Scanty allocation instead of monthly
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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To every girl or woman, the first days of the menstrual cycle bring a lot of uncomfortable moments, even if they are quite favorable. The greatest concern and anxiety is caused by smearing discharge from the vagina in the initial phase of menstruation. Extracts of smearing character can be present in other periods of the cycle and provoked by completely harmless factors. To find out the reason for the appearance of such a symptomatology, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
It is impossible to ignore the appearance of bloody spotting excretions, since this fact may indicate serious pathologies of the reproductive system requiring immediate medical intervention.
Causes of the scant excretions instead of monthly
Scanty discharge, which passes quickly enough without causing pain, many gynecologists refer to conditionally normal conditions that do not require medical correction.
Unwholesome brown discharge that appears immediately before the onset of menstruation usually indicates a decrease in the level of the hormone progesterone and the initial stage of detachment of the inner mucosa of the uterus.
Lean excretions after the end of menstrual bleeding can be provoked not by evacuated remains of the endometrium, blood clots that do not pass through the narrow canal of the cervix. Spinning discharge usually stops by 5-7 days from the beginning of the month.
If such problems appear in the middle of the menstrual cycle, then the cause may be hormonal contraceptives or a recently delivered intrauterine device. Thus, the endometrium is adapted to the foreign body inside the uterine cavity.
Lean excretions may appear during the movement of the egg from the ovary at the moment of rupture of the mature follicle.
The appearance of vaginal discharge of pink hue, most often provoke - violent sexual games, trauma to the cervical canal, the presence of erosion on the cervix, after defloration.
All the above reasons for the occurrence of sparse spotting are a provisional norm.
Risk factors
Emissions of dark colors - from light brown to black, appearing regularly and lasting more than a week, are among the risk factors. They are considered pathological:
- if they appear regardless of the menstrual cycle;
- are not interconnected with reception of hormonal agents;
- accompanied by a rise in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, burning, itching and soreness in the genitals;
- in the period of menopause, if before their appearance, menstruation was absent for more than one year;
- Sparing scant excretion during gestation;
- presence in the patient's anamnesis of tuberculosis infection, endocrine diseases
- with their regular occurrence after having sex.
Lean allocation instead of monthly, arising during lactemia or premenopause treatment does not require. Problems associated with the hormonal background, identified through research can be solved with the help of specific therapy. Such discharges can occur when the psychological balance is disturbed, and in this case it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle and correction of the emotional state.
Scanty spotting of the smearing character is a pathology and serves as an occasion for treatment of a gynecologist in the following cases:
- if a girl who has reached the age of 15 does not have full menstruation,
- appear on any term of gestation,
- painfully passing monthly (pain localized in the lower abdomen), signaling about ectopic pregnancy,
- their appearance in the middle of the cycle, not dependent on the intake of specific hormonal drugs.
Symptoms of the scant excretions instead of monthly
Lean excretions are determined by drops of blood, having a light or dark shade.
Such discharges continue over time as usual menstruation or slightly less. Accompanied by cephalgia, aching pain in the lumbar region, drawing pains in the back, attacks of nausea or stool disruption. During the menstrual period, the symptoms described above may worsen, and some women may experience nasal bleeding.
Lean excretions can pass asymptomatically and a woman does not feel any discomfort. At the onset of puberty in girls, such phenomena are not dangerous. Scant allocations are possible during the menopause and are also not a pathology, but indicate changes in the hormonal background of the body.
Scanty brown discharge instead of monthly
Causes that affect the changes in the menstrual cycle can be very diverse:
- the age of the patient;
- Sexual life (its presence or absence);
- pregnancy or the period of breastfeeding;
- operations on the organs of the reproductive system;
- Infectious-inflammatory process in the organs of the small pelvis.
Girls of pubertal age at the beginning of the regularity of the menstrual cycle can be observed scant brown discharge, which is the norm for the first year of the onset of menstruation. If this situation continues in the future, then a consultation of the children's gynecologist is necessary.
During the onset of menopause, there are sometimes vaginal discharge of a brownish hue, which is caused by the physiological extinction of the function of the ovaries, the production of the steroid hormone progesterone. This phenomenon should not cause concern, since it is permissible in the period of premenopause.
