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Phenorelaxane is an anticonvulsant, tranquilizing, and also a hypnotic drug from the benzodiazepine group.
Indications Phenorelaxan
Fenorelaxan is excellent in coping with such pathological processes as:
- Abstinence syndrome (in case of abuse of alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances);
- Epileptic status;
- Epileptic seizures (regardless of the cause);
- Epilepsy (temporal and myoclonic);
- Sleep disorder, which manifests itself in the form of insomnia;
- Obsession;
- Reactive psychosis;
- Neurotic and neurosis-like conditions;
- Psychopathic and psycho-like conditions;
- Conditions that are accompanied by heightened anxiety, short temper, nervous tension, emotional instability;
- Seneco - hypochondriac pathologies (including those that are immune to other anxiolytics);
- Hyperkinesis and twitching, numbness of muscle tissue, autonomic instability (in neurology);
- Schizophrenia (including the febrile form) with increased susceptibility to antipsychotic medications;
- For premedication (in anesthesiology, as part of an initial anesthesia);
- To reduce the feeling of fear and emotional heat (in emergency situations).
Release form
In the pharmaceutical market, the medication is presented as a solution for various types of administration (intravenous and intramuscular), as well as tablets.
Phenorelaxan treat anxiolytics. It is a benzodiazepam derivative. Therefore, emus are characterized by such effects on the body as: soothing, arresting cramps and relieving muscle tension.
The overwhelming effect that Fenorelaxane exerts on the central nervous system is realized primarily in the thalamus and hypothalamus, and in the limbic system.
When this drug is used, an increase in the inhibitory effect on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) occurs, which is one of the main mediators of synaptic deceleration (post- and pre-) transmission of nervous tremors in the CNS.
The main mechanism of its effect is the activation of the benzodiazepine nerve endings of supramolecular GABA-benzodiazepine-chloro-nophor-receptor combination, which causes GABA receptors to activate and reduce the subcortical structures of the brain and slow the polysynaptic spinal reactions.
When ingested, Phenorelaxane is perfectly absorbed from the digestive tract. For the period from one hour to two, its limiting density is reached. Metabolism occurs in the liver.
The half-life of the drug lasts from six to eighteen hours. In this case, the selection occurs mostly with urine.
Dosing and administration
If Phenorelaxane is prescribed in the form of r-ra (for intravenous (jet or drip), or / m injection):
- Reducing fear, anxiety, stress, with autonomic seizures and psychotic conditions
- The first dose is from 0.5 to 1 ml of r-ra, an average of three to five milliliters per day. In some cases, up to seven to ten milliliters.
Epileptic seizures:
- Treatment begins with 0.5 ml of 0.1% r-ra, reaching an average of one to three milliliters per day.
- Abstinence syndrome;
The recommended dose is 0.5-1 ml 0.1% solution.
- Increased muscle tone (in neurology)
It is recommended intramuscular injection one to two times a day for half a milliliter of the drug.
- 0.1% solution of phenorelaxane is administered in an amount of three to four milliliters.
The maximum amount of a drug that can be administered per day is ten milliliters. If treatment is performed with intravenous or intramuscular injection, the optimal course will be three to four weeks. Treatment should not be discontinued at the same time (because of the likely development of the "withdrawal" syndrome) - only gradually reducing the dosage.
When a stable result is achieved - you can switch to the use of Phenorelaxan in a medicinal form of pills.
Pills need to be taken orally, a single dose is usually 0.5-1 mg.
If you take the medicine about three times a day, then the average dosage will be 1.5-5 mg. In the morning and in the daytime, 0.5-1 mg, and in the evening as much as 2.5 mg. Maximum of a day can be consumed no more than ten milligrams.
Recommended reception for various pathologies:
- Sleep disorders:
You should use 0.25-0.5 mg for twenty to thirty minutes before bedtime.
- Pathological conditions (for example, neurotic, psychopathic, neurotic and psychopathic):
At the beginning of treatment, 0.5-1 mg should be used two to three times a day. Then, after two to four days (if the patient tolerates the drug well and taking into account the effectiveness of the treatment), the dosage can be increased to four to six milligrams per day.
- If the patient has a strong sense of fear, anxiety
Therapy should be started from three milligrams per day, rapidly increasing the dose to achieve the desired effect.
- Epilepsy
Recommended intake of two to ten milligrams per day.
- Alcohol abstinence
Recommended use of two and a half to five milligrams per day.
- Pathologies characterized by increased muscle tone
It is worth using two to three milligrams a day, dividing the daily intake by two times.
Phenorelaxane in the form of tablets should not be consumed for more than two weeks to reduce the risk of dependence on the drug. Under certain circumstances, the duration of drug use can be increased to sixty days.
If the medicine needs to be canceled - the dose should be reduced consistently in order to minimize the risk of withdrawal syndrome.
