Pain in the left side
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the left side, i.e. in the left abdominal segment, might appear due to disease of organs which are in this region of an abdomen.
The abdomen can be conditionally divided into four segments or quarters: upper left quadrant, left lower segment, right upper quadrant, right lower segment. The pain in the upper and lower left sides, and pain in a left hypochondrium are ones of the most often and important diagnostics complaints in case of digestive diseases.
Pain in the left side is found not only in various digestive diseases, but also in diseases of other organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal region (spleen, kidney, ureter, bladder, uterus, uterine appendages and others), diseases of the respiratory and circulatory organs (acute left-sided pneumonia, pleurisy, myocardial infarction), diseases of the abdominal wall (for example, hernia), diseases of the peripheral nervous system (osteochondrosis, neurosyphilis), blood diseases (porphyria, hemorrhagic vasculitis), collagenoses (Kussmaul's disease), endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus), heavy metal poisoning, etc. From this, it is clear that only thorough analysis of the pain in the left side with the identification of such and such its features will allow to avoid erroneous diagnostic conclusions.
Causes of pain in the left side
Pain in the left side is mostly often associated with the diseases of the pars descendens of the large intestine, sigmoid, left kidney, pancreas, spleen.
Let's consider the possible sources of this pain in more details.
- Spleen, which is located in the absolute vicinity to the surface of the body. This organ serves to remove aged erythrocytes (normally 120 days). The spleen destroys these aged old red blood cells, uptaking them. Decomposition products of blood cells get into the bone marrow, where new red blood cells are emerging. The spleen capsule size increases considerably with the appearance of any disease, affording its “host” tormented pain in the left side. This organ has a very high percentage to be lacerated, because of very close proximity to the body surface. Different injuries and diseases, for example, infectious mononucleosis, can be “provocateurs” of organ rupture. These factors make the spleen soft and increased in size that causes its rupture. However, there are documented cases, when the spleen ruptured independently. The main feature of the ruptured organ is bluish skin around the navel - these are traces of the accumulated blood under the skin. Of course, the accompanying signs of such circumstance are the sensitivity of the affected part to pressing and powerful pain.
- Stomach is one more source of the pain in the left side. Functional dyspepsia and gastritis are accompanied by the pain in the stomach, irradiating to the left side. There is a nagging pain with bouts of nausea and vomiting. Painful sensations may also be a result of ulcer or gastric cancer.
- Diaphragmatic hernia. The diaphragm separates the chest and abdominal cavities. The esophagus passes through a foramen which leads to the stomach. Weakened muscles that control the size of the foramen can do no longer their function, as a result of this, the size of the foramen begins to increase. As a result, the stomach moves through this opening from the abdominal cavity to the chest. This is called diaphragmatic hernia. Acidic gastric juice causes pain in the left side, and not only there.
- Pancreas also can be a source of the pain in the left side of the abdomen. This gland passes through the all upper section of the stomach, and in case of its inflammation, the person feels pain in the middle, left or right side of the abdomen. Cancer, diverse toxins and diseases can provoke pain in the left side. Painful feelings may be accompanied by heaves, nausea, high temperature body temperature. Pain with aching, pulling sensation, may irradiate to the back. A special attention for an appeared sharp pain in the left side of the abdomen should be paid by.people who have a susceptibility to pancreatic disease (gallbladder problems), or overindulge themselves with alcohol and cigarettes smoking, or suffer from diabetes mellitus, and those who administer steroids and diuretics (these medicines are often prescribed in case of cancer and some chronic diseases: arthritis, asthma)
According to the mechanism of pain appearance in the left side there are visceral, peritoneal and referred pains.
Visceral pains in the left side appear due to dysmotility of the stomach or intestine (spasm or distention of smooth muscle fibers). These pains are either cramping (for example, in case of intestinal colic) or conversely dull, aching (flatulence) and often accompanied by an irradiation into the various parts of the body.
Peritoneal (somatic) pains in the left side appear in case of parietal layer stimulation of the peritoneum, for example, in perforated gastric ulcer. These pains are usually sharp localized and constant, they have sharp, cutting nature and aggravate during movements and breathing, are accompanied by muscle tension of anterior abdominal wall.
