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Pills from sleep
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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To get rid of constant or periodic drowsiness, you need to establish the cause and eliminate it, rather than symptoms.
Sleep disorder occurs in a number of pathologies, in particular, neuropsychiatric nature:
- the Klein-Levin syndrome;
- narcolepsy;
- apnea in a dream;
- endocrine problems;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Indications for use
The main indication for the use of tablets from sleep is an unhealthy desire to sleep during the day, a condition of pathological drowsiness.
Medicines for sleep can not be taken at their own discretion. Only a doctor can intelligently take into account all the pros and cons, prevent complications or replace the drug in a more suitable time.
See also: Tablets for sleepiness
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Tablets from sleep refer to psychostimulating drugs, they activate the tone of skeletal muscles and psychomotor. Pharmacodynamics is reduced to the presence of adaptogenic properties. This group of drugs stimulates the receptors of the central nervous system, the activity of the digestive organs, and the cardiovascular system.
For example, pantocrine consists of chemical compounds resembling microelements of the body, so it is easily absorbed into the tissues, with minimal negative influence.
Amino acids normalize the carbohydrate-protein metabolism.
Phospholipid structures restore ion exchange, restore the structures of cell biomembranes. Normalize enzymatic reactions.
The pharmacokinetics of psychostimulating drugs is characterized by a fairly rapid absorption of drugs. The maximum concentration of active substances in the blood serum is reached from 1 hour 50 minutes - up to two and a half hours.
This parameter, like the half-life, has a wider range and ranges from 4 to 5 to 15 hours in different preparations. Active metabolites are excreted mainly with urine.
The effect of tablets from sleep lasts about two days from the time of taking.
Names of tablets from sleep
To the most popular, due to their effectiveness and accessibility, include the following tablets from sleep:
- longandazine;
- pantocrin;
- iodofinil;
- Ritalin;
- caffeine;
- donepezil;
- phenotropil;
- ephedrine.
In addition to tablets from sleep, pharmacists offer many herbal preparations (such as tincture of magnolia vine). Most often, the invigorating properties of plants and natural products are used in tablet form.
The most famous are Chinese lemongrass, ginseng root, echinacea purpurea, eleutherococcus, rhodiola rosea, hips.
Modafinil is a relatively new drug developed in the USA.
He is able to stimulate the brain, thus not affecting the rhythm of night sleep. The medicine eliminates lethargy, improves endurance, improves mental abilities and memory. Modafinil is recommended for:
- Multiple sclerosis;
- depressive manifestations;
- Alzheimer's disease;
- age-related changes in memory;
- disturbances of circadian rhythm;
- after anesthesia.
As the tests showed, modafinil does not cause addiction and serious side effects, it does not provoke anger, aggression, tremor and other negative mental symptoms. It is safer compared to other tablets from drowsiness.
Modafinil does not cause euphoria, almost does not change blood pressure, reduces the excitability of the peripheral nervous system.
Apply these pills from sleep only for medical reasons.
The name of londeyzin can be translated as an "extender of the day". An effective medication that affects human biorhythms can prolong the waking period of a person up to 5 hours. In this way, the drug relieves sleepiness precisely when wakefulness and activity are required.
Tablets from the sleep of londezine are especially useful:
- when working in different shifts, including at night
- with frequent travel around the world, movement in different time zones
- with pathologies accompanied by drowsiness.
Pantocrine is quite famous in medicine. The basis of the medicinal product is an extract from young, neocostenic horns (antlers) of deer, deer, and deer. A drug:
- tonic affects the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels, digestive organs
- stimulates tone and efficiency
- relieves of drowsiness, a sense of fatigue.
Pharmaceutical forms - pills from sleep, drops.
Ritalin is a pharmacological preparation with a stimulating effect. The active substance is methylphenidate. Also available under other names, incl. Meridyl, centedrine. Refers to a group of drugs such as cocaine, amphetamines. The advantage of a synthetic stimulant is that it has a softer effect than amphetamines, and, according to available information, has fewer side effects.
However, against these tablets from sleep, there are even more objections than "for."
The mechanism of action of this drug is "not fully understood", as the manufacturer warns. It is known that tablets often cause aggression, panic conditions, hallucinations, and large doses are fraught with convulsions and even death.
Abroad, this drug is prescribed by psychiatrists in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children.
