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Names of suppositories from thrush
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The names of suppositories from thrush are varied. Therefore, you must choose the drug with your doctor. To date, anti-thrush products occupy one of the leading places in the treatment of disease in women.
Some of the most popular medicines are Livarol, Ketoconazole, Macmiore, Nystanine, Ginezol, Gino-Dactanol, Betadine, Clion-D, Gino-Travogen Ovulum, Pimafucin and Polizhinax.
- Liverol is good to use when candidiasis appeared for the first time. He easily removes all the symptoms.
- Ketoconazole is an effective drug that is used for any fungal diseases, superficial and systemic. Has a number of side effects. To the number, which include allergic reactions.
- Macmirror has a wide range of action, it also can strengthen Nystatin with simultaneous application. At the time of application, it is desirable to stop having sex. Treatment with Macmorro is carried out simultaneously by both sex partners.
- Nystatin is effective against fungi, but not at all active against viruses and bacteria. It is the drug of choice in those patients in whom the candidiasis infection has passed into the chronic phase, due to the resistance of the fungi to the drug. True, its long-term use can lead to suppression of the activity of a healthy microflora.
- Ginezol has a wide range of effects. Often used as a preventive and anti-relapse drug against thrush. It is desirable to conduct simultaneous treatment with ginezol in both sexual partners. Pregnant should be administered with caution, since the active substance may have a toxic effect on the fetus.
- Gino-Dactanol is an effective antimycotic drug. Does not inhibit the growth of healthy microflora.
- Betadine is used for the therapy of vaginal infections, for preoperative and post-operative treatment of the vagina during obstetric operations. Povidone-iodine is included in the composition. This antiseptic has a wide range of antimycotic action. Betadine can be used even during menstruation.
- Clion-D allows you to very quickly suppress the symptoms of candidal infection. These candles from thrush do not affect the natural microflora of the vagina. Important note: do not apply Clion-D concomitantly with alcohol.
- Gino-Travogen Ovumum treats not only fungal, but also mixed infections. Patients tolerate this medicine well.
- Pimafucin does not give complications in the form of allergic reactions, and this is its huge plus. This medication is often prescribed for pregnant women. Polizinaks are used with caution, since these drugs have significant side effects and can disrupt the natural microflora.
Suppositories from thrush with nystatin
Suppositories with nystatin are very popular. To date, preparations with this component are available for both oral and rectal administration. One vaginal suppository contains 250,000 and 500,000 units.
It is produced with nistanin of 10 pieces in one package. It refers to polyene antifungal antibiotics. It is able to exert a pronounced effect on yeast-like fungi, particularly the genus Candida. The effect of the component is that it is very fatal for mushrooms. Their death is due to the incorporation of the drug molecule into the cell membrane. This leads to the formation of numerous channels through which electrolytes penetrate unchecked and uncontrolled. This process increases the osmolality within the cell. This is what leads to the destruction and destruction of the fungus.
The most popular of this series is Nystanin. Apply them in the acute form of candidiasis. It is enough to introduce them into the genital tract 2 times a day for one piece. In this case it is desirable to supplement the treatment with ointment. The duration of therapy in this way does not exceed 10 days. Within a few days, there is considerable relief.
When treating with suppositories that include nystane, you need to follow certain rules. First of all, you should refrain from taking alcoholic beverages. You can not use suppositories during menstruation. To maximize the effect of treatment should both partners. The use of a drug based on nystanine along with clotrimazole may reduce the activity of the latter. In order to determine the effectiveness of therapy and to understand whether these suppositories came from thrush, or at the end of the course, laboratory studies of vaginal discharge are carried out.
Pimafucin has an antifungal and antimicrobial effect. Active substance, is natamycin, which inhibits vital activity, a significant number of microorganisms, most often the cause of candidiasis, vulvitis, dermatomycosis, trichomoniasis.
Forms of release - suppositories vaginal 100 mg. Usually, one vaginal suppository is prescribed for 3-6 days. The suppository is inserted into the vagina and lying down as deeply as possible. Produced this once a day.
With persistent flow of vaginitis caused by Candida albicans, additionally prescribed in the form of tablets for oral administration (1 tablet 4 times / day for 10-20 days). The duration of the course of therapy is assigned by the attending physician on an individual basis. After the negative symptoms recede, continue treatment is recommended for several more days. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy.
Has a number of contraindications. It can not be used in the presence of hypersensitivity in humans. It is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy and during lactation. Side effects include: burning, itching, vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, headache, cystitis, frequent urination, pain during intercourse.