If a woman has a high probability of pregnancy, and at the right time instead of menstruation, there are light or dark brown discharge, ending after some time with usual menstruation, then the cause is a violation of the hormonal balance.
If after menstruating discharge the menstruation does not begin, then you need to take a pregnancy test and examine the blood for HCG.
The appearance of scant brownish discharge during gestation may indicate an inadequate amount of hormones responsible for the normal progression of pregnancy. In this situation, there is a threat of spontaneous abortion. Here urgent consultation of the doctor-gynecologist and hospitalization in a hospital where the analysis on definition of a level of the maintenance of hormones will be appointed and the state of the future mother and the child is necessary is necessary.
Another reason that provokes the appearance of scanty brownish discharge is ectopic pregnancy, the test results will be positive, the position of the fetal egg is determined on ultrasound.
If the discharge that has a light brown hue appears earlier (within 3 days) of menstrual bleeding and is accompanied by intense stitching and cutting pains in the lower abdomen, this may be a symptom of adenomyosis.
If the duration of excretions is more than 3 days after the end of menstruation, urgent specialist consultation is needed - this may be one of the signs of endometriosis, a tumor of the uterus.
If the patient does not use hormonal contraceptives, the spotting in the middle of the month indicates the presence of inflammations of the uterus (acute and chronic endometritis), inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis), cervical erosion, malignant or benign cervical tumors, torsion of the ovarian cyst legs.
Emissions of brown color appear due to STDs (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea).
With the appearance of pathological meager secretions of a brownish hue, a consultation of a gynecologist is required, which will determine the cause of their appearance, prescribe studies and a treatment regimen.
Scanty spotting instead of monthly
Often, women have to turn to a gynecologist with complaints about scanty spotting instead of menstruation. Not many women and girls know when such a discharge doctors regard as a variant of the norm, and when this is considered a pathology. The cause for concern and referral to a specialist are scanty spotting in the middle of the menstrual cycle. This may indicate uterine fibroids, benign or malignant tumors.
Reception of oral contraceptives is often accompanied by the appearance of bloody bloody discharge. Similar phenomena can be observed at the beginning of the use of hormonal drugs (the first 2-3 months). If the situation does not stabilize after 4 months, it is necessary to consult a doctor for hormone replacement.
Lean excretions instead of menstruation are the norm in girls in the menarche period (the onset of the initial stage of menstruation). The appearance of such secretions is associated with changes in the hormonal background.
Lean pink discharge instead of monthly
The most common reasons for the appearance of pink discharge instead of the monthly ones are:
- pregnancy. With various pathologies of pregnancy progression, scanty pink discharge from the vagina may occur.
- hormonal disorders caused by a deficiency of progesterone;
- pathology of the cervix;
- mechanical damage to the cervix;
- establishment of the contraceptive spiral;
- vaginal candidiasis.
The appearance of light pink discharge may be a variant of the norm. Such secretions may appear on the eve of menstrual bleeding. If after 1-2 days menstruation does not occur, this is the reason for the visit to a gynecologist at a polyclinic.
Scanty discharge instead of a monthly sign of pregnancy
Lean excretions from the genital tract can be observed when the zygote is implanted in the uterine wall. This bleeding in most cases begins a few days before the onset of natural menstruation (on the 20-26th day of the menstrual cycle). Due to this peculiarity of implantation bleeding, it is often perceived as having begun menstruation before the due date. Such bleeding reproductologists consider the beginning of pregnancy. At this time, the analysis of hCG will not be informative, because significant changes in the female body have not yet occurred. Lean or spotting discharge in place of menstruation may be brown, red or pink, without clots or mucus.
To differentiate the implantation bleeding from the menstrual woman, it is necessary to keep a calendar of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation begins with smearing discharge, gradually intensifying, and then decreasing and stopping.
Implantation bleeding is much shorter in time than menstruation, scanty and the volume of excreted blood does not increase.
After the end of this bleeding, you can make a pregnancy test after 7 days.
Pharmacy tests in the case of pregnancy will show a positive result, because by that time a sufficient amount of hCG has already accumulated in the female body. If you are not sure what caused the scanty discharge instead of the monthly, then it is better to go to a medical clinic for an accurate diagnosis and the appointment of an adequate treatment.
