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Ointments for diaper rash
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Obstrium is the inflammation of the skin, which occurs with prolonged friction or when waterlogged skin sweat, fat. Lesions occur with intense sweating or sebum, incontinence, hemorrhoids, allergies to cosmetic products or food. Also, the causes of diaper rash may be: insufficient drying of the skin after bathing or rubbing the skin against clothing (especially from synthetic fabrics), diapers.
Symptoms of diaper rash are: redness of the skin, itching, irritation. If you do not start treatment on time, then later on the skin will appear small cracks, which will soon begin to bleed. Bleeding cracks without proper care are covered with a grayish coating that has an unpleasant smell. In such cases, an infection may join the diaper, and then the disease will continue chronically, sometimes the patients can not be cured for many years. Intermittence with an attached infection is called - infectious diaper rash, which is characterized not only by redness and itching on the affected areas of the skin, but also by pain and burning.
Therefore, you can not ignore intertrigo. It is necessary immediately, as soon as they appear, to proceed to their cure. To eliminate this unpleasant disease often use ointments from diaper rash.
Indications of the ointments from diaper rash
Fractures most often appear in the folds between the fingers on the legs and hands, in the groin-and-hamstrings and interannual areas, in the folds of the neck and abdomen (in fat people), in the armpits. Women can develop diaper rash under the mammary glands, in young children - with insufficient care and various dermatological diseases.
Indications for the use of ointments from diaper rash
- diaper rash (usual, infectious) and their prevention;
- purulent skin lesions;
- eczema;
- necrosis of the skin at constant pressure (pressure sores);
- healing of burns, cuts, abrasions, wounds, cracks;
- diaper dermatitis;
- damage to the skin and mucous membranes with a yeast fungus (candidiasis);
- psoriasis;
- dermatitis.
Release form
Zinc ointment
The main active substance of the zinc ointment is zinc oxide, which has astringent and antiseptic properties, dries and softens the skin. It reduces the process of exudation (excretion of fluid from small wounds on the skin).
Zinc ointment is applied externally and has an affordable price. It is easy to use, harmless, it can be used by adults and elderly people (including those suffering from renal and hepatic insufficiency), and small children. At use it is necessary to consider, that the ointment is counter-indicative at purulent wounds on a skin.
Produced in the form of cream and ointment. The analogue of Bepanthene is D-panthenol. The active substance in Bepantene is de-penthenol. The skin quickly absorbs dexpanthenol, which is transformed into pantothenic acid. This acid has a positive effect on the skin, accelerates the processes of wound healing. Acid in a small amount enters the blood, binds to plasma proteins and is excreted unchanged.
The cream can be used with every change of diapers in children. It is approved for use by pregnant and lactating mothers. Not toxic. It does not interact with other drugs, but it is not recommended to be used together with other drugs from diaper rash.
There are no contraindications to this cream, except for hypersensitivity to dexpanthenol.
Ointment "Nystatin"
Ointment from diaper rash "Nystatin" contains an antifungal antibiotic nystatin, the mechanism of its action is to delay the growth and development of pathogenic fungi. Accordingly, it is prescribed only for infectious diaper rash. Antibiotics for local use in small amounts are absorbed into the blood, excreted with feces. In the body, the antibiotic does not accumulate, which is a positive feature of this ointment.
The drug is easy to use, applied to infected parts of the body a couple of times a day. Use nystatin during pregnancy is not allowed. You can not simultaneously use nystatin and clotrimazole together, since the latter is also an antifungal antibiotic and nystatin can significantly reduce its effect. Ointment is contraindicated in cases of liver disorders. Store the drug in a cool place with an air temperature of no higher than 5 ° C.
Ointment "Clotrimazole"
The active substance of this ointment from diaper rash, as well as nystatin, is an antifungal agent. The difference between nystatin and clotrimazole is that the latter has a wider spectrum of action.
The drug slows down the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, bacteroides, gardnerelles, trichomonads) and fungi (trichophyton, epidermophyton, Candida fungi), causes their death, it has antiseptic, antibacterial and trichomonocidal action, disinfects the skin surface. With topical application only in the upper layers of the skin, it is not absorbed into the blood (therefore, an overdose is practically impossible when taking this medication).
This ointment, like the previous one, is contraindicated in pregnant women. It is not recommended to use it simultaneously with dexamethasone (a hormone).