Method of application: within 6 days of 1 "pill" deep in the vagina at night. The main advantage is that it is inexpensive and efficient. Minus - frequent side effects, rapid development of resistance in fungal agents. That's why you can not take it by yourself. It is appointed exclusively by the attending physician and is administered under his supervision. Suppositories from thrush of this type are effective, but they should be used with extreme caution, so as not to harm the body.
Livarol is also used quite often. The main contraindications are: hypersensitivity, the first trimester of pregnancy, in the second trimester with caution. There may be side effects. It consists in irritation, reddening of the mucous membrane of the vagina and the appearance of itching. In some cases, a skin rash and hives occur.
Apply it as follows. You need to put in a prone position in the vagina, as deep as possible. One "pill" for 3-5 days. The main advantage of the application is the rapid effect, almost complete absence of allergic reactions. To the minuses is the occurrence of drug resistance in the pathogen.
The medicine does not have serious side effects, so it can be used even during pregnancy. Naturally, everything passes under the control of the attending physician.
It is an antiseptic for topical application. The active substance of the hexicon is chlorhexidine bigluconate, which is active against various gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria - the causative agents of syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerelleza, herpes viruses.
Hexicon also has a contraceptive effect. It is able to destroy spermatozoa by breaking the permeability of their membranes and metabolism. Therefore, some women use this suppository from thrush as a local spermicidal drug.
With the help of Gexicon, inflammatory processes of the vagina and cervix (colpitis, cervicitis) can be treated, including during pregnancy and breast-feeding, since the hexicon is not absorbed into the blood. In this case, the hexicon is prescribed one suppository twice a day for a week. But sometimes the course of therapy can be prolonged by the doctor up to 20 days.
Zalain is a derivative of benzothiophene and imidazole. When pregnancy is used only with the approval of a specialist. Sufficient data on the potential harm to the fetus and during the period of feeding there.
It should be noted that it is applied only once. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is possible to apply only when the intended benefit for a woman is higher than the possible risk to the child.
There are also contra-indications. So, you can not use medicines for people with hypersensitivity to certain components. Side effects are also possible. They appear in the form of allergic reactions, itching and burning.
Method of application: 1 "tablet" from candidiasis is inserted into the vagina at night once, while maintaining the symptoms in a week, it is possible to reapply. Before use, wash the external sexual organs with neutral soap.
Terzhinan is not recommended for allergic reactions and in case of individual intolerance, to any component that is part of the candles.
Terzhinan is successfully used in gynecological practice, including in the fight against candidal infection. Terzhinan is active not only against fungi, but also against many other pathological microorganisms, so it is very convenient to use when combined infection. Terjinan have proved to be quite effective, affordable and inexpensive and widely prescribed for the therapy of gynecological diseases.
It is recommended to administer the drug before bedtime. It is necessary to insert one candle deep into the vagina. It is enough to do this once a day. Duration of treatment is ten days.
When a thrush occurs, the course of therapy should last at least twenty days. The treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy and during breastfeeding also takes at least twenty days. In the case of the onset of menstruation treatment does not stop.
Flucostat is a modern antifungal agent with a wide spectrum of action, which has a high activity specifically against fungi of the genus Candida.
The active substance of the drug is fluconazole, recognized by gynecologists around the world. Its effectiveness and safety have been proved by numerous studies conducted in various countries of the world. To date, it is an antifungal drug taken internally, which is approved by many specialists.
It is applied once a day rectally. It is not excluded the occurrence of side effects. It manifests itself in the form of headache, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain and impaired liver and kidney function.
The use of Flucostat in pregnancy is possible only in the case of severe and potentially life-threatening fungal infections, when the expected benefit of treatment exceeds the possible risk to the fetus. Use of these suppository data from thrush should be done with extreme caution.
Betadine - the active substance is povidone-iodine, which when used covers the smooth layer of the vaginal mucosa and gradually releases active iodine.
If a woman has any changes in the thyroid gland, then the use of the drug can cause more serious disorders, so in this case, treatment is contraindicated. During pregnancy and during breast-feeding, it is also not worth taking.
It is inserted into the vagina once a day. The duration of therapy is usually 1-2 weeks. The vaginal suppository is removed from the package, moistened with water and injected deeply into the vagina. Carry out these procedures once or twice a day, depending on the nature of the course of the disease. To introduce a suppository from yeast infection is recommended even during menstruation. During the course of treatment it is necessary to use hygiene pads. Special instructions can be obtained from your doctor.