Donepezil is a piperidine derivative. It is used in the complex therapy of Alzheimer's disease. Analogues based on it:
- aricept;
- Donepasil;
- it is clear;
- alzidone;
- alzepil and so on.
These sleeping tablets inhibit the cholinesterase enzyme in the brain, block the breakdown of acetylcholine, which transmits impulses to the central nervous system. The active ingredient is donepezil hydrochloride. Slows down the development of symptoms of the disease, supports daily activity. Reduces inadequacy of behavior, apathic manifestations, meaningless actions, even hallucinations. Therapy is continued until it is effective.
The drug has the following side effects: nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia.
Pharmacies sell the funds of this group only by prescription. After reception it is impossible to get behind a wheel, and also to carry out the works demanding special care or accuracy.
Caffeine in tablets is a natural stimulant (it provides psycho-stimulating, analeptic and cardiotonic effects) of industrial production, which is sold in all pharmacies. The invigorating action is based on the blocking of adenosine receptors. As a result of inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity, cAMP and cGMP are accumulated. Thus, it stabilizes the transmission of nerve impulses through the synapses of neurons of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Tablets from sleep with caffeine (trade name caffeine-benzoate sodium) activate nervous and mental activity, reduce the feeling of fatigue, the desire to sleep almost instantly.
The pharmacy means contains caffeine in its pure form, so its effectiveness exceeds the influence, for example, of a drunk coffee cup. Tablets, in contrast to the drink, are softer and more lasting, do not cause a sudden increase in pressure and rapid heartbeat.
The drug contains potato starch and calcium stearate, which improves the dissolution of caffeine and its absorption. Valid five to seven hours at a dosage of 50 - 100 mg. The recommended dosage is two to three tablets a day.
Do not exceed the recommended dose, take before bedtime.
Kofenin-benzoate sodium is also used in the therapy of certain diseases: complex therapy of migraine, bedwetting in children, sleep apnea. There are also contraindications, such as: arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, elderly age, so with a therapeutic purpose appoints a specialist.
Phenotropil belongs to the group of pyrrolidone. It is not a drug, but partially possesses the properties of amphetamines drug, listed in the list of dopes. Has psychostimulant, nootropic, antiamnestic, anticonvulsant, anti-asthenic, adaptogenic and immunostimulating effects.
If we talk about the short-term effect, then in 20 - 60 minutes, it's not just cheerfulness that causes it, but a sense of concentration and determination, a person's concentration increases, one wants to do "everything at once". For a particularly busy working day, you can drink in the morning with a preparation along with a portion of coffee.
Fentotropil is used not only as a pill from sleep; it is recommended for obesity as a remedy against increased appetite. In a sports diet use with caffeine or similar energetics.
The effectiveness of phenotropil depends on the time of use. Long-term use is addictive, and when used for more than 3 weeks - even dangerous due to exhaustion.
Ephedrine - a natural alkaloid, is found in various species of plants of the ephedrine family, growing in the mountains of Central Asia and Western Siberia. The main component is ephedrine hydrochloride, a strong stimulator of adrenoreceptors (beta and alpha). By some properties is analogous to adrenaline: it narrows the vessels, expands the bronchi and pupils, raises blood pressure and glucose level in the blood, inhibits intestinal peristalsis.
Has a strong stimulating effect on the central nervous system. They produce a number of ready-made medicines, which include ephedrine (theoephedrine, broncholitin, solutane, etc.).
Ephedrine as a pill from sleep is released by prescription. At reception in 15 - 30 minutes there is an easy or a light; a mild shiver, the heart beating accelerates, there is a nervous excitement. These symptoms quickly disappear.
Do not use tablets containing ephedrine for long periods of time! You can not also use it for weight loss - this is a real threat to health and even life.
In some countries, including Russia and Ukraine, ephedrine is banned and listed in narcotic substances.
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Sleeping tablets for drivers
What to take in order not to fall asleep? Excellent health and proper rest before the trip are the main conditions for safe driving. They can not be replaced by invigorating drinks or pharmaceuticals. Experienced drivers know: the most effective way not to fall asleep on the road is to stop the car and take a nap for 20 minutes - up to half an hour.
