Superficial mycoses (keratomycosis) cause ksratomycetes - malo-contagious fungi affecting the stratum corneum of the epidermis and the surface of the hair.
Rubrophytia (rubromycosis) is a common chronic mycosis of the skin of the trunk and extremities, nails and hair follicles, caused by the red trichophyton (Trichophyton rubrum).
Blastomycosis is a chronic mycosis, primarily damaging the lungs, prone to hematogenous dissemination in some patients, leading to damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue, bones and internal organs.
Paracoccidioidosis is a chronic mycosis, characterized by the defeat of the lungs, skin, mucous membranes of the oral cavity and nose, a progressive course with the development of the disseminated form of the disease.
Fungi of the genus Candida cause superficial, invasive and other forms of candidiasis (candidymycosis). There are about 200 species of fungi of the genus Candida.