Salicylic ointment
The main active substance of salicylic ointment is salicylic acid. It has a wide range of uses, relieves inflammation and redness. Salicylic acid prevents the multiplication of pathogens on the surface of the skin, actively softens and eliminates dead skin cells (which accelerates the regeneration of skin).
Method of application: ointment is applied to the damaged skin, from above impose a clean and dry bandage. But, do not forget that this bandage should be changed every day.
Contraindications: do not apply ointment on birthmarks and warts.
Before using this medication during pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Do not use salicylic ointment at the same time as zinc.
Liniment "Synthomycin"
Liniment contains two main components: sintomycin (chloramphenicol) and castor oil.
The first ingredient is an antibiotic. It is good that the resistance of bacteria to it develops relatively slowly. It is active against microorganisms that are resistant to sulfonamides and penicillin. Pharmacodynamics: completely destroys the pathogenic flora on the skin, delays the further multiplication of bacteria.
The second component is castor oil, or castor oil. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves itching and pain, softens the skin.
Features liniment application: it should only be applied to infected skin areas, combining shintomycin with other drugs of external action is unacceptable. Do not use liniment for a long time, it is better to alternate it with other drugs of similar effect. Synthomycin is contraindicated in people who have malignant or benign formations on their skin, as well as pregnant women.
Method of application: a sufficient amount of liniment to squeeze out onto a clean cotton pad, apply the drug to the skin, and apply a sterile dry bandage on top (can be made from parchment). Dressings should be changed every 48-72 hours.
Calendula Ointment
In the composition of this ointment from diaper rash there is a tincture of calendula. Calendula is very useful, it shows antiseptic and reparative properties. These properties are due to the presence of a huge amount of useful substances (saponins, flavonoids, carotenoids, organic acids, tannins, etc.), which enhance the processes of wound epithelization.
Contraindications: children under five, individual intolerance to calendula.
Application to pregnant women: the attending physician prescribes.
Be extremely careful with ointment, do not let it get into your eyes.
Ointment "Streptocide"
Streptocide is the representative of sulfanilamide preparations - it is antibacterial agents of a wide spectrum of action. The action of streptocide is to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Apply the drug externally, applying (a dry and clean hands or a cotton pad) a sufficient amount of ointment on the previously washed and clean skin. After applying, you should thoroughly wash your hands to prevent the ointment from getting into your eyes or mucous membranes.
This ointment from diaper rash is contraindicated in children, with kidney failure, during pregnancy and lactation, with various diseases of the circulatory system.
Cream "Advantan"
The main active substance of the cream "Andvantan" is methylprednisolone. Methylprednisolone is a synthetic glucocorticoid drug. Glucocorticoids are the hormones of the adrenal cortex, which have anti-allergic effect, eliminate inflammation and redness. In addition, with external application of the cream, it exerts an antiexudative effect (that is, it slows the release of fluid from various wounds during inflammation).
Pharmacokinetics: Methylprednisolone acts in the upper layers of the skin. Afterwards, it is absorbed into the blood, disintegrates in the liver and is excreted along with the urine. Methylprednisolone does not accumulate in the body, which prevents poisoning and other toxic reactions.
The advantage of the cream is that it can be used in children's practice, but only at 4 months and under the strict supervision of the treating doctor. With regard to pregnant and lactating women, the question of the application of Advantanum is decided by the doctor. You can not engage in self-medication, because it can be dangerous for the health of the mother and her unborn baby.
Use: the cream is applied to the skin surface with a thin layer only once a day. Long-term use of Advantan is unacceptable, because as a result, as a side effect, skin atrophy can develop.
"Advantan" is also available in the form of ointments and emulsions.
Salicylic-zinc paste
Salicylic-zinc paste contains two main components: salicylic acid and zinc oxide. It can be purchased at a pharmacy at an affordable price. Available only as a paste.
Salicylic acid is very useful in all skin diseases (acne, dermatitis, eczema, diaper rash, psoriasis, etc.). The principle of its action is to exfoliate dead skin areas and eliminate pathogens. In addition, the acid normalizes the processes of sebum secretion, which means that the skin becomes clean, light and supple.
Zinc oxide dries the skin, removes the redness and makes it soft. Also, it has the property of whitening. Thus, it returns the skin its normal color.
Features of use:
- Application during pregnancy: the attending physician determines. It is strongly recommended during the lactation period (breastfeeding) not to use the paste on the mammary glands.
- Paste is contraindicated for children under 12 years.
