Persistent dizziness in women and men with weakness, nausea, headache
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Many of us have experienced at least once in our life with such an unpleasant state as dizziness. Noise in the ears, a sharp weakness, the floor "runs away" from under the feet, the surrounding situation seems to be moving in a circle, all this is felt by a person who is dizzy. Frequent dizziness can lead to persistent disability and even to the development of depression, because in this state it is difficult to focus on anything and perform any action. Especially annoying constant dizziness, moreover, it may indicate the presence of serious health problems. With constant dizziness, a doctor's consultation should become mandatory.
Complaints about vertigo physicians-neurologists hear from patients often. This symptom is observed in 5-30% of patients of different age categories, regardless of gender.
Constant dizziness can indicate a variety of different pathologies - from mild cases to severe and complex diseases. To date, there is information on eight dozens of nosological units, the course of which is accompanied by the appearance of dizziness.
Causes of the constant dizziness
The non-systematic type of constant dizziness can be caused by:
- Meniere's disease;
- deposition of calcium salts in the region of the inner ear;
- an inflammatory process in the labyrinth;
- inflammatory process affecting the vestibular nerve ( vestibular neuronitis );
- violation of blood circulation in the brain;
- tumor processes in the cerebellum or brainstem;
- neurinoma;
- encephalitis;
- multiple sclerosis.
An insensitive type of vertigo is due to reduced blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and the intake of certain medications (eg, sedatives and barbiturates).
Risk factors
Dizziness can accompany such painful conditions:
- osteochondrosis;
- decreased blood pressure;
- sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
- tumor processes in the brain;
- long absence of food, hypoglycemic attack in diabetic patients;
- traumatic injury of the skull;
- disturbance of the vestibular apparatus, motion sickness;
- psychogenic disorders;
- taking certain medications that affect the nervous system and blood pressure;
- cerebral ischemia.
According to pathogenetic signs, there are three types of constant dizziness.
- The systemic type of constant dizziness has to do with vestibular disorders:
- peripheral disorder of the labyrinth, which occurs with pathology of the inner ear (inflammation, Ménière's disease);
- central damage to the links linking the labyrinth with the brain structures, which provides a sense of balance (such damage occurs when the blood flow in the brain is sharply altered due to stroke or tumor processes).
- The non-systematic type of constant dizziness has nothing to do with the defeat of the labyrinth and its interaction with the brain structures:
- occurs with vertebral lesions in the cervical spine (for example, with osteochondrosis);
- develops as a consequence of neuroses, depressive states, stress.
- Physiological type of dizziness - is an external irritation of the vestibular apparatus (for example, when rocking during travel or after drinking alcoholic beverages).
Symptoms of the constant dizziness
Constant dizziness is not a disease, but a symptom that often accompanies many neurological and other pathologies.
The first signs are often expressed in the following:
- there is a feeling of rotation of surrounding objects;
- there is a sense of lack of stability;
- there is a violation of spatial orientation;
- the gait is broken, the incidence of falls is increasing;
- there is nausea, up to vomiting;
- palpitation increases at the moment of attack, sweating increases.
The appearance of other symptoms depends on the initial cause of dizziness.
- Constant dizziness and nausea, worse with head turns, hearing impairment, spontaneous shape of the horizontal nystagmus are signs of vestibular inflammation - neuritis. Additional signs are usually: suddenness of the attack and its duration (from a couple of hours to several days), oscilloscopy.
- Constant light dizziness against a background of periodic pain in the neck - this sign indicates the presence of cervical osteochondrosis. With such a disease, headaches are often observed (especially after a sharp turn of the neck), sleep disorders, blurred vision, general weakness.
- Strong constant dizziness in the elderly is a consequence of atherosclerotic changes in the vessels of the brain. These patients experience memory impairment, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, and disability. Over time, the disease progresses.
- Constant headaches and dizziness occur with a tendency to increased blood pressure. Increased pressure leads to a disorder in the blood circulation in the brain and heart. This is manifested by additional symptoms: the appearance of "flies" in the eyes, ringing in the ears, shortness of breath.
- Constant dizziness and weakness often indicate the presence of diabetes. Accompanying symptoms are: frequent feelings of thirst and hunger, frequent urination, dry mouth, pain in the head, sweating. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a blood test evaluating the level of sugar.
