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Neuromultivitis is included in the drug subgroup of the combined vitamin substances. It acts by stimulating metabolic processes in the central nervous system, and also helps restore nerve tissue.
The drug contains in the composition of the neurotropic active elements from the subcategory of B-vitamins, which are coenzymes and are involved in the development of processes of intermediate metabolism occurring within the PNS, as well as the central nervous system.
Indications Neuromultivitis
It is used for disorders that have a neurological character - as an integral part of the combined treatment. Among those:
- neuralgia, affecting the area of the 3-nerve;
- having a diverse etiology polyneuritis (among those polyneuropathy alcohol or diabetic nature);
- neuritis (inflammatory pathology affecting peripheral nerves);
- intercostal neuralgia;
- lumbago, sciatica, or lumbar sciatica;
- affecting the cervical, and in addition the shoulder or lumbosacral region of the plexitis;
- radiculopathy, which appears due to vertebral pathologies of a degenerative nature;
- neuropathy affecting the facial nerve (this includes pro-prospectia and Bell's paralysis).
Release form
The release of the pharmaceutical element is in tablets - packaged in 20 pieces inside a cellular packaging. In the box - 1 such packaging.
The active elements of the drug (cyanocobalamin with thiamine and pyridoxine) have an analgesic effect, so that they can be used not only in conditions with a lack of vitamins, but also for the treatment of diseases not related to such disorders or disorders of metabolic processes (such as psychosis, mononeuropathy, pain, polyneuritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.).
B-vitamins are very important nutritional components, which in this case cannot independently form inside the body.
When using thiamine with cyanocobalamin, and besides pyridoxine, the deficiency of these vitamins is caused by the lack of food in them, and the required amount of coenzymes is provided inside the body.
Drug use of B-vitamins in a variety of NA lesions is required, firstly, to compensate for the existing vitamin deficiency (which may be associated with an increased need of the body due to illness), and, secondly, to stimulate natural regenerative processes.
The active ingredients of the drug have a low toxicity, which is why it is considered safe for humans.
Exogenous thiamine during phosphorylation is converted inside the human body into the cocarboxylase component, which is the coenzyme of most enzyme reactions, and also catalyzes the decarboxylation along with the carboxylation of α-keto acids.
Thiamine is very important in regulating the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates with proteins. At the same time, he participates in conducting neural impulses inside synapses.
Pyridoxine helps maintain stable operation of the PNS and CNS. The phosphorylated form of a substance is involved in the metabolism of coenzyme amino acids (for example, it is a participant in transamination reactions, as well as decarboxylation).
Pyridoxine is a coenzyme of enzymes that are essential for the human body, acting within the nerve tissues, and at the same time takes part in the biosynthesis of biogenic amines from the neurotransmitters. It also helps to bind with GABA, norepinephrine, histamine, and also adrenaline and dopamine.
Cyanocobalamin is required to support hematopoietic activity — for example, it is needed for stable maturation of red blood cells. In addition, the substance is involved in individual biochemical processes, stimulating the general vital activity of the body: methylation (the transfer of methyl categories from SAM to the region of specific DNA zones), the metabolism of lipids, amino acids and carbohydrates, as well as the binding of proteins with nucleic acids.
At the same time, it affects the processes occurring inside NA (among them DNA binding, as well as RNA) and the lipid structure of cerebrosides together with phospholipids. The components of methylcobalamin with adenosylcobalamin, which are coenzyme forms of cyanocobalamin, are actively involved in cell replication and growth.
Pyridoxine along with thiamine and cyanocobalamin are water-soluble substances, which do not accumulate inside the body. Absorption of the first two elements is carried out inside the upper region of the intestine, and its severity is determined by the size of the dosage of drugs.
The absorption and distribution of cyanocobalamin is mainly based on the presence of an endogenous factor inside the gastrointestinal tract.
The exchange processes of all active elements of the drug are implemented inside the liver.
Excretion of pyridoxine with thiamine is made through the kidneys (8-10% of these components are excreted in an unchanged state). In case of poisoning, the intestinal excretion of these vitamins increases markedly.
Cyanocobalamin is mainly excreted along with the bile, and the intensity of its excretion through the kidneys can vary, ranging from 6-30%.
Dosing and administration
The medication is taken orally. It is forbidden to chew or otherwise crush the tablet taken inside the drug - so as not to violate its pharmacokinetic parameters.
