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Ointments for allergic dermatitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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More and more people, regardless of age, suffer from increased reactivity of the immune system to agents that cause allergic conditions, including dermatitis.
Dermatitis is a response of the body, arising from the contact of the skin with various mechanical and chemical irritants, or it may be associated with internal imbalance in the human body caused by metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders and gastrointestinal pathologies, in the form of localized inflammation of the skin.
Skin areas affected by the lesion must be treated with medicinal ointments and creams. Therapy begins with less active drugs, and if there is no positive dynamics resort to potent drugs. To obtain effective and adequate treatment, the patient must visit an allergist or dermatologist.
The doctor will determine the type of skin inflammation, find out the cause that caused it, prescribe the tests and, according to the results of the research, will select the necessary preparations and ointments. Among the most common ointments, gels and creams: beponen, radevit; skin-cap; Fenistil. In ointment forms may contain extracts of medicinal herbs, as well as components that have anti-inflammatory properties, eliminating pain and facilitating the rapid restoration of normal skin condition.
Release form
In the treatment of allergic dermatitis, the use of suspensions, creams, ointments, gels consisting of an oil-fat base and various active substances (hormonal components, extracts of vegetable and animal origin) is recommended.
Bepanten. It is most often used in the following situations: allergic dermatitis, cuts, scratches, insect bites, dermatitis of various origins.
Cream is allowed to use during periods of gestation and lactation.
The only contraindication is individual hypersensitivity to the ingredients of Bepantin.
Shelf life from the date of manufacture is 3 years, subject to storage conditions: dry, dark, inaccessible to children place; air temperature not more than 25 ° C.
Desitin is a cream whose active ingredient is zinc oxide. Recommended for: streptoderma, scratches, abrasions, ulcers, allergic dermatitis, herpes, eczema.
Cream losterin. Ingredients: dexpanthenol, phenolic acid, carbonic acid diamide, Japanese Sophora extract, almond oil, niophthalic naphthalan. It is recommended for: scaly lichen, inflammatory pathologies of the epidermis, allergic dermatitis. Apply twice or thrice a day to the affected skin. Its advantages - non-hormonal means, without the coloring substances and odors, do not become addictive, quickly absorbed, suitable for any skin type.
The duration of the use of the cream (7-30 days) depends on the severity of the disease, the frequency of relapses, and the characteristics of the organism. Breaks between the cycles of therapy depend on the stabilization of skin conditions. Has antipruritic and antiphlogistic properties. Regenerative effect begins to manifest no earlier than 1-1.5 weeks of treatment and is fixed only when cyclic use.
Sensitivity to some components of the cream is the reason to refuse to use it.
Very rare adverse events (slight burning in the place of application of the drug). Shelf life from the date of production is 24 months.
Naftaderm - liniment of 10%. In its composition contains naphthalan oil, which has antiflogistic and analgesic effects in dermatological diseases (atopic dermatitis, eczema, furunculosis, etc.).
Contraindications: individual sensitivity to liniment ingredients, diseases of the excretory system, hemorrhagic vasculitis, various anemia.
Liniment is allowed to be taken during gestation after the appointment of a doctor. Adverse reactions are practically absent.
Used externally. Apply to thin areas twice a day with light movements, without rubbing. The duration of therapy is strictly individual, standard from 3 weeks to 1 month. When dryness and peeling of the skin can be smeared with softening cream or interrupt the procedure for several days. If Naftaderm is used to treat a child, then it is necessary to listen to the opinion of a specialist.
Shelf life is 48 months. For storage requires a dry, inaccessible to sunlight, a place with an air temperature of 4-8 ° C.
Protopik. Ointment. Active active substance - tacrolimus. Used in the treatment of diffuse neurodermatitis in childhood, has antiseptic and antiphlogistic effects; white or yellowish hue, homogeneous without structure inclusions.
Pharmacodynamics. Tacrolimus slows the function of calcineurin. It reacts with immunophilin, which is an intracellular protein for calcineurin. This reaction slows the phosphatase activity of calcineurin. Ointment tacrolimus does not affect the production of fibrillar protein, so there is no depletion of deeper layers of the skin.
