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Medicinal herbs for colds, coughs and temperatures for adults and children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today, the common cold is one of the most common diseases. There is not one such person who has never had a cold. So in a simple way, people call a virus disease. In medicine, this diagnosis is indicated by the diagnosis of acute respiratory infections, ARI. Treatment of colds can be different, ranging from traditional medicines, and ending with various physiotherapy procedures. Also, non-traditional methods, alternative and homeopathic remedies are widely used. Many doctors prescribe to their patients herbs from cough for colds.
What herbs you can drink with a cold?
We must try to include in the treatment of grass, which will have an antiviral effect, and improve immunity. This is due to the fact that the common cold is a viral disease that always occurs against a background of reduced immunity. It is necessary to choose a component that will stimulate immunity, promote the activation of natural defenses that will produce their own antibodies directed at eliminating the infection, normalizing the condition. It is important that the body mobilizes internal reserves and directs them to fight infection, restore natural processes in the body. The most effective means, which combines both antiviral and immunostimulating properties, is stevia. In addition, it normalizes metabolic processes in the body, cleanses the blood. In combination with nettle, the properties of stevia are enhanced. Nettle also has an active action against viruses, purifies the blood.
Otherwise, you need to consider the main symptoms that accompany a cold, and pick up the appropriate grass. So, at an elevated temperature, it is advisable to select a herb that has antipyretic properties. These are raspberry, lime, currant, cherry and other herbs. It should be borne in mind that raspberry leaves have abortifacient action, so this herb is contraindicated in pregnancy.
With pain, grass will help, which has a slight analgesic effect. For example, mint, aura, oregano, clover. It is important that mint can be consumed only by women, because it contains a complex of female hormones that normalize the emotional and hormonal background of a woman. For a man, such effects are highly undesirable, as hormonal imbalance will develop. As a result, men develop disorders in the sexual sphere, neurological problems, headaches. Regular reception can even lead to weakening of libido, sexual weakness and infertility.
Herbs from cold and cold
From the temperature used sweatshops, antipyretics. It is desirable that they have an antiviral effect and stimulate immunity.
Air ordinary due to the high content of phytoncides, alkaloids, has an antiviral effect. This reduces the inflammatory process, as a result, the temperature decreases. Apply mainly rhizomes in the form of infusions, broths. It also has an antitussive effect. Quite quickly translates dry non-productive cough into productive, moist. Then promotes the excretion of sputum and respiratory tract. Additionally, it improves sexual function, both in men and women.
A similar feature is the marshmallow. Most often, the leaves and flowers of the marshmallow are used. The optimum option is a decoction, infusion. Effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases, eliminates inflammation, cough, normalizes body temperature. Also relieves pain.
Anise ordinary has proven itself as an antipyretic. Has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect. It is recommended to drink the broth with the addition of honey at elevated temperature, then as soon as possible to go to bed, and take cover completely warm blankets. This will allow you to sweat, and quickly reduce body temperature.
In addition, it normalizes the microflora, accordingly, eliminates infection and inflammation. Contains a large amount of vitamin C, which stimulates immunity and helps in the fight against viral and bacterial infections. In therapy, mainly fruits are used, in the form of broths and infusions. Positively affects the body of pregnant women, nursing mothers, as it normalizes the hormonal background and stimulates the production of milk.
Badan leucorrhoea will quickly overcome the common cold, since it has an antiviral effect, removes inflammation. This effect can be achieved due to the high content of tannins, glycosides, which have antiseptic properties. Saturates the body with vitamins and microelements, thanks to which it is possible to achieve a general strengthening effect. An excellent strengthening and antipyretic drink is badan tea, which is brewed from leaves. It is better to use old blackened leaves that lay all winter in the snow. They drink like tea when they feel thirsty. There are no restrictions on dosage and frequency of admission.
Ledum is used to treat catarrhal diseases, severe cough. It is used as an antiviral and antiseptic, even with such diseases as whooping cough, measles. Reduces body temperature, restores the mucous membrane, promotes healing of wounds and injuries. Used flowers, stems and leaves in the form of broths and infusions. It can also be applied externally in the form of compresses. The plant is poisonous, therefore it is strictly necessary to observe the dosage.