- Constant drowsiness and dizziness occur with low blood pressure - hypotension. Patients with such a diagnosis often complain of weakness, constant drowsiness, resulting in a sharp disruption in performance.
- Constant noise in the head, dizziness are typical signs of anemia (low hemoglobin level in the blood). Other symptoms of anemia are pale skin, a feeling of fatigue and weakness.
- Constant dizziness and noise in the ears of a "ticking" nature may indicate the development of vestibular paroxysmia, which develops as a result of compression of the pre-collateral nerve cochlear. Similar symptoms are also characteristic of Meniere's disease, in which there is also a feeling of pressure in the affected ear, as well as hearing impairment on the one hand.
- Pain in the heart, constant dizziness - these signs are often indirect manifestations of myocardial infarction. In this case, the pain is transient and often "gives" to the shoulder, hands, shoulder blades or neck. Additional symptoms are manifested in the appearance of dyspnoea, in blanching of the skin (especially on the face). Infarction should be differentiated from cardiomyopathy, typical signs of which are chest pain, dizziness, swelling, a feeling of fatigue, the appearance of a bluish tinge on the lips.
Constant dizziness in osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis is usually accompanied by impaired blood circulation and deterioration of blood flow to the brain, which provokes the occurrence of constant dizziness. Such symptoms are a consequence of the transmission of vertebral arterial vessels.
With diagnosed osteochondrosis, the doctor can advise the use of such medications:
- Cavinton - a drug that dilates the blood vessels, improves metabolic processes in the brain tissues. Cavinton accelerates the delivery of glucose to the brain, stimulates blood circulation.
- Midokalm is a muscle relaxant with a central effect. Oppresses the reflex excitability of the spinal cord, anesthetizes and relieves spasms.
- Vinpocetine - a drug that improves blood circulation in the brain: it improves its susceptibility to hypoxia, it expands the cerebral vessels.
Persistent dizziness in case of an AVR
With vegetative-vascular dystonia, periodic changes in blood pressure, slowing down of metabolic processes are observed. Constant dizziness indicates that the central nervous system suffers from deficiency of oxygen and nutrients.
To get rid of discomfort, doctors recommend using such drugs:
- Glycine (Glycesed) is an amino acid that improves metabolic reactions in the brain tissues, soothing, normalizing sleep.
- Vinpocetine is a medicine that positively influences blood circulation in the brain. Has antioxidant activity.
- Memoplant - a herbal remedy, providing the outflow of excess fluid from the brain tissue, expanding the lumen of small vessels, improving muscle tone. The drug requires a long reception - at least 2 months.
Constant dizziness in women
From constant dizziness, women can suffer during menstruation or during menopause. It is during these periods that instability of blood pressure and significant hormonal changes are often observed.
If we are talking about these cases, then solve the problem with dizziness will help such medications:
- Drotaverin - eliminates muscle spasms, prevents oxygen starvation of brain tissue, relieves headaches.
- Tempalgin is an analgesic and antipyretic agent with a small sedative effect.
- Novo-Passit is a herbal preparation that is prescribed for irritability, sleep disturbance, migraine, climacteric syndrome.
Other causes of unpleasant and constant dizziness in women are often:
- limited diet, strict diets;
- frequent stressful situations, experiences, fears;
- lack of sleep;
- long-term use of certain medicines (eg, sedatives or hypnotics).
Persistent dizziness in pregnancy
Women during pregnancy often experience dizziness. There are many reasons for this state:
- lowering of pressure;
- Unusual for the body overload;
- significant changes in hormonal activity;
- restructuring of the circulatory system;
- increase in the tone of the vagus nerve.
Take any medications in this period is contraindicated. However, safe homeopathy can come to the rescue - but only after consulting a medical specialist.
For example, good reviews are available for the preparation Vertigo-Hel: it can be used, both for treating old people and children. About it we will tell in more detail in the section on the treatment of constant dizziness.
In addition, during pregnancy it is important to take extra vitamins, and especially vitamins of group B.
Some doctors recommend taking such an amino acid preparation as Glycine. The drug acts as a mediator in the central nervous system. It is safe even during pregnancy, when the intake of anticholinergic agents is very undesirable.
Persistent dizziness in men
Men can get dizzy from constant physical exertion, from prolonged overstrain of the nervous system, from bad habits and a wrong way of life, from regular stresses and malnutrition.