Pharmacokinetics. Tacrolimus, when used topically, is not practically absorbed into the systemic circulation. Active active substance with prolonged use is not cumulated by the body. Due to low absorption, the ability to react with plasma proteins in the bloodstream is negligible. A small amount of tacrolimus that enters the bloodstream is metabolized by the liver. Tacrolimus does not accumulate in the epidermis.
Hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the ointment; gestation period; lactation period; the Netherton syndrome are contraindications to the use.
The agent is applied externally to the affected areas of the skin. In case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse thoroughly with boiled water at room temperature. Do not use in the form of ointment dressings. Assign with extreme caution in patients in the decompensatory stage of liver failure, with significant skin lesions, children under 3 years, especially when applying long courses.
The period of use of the ointment is 3 years, under the conditions of storage recommended by the manufacturer (dry, dark room with a temperature regime of no higher than 25 ° C). It is not recommended to use after the expiration date marked on the original packaging.
Radevit is a combined ointment. It has antiphlogistic, regenerative effects. It reduces itching, softens and saturates the upper layers of the epidermis; stabilizes the processes of keratinization and increases the protective functions of the epidermis. Composition: 10 mg retinol, 5 mg tocopherol, and 50 mg ergocalciferol.
Ointment does not contain hormones. Indications for use are: allergic dermatitis, cracks, erosion of the upper layers of the epidermis, disseminated neurodermatitis.
Radevit is applied to the lesion site twice a day, with a strong erythroderma of the skin using a hermetically sealed bandage. Before applying radevit to microcracks, abrasions and other defects of the skin, they are subjected to antiseptic treatment. Contraindications - increased sensitivity to the ingredients of the ointment; hypervitaminosis A, D, E in the body; with dermatitis in the acute period (possibly, increased local symptoms, hyperemia and itching); during gestation; in the lactation period. Do not apply synchronously with tetracyclines and corticosteroids, which reduce the effectiveness of the ointment.
Store the ointment in a dry, dark place, with a temperature regime of 4-10 ° C. Do not expose to freezing. Shelf life Radevita 48 months.
Skin-cap is available in the form of a cream or gel with antimycotic, bactericidal, antiphlogistic, antiproliferative properties.
It is indicated for use in: dermatitis of various genesis, erythema of the buttocks in newborns, scaly lichen, eczema, neurodermatitis, dryness and peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis, oily and dry seborrhea.
Pharmacodynamics. The drug has a property that inhibits the growth of bacteria. Antimycotic orientation of the drug relates to Pytyrosporum ovale Pytyrosporum orbiculare, which are the cause of inflammation and excessive desquamation of squamous lice and other dermatological diseases.
Zinc pyrithione inhibits the proliferation of the epithelium, reduces flaking with scaly lichen and other dermatological diseases.
Pharmacokinetics. Zinc pyrithione is able to accumulate on the skin areas with external application, but systemic absorption does not occur in the bloodstream, therefore, traces of the substance can be found in the blood. Recommended for use in children from 1 year.
Method of application - externally. Apply a thin layer 2 times / day. The course of therapy for diffuse neurodermatitis is 3-4 weeks. The duration of therapy depends on the nature of the disease, the severity and extent of skin manifestations.
The cream is suitable for use for 3 years if storage conditions are observed - in a dark, dry place inaccessible to children at t from 4 ° to 20 ° C.
Timogen is an immunomodulatory cream that relieves itching and flushing with atopic dermatitis, long-lasting eczema. It should be administered with caution, especially children. Any immunostimulant is used solely for the doctor's prescription.
Active active ingredient is Alpha-glutamyl-triptophanum in the form of sodium salt. Fillers: liquid paraffin, polysorbate 60, petroleum jelly, 1,2,3-propanetriol, xanthan gum, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water, etc.
0.05% white or white with yellow color.
The cream is applied externally. According to the instructions, the daily dose is 2 g of cream (applied in the morning and evening on the affected areas without rubbing or covering with a bandage). Duration of therapy - to reduce local manifestations of the disease, but no more than 20 days. Contraindications: increased sensitivity to the components and active components of the cream.
Timogen is not used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Cases of overdose by Timogen were not observed. The data of the experiments indicate that the preparation is not toxic.
The period of use is 24 months. Refers to potent drugs. To store the cream, the following conditions are required: an inaccessible place for children, protected from light, with an air temperature of 2 ° to 20 ° C.