Contains live bacteria that have antagonistic activity to candida fungi. In gynecology apply it in the form of candles. And both vaginally and rectally.
It is possible that allergic reactions may occur. Perhaps this is the only side effect that this probiotic can cause even with a long-term appointment. Usually, the duration of therapy is 5-10 days. The positive effect of the drug is enhanced with the simultaneous intake of B vitamins.
When introduced into the vagina, bifidobacteria begin to multiply actively, forming microcolonies on the walls of the organ. Over time, these beneficial bacteria begin to displace the pathogenic and opportunistic microflora.
The therapeutic concentration of this medicine allows to increase the acidity of the medium, which also contributes to the suppression of fungi of the genus Candida.
Polyninax from candidiasis is an antifungal and antimicrobial agent. This is a combination drug intended for topical application. It includes antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin. They have a bactericidal effect against many gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.
When inserted into the vagina, it spreads evenly throughout the mucous membrane of the vagina and almost does not enter the blood from its surface. Introduced before bedtime. The duration of treatment is usually 12 days. If they are used not as a therapy, but as a prophylaxis, then the medication is used no more than 6 days.
You can use it even during menstruation. During pregnancy and during lactation, the remedy is used in extremely rare cases. There is a high risk of harm to the developing organism.
Clion D
Clion D - active substance metronidazole + miconazole nitrate. Metronidazole has antiprotozoal and antibacterial action. Miconazole is active against dermatophytes, yeast fungi, and also has antibacterial action against certain gram-positive bacteria.
It is not recommended to use it during pregnancy and during lactation. It is not excluded the occurrence of side effects. These include: burning, itching, redness and allergic reactions.
I use a medicine 1-2 times a day for one candle. It is introduced into the genital tract as deeply as possible. It is advisable to treat two partners simultaneously. Do not use people who are hypersensitive to certain components of the drug. This can provoke a worsening of the situation. Use of this medication is not addictive. Simultaneous use of alcohol and Clion-D is not recommended because of the simultaneous metabolism of liver enzymes.
Fluconazole is a suppository against thrush, which is good for infections caused by fungi of the genus Candida, which are the causative agents of candidal infection. The action is a violation of the integrity of the membrane of the fungus, thereby adversely affecting its life processes. Eventually, candidiasis simply recedes.
It is important to know that before using the remedy for Candidiasis Fluconazole, you need to consult a doctor. There may be side effects. Basically, everything manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction. During pregnancy and during lactation, it is not recommended to use the medication.
Depending on the case, the drug should be used 5, 7 or 10 days. They are inserted as deep as possible into the vagina, before going to bed, after the evening toilet.
Acylact as the main drug for the treatment of candidiasis is strictly prohibited. The fact that he is not able to destroy the fungus of the genus Candida, which cause the disease. Introduction of acylactus in the vagina on the background of chronic thrush will lead to an aggravation of the process.
Before starting a course of therapy, it is worth to drink antifungal drugs and then put the necessary amount of funds. After completing the course of antifungal therapy, you can put Acilact, which normalize the broken microflora of the vagina and prevent the recurrence of candidiasis in the future. Simply put, it is intended directly for the normalization of microflora.
It is applied one "pill" rectally 1 - 2 times a day for 10 days. Then take a break for 10 - 20 days, the course of therapy is repeated. Data regarding treatment during lactation and during pregnancy can be obtained from your doctor.
The active substances are Interferon alfa-2a + Benzocaine + Taurine. This is a combined preparation, the effect of which is due to the components that make up its composition. Has a local and systemic effect.
It should not be used when hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug. With caution, this is done during an exacerbation of allergic reactions. It is possible that allergic reactions may occur. Typically, these are skin rashes, chills, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle and headaches, joint pains and excessive sweating.
Introduced 1-2 times a day for one "pill". The duration of therapy depends on the specific situation. Usually it takes 10 days. It is necessary to understand that the treatment of candidal infection is to some extent an individual process. Therefore, starting an independent solution to the problem is highly discouraged. This can lead to serious complications.
Neo Pentotran
Neo pentotrans are intended for local therapy of vaginitis and vaginosis. They are slightly different from other drugs of this kind.
It is a combined remedy that contains two active components: miconazole, the effect of which is directed to the elimination of the fungus, and metronidazole, which has a harmful effect on some representatives of the bacterial flora. Together they have a wide range of effects. The medicine is struggling with the problem purposefully and effectively.
During application, side effects may occur. In general, this is an allergic reaction to the main components of the drug. Use of the medication during lactation and during pregnancy is not recommended. In extreme necessity, everything is done under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, we weigh all the pros and cons.