In elderly men, constant dizziness is most often associated with changes in the vessels of the brain - these changes are in most cases the result of a long experience of smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fatty foods and fast food.
In order to improve blood circulation in cerebral vessels in men, the doctor can prescribe Betaserc - a drug that stabilizes the vestibular apparatus, affecting the histamine receptors.
In the elderly, it is appropriate to use drugs to normalize the blood supply to the brain. So, the most popular in this category for a long time are such drugs as Cinnarizin, Cavinton and Nicergoline.
With ischemia of cerebral vessels, it is possible to prescribe antiplatelet agents - medicines based on acetylsalicylic acid.
Positive effect is also provided by means of angioprotective direction, which include preparations based on horse chestnut and Ginkgo Biloba extract .
Complications and consequences
If the head is spinning often and / or constantly, then there can be such unforeseen situations:
- loss of consciousness;
- bruises, falls, fractures;
- head trauma.
Constant dizziness is a symptom that in itself does not pose a potential danger to life. However, the pathology, which leads to the appearance of dizziness, can cause far more terrible consequences - up to malignant neoplasms, infectious complications and violation of the integrity of blood vessels. Therefore, if the head is spinning often or even constantly, it is better to consult a doctor. Unfortunately, most patients seek medical help too late, when it is no longer possible to improve their health.
Diagnostics of the constant dizziness
To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, you need to find the cause of its appearance. And for this it is necessary to undergo a serious and thorough examination.
Assessment of patient complaints is based on the following questions:
- How often do seizures appear?
- How long have they appeared and after what?
- What other symptoms are accompanied by an attack?
- Are there any worsening of hearing or sight, ringing in the ears, nausea, ears, pain?
Next, the doctor examines the patient for neurological disorders, referring to changes in muscle tone, impaired swallowing, nystagmus, etc.
Blood tests are especially informative when dizziness is caused by an infectious process in the body, anemia, atherosclerosis. In such cases, signs of an inflammatory reaction, a decreased level of hemoglobin, a high content of cholesterol in the blood are detected.
Additionally, other assays are performed:
- hematocrit, determination of the quality of blood coagulability (coagulogram);
- determination of blood sugar level on an empty stomach.
Instrumental diagnostics is most often represented by such types of research:
- Ultrasound of the brain (allows to estimate the blood supply to the brain).
- Computer tomography and MRI (helps to detect tumor processes, inflammatory changes, etc.).
- Tonal audiometry (it determines any changes on the part of the hearing organs).
- X-ray of the cervical spine.
- X-ray of the large occipital foramen and craniovertebral area.
Often, consultations of other specialists are required: the neurologist, the oculist, the otolaryngologist, the neurosurgeon, the endocrinologist.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is carried out with all diseases and conditions, which in principle can cause this symptom. These are diseases of the vestibular apparatus, inner ear, tumor processes, neurological pathologies, etc.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the constant dizziness
Treatment is carried out by a neuropathologist. To begin with, he will certainly recommend paying attention to your lifestyle and making certain adjustments to it. For example, you should stop smoking and drinking alcohol. In addition, it is desirable not to provoke dizziness and avoid sudden changes in the position of the trunk, deep slopes and intense movements. It is not recommended to stay at a height (especially on an open surface).
During a fit of dizziness, you should sit or lie down, focusing on one fixed object. It is better not to close your eyes. If there is a possibility, it is necessary to ensure the influx of fresh air.
At constant dizziness with itself always it is necessary to have the medicinal preparation registered by the doctor.
Treatment should always be prescribed only by a medical specialist: he will analyze the results of the diagnosis and select the necessary medications.
If dizziness is observed most often in the morning or during exercise, you can consult a doctor about taking the medicines listed below. The doctor's recommendation should be mandatory, as the head can be spinning and for quite dangerous reasons, for example, with stroke, tumors, diseases of the central nervous system. An accurate diagnosis is important - this will not make a mistake with the choice of medications.
- Nicergoline is a pill that is often used to treat circulatory disorders in the brain, migraine, cerebral atherosclerosis. Tablets are consumed orally, 1 unit each. Three times a day. Duration of admission - not less than 3 months. In some cases, the drug can lower blood pressure.