To obtain maximum medicinal effects, tablets should be applied immediately after eating. Wash them with plain water.
The duration of the treatment cycle and the size of the dosage portions are selected by a medical specialist.
Taking into account the patient's condition, the intensity of the signs of the disease and concomitant treatment, use of the first tablet of drugs 1-3 times a day.
In the increased portions the medicine is allowed to apply a maximum of 1 month in a row.
Children should use 3 tablets of Neuromultivitis per day - 1 piece 3 times a day, after eating food. The drug is washed down with a small amount of plain water.
When administered to an infant younger than 1 year, the 1-fold portion is reduced to a quarter of the tablet; it should be taken 2 times a day. If the baby is not able to swallow the pill, you can crush it, then mix it in a spoon with the mixture or mother's milk.
Children can also take medicine for a maximum of 1 month; otherwise, there is a risk that the child will develop complications of a neurological nature.
You should not give the child a drug at bedtime - because it increases the excitability of the central nervous system, as a result of which he may develop insomnia.
Use Neuromultivitis during pregnancy
You can not use Neuromultvit during pregnancy or lactation.
The main contraindications:
- strong sensitivity associated with drug elements;
- diseases with an allergic etiology (for thiamine);
- an ulcer in the gastrointestinal area in the acute phase (for pyridoxine, because its use in this pathology may cause an increase in gastric pH values);
- erythrocytosis or erythremia, and besides this thromboembolism in the bloodstream channel (for cyanocobalamin).
Side effects Neuromultivitis
Neuromultivitis is generally tolerated without the development of complications. Although patients sometimes experienced nausea, tachycardia, or signs of allergy (such as pruritus and epidermal rash).
In case of any negative symptoms, it is necessary to immediately discontinue the use of the medication and consult with your doctor.
Using the medication in excessively high portions may increase the likelihood of negative symptoms.
Neuromultivitis does not have an antidote. If symptoms of poisoning occur, you must stop the use of drugs. If there is a need, symptomatic procedures are performed.
Interactions with other drugs
The effect of thiamine is inactivated by the action of 5-fluorouracil. This is due to the fact that the latter can competitively slow down the phosphorylation of the vitamin in cocarboxylase.
The combination with antacids leads to a deterioration in the absorption of thiamine.
With prolonged use of the diuretic loopback group (among those of furosemide), which have a retarding effect on tubular reabsorption, elimination of thiamine may increase, due to which its indices decrease.
Combined administration of the drug with substances that have an antagonistic effect on pyridoxine (for example, anti-tuberculosis drugs - cycloserine or isoniazid, and also the vasodilator hydralazine and detoxifying drug penicillamine), and in addition with oral contraception, increases the need to receive pyridoxine.
Using pyridoxine together with levodopa may weaken the drug activity of the latter.
Storage conditions
Neuromultivitis is required to keep in a dark and dry place, closed from the penetration of children. Temperature marks - within 25 ° C.
Shelf life
Neuromultivitis can be used for a 3-year period from the time a drug substance is sold.
Application for children
It is forbidden to administer medication to children under the age of 12, because there is no information about drug efficacy and safety. But at the same time in pediatrics Neuromultivitis is used quite often.
According to the opinions of physicians, it can be determined that the medicine is being prescribed to children older than 1 year old at least, because the amount of vitamins in its composition significantly exceeds the daily need of the infant (approximately ten times). When using drugs in newborns or infants up to 12 months, hypervitaminosis may develop.
In the absence of an alternative to treatment with this remedy, it is possible to make a decision on its use only after a full examination of the child, as well as a history taking.
Neuromultivitis actively participates in metabolic processes occurring inside the cells, restoring their activity and exerting a positive influence on the state of the NA.
Pyridoxine is very important for the psyche of the child, because it is considered an indispensable source of energy: it contributes to the metabolism carried out with respect to amino acids, the binding of neurotransmitters and the transmission of neural impulses. Cyanocobalamin helps oxygenate various organs with tissues.
The drug is used in children with enhanced physical, and at the same time, neuropsychic loads, in the case of neuralgia of various origins and with improper or inadequate nutrition.
Analogs of drugs are drugs Pentavit and Medivitan with Angiovitis, and in addition Multi-tabs B-complex, Multi-tabs Intensive and Beviplex.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Neuromultivitis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.