Diagnostics of the scant excretions instead of monthly
To determine the cause of the appearance of lean secretions from the genital organs and the severity of the pathology, the following tests can be prescribed:
- a general analysis of blood and urine,
- The study of blood and aspiration material for the presence of antibodies to infections,
- A stroke from the cervix of the cytology,
- endometrial biopsy,
- study of hormonal background,
- Mantoux test.
Instrumental diagnostics
To determine whether lean excretions are the norm or pathology, first of all, it is necessary to do ultrasound diagnosis of pelvic organs. In the process of ultrasound it will be possible to determine the phase of the menstrual cycle, the condition of the yellow body, the thickness of the endometrium, the presence of the fetal egg, the presence of an ectopic pregnancy and on the basis of these data draw a conclusion.
To exclude serious diseases of the reproductive sphere, hysteroscopy and hysterography, needle-biopsy and diagnostic scraping of the endometrium can be used.
Perhaps the appointment of MRI and laparoscopy, radiography of the Turkish saddle (to exclude the pathology of the pituitary gland).
What do need to examine?
Differential diagnosis
Differentiation with scanty discharge instead of monthly reduces to determining the disease that caused such a pathology. A personal visit is necessary to the gynecologist of the patient who has encountered this problem. Absentee consultations with specialists can significantly damage health.
Possible causes that caused meager discharge instead of menstrual bleeding may be:
- chronic endometritis,
- hormonal contraceptives,
- pregnancy,
- premenopause.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the scant excretions instead of monthly
Therapy of scanty excretions instead of monthly depends on the cause that triggered the onset of this symptom and is prescribed by the doctor only after a thorough examination of the patient, a detailed history, the passage of all necessary tests and examinations.
When there are scant excretions caused by gynecological diseases treatment is provided by a gynecologist. The doctor can recommend hormonal preparations that stabilize the work of the ovaries (folliculin, estradiol, norkolut, oral contraceptives - bisekurin, non-ovolon), vitamin and mineral complexes containing vitamin E. For each hormonal drug, its own intake scheme is prescribed, which is prescribed by a qualified specialist.
With a lack of generation of estrogens, folic acid can be used that stimulates and activates the increase in the level of these hormones.
Treatment of chronic adnexitis and endometritis requires the use of antiphlogistic drugs, physiotherapy and resorption therapy, antibiotics may be prescribed.
When algodismenore is prescribed drugs that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties (indomethacin, ibufen). The intake of these medicines must begin three days before the expected menstrual bleeding and end on the 2nd day of menstruation.
With ectopic pregnancy, twisting legs ovarian cysts, ovarian apoplexy requires urgent hospitalization in the hospital and surgical intervention.
If the cause of scanty excretions instead of the monthly ones are endocrine pathologies, then consultation and supervision is required from an endocrinologist.
If the hypomenorrhoea was provoked by a tuberculosis infection, then it is necessary to contact the phthisiatrician.
In the presence of mental disorders or psychological problems that have become a provocative factor in the emergence of scanty excretions instead of monthly, it is necessary to observe the gynecologist together with a psychologist or psychiatrist. Often, in such cases, the recommended use of sedative drugs, which are based on vegetable raw materials (novo-passit, preparations of valerian, motherwort)
To normalize the menstrual cycle, doctors widely use vitamin complexes.
Vitamin E (tocopherol) helps to eliminate the delay in the onset of menstrual bleeding in irregular menstruation. In the second half of the cycle, the endometrium begins an intensive growth under the influence of the hormone progesterone. In the absence of pregnancy, the endometrial layer is rejected and leaves the uterine cavity. Menstrual bleeding may be delayed due to hormonal disorders and insufficient thickening of the endometrial tissue. The resulting imbalance explains the irregularity of menstruation.
If the examination does not reveal any health problems, you can try to adjust the menstrual cycle on your own. 10 days before the expected monthly, 0.4 g of tocopherol can be taken to stimulate ovarian function. The drug is used 1 hour after meals 1 time per day. The risk of such self-treatment is minimal if there is no hypersensitivity to tocopherol.