But if you need to quickly, literally on the go, overcome sleep, you can count on sleeping tablets for drivers. Here is a list of suitable stimulants:
- doppelherz;
- eleutherococcus;
- Phenotropil.
But you can not abuse these drugs: take in exceptional cases, on the preliminary advice of a doctor or pharmacist. And remember that a constant lack of sleep can permanently undermine the health of both the driver and the person of another profession working "for wear."
Method of administration and dosage of tablets from sleep
The method of administration and dosage of tablets from sleep must be prescribed by a doctor. They depend on the purpose and nature of the organism. A standard tablet for sleeping acts 5 to 8 hours. Usually appoint two tablets, with repetition through the same time.
Most of the tablets from sleep are prescribed by prescription. An exception is caffeine. You should also carefully study the annotation in the package to avoid unwanted side effects.
Pharmacies offer drugs that relieve drowsiness, also in the form of drops, tinctures, extracts, injections.
Use of tablets from sleep during pregnancy
The use of tablets from sleep during pregnancy is clearly undesirable. During lactation - too. Because the easy penetration of active ingredients into different tissues of the mother's organism leads to the fact that the child together with milk will receive a dose of not just unnecessary but harmful medicines for him.
The only exception is caffeine in tablets from sleep, and then only in critical cases, when the benefit is many times greater than the risk. This is decided by the attending physician, as well as in what manner and doses (possibly, reduced) to take the medicine.
For a woman who has given birth, it is advisable not to breastfeed a child during the period of taking psycho-stimulating medications.
Contraindications for use
Contraindications to the use of tablets from sleep, too, are available. They are associated with acute and chronic diseases, with a history of anxiety symptoms, namely, when:
- increased blood coagulability;
- chronic hypertension;
- acute inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis);
- chronic heart diseases and chronic heart failure;
- diarrhea;
- malignant formations;
- individual intolerance or allergy to individual components;
- severe stage of atherosclerosis.
It is not recommended to administer tablets from sleep to children under 10 years of age, special care is required in case of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The same attention is required by elderly patients with glaucoma, with a tendency to nervous seizures, epilepsy.
Side effects
Tablets from sleep can have side effects of varying degrees of severity. Among them:
- increased heart rate, palpitations, arrhythmias;
- increased blood pressure;
- psychomotor agitation;
- dizziness, tinnitus, fainting;
- headache and migraine attack;
- tremors and convulsions;
- gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
- allergic reactions (pruritus, hyperemia, rash);
- hyperhidrosis;
- decreased tolerance to the drug (addictive);
- paradoxical reactions of the body (drowsiness, fatigue).
Overdose of tablets from sleep happens with uncontrolled use, self-medication, illiterate approach to the therapy process. This is signaled by characteristic symptoms:
- allergic reactions
- headache
- diarrhea
- psychomotor agitation.
Symptoms of overdose are eliminated, first of all, by abolishing the drug. Sometimes symptomatic therapy is required.
Interactions with other drugs
Psychostimulants are undesirable to use together with drugs that contain calcium salts, as well as drugs that increase blood coagulability (anticoagulants).
Tablets from sleep, like biostimulants, enhance the effect of nootropic drugs.
It is not recommended the parallel administration of drugs to stimulate the activity of the small and large intestine.
Alcohol and tablets from sleep are incompatible substances.
Professional athletes, coaches and sports doctors should remember that some of the mentioned drugs can be found in the blood or urine under doping control.
A competent approach to the issue of interaction will prevent complications and adverse reactions in the treatment of drowsiness.
Storage conditions and shelf life
The conditions for the storage of tablets from sleep and other pharmacy forms of this group are typical for pharmaceutical products. In particular, it is necessary to store medicines:
- in a dry ventilated room;
- without direct sunlight;
- at a plus temperature of not more than 25 degrees;
- in a place protected from children.
The temperature range ranges from 3 to 35 degrees Celsius. Other requirements, if any, must be noted in the instructions, what should be paid attention when buying drugs.
Pharmacies should strictly adhere to the special conditions for storing strong drugs (so-called list A, list B, etc.).
Pharmaceutical companies always indicate on the packaging the manufacturing time and the expiry date of each product. Applying a medicine after the expiry of this period is dangerous.
Tablets from sleep, liquid forms of medication-psychostimulants, with proper storage, usually retain these properties for 24 to 36 months.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Pills from sleep" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.