Cowberry ordinary is used as an effective antipyretic. Quickly reduces the temperature. This can be achieved due to the fact that it kills viruses, normalizes the microflora. Accordingly, it is possible to easily remove the inflammation and quickly achieve recovery. Apply in the form of broths or infusions. The most valuable are the leaves and fruits.
Blue cornflower is a good remedy for lowering temperature. This is one of the main tools used in the treatment of colds. Kills viruses, bacteria, restores normal microflora. Relieves spasms, restores damage to the mucous membrane, accelerates recovery after inflammation. Apply flowers in the form of a decoction.
Carnation field is used in the form of decoctions. Used grass, namely: stems, leaves, flowers. Despite the fact that it has established itself as a good midwifery used to facilitate delivery and recovery in the postoperative period. But also apply for colds, because it effectively reduces temperature, quickly removes inflammation, relieves pain. A good antitoxic agent that eliminates the symptoms of intoxication that occur against the background of a viral disease.
Treatment of colds with herbs
For the treatment of cold use sporish (bird mountaineer). It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, reduces inflammation, swelling and flushing of tissues. Effective in the treatment of wet cough, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis. Restores the mucosa, liquefies and displays phlegm. Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, essential oils and glycosides, it provides a restorative effect, stimulates natural defenses, increases endurance and resistance of the organism. Tones up the body.
Devyasil high is used in the form of broths and infusions. Used rhizome and roots. It is used to treat almost any inflammatory diseases, including bronchitis, pneumonia, colds. Has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, It removes inflammation, soothes, restores strength, improves appetite. Has an expectorant effect, dissolving and removing phlegm from the body.
The medicinal herb is used in the form of broths and infusions. The tops of shoots with leaves and flowers are applied. The plant is poisonous, so take it with caution. Has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect, therefore, has long been used to treat colds and viral diseases, respiratory system disorders. Softens irritated mucous membrane, reduces cough reflex, heals wounds, soothes. It is used for bronchitis, weakness, promotes recovery after severe infectious diseases. Eliminates abscesses, furuncles, ulcers.
Oregano is one of the most used alternative medicine and phytotherapy. It is used to treat colds. Removes symptoms of intoxication, headache, muscle weakness. It increases the body's protective reserves. It is also used for choking, asthmatic coughing, respiratory tract spasm. Can alleviate the condition with such severe diseases as pertussis measles, diphtheria. Calms the nervous system, eliminates fatigue. It is used in the form of broths, infusions. Also used externally in the form of compresses, for rubbing, douche, medical baths, inhalations, lotions. Eliminates nasal congestion, inflammation of the mucous membrane.
Blackberry sizaya is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Promotes the sputum, strengthens the body, eliminates the symptoms of intoxication. Applied for a long time with colds, pneumonia, bronchitis. Often used to rinse the throat, wash the nose with adenoids, tonsillitis, inflammation of the oral mucosa. Reduces temperature, especially at high temperatures. It has an antimicrobial effect, is effective both against bacteria and against viruses.
Indications Medicinal herbs for colds, coughs and temperatures for adults and children
Herbs are taken at the appearance of the first signs, and even harbingers of colds. For prophylaxis is used with nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, coughing, weakness, loss of strength, lack of appetite, with reduced efficiency, increased fatigue.
In acute and chronic phase also apply for viral, bacterial, colds, signs of intoxication, fever, angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Applied for various types of cough: both in dry and wet.
He treats acute and chronic forms of the disease, eliminates stagnant and residual phenomena. Applied for recovery after a disease, to improve immunity, normalize the state of the immune system. Helps prevent the worsening of chronic forms of the disease, prevents relapses.
Names of herbs for colds, influenza and inflammatory processes
The most effective are the calamus, aloe, altey, balan, cowberry, cornflower, clove, cinnamon, oregano, cardamom, elecampane, calanchoe, clover, lemongrass, lily of the valley, nettle, stevia, lemon balm, plantain, chamomile, calendula, sage, yarrow, ephedra .