Referred pain in the left side is a distinctive variant of irradiation of pain feelings which may occur particularly in case of left-sided lower lobe pneumonia, pleurisy, and some other diseases.
Colics in the left side
Colics in the left side may indicate diseases of spleen, kidney, stomach, pancreas, intestine. They are often associated with the malfunction of the stomach and the pancreas.
Inflammation process in the pancreas can occur due to overeating, incorrect nutrition, drinking alcohol, eating spicy, fatty food, convenience foods. The main symptoms are epigastric pain, colics in the left side. In some cases, there are vague pain around the abdomen, vomiting, constipation, meteorism. Treatment is carried out in the hospital by intravenous injections and an absolute starvation. Surgical intervention might be necessary depending on the form of the disease.
Inflammation process of the gastric mucosa.The main features of the given disease are heartburn, nausea, loss of appetite, bad taste in the mouth, pain appearance after a meal. If erosive formations appear in the stomach, mucous membrane can bleed. The disease is treated by drugs that reduce the hydrochloric acid production and neutralize it , such as omeprazole, esomeprazole, almagel, aluminum phosphate gel, maalox. Patients are prescribed with a diet and split meals.
Acute appendicitis
Colics, feelings of flatulence and abdominal distension pains appear in the epigastric region or near the navel in this pathology. During the passage of flatus or defecation palliation may occur. Then the pain syndrome increases, and colics are replaced by the acute pain, growing during walking, deep breaths and any physical activity. It is necessary to call an ambulance urgently at a first suspicion for appendicitis.
Diaphragm hernia
Top left abdominal pain can be caused by the hernia of the diaphragm, which is a general muscle, separating the chest and abdominal cavities. Pain appears as a result of outpouching of an upper part of the stomach into the chest cavity due to lumen increasing around the foramen, which connects the esophagus to the stomac.
[13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18]
Acute pyelonephritis
Kidney inflammation is accompanied by high temperature, back pain, general weakness, nausea, impaired urination. Treatment is carried out with antibacterial drugs and special diet which eliminates coffee, alcoholic beverages, spicy, fatty, fried and salty foods.
[19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25]
Colics in the left side may be associated with the excessive gas-formation. Such condition is often accompanied by bloating, feeling of heaviness and pain. Excessive flatulence may occur due to eating certain products, such as cabbage, apples, peas, beans, brown bread, etc. Drugs, normalizing intestinal peristalsis, are used as a treatment. The drug Espumizan has a high efficiency, it should be administered as two tea spoons during or after meals.
Consultation of such experts as traumatologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, neurologist may be needed for an accurate diagnosis, because colics in the left side can be associated with various organs and diseases.
Who to contact?
Diagnostics of pain in the left side
Proper pain detalization in the left side assumes primarily clarification of such an important feature of the pain syndrome as pain localization. In turn, only in case, you have a good understanding of the abdominal topographic regions, painful sensations of the patient can be localized correctly
By two horizontal lines: one interconnects the most low-lying points of X ribs, and the other one – upper anterior spines of iliac bones; anterior abdominal wall is divided into three areas, or "floors": upper, middle (mesogaster) and low (hypogastrium). Two vertical lines, passed on the outer (lateral) edges of the rectus abdominis muscles (these lines are essentially a continuation of midclavicular lines), divide each region for other three. Thus, there are totally obtained 9 topographic areas of the abdomen.
Wherein the upper "floor" will consist of the epigastric region (regio epigastrica) and also right and left hypochondrium regions (region hypochondriaca dextra et sinistra). In the mesogaster umbilical region (region umbilicalis), right and left parts of the abdomen or flanks (region abdominalis lateralis dextra et sinistra) will be located. Finally, hypogastrium will consist of pubic region (region pubica), right and left inguinal regions (region inguinalis dextra et sinistra).The last areas are also called sometimes ilioinguinal or iliac.
In many cases figuring out of the exact pain location helps to immediately suggest the involvement into the pathological process of one or another organ.
Treatment of pain in the left side
The occurrence of pain in the left side (lower area) may be the result of all states, causing pain in this part of the body (to exclude appendicitis). In all cases, you must immediately contact the health center for a consultation with a physician, but in any case do not try to handle with the disease on your own.