicative and depend on the pharmacy in which candles are sold, the manufacturer of the medicinal product, the number of suppositories in the package and their dosage.
Suppositories from candidiasis can quickly and with minimal discomfort eliminate fungal disease. A wide pharmaceutical choice of suppositories for the treatment of thrush makes it possible to cure any form of the disease or to conduct its prevention. Self-administration of the suppository is not recommended, as this can cause uncontrolled adverse reactions and worsen the symptoms of thrush. Only a doctor is able to select an effective suppository from candidiasis, which will effectively cure thrush or transfer it to the stage of long-term remission.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Suppositories from candidiasis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.