Fenistil (Gel), refers to antipruritic drugs used to stop local allergic manifestations in dermatological diseases. Fenistil has an anesthetic effect (locally) with eczema, dermatitis, insect bites, burns.
It consists of active substance - dimethindene maleate; fillers - alkylbenzyldimethyl ammonium chloride, disodium salt, carbopol 974 P (carbomer 974 P), propylene glycol, caustic soda (30% m / m solution), purified water.
Available in aluminum tubes of 30 g with a cover of synthetic polymer.
Fenistil has a homogeneous structure. Transparent gel, without a specific odor.
Thanks to the gel structure, it has a fast therapeutic effect (for a few minutes there is a relief of symptoms), the maximum effect lasts for 1 to 4 hours.
Pharmacokinetics. It has good dermoprolacting properties at the local level. Systemic bioavailability - 10%.
In the first trimester (before 14 weeks) of the gestational period, the gel is strictly allowed according to the indications. From the 14th week of pregnancy until delivery, as well as during lactation, the drug is not used. It is not advisable to use on sites with large lesions, especially in the presence of inflammation or bleeding surface.
Fenistil lubricate the affected area two to four times a day.
When using Fenistil on large areas of affected areas, it is necessary to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If the therapy shows a lack of positive dynamics or increased symptoms should consult a dermatologist.
Store it under standard conditions for ointments and creams and a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C. If the storage conditions are met, the shelf life is 36 months. Do not use after the expiration date.
Exoderyl is an antimycotic cream used for dermatitis of unexplained etiology. Indication for its use - fungal skin lesions, shingles and allergic dermatitis.
The ointment form of the drug is used locally, externally. The drug is applied to clean, dry skin. Lubricate affected areas, grabbing some healthy skin.
The duration of therapy and the frequency of skin treatments are determined by the physician individually.
Standard ointment is applied 1 time per day, applying a thin layer and rubbing into the skin until completely absorbed.
With local use during pregnancy does not cause embryonic abnormalities. During gestation, it is possible to use the drug if the intended benefit to the mother exceeds the possible risk to the fetus that the doctor determines. The drug is used with caution in the lactation period.
Shelf life - 70 months.
Eplan - cream. Scope: scaly lichen, eczema, herpes, acne, light burns, itching, dermatitis of various genesis, insect bites, as a protection against chemically aggressive agents. The drug effectively promotes the healing of wounds, the regeneration of the skin. It has antiseptic, analgesic, dermatoprotective action. This prevents infection, accelerates recovery after thermal and chemical burns. It is based on lanthanum salts, polyalcohol and simple carbohydrates without antibiotics, hormones and analgesics.
Has no pronounced side effects. No contraindications for long-term use. Not toxic.
Contraindications - hypersensitivity to individual ingredients. Applying the method several times a day to treat the affected area until the full restoration of healthy skin.
Shelf life is 70 months.
Ointment from allergic dermatitis on the face
Allergic dermatitis is manifested by flushing, accompanied by desquamation, itching. A person has not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. Therefore, you need to contact a dermatologist for an appropriate treatment.
The disease has 3 stages:
- Sharp. On the face are noticeable: hyperemia, edema, spots and vesicles with serous contents appear, a feeling of tightness of the skin, burning sensation.
- Subacute. The vesicles burst, in their place crusts are formed, the skin is overdryed and flaky, itching appears.
- Chronic. In the absence of timely complex treatment, the disease is difficult to treat. The process is subject to seasonal relapses. Dermatoses in the chronic stage are accompanied by peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis, dry skin and its lichenization. In such cases, it is better to apply ointment forms of preparations and creams to the skin. If the process has an acute current with a vesicular form, swelling and mocclusion, then lotions and aerosols are used. For the scalp, facial skin, natural folds, use aerosols and lotions that do not contain the fat base.
Videstim. It is used for: dermatitis, eczematous manifestations, cheilitis, abrasions and microcracks. The active substance is retinol palmitate (vitamin A), which stimulates skin regeneration and slows keratosis. Excipients and excipients included in the composition of the ointment: emulsion wax, liquid paraffin, butylhydroxyanisole, ethanol 95% (solution), propane-1,2,3-triol, purified water, etc.