Use Phenorelaxan during pregnancy
Due to the fact that the drug has a teratogenic effect that contributes to damage to the fetus and can cause a mutation (congenital) at the DNA level, it can not be categorically used during the gestational period. This is especially true for women in the first trimester, because of the most active division of cells during the entire pregnancy. After all, a child with a high probability of serious congenital malformations if his mother will take Fenorelaxane in this period of time.
Later (in the second and third trimester) the teratogenic effect is reduced, but the threat to the health of the child remains the same. Therefore, in this gestation period you can use this medicine, but it is not desirable.
If a woman uses Fenorelaxan on the eve of childbirth, this can lead to problems with breathing in the newborn.
If the attending physician can not prescribe another, safer medicine, and the patient has a life testimony for taking Fenorelaxana - the use of medication is possible.
Since there are data that Phenorelaxane in a small amount will fall into the mother's milk, and accordingly affect the health of the child (and thereby harm), its use during lactation is also prohibited.
You can not use medicines in the following cases:
- Increased individual sensitivity to the active substance Phenorelaxane;
- Coma;
- Shock state;
- Myasthenia gravis;
- Glaucoma of a closed type (in an acute period or in the presence of predisposition);
- Acute poisoning with alcoholic beverages, narcotic or hypnotic drugs;
- Obstructive pulmonary disease of a chronic nature;
- Acute respiratory failure;
- Period gestation;
- Severe depression;
- Breastfeeding period;
Taking into account all risks, it is possible to use a medicine in the following cases:
- Insufficiency of the liver or kidney function;
- Ataxia (cerebral or spinal);
- The presence of drug dependence in the patient's medical history;
- Predisposition to the abuse of psychoactive drugs;
- Hyperkinesis;
- Pathologies of the brain of the basic type;
- If the patient refers to the elderly population.
Side effects Phenorelaxan
When using Fenorelaxan, there is a possibility of the following undesirable effects:
- Nervous system: overwork, weakening of concentration, disorientation in space, confusion, liquefaction of memory function, unstable walking.
- Hemopoietic system: a decrease in the level of leukocytes, neutrophils, platelets, agranulocytosis, anemia.
- Digestive system: a violation of the functionality of baking, jaundice, stool disorder, decreased appetite.
- Genitourinary system: anuria, impaired renal function, libido disorder, dysmenorrhea.
- Allergy: rashes on the skin surface, overgrazing;
- Effects on the fetus during gestation: teratogenicity, CNS depression, respiratory function.
- Locally: venous inflammation or venous clot lumen of the thrombus;
- General: addiction, dependence on medication; decreased pressure, impaired vision, decreased body weight, palpitations.
It should also be borne in mind that a rapid reduction in dosage or a complete cessation of the use of phenorelaxane may contribute to the development of the "withdrawal" syndrome
If the recommended dose of phenorelaxane is exceeded slightly - there is a possibility of increasing the therapeutic effect and undesirable effects.
If the recommended dose is exceeded very much - there is a strong oppression of consciousness, the function of the heart and lungs.
For therapy it is required:
- Monitoring the vital signs of the body;
- Support heart and lung function;
- Symptomatic therapy;
- Introduction Strychnine Nitrate (1ml 0.1% solution 2-3) - in the role of the antagonist relaxing muscle Fenorelaxan;
- Introduction of a special antagonist - Flumazenil (Anexata): iv 0.2 mg (if necessary, the dosage can be increased to 1 mg) by 5% of the glucose solution or 0.9% of the NaCl solution.
Interactions with other drugs
In patients with Parkinsonism, who simultaneously take Levodopa and Fenorelaxane, reduce the effectiveness of the first.
With Zidovudine - a joint treatment with phenorelaxan leads to an increase in the toxicity of Zidovudine.
If you use Fenorelaxan together with drugs such groups as: antipsychotic (antipsychotics), antiepileptic, muscle relaxants, narcotic analgesics or with sleeping pills, there will be a mutual increase in effects.
Retarders of microsomal oxidation - increase the likelihood of undesirable effects.
Inductors of liver catalysts (microsomal) - reduce the effectiveness of phenorelaxane.
Phenorelaxane in a single use with Imipramine, increase the density of the latter in blood plasma.
When used with drugs that reduce blood pressure, a more pronounced hypotensive effect occurs.
Respiratory depression may occur with the use of clozapine with phenorelaxen.
Storage conditions
Phenorelaxane belongs to the list of B (potent drugs).
It should be stored in a dry place, which will not be exposed to the rays of the sun, ensuring that it is not accessible to children. The temperature regime should be about 25 ° C.
Shelf life
If all the storage conditions are met, the medicine can be stored for three years.
Fenorelaxan has long been a novelty in the pharmaceutical market. During its existence, it has established itself as an excellent, effective tool. The area for its use is very large, from withdrawal symptoms to schizophrenia. But at the same time, both doctors and patients note the occurrence of many undesirable effects, and most importantly the development of dependence, because of which a lengthy reception of it becomes problematic.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Phenorelaxan" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.