- Betagistin is a drug that helps with vestibular vertigo of various etiologies. Betagistin take 1-2 tablets, three times a day. The drug has virtually no side effects and is perfectly tolerated by most patients. However, it should not be taken during pregnancy and throughout the lactation period.
- Flunarizine is a medicine blocking calcium channels. It is especially recommended for the elimination of vertigo due to impaired blood circulation in the brain or vestibular disorders. Flunarizine is enough to take once a day, at night (the drug sometimes causes drowsiness, so taking before bedtime smooths out this side effect). The duration of application is determined on an individual basis.
- Piracetam - a drug that optimizes energy processes, which increases the hypoxic and toxic stability of the central nervous system. Dosage of the drug is determined individually, treatment lasts no less than 6-8 weeks. In some cases, Piracetam can cause sleep disorders, dyspepsia (mainly when taking more than 5 grams of the drug per day).
Cause of dizziness |
Medications |
The C-rum Kogana, the vestibular neuronite |
Corticosteroids (for the treatment of neuronite Prednisolone in the initial amount of 100 mg with a further decrease by 20 mg every three days). St-Kogan requires the appointment of the drug at a rate of 1 mg per kg of body weight. |
Vestibular migraine |
Β-adrenoblockers (for example, Propranolol in an amount of 80-160 mg daily). |
Ménière's disease |
Diuretics (Acetazolamide 250 mg per day), Betagistin at 48 mg per day. |
Psychogenic Vertigo |
Drugs that selectively inhibit serotonin reuptake (Paroxetine 20 mg per day). |
Vestibular paroxysmia |
Anticonvulsants (carbamazepine in the amount of 200-400 mg per day). |
To improve the general condition with constant dizziness, traditional treatment is better supplemented with the intake of vitamins. They can be consumed in a natural way, diversifying the diet with various useful products, or buying chemist's multivitamin preparations.
To eliminate dizziness, doctors are advised to pay attention to such drugs:
- Complivit - a complex product containing vitamins and minerals. Standard take 1 tablet 2 times a day, for a month.
- Vitamin E - Zentiva - improves the condition of PMS in women, with imbalance in nutrition and increased physical exertion. It is recommended to take 200 mg of the drug twice a day.
- Doppelherz Active magnesium plus vitamins of group B - biologically active additive, contains vitamins of group B, magnesium and folic acid. The drug is taken once a day for one tablet. Duration of admission - not more than 2 months.
- Multitabs B-complex is a combined preparation that improves the function of the nervous system. It is recommended to take 1 tablet up to 3 times a day, depending on the degree of vitamin deficiency.
- Undevit is an inexpensive domestic preparation that contains all the necessary vitamins, which improve the processes of brain activity and the function of the nervous system. Take pills immediately after a meal, 2 pcs. Up to three times a day, for a month. Treatment can be repeated, having sustained a break 1-2 months.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Physiotherapy helps stabilize blood circulation in the cervical spine, sympathetic nerve plexus, brain, and strengthen the resistance of brain tissue to lack of oxygen. Correctly appointed procedures significantly weaken the manifestation of disorders of the autonomic nervous system and vestibular apparatus, while lowering the tonus of muscles and reducing psychoemotional tension.
The doctor can recommend sessions of massage of the cervical-collar zone and the region of the shoulder girdle. It is appropriate to conduct therapeutic exercises, phonophoresis with anesthetics, euphyllin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and chondroprotectors.
Good reviews were obtained after electrophoresis procedures with angioprotectors and nootropic drugs.
Often recommend and such methods of physiotherapy as magnetotherapy, laser treatment, hydrobialtherapy, etc.
- Reflexotherapy - acupuncture and massage with a special needle device that improves and stimulates blood flow in the neck.
- Hydromassage is a classical, vacuum or hardware effect that relaxes muscles and improves venous outflow from tissues.
Alternative treatment
Treatment with alternative methods involves the use of hawthorn tincture, which can be bought at a pharmacy or cooked at home. To do this, take the flowers of the plant and fill them with 70% alcohol. This tincture is taken by mouth on an empty stomach for 1 tsp, diluting in 100 ml of water.
In addition, it is recommended to daily massage the scalp, neck and occiput. Massage should be easy, without excessive haste, moving from the lower part of the neck to the auricles and temples.
In the diet it is desirable to regularly add berries, fruits and garlic - these products help cleanse the vessels of cholesterol deposits and improve blood circulation.