Videstim is available in the form of an ointment form of a homogeneous structure, a white or yellowish hue, packaged in 35 grams in aluminum tubes with a lid of synthetic polypropylene. One tuba and instructions for use are placed in the factory carton pack.
Pharmacodynamics. The ointment stimulates the process of increasing the number of epithelial cells, thereby restoring the epithelial tissue in deeper layers and inhibiting the progression of keratosis. Minor doses of retinol are absorbed by the skin and enter the bloodstream.
Indications for the use of ointment are: eczematous manifestations, allergic dermatitis, shallow abrasions, microcracks in the upper layers of the epidermis.
Contraindications to the use of ointment are: hypersensitivity to derivatives of retinol, additional ingredients; hypervitaminosis vit. A; inflammation of the skin in the acute stage.
Adverse reactions - redness, fresh rashes. If any of the above symptoms appear, discontinue use.
Before using Widestim, you need to carefully read the annotation on the use of the ointment.
Mode of application. Applikatsionnym method twice a day is applied to the area of skin lesions. Ointment quickly penetrates through the upper layers of the epidermis. The active substance reaches its maximum activity within 3 hours after application and remains effective for 12 hours.
Interaction with other drugs. Do not apply synchronously. We see with the medicines that make up the component retinoids, because the additive effect of their application leads to hypervitaminosis vit. A. Simultaneous use of Videstim and drugs containing tetracycline is also undesirable. In pharmacy chains, you can purchase Videstim Ointment without giving a prescription.
Overdose. During the use of the ointment signs of an overdose were not observed.
It is stored in a place inaccessible to direct sunlight, with a temperature regime of +2 to +8 ° C. The drug from the moment of its production is suitable for 5 years.
Retinoic ointment (0.05% and 0.1%) is a dermatoprotective, antiseborrhoeic, emollient, anti-phlogistic. The active ingredient is tretinoin (retinoic acid). Tretinoin is a derivative form of vitamin A, involved in the regulation of cellular proliferation, which inhibits the excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, which contributes to the regenerative processes in the skin.
Adverse reactions: hyperemia, swelling and the appearance of fresh rashes. It is undesirable to use on extensive lesions; women planning a pregnancy; during gestation; during lactation. Patients taking drugs with retinoid maintenance are not recommended to prescribe ointment. Patients who have a history of chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, in the presence of heart failure ointment is prescribed with caution.
Do not use together Retinoic ointment and preparations containing antibiotics of the tetracycline group. The use of corticosteroid hormones weakens the effectiveness of the ointment.
Dosage and route of administration. Outer in the form of applications applied to the lesions of the skin twice a day. The duration of the course of therapy is from 1 to 3 months.
Special instructions. On the skin around the eyes, with inflammatory processes in the active stage of exacerbation ointment is not applied. Retinoic ointment is not applied to mucous membranes.
According to the instructions, the conditions for storing the drug are as follows: a dark dry room with an air temperature of 2-8 ° C. Do not subject to freezing.
Shelf life of the drug is 24 months. Dates of production and expiration date are indicated on the package. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.
Ointments from contact allergic dermatitis
Allergic contact dermatitis is an inflammatory disease of the upper layers of the epidermis caused by direct exposure to allergens.
The disease can be caused by direct contact of the skin with various products containing nickel (costume jewelery, items with metallic nickel-containing coating, buttons, coins, hair dye and some food, etc.), latex (shoes, gloves, baby pacifiers and nipples , anesthesia, drainage products, infusion systems, inhalation masks, etc.), medicines, household chemicals, etc. A chemical substance, getting on the skin, causes its irritation and provokes an allergic reaction, manifested by inflammation. Like other allergic reactions, contact dermatitis occurs only in persons who are predisposed to this disease, hypersensitive to certain substances. The main symptomatology of contact allergic dermatitis is redness of the skin, itching, vesicles with serous contents, erosion. To successfully treat this disease, it is necessary to exclude contact of the allergen with the skin; application of antiflogistic ointments; antihistamines.
When skin inflammation, erosion, it is necessary to use ointments containing corticosteroids, which help reduce inflammation - Lokoid, Advantan, Elidel and others.
Elidel cream - has an antiphlogistic property. It is used to treat: atopic, allergic dermatitis, eczema. The main active ingredient is pimecrolimus.