Suppositories from yeast infection with iodine
Suppositories from the thrush with iodine had time to prove their special effectiveness. So, the most popular tool was - Povidone-iodine. The active substance is a pyrrolidone derivative - 4urme complex polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine. Thanks to the iodine content, the medicine has excellent disinfecting properties.
A wide range of disinfecting properties of the drug makes it possible to use it in the complex treatment of candidiasis. Actively applied in the form of vaginal suppositories and tablets. In this case, it has a fungicidal action due to oxidizing properties.
It is enough to administer 1-2 times a day to feel a great relief. You can not use the medicine during pregnancy, during lactation and when there is a hypersensitivity to the active components of suppositories. It is possible that allergic reactions may occur.
Candida suppositories are an antifungal drug that has a wide range of effects. Antimycotic effect associated with a violation of the synthesis of ergosterol, which is part of the cell membrane of fungi, Due to this there is a change in its structure and properties, which leads to lysis of the cell.
It is introduced once a day, once. If this procedure has not given a positive effect, it is possible to repeat the course. May cause itching, burning, irritation, flaking, tingling and urticaria. You can not use the medication in the first trimester of pregnancy and with increased sensitivity to the active components of the drug.
Diflucan include in its composition the active substance - fluconazole. It has the ability to inhibit metabolic processes in the fungal cell by binding and inhibiting a specific substance - cytochrome P-450. The latter component is included in a large number of enzyme systems of the fungal cell.
These suppositories are used once for thrush. Usually, after such "intervention" the disease recedes. But it is desirable to use other medicines.
Use it is impossible with intolerance of the main components of the drug. A special risk group is people with hepatic insufficiency. It is also forbidden to use a medicine for heart disease. It is possible that allergic reactions may occur.
Macmirror is a drug of a wide range of effects. The composition includes such active components as nifuratel and nistanine. In one package there are 8 or 12 candles.
Macmorore is effective not only against Candida fungi, which causes candidiasis infection, but also has an effect against trichomonads. Not able to act on the normal microflora of the vagina. Simply put, the development of dysbacteriosis is excluded. Its use excludes the development of a relapse of the disease in the future.
The duration of therapy with the medication is eight to twelve days. One daily suppository should be administered to the vagina at night. During pregnancy, Macmiore suppositories are prescribed only on strict indications. Naturally, only if the positive effect for the mother exceeds the possible negative effects on the baby's body. During the period of breastfeeding, the use is prohibited.
Lomexin is recommended for use in many cases. But there are contraindications regarding their use. So, do not take it during pregnancy and menstruation. Naturally, people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug are also not recommended.
May cause side effects. Usually this manifests itself in the form of irritation, rash, urticaria and erythema. Irritation usually goes on its own and does not require any therapy.
Apply the medication as follows. One suppository per day is enough. It is introduced once, and there is no re-use. If the symptoms do not recede, then the medication is used for 3 days. It is one of the most effective and in this, perhaps, is its main advantage. But there is also a minus, a suppository from a thrush of this type is not recommended to use during pregnancy. There is a risk of serious consequences.
Metronidazole with thrush is a fairly effective medicine. They have antiprotozoal and antibacterial properties. Treatment of candidiasis with metronidazole is highly effective due to its high penetrating ability.
A medication is taken in combination with other drugs. In order to completely get rid of the disease, the use of one remedy will not be enough. Dosage depends on the degree of complexity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.
Metronidazole in candidiasis infection in women, although it is a highly effective agent, but also has its side effects. After taking this medication, nausea, vomiting, or headache may occur. This indicates that the medicine was not properly selected. Thrush after Metronidazole does not appear for a sufficiently long time. The only condition is the need to monitor the hygiene of the genitals.
Viferon includes effective active components. Thus, interferon alpha-2b human recombinant has immunomodulatory, antiviral, antiproliferative properties.
It is not recommended to use these suppositories against thrush in the presence of hypersensitivity in a person. During pregnancy, it is used starting at week 14. He does not have any restrictions to use during lactation. It is not excluded the appearance of allergic reactions in the form of itching, burning and irritation. All this is easily removable. It is enough just to stop treatment with this drug.
The method of administration and dose is prescribed by the attending physician. Adults, it is necessary to use 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours. The course is 5-10 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued with interruptions between courses of 5 days.