- Someone will help ointment, but someone can cause a strong allergic reaction. Therefore, you should not take risks. There is one way to test your body's reaction to the drug: apply a small portion of the paste on your wrist and wait a couple of hours. If no changes in the skin occur, then the drug can be used on larger areas of the skin.
- Interaction with other drugs: do not use simultaneously with salicylic-zinc paste agents similar to her in composition.
- Use the drug wisely. Do not apply a large amount of paste to the skin immediately so as not to cause an overdose.
Ointment "Metiluratsil"
The main active substance of this ointment from diaper rash is methyluracil. It is an immunostimulating agent, positively influences metabolism in cells, improving the processes of tissue regeneration. Methyluracil accelerates tissue growth, stimulates epithelization.
How to use: a sufficient amount of ointment is applied with a clean and dry cotton swab on the skin, a sterile dressing should be applied from above. The frequency of applying the ointment and changing the dressings is determined individually and depends on the degree of tissue damage.
Interaction with other drugs: "Metiluracil" ointment can be combined with external agents that contain antibiotics or sulfonamides.
Ointment is contraindicated in excess of granulations in the wound.
Ointments from intertrigo in the groin
Very often this diagnosis is given to small children. Adults consider diaper rash a delicate problem and quite rarely seek medical help. This tactic is incorrect. It is necessary to reveal the diaper in time and start its treatment.
Correction plan for diaper rash. To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of this disease, it is required first of all to observe the rules of personal hygiene. Wear clean clothes from natural fabrics, so that the skin can breathe, take a shower or bath regularly, thoroughly dry the inguinal folds. For personal hygiene neutral detergents are recommended, which do not cause irritation or allergic reactions. In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to medication:
- Disinfectants: tincture of calendula, salicylic acid, boric acid solution, etc. Also, ointments with antibiotics or sulfonamides that have good antibacterial activity (eg, sintomycin, clotrimazole, nystatin, streptocide, methyluracil, etc.) can be used.
- Drying preparations. Of the ointments, creams and pastes described above, ointments: salicylic and zinc, salicylic-zinc paste and others will suit here.
- Healing agents: beponen, dexpanthenol, calendula ointment.
Ointments from the intertrigo of the feet
In this case, intertrigo for the most part appear between the toes. The causes can be: frequent and severe friction, infection of the feet with a fungus, heavy weight and abundant sweating.
Correction plan for diaper rash. As stated above, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene: in time to clean feet of dirt, carefully dry your feet (especially between the fingers). As for shoes and socks, they should be made of natural leather and fabrics, respectively, so that your feet can "breathe". To eliminate the unpleasant odor, you can use talc or other indifferent powder for the feet. Of the medicines used ointments: streptocid, synthomycin, "Klotrimazol" and other ointments from diaper rash with antibiotics to eliminate fungal infections. To exfoliate the rough skin on the heels used salicylic ointment.
Ointments for diaper rash in newborns and children
The causes of diaper rash in children can serve as clothing made of synthetic materials, wearing poor-quality diapers, overheating, partial friction, infection with fungus, etc.
Correction plan for diaper rash. The child should wear breathable clothes and quality diapers. The maximum time for wearing one diaper is three hours. After each change of the baby's diaper, it is necessary to bathe, carefully wipe it with a soft towel and lubricate with baby cream or indifferent powder.
Medicines that can be used:
- Treatment of diaper rash in newborns should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. He can prescribe bathing in herbal baths, the use of various creams (children's), powders or ointments (on herbs).
- For treatment of diaper rash in older children, you can use zinc ointment, cream (children's), ointments on herbs (marigold, chamomile, turn and eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, etc.).
The best ointment for diaper rash
Moms of young children advise buying zinc ointment, pantestin, bepentene, dexpanthenol. These ointments from diaper ripens are affordable, almost harmless and are excellent at coping with diaper rash, both in newborns and in older children.
Adults advised to use salicylic-zinc paste for mild forms of diaper rash, and for severe - "Advantan" cream, ointments: streptocid, synthomycin, nystatin and others. Methyluracil ointment is very popular, most people are good about it.
Side effects of the ointments from diaper rash
In general, side effects are manifested in the form of allergic reactions. In some cases, skin atrophy is possible (with prolonged use of drugs with glucocorticoids).
Shelf life
The shelf life for ointments from diaper rash varies from 1 to 5 years.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ointments for diaper rash" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.