The drug is recommended for use when the initial symptomatic complex of eczema. It helps to prevent the aggravation of clinical manifestations. Cream with gentle massage movements gently rub in the affected skin in the morning and evening. If within 1.5 months there is no positive dynamics, then to clarify the diagnosis, a second examination of the patient in a dermatologist or allergist is carried out. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by a specialist.
If you accidentally get the cream on the mucous membranes, you should wash them thoroughly with water.
Contraindications - do not use Elidel, in children up to the age of three, and also with: dysplastic and destructive skin lesions, with possible their malignancy; lesions of the upper layers of the epidermis by infections of various genesis (viruses, fungi, bacteria); increased sensitivity to ascomycin and auxiliary ingredients of the cream; lamellar ichthyosis; generalized exfoliative dermatitis; immunodeficiency states.
Use of cream during pregnancy. Elidel can be prescribed during gestation, but only after consulting a specialist. Potential risk for the unborn child is minimal. During the clinical trials, there was no teratogenic effect of the cream on the fetus.
Interaction with other drugs. Due to very little penetration of the active ingredient, systemic absorption is unlikely. Elidel does not affect immune responses after vaccination. Contraindicated application to the site of vaccination. To avoid negative interactions with the components of other drugs, Elidel should be used with them at different times.
Storage conditions. According to the instruction, Elidel should be stored in a tightly closed tube in a dark, dry room with an air temperature of not more than 25 ° C. Freezing is unacceptable.
Shelf life is about 2 years. With the open tube, the drug is suitable for use for 12 months.
Advantan. The drug has a local anti-phlogistic effect, helps reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions, slows down hyperproliferation. Thanks to the above properties, it has a positive effect on the upper layers of the epidermis, eliminating redness, skin tightening, swelling, rashes, itching and burning.
It is indicated for use in: allergic, contact, atopic dermatitis, as well as with neurodermatitis and eczema.
It is applied by the application method to the lesions, once during the day. The standard course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days. The use of ointments for a long time is undesirable.
Ointment from contact allergic dermatitis
In childhood at the first signs and manifestations of allergic dermatitis apply lotions, occlusive dressings with 1% solution of tannin, rivanol 1: 1000, or fresh brewing of black tea, followed by application of zinc-containing pastes, ointments, liniments for 5-7 days.
In case of acute inflammation with infiltration and hyperemia, it is recommended to use pastes and ointments that have antiflogistic and keratoplastic effects (naphthalan, salicylic, resorcinic, ichthyol, solcoseryl).
If a secondary bacterial infection is attached, it is necessary to use ointments with antibiotics (lincomycin, ruzam, fucidin).
In the absence of positive dynamics, local application of corticosteroid ointments that have antiphlogistic, membrane stabilizing, vasoconstrictive and antiproliferative properties is shown.
Use of the ointments from allergic dermatitis during pregnancy
The most important task of treating allergic dermatitis during gestation is to relieve itching, stop the manifestations of inflammatory processes and hyperemia. At pregnancy it is necessary to use the most sparing medicines, which will not have a negative impact on the health of the mother and the future child. Often doctors recommend ointment forms of drugs, creams, gels containing steroids.
Pharmaceutical industry produces a wide range of ointment forms of preparations (pastes, gels, creams and ointments), from which you can choose the most effective means in each case.
In addition to medicinal preparations, it is necessary to use products that have moisturizing, softening, effects that are applied several times a day, to prevent dryness and flaking of the skin. Moisturizing lotions and soap substitutes (shower gels, foams, cream soap) also have a positive effect, reducing irritation and itching. It is not desirable to take water procedures frequently, because it provokes dry skin.
To relieve the symptoms, steroid creams or ointments are prescribed. They are used on the affected areas of the skin. You can use hydrocortisone-acetate preparations or halogenated glucocorticoid creams of medium concentration. The product should be used in minimum quantities. Ideally, one - two small pipes.
In the course of therapy, antibiotics can be prescribed, due to infection of the eczema with bacteria.
Steroid creams and powerful ointments have a teratogenic effect if applied with a significant excess of dosage and quantity. Children in such cases can be born with underweight.
Any therapy should begin with a medical consultation.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ointments for allergic dermatitis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.