In case of malfunctions in the ovaries and absence of ovulation by a gynecologist, ascorbic acid may be given 1 tablet three times a day and vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) 1 tablet twice a day from the second half (14 days) of the 28-day menstrual cycle. Do not forget about the side effects that occur with an overdose of vitamin preparations - itching and redness on the skin, nausea, abdominal pain. Before you start using vitamin-containing medicines, you should carefully read the detailed instructions for use from the manufacturer.
The dosage of vitamin preparations is selected by the doctor in such a way as not to allow an overdose.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
The choice of physiotherapeutic methods depends on the underlying cause, which caused the appearance of scant excretions instead of monthly ones. In each case, physiotherapy procedures are selected by a gynecologist in conjunction with a physiotherapist. Treatment can combine several different procedures according to the impact factor. The effect on the body with the help of electric current, magnetic field, laser beam can be local or general. In the presence of a chronic inflammatory process of the reproductive system, gynecologists prescribe a combination of several different procedures. The complex recommended by the physician, physiotherapeutic procedures includes: vacuum sanation of the cervical canal, ultrasound sanation of the vaginal cavity and uterus, thermal irrigation and thermal application of the vagina, magnetophoresis by drugs, endourethral electromagnetophoresis with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, darsonvalization of the vagina, magnetolaser therapy, laser treatment of the blood.
The methods of physiotherapy include drinking mineral-saturated waters that regulate the water-electrolyte balance. Restoration of the normal level of saturation of the body with trace elements plays an important role in the successful treatment of gynecological problems.
Alternative treatment
For the therapy of endometriosis with scanty discharge, instead of monthly alternative healers suggest using clay (blue or gray). You need to carefully consider the choice of raw materials. Clay should be taken without inclusions of sand, earth, organic residues, pre-crumbled and poured with enough water to soften it. In the morning, pour out the water, and mix the resulting liquid into a creamy state. Then add the gruel (750 g) in a small container and preheat. When the liquid in the clay begins to boil, leave the pan on the fire (1-2 min), remove from the plate and cool a little. Lay out on a plastic film and form a large cake height of 2-3 cm. Put it on the bottom of the abdomen. It is necessary to ensure that the compress is warm, but not hot. Cover the wrap with a warm kerchief and lie down for 2 hours. After the procedure, wash the stomach with warm water. The number of events varies from 5 to 8, and each requires fresh clay.
A mixture of raw palm sugar (jaggeri) with sesame seeds. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day. Palm sugar is a natural antioxidant, it provides a surge of energy and energy for the body (it includes sucrose, glucose, fructose), high iron content is an excellent tool for the prevention of anemia, contributes to the normalization of menstrual function. A perfect addition to the jaggery is sesame. Sesame seeds contain - Zn, Mg, Fe, P, Ca, vitamins of groups A, B, C, antioxidants, phytoestrogens.
With scant smearing secretions instead of monthly, pineapple juice will be useful, which contains bromelain, micro- and macro elements, a complex of vitamins. Pineapple juice should drink 2-3 tablespoons. Twice a day.
Herbal Treatment
Alternative medicine offers in the treatment of pathologies, which are the primary cause of lean secretions instead of menstruation, use herbal infusions, decoctions, freshly squeezed juices. Infusions of herbs, juices contain substances useful for the body, vitamins, microelements.
Seeds of carrots. From the seeds, a medicinal infusion is prepared. Seeds of carrots to grind (1 tbsp), pour 1 st. Boiling water and allow to cool. Take the resulting broth for 2 tablespoons. At one time, several times a day.
Saffron. Two pinches finely ground raw materials must be mixed with 1 tbsp. Milk at room temperature. Take the product during the day.
Aloe. Freshly squeezed from the leaves of aloe juice drink 2-3 tablespoons. Three times a day.
During the sparse, painful month-long healers recommend a collection consisting of the following ingredients, taken in equal volumes (20 g each): laxative bark cortex (buckthorn), white birch leaves, peppermint leaves, yarrow, valerian root and blackberry leaves. A glass of boiling water to fill the plant collection, let it brew, drain and drink throughout the day.
Doctors-homeopaths with meager or smearing secretions instead of monthly recommend various preparations on a plant basis.