Synthomycin candles
The instruction says that the main indication for prescribing suppositories are collets of bacterial origin
It should be noted that the "tablet" sintomycin are not an antifungal drug and can not correct the internal microflora of the vagina. They are more likely to effect t on the entire spectrum of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, both harmful and beneficial to the body.
The main antibiotic, which is part of these suppositories from thrush, can cause allergic reaction. Therefore, it is not always expedient to apply it.
Before starting therapy it is necessary to find out whether a person has a drug reaction. After its termination it is important to conduct therapy, restoring the normal natural microflora of the vagina. The duration of the course should not exceed ten days. During the first five days it is possible to determine the feasibility of such treatment, and if necessary continue or cancel it.
Fluomizin have antibacterial action against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. In addition, they have antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects.
It can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, if you have strange symptoms, you should stop taking the medication immediately. There are also contra-indications. So, it can not be used by people who have an increased hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug.
Apply externally and topically. The frequency, method of application and duration of treatment depend on the indications. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is recommended to consult a doctor. He will determine the exact cause of the disease and assign a qualitative and effective elimination of the problem.
Mikozhinax are a combined preparation. It is able to have antiprotozoal and antibacterial action against anaerobic bacteria. The mechanism of action is that, in a bacterial cell, the nitro group of metronidazole is converted to hydroxylamine to form an active cytotoxic metabolite, which disrupts the replication of DNA, causing the death of the bacterial cell.
Take these suppositories from thrush in the presence of hypersensitivity to the main components is not recommended. It is possible and the development of side effects. Usually this manifests itself in the form of burning, itching, nausea, headache, etc. When strange symptoms appear, it is recommended to stop treatment and consult a doctor.
It is used intravaginally for 1 tablet 1 time per day (preferably in the evening before bedtime). Immediately before the injection, the tablet must be immersed in water for 20-30 seconds. Enter deep into the vagina. After the administration of the drug, the patient should lie down for 15 minutes. The course of therapy is 10 days. Simultaneously with the local application of Mikozhinax, metronidazole is administered orally.
Ketoconazole is used not only for candidiasis, but also for the occurrence of a number of other vaginal infections. It is not recommended to use pregnant women. There is a risk of developing malformations in the fetus.
With extreme caution, this remedy should be used. The fact is that it can cause a number of side effects. There may be a headache, nausea and dizziness. In some cases, there is a decrease in libido.
Apply for 5 days, one suppository per day. There is a certain scheme of its application. When vaginal candidiasis is administered intravaginally on 400 mg (1 candle) per day for 3-5 days. If necessary, you can prescribe inside and intravaginally. The duration of therapy is determined individually.
Depantol is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory drugs for topical application in gynecology. Often used just for the treatment of candidiasis, vaginitis and erosion of the cervix.
The main active substance of these suppositories from thrush is dexpanthenol. The composition also includes chlorhexine biglucanate and polyethylene oxide base. Has antiseptic, regenerating and metabolic effects, accelerates mitosis.
It can not be used in the presence of allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. May cause side effects. Usually it manifests itself in the form of itching and burning. If strange symptoms appear, stop taking the medication immediately.
Each day, one candle is inserted. The duration of treatment is usually 7-10 days.
Osarbon - a preparation of effective and rapid action. It is an antimicrobial and disinfectant used in gynecological practice.
The mechanism of action of acetazol is based on its ability to interfere radically in the metabolic processes of some protozoa (trichomonads, amoebae, spirochetes) completely blocking their sulfhydryl enzyme systems.
Before you start treatment with this drug, it is worth consulting with a doctor. The way of applying the medicine is as follows: it is necessary to give your body a supine position, remove the suppository from the blister and insert it as deeply as possible into the vagina. One suppository per day is enough. The duration of therapy is usually 10 days.
Has and contra-indications concerning application. So, you can not use it if you are sensitive to certain components. It is possible and the appearance of an allergic reaction, itching, burning and headache.
Irunin is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent, a triazole derivative. Inhibits the synthesis of ergosterol cell membrane of fungi. It is especially active against dermatophytes, yeast fungi and mold fungi.
Applied intravaginally. Vaginal tablets are injected into the vagina once in the evening before going to bed, in a supine position on the back with slightly bent legs. The duration of therapy is 7-14 days. If necessary, on the recommendation of a doctor, a repeat course of treatment is possible.
Has a number of side effects and this fact needs to be taken into account. So, itching, burning, headache, nausea, dyspepsia, anorexia, constipation, hyperkalemia and other phenomena are possible. Therefore, take it with caution. There are also contraindications, use of a suppository against thrush in the presence of hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug is not recommended.