Release form
With a cold, it is recommended to drink herbs that have anti-inflammatory effect, since no common cold can do without an inflammatory process. Most often it concerns the throat, nasal cavity. In severe cases, the trachea and bronchi become inflamed. Adenoids often become inflamed in children, which act as the main organ providing protection from infection. With frequent and prolonged illnesses, the adenoid tissue itself also undergoes inflammation, and instead of protecting the body, it itself acts as a source of infection. The most famous and effective anti-inflammatory agent is sage. Also for the removal of inflammatory processes use chamomile, calendula, string, hawthorn, bird mountaineer.
Collecting herbs from colds
Well-established various herbal collections, which include several components. Many collections are used in the form of broths, for the preparation of which take a few spoons of herbs and pour it with 1-2 glasses of boiling water. Then cover tightly with a lid and allow to stand for 30-40 minutes. After this, it is recommended to strain the remedy and drink during the day. It is better to prepare a decoction for one day. Every day, it is better to eat fresh broth, as long-term storage, it loses its properties. If other cooking methods are used to prepare the decoctions or if special proportions are to be observed, this will be indicated on the package.
With a strong cough, fever, dyspnea, a licorice, violet, thyme, and plantain picking is used. Use it as a decoction. For cooking, take the vegetable components in equal parts, pour boiling water.
When coughing and runny nose, a collection of anise, fennel and flax is used.
It is also recommended to gargle with a decoction of thyme and licorice root.
With hard to separate sputum, a strong cough, use a collection of wild rosemary, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile and violet. This collection can be alternated with a decoction of licorice root, elecampane, mint and plantain.
With severe attacks of cough accompanied by suffocation, abundant phlegm, a collection of chamomile, valerian, peppermint is used. When there is anxiety and a strong fear of attacks, it is also recommended to add fennel fruits and licorice root to the broth.
In severe attacks of suffocation, spasms, use a collection of wild rosemary, pine nettle, psyllium. You can also add mother-and-stepmother with a wet cough for better sputum discharge.
With infectious and colds that are accompanied by an allergic component, swelling of the mucous membranes, a collection of licorice root, string, aralia, horsetail is used. With prolonged illness, you can add to the collection immortelle and elecampane. With reduced immunity, lack of appetite, weakness in addition to the collection, you can add rose hips. For the restoration of a normal hormonal background, women are supplemented with alders. In inflammatory diseases, strong swelling of the throat and nasopharynx, add dandelion and burdock to the collection.
With protracted catarrhal diseases a collection of leaves of plantain, string, horsetail is used. With a decrease in resistance, fatigue, loss of strength, add rose hips, flowers immortelle.
With a dry cough apply a collection of mother-and-stepmother, leaves of plantain, licorice root. With prolonged flow of cold, you can add grass horsetail field.
With a wet cough take collection from the root of the althaea, licorice and leaves of mother-and-stepmother. When lingering, add the grass of the Ledum rosemary.
Also, if colds are used, collections of plant juices are used. So, to restore after a cold, during the interictal period between severe attacks of cough, apply a mixture of onion juice, aloe, black radish.
At night, it is recommended to take juice from beets and cranberries. To taste, you can add sugar or honey. It is better to use honey, because it has additional healing properties.
During the recovery period, a rehab is used, which includes rose hips, currant leaves, strawberries, currants and blackberry fruit. Such a collection quickly restores strength, normalizes the state of the immune system. Instead of ashberry, you can add cranberry leaves.
With a general weakness after a catarrhal disease, a collection of hips, string, blueberry leaves is used. Men can add the herb of St. John's wort, women - mint, or the leaves of the spine of the forest.
Also, with a general weakness recommend the collection of fruit of dog rose, currant leaves and oregano grass.
Broths of herbs for colds
For the treatment of acute catarrhal diseases, decoction is used from buds of Scotch pine, grass of oregano and thyme of creeping.