It is useful to take a decoction of plantain, chamomile with honey, especially before going to bed.
During the day a good effect is provided by a contrast shower. It strengthens blood vessels and helps to quickly eliminate dizziness.
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Herbal Treatment
Herbs often help to eliminate mild dizziness. And in combination with medicines they speed up the healing process as a whole. For example, with dizziness associated with PMS or the onset of menopause, women will benefit from herbs such as mint and lemon balm. To herbal tea is also good to add the rhizome of valerian.
The recipe will also prove useful: ginger root grind to a powdery state and take ¼ teaspoon with a small amount of water three times a day.
A large number of alternative recipes for dizziness is associated with the use of oregano. Grass is brewed, based on the proportion of 2 tbsp. L. For 500 ml of boiling water. The infusion is kept in the thermos bottle during the night and taken on the next day, dividing the volume obtained into 4 receptions. Duration of treatment - 2-3 weeks, after which you should take a break.
In the absence of allergies and stomach diseases in tea or water for drinking it is useful to add natural apple cider vinegar and honey - for 1 tsp. The course of such treatment should last about two weeks.
The most common and effective homeopathic drug, eliminating dizziness, is Vertigo-gel, which is made in the form of drops or tablets. The drug helps to get rid of the constant dizziness of any etiology. Standard take 10 drops or 1 tablet three times a day. There are no contraindications to the use of Vertigo-Hel.
In osteochondrosis, the use of Traumeel C. Ointment is appropriate. The preparation is easily rubbed into the affected area of the neck up to three times a day.
Among monopreparations should pay attention to these:
- Phosphorus, Digitalis, Kalium carbonicum - if dizziness is concerned primarily with a sharp turn of the head;
- Ferrum - at dizziness after sharply accepted vertical position;
- Kokkulyus - if dizziness is accompanied by nausea;
- Rus, Arnika - if the head is spinning after an injury.
You should not try to find the right drug for yourself: it's unlikely that you will do it better than a homoeopathic doctor. Therefore, it will be more appropriate to consult him for advice.
To help surgeons are treated only when conservative treatment does not bring relief to the patient. For example, it is possible to use such surgical methods:
- The operation to dissect the vestibular nerve - is performed to block the transmission of information about the equilibrium. Intervention can lead to a number of complications - for example, loss of auditory function.
- The procedure of shunting the endolymphatic sac - involves the separation of the duct and sac, thereby reducing endolymphatic pressure. This intervention is especially often performed with Meniere's disease.
- The operation of the labyrinthectomy is a radical removal of the labyrinth. After the operation, the brain will stop providing information about gravitational and motor changes.
- Procedure for laser destruction of otolith receptors in the vestibule and semicircular tubules.
- The operation to block the lumen of the semicircular motion - provides for a violation of the possibility of movement of the otoliths.
- Surgery to remove tumor tumors.
- Operative intervention for Ginsberg - is relevant for the treatment of purulent labyrinthitis.
- Operation Neumann - is an autopsy semicircular tubules and the vestibule (used in the classical labyrinthite).
- The installation of a vestibular implant is a relatively new type of intervention, which has so far only been carried out in isolated cases.
- Operation Kimmerle - involves the removal of the arch to stabilize the circulation in the brain.
- Operation Chiari - is based on an increase in the posterior cranial fossa, which leads to a decrease in pressure and normalization of the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid.
To prevent constant dizziness, it is recommended that you observe important rules that can prevent this phenomenon.
- You need to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. This will prevent the development of dehydration and maintain blood pressure.
- It is important to exclude from your life bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol abuse.
- You can not work "on wear" remember the rest, it is very important for the restoration and normal functioning of the body.
- It is necessary to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, in a well-ventilated room.
- You can not starve and observe long strict and monotonous diets. The food should be without overeating, but full and balanced. Also, one should not forget about the need for vitamins and trace elements in the diet.
- It is undesirable to stay for a long time in stuffy and enclosed spaces. The lack of fresh air leads to hypoxia of the brain tissue.
In most patients dizziness occurs after eliminating the cause of its appearance.
If there is constant dizziness, which is accompanied by a deterioration in visual and auditory function, weakness in the limbs, then the forecast may not be so optimistic. In severe cases, the outcome of the disease depends on the timeliness of treatment to the doctor and on adequate adequate treatment.