Kyzyl May
Suppositories Kyzyl May is an anti-inflammatory drug for intravaginal application. The composition includes sea-buckthorn oil containing beta- carotene, vitamin E, vitamins of group K, vitamin C, vitamins B1, B2, B3, malic, tartaric acids, sugars, tannins, flavonoid quercetin. Sea-buckthorn oil has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound-healing, antimicrobial properties, stimulates the regenerative processes in damaged tissues, regulates metabolism, acts antisclerotically.
May cause itching and rash. You can not use the medicine with increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. It is used for 1 suppository rectally or vaginally 1-2 times a day. Usually the course of therapy is 10-15 days.
Suppositories from thrush with lactobacilli
Widely used and suppository with lactobacilli for thrush. But when using them, you need to be extra careful. Actually, with candidiasis, lactobacilli are used extremely rarely. The fact is that they are therefore an important part of the normal microflora of a woman's vagina. Their overabundance can lead to a violation of the acid-base balance in the direction of greater acidity. Simply put, these drugs not only will not help, but also create favorable conditions for the propagation of candida. Therefore, special care must be taken.
Not always lactobacilli carry one danger, sometimes they are useful. So, to combat the consequences of taking antifungal antibiotics, this medication is widely used. The most common drugs in this area are: Lactacid, Bifidumbacterin and Linex.
- Lactacid. It is used once a day. But it is not allowed to use additional hygiene products. The duration of treatment depends on the specific situation. There were no side effects, but people with hypersensitivity should better abandon it.
- Bifidumbacterin. Effectively helps to cope with the problem in a matter of days. Suppositories are administered 2-3 times a day. The course of therapy is long and is 15-30 days. Much depends on the specific situation. On average, 10 days are enough to clean the bacteria of their body. No side effects were observed. Use during pregnancy is not recommended.
- Linex. It is administered rectally once a day. Taking a suppository from thrush is by no means impossible with hypersensitivity to certain components of the remedy. Duration of treatment is appointed by the attending physician.
Belarusian suppository from thrush
Among them are medicines such as Diflucan, Pimafucin and Clotrimazole.
Diflucan is one of the most popular means. Capsules contain flukanazol, which inhibits the growth of fungi. They are very easy to go through the treatment. It is enough to drink one capsule with 150 mg of active substance or to inject the drug rectally. However, there are some contraindications. Take medication is not possible in pregnancy, during lactation and with liver and kidney disease.
Pimafucin is effective and popular. You can take it right both in the period of breastfeeding and during pregnancy. It is produced in the form of candles, cream and tablets. Known for its good tolerability, non-toxicity, and the lack of allergic reactions. The active substance is natamycin, belonging to the group of antifungal antibiotics, which have a wide range of effects.
Clotrimazole is an antifungal agent that is available in the form of tablets and cream of the vaginal, as well as cream, ointment, powder and solution for external use. In no case it can not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Russian suppository from thrush
They are very popular due to their efficiency and reasonable price. Fighting fungus candida is not easy, especially if the disease periodically makes itself felt. It manifests itself not only in the form of discomfort, but also in regular spending on a medicine.
Most drugs cost a lot of money. Therefore, it is better to give preference to the domestic manufacturer. Naturally, pharmacies offer such medications reluctantly, because they are more accessible.
When choosing suppositories it is necessary to pay attention to the active substance. It plays a big role, especially if a person has different degrees of manifestation of the disease. Fluconazole and Flucostat are effective agents. Medication should be administered once a day. The duration of therapy is approximately 7-10 days. These drugs are completely similar to each other. They should not be used during pregnancy and during lactation. People with hypersensitivity, it is also worth giving up the medication.
Suppositories from thrush with an applicator
Suppositories from the thrush with the applicator are similar to tampons. To introduce them is much easier. And if a person does it for the first time, then such an invention will allow him to avoid many unpleasant moments. They are inserted into the vagina following the same instructions as the tampons with the applicator. The most popular means in this area are Livarol and Ginezol.
Livarol. It is a safe and effective antifungal drug with an active substance called ketoconazole. Widely used during pregnancy (except the first trimester). Produced in the form of vaginal suppositories, which need to use 5 days - for treatment of thrush and 10 days - to get rid of chronic candidiasis.
Ginezol. Has a wide range of action. Applied not only for therapy, but also as a prophylaxis of thrush. It is desirable that the treatment was carried out simultaneously by two partners. Pregnant should be used with extreme caution. The active ingredient is able to exert a toxic effect on the fetus.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Names of suppositories from thrush" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.