In the therapy of primary amenorrhea, two homeopathic remedies are most commonly used: Pulsatilla and Calcium carbonicum.
Pulsatilla is used in the pubertal period, with an unstable menstrual cycle. Because of the hormonal instability, menstruation is irregular, the color of the discharge varies from dark to light pink or almost colorless. Before menstruation there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Psychological state is labile (tearfulness, touchiness). Apply this drug according to an individual scheme, selected by a specialist homeopath.
Pulsatilla is produced in granules. Applied sublingually: the prescribed number of peas put under the tongue and wait for the complete dissolution of grains. Admission is carried out on an empty stomach. With amenorrhea, dilution D200 is used.
Calcium carbonicum. Used in the puberty period, when the establishment of the menstrual cycle is late. Concomitant symptomatology: heart palpitations, nervousness, anxiety, dyspnea and cephalalgia. Apply granules sublingually for 5-10 grains up to 4 times a day for 30 minutes. Before or after eating. The standard course of therapy is 14 days.
Mulimen. Non-hormonal means, which includes a complex of natural herbal ingredients, used in gynecological practice for the therapy of the psychosomatic symptom complex. Mulimen is recommended for menstrual disorders (algodismenorea, dysmenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, polymenorrhea, oligomenorrhoea, scanty spotting), mastopathy, PMS, pre-menopausal and menopausal syndromes.
Drops are used sublingually. The standard scheme - from 3 to 5 receptions per day - for 15-20 drops. For severe pain, the drug is allowed to use an interval
30 min. On 10 drops, for 2-3 hours. 200 drops - the maximum daily dose. After stopping the pain, therapy is continued according to the standard admission regimen.
Drops immediately before ingestion are allowed to dilute with water of 20-50 ml. Drink 30 minutes before meals or 60 minutes after eating.
It is allowed to dissolve the daily norm of the drug in a glass of water and take small portions throughout the day. The therapeutic properties of the agent do not decrease when used in a dissolved form.
Bryonia and Phosphorus. Used for the appearance of secondary amenorrhea (delayed menstrual, excluding pregnancy), due to hormonal disorders or infections. Complex therapy is subject to the underlying disease, and plant-based drugs can be an effective addition to it.
Operative treatment
In some cases, with the appearance of scanty bloody discharge, urgent surgical treatment is indicated.
When there is dysfunctional uterine bleeding, apply medical-diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity.
The scheme and tactics of treating patients with scanty secretions instead of menstruation in menopausal and premenopausal periods is aimed at eliminating the causes of bleeding. Operative therapy is exposed to women with malignant tumor processes of the endometrium, myometrium, and ovaries.
Excision of ectopic gynecological pathologies (tumors, cysts, ectopic nodes of fibromiomas) is made by hysteroscopy under anesthesia.
After surgery, a therapy is prescribed using hormonal means to stabilize the function of the ovaries. With the development of anemic conditions, due to prolonged bleeding, therapy is needed to increase hemoglobin levels. With a large loss of blood, infusion therapy can be prescribed - transfusion of donor blood, preparations containing plasma or erythrocyte mass. Effective auxiliary methods for eliminating the symptoms of anemia, normalizing the menstrual cycle, stopping uterine bleeding are:
- complex vitamin therapy,
- phytotherapy,
- apitherapy,
- aromatherapy,
- physiotherapeutic procedures.
To avoid complications caused by lean secretions instead of menstruation,
It is necessary to take preventive measures:
- regular visits to the doctor-gynecologist,
- walks in the open air,
- moderate physical activity,
- weight control,
- stabilization of emotional state,
- avoidance of stressful situations,
- Relaxing techniques (color therapy, meditation),
- proper nutrition.
The reason that causes the appearance of scanty excretions instead of menstruation, most often lies in the lack of sex hormones or the pathology of the endometrium. With poor menstruation, the following complications are possible:
- development of secondary amenorrhea,
- loss of conception of the child,
- miscarriage,
- ectopic pregnancy,
- decreased sexual desire.
All these consequences can be avoided if, in the event of hypomenorrhea, it is timely to consult a doctor to determine the cause that caused the pathological symptoms. The prognosis for scanty discharge, instead of monthly ones, is generally favorable in most cases if adequate treatment is provided.