With a prolonged cold, a decoction of spring grass and horsetail grass is recommended.
With a cold, which is accompanied by a strong moist cough, the formation of sputum, use a decoction of marshweed, marsh, field horsetail.
With a dry cough against the background of a cold, it is recommended that a decoction of herb worm grass, string, horsetail field. Men can add St. John's wort, women - mint.
With the formation of thick sputum, a purulent runny nose is used a collection of thyme, violets, marsh swine. In severe inflammatory processes, you can add horsetail to the field and oregano. During the recovery period after healing, a bird mountaineer or a string is added.
With a strong inflammation of the throat, nasopharynx use a decoction of marigold. It has anti-inflammatory effect, promotes normalization of mucous membranes, eliminates viruses, bacteria, normalizes microflora.
A decoction of mullein high is used to treat inflammation of the respiratory tract, colds.
To quickly eliminate the cold, recover from a disease, apply a decoction of nettles. Use leaves, stems, rhizomes and roots. Eliminates edema and allergic reaction, normalizes the mucous membranes.
To rinse the throat with tonsillitis, purulent and inflammatory diseases, apply a decoction from the blood-thirsty drug. To prepare the broth, use rhizomes and roots. Also, decoction in hemoptysis is effective, since it has hemostatic properties.
To eliminate muscle weakness, aches in bones and joints, eliminate signs of intoxication, which occurs against the background of cold, use a decoction of the lily of the valley. For its preparation use grass and flowers. Additionally has a calming effect, normalizes the activity of the nervous system, normalizes sleep, accelerates the recovery of the body.
Sugary herbs for colds
Burdock has a sweatshop, antipyretic effect, eliminates the inflammatory process. It is used for diseases of the respiratory tract, normalizes the activity of the stomach and intestines, and increases appetite.
Peppermint is a wonderful diaphoretic that stimulates sweat glands and other receptors. It is rich in phytohormones, flavonoids, which quickly eliminates inflammatory processes, relieves spasms, normalizes body temperature. It is recommended to take only women, because it contains a large number of female hormones.
Yarrow common is a wonderful diaphoretic that is used to treat colds and viral diseases. It contains a large amount of vitamin, microelements, which quickly normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Particularly useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as it also stimulates the production of milk. Removes manifestations of allergies, swelling. Assign with headaches, violation of digestion of food. Has a hemostatic effect, normalizes blood circulation.
The sequence is used in the form of broths, infusions, promotes profuse sweating, reducing inflammation and temperature. Vitamin, saturates the body with vitamins and nutrients, resulting in recovery much faster, preventing the risk of relapse.
Anti-inflammatory herbs for colds
Quickly remove the inflammation will help goose gosinaya. It not only eliminates inflammation, but also helps restore the mucous membrane, relieves spasm and cramps. It is used in the form of broths, less often for local baths and compresses.
Licorice nude quickly removes the inflammation of the respiratory tract. For the preparation of decoctions, roots are used. Has an expectorant effect, restores the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, pharynx. It is used for various types of cough, especially when it is obstructive and moist.
Tartarus prickly reduces the inflammation of any localization and genesis. It balances blood pressure, has a diaphoretic, hemostatic effect. Improves overall health, normalizes metabolism.
Thyme creeping contains active essential oil, which helps to quickly remove inflammation, helps to remove swelling and redness. It also has antiseptic properties, normalizes sleep, relieves pain. It is used for various types of cough, with a cold. Can be used either inside or outside. For oral administration, use as a decoction. External use as a compress, therapeutic bath. Apply as poultices, add to the composition of inhalations for the nasopharynx.
The violet tri-color is an effective medicinal plant that acts predominantly in relation to the respiratory system. It allows you to quickly and effectively overcome the disease, promotes liquefaction and excretion of sputum, stimulates the production of immunoglobulins, which contribute to the recovery of the body after an infectious disease. Stimulates the work of bronchial glands. In addition to the main action, it eliminates signs of atherosclerosis, rheumatism, gout. It treats eczema, diathesis, itchy skin, furunculosis, lichen.
The horsetail removes all inflammations associated with the respiratory system. In parallel, it normalizes the secretion of mucus and sputum, removes stagnant phenomena, swelling. Used in the form of broths, infusions, as well as in the composition of compresses, herbs. Applied for gargling and rinsing the nasopharynx.
Blueberry ordinary is a herbal remedy aimed at eliminating inflammation, relieving pain.
Salvia officinalis has astringent, mucolytic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Reduces the secretion of sweat, normalizes metabolic processes. It is used inside, as well as for rinsing, rinsing. The solution can wash out purulent and non-healing wounds.
Herbs-antibiotics for colds
Bactericidal properties are possessed by the spindle erect. Its rhizomes are used mainly in the form of broths and infusions. Applied in viral and bacterial infections, normalizes microflora, kills pathogenic forms of microorganisms. It can be applied externally for compresses, lotions and washings. The broth can gargle and rinse the nose.
Medunica officinalis is used in the form of broths and infusions. To prepare the decoctions of grass and leaves. Applied to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms for colds. Has a powerful antibacterial effect. Effective even with tuberculosis. It can be applied externally for surface treatment of wounds.
Juniper is one of the most famous drugs with antibiotic properties. It is used to disinfect wounds, to eliminate inflammatory processes of infectious origin. It is active against various groups of microorganisms. Possesses an anesthetic action, removes puffiness. Applied for colds, chronic and acute inflammatory processes.
Plantain has a bacteriostatic effect, that is, it stops the growth of microorganisms. Due to this, the pathogenesis and symptoms of inflammatory diseases are reduced, the inflammatory process is reduced, the metabolic processes are normalized. Restores normal microflora. Improves appetite, increases the overall resistance of the body to infectious processes.
Antimicrobial properties are marked by the pharmacy chamomile (flower baskets). These properties provide a high content of essential oils and gums. Reducing the number of pathogenic microflora, normalizes metabolic processes, eliminates inflammation. It is used for colds and skin diseases.
Swamp marsh due to the high content of phytosterols, resins, tannins and flavonoids, has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. In a number of studies it was found that the herb has a powerful effect on microorganisms inhabiting the human respiratory tract. Also eliminates excessive sensitivity and excitability, relieves headache, improves the activity of the stomach and intestines.
Hops are used in the form of decoctions and infusions. The most important are the inflorescences (cones) of the plant. Eliminates both bacterial and viral infections. This allows you to quickly reduce inflammation, eliminate allergic reaction, pain, spasm, swelling.
Purity is the main antiseptic, which allows you to quickly reduce the inflammatory process. Kills a bacterial microflora, restores normal microbiological cenosis. Applied grass, roots. It is necessary to remember the need to observe the dosage, since the plant is poisonous. It eliminates not only colds, inflammations and swelling, but also promotes resorption of tumors, warts, neoplasms. Pain is soothing. Can be used for external and internal use. Inside it is necessary to take no more than a tablespoon. Outer can be used in the form of lotions, ointments. Used for cauterization of skin defects.
Herbal remedies have medicinal properties due to the fact that they penetrate into the blood. Then they are transferred to the target organs with blood, are built into the tissue metabolism. Can have different effects: relieve inflammation, reduce temperature, stimulate the activity of sweat, sebaceous glands. Normalize the work of internal organs, eliminate toxins.
Many people experience such specific properties as stopping bleeding, removing edema, hyperemia, hypertrophy. Some of them affect the alveoli, stimulating gas exchange and the introduction of sputum. Others affect the cough center by removing the cough. Many, on the contrary, cause increased coughing and dilution of sputum, due to which it is excreted from the bronchi, and the inflammation gradually decreases. It is known the antitoxic action of herbs, through which toxins and metabolic products are excreted from the body.
The healing properties of plants are due to the high content of active active substances in them. They have a certain effect on organs and systems. The number of active components is not constant, it can vary depending on various factors, such as the phase of development of the plant, the soil on which the plant grew. Also, the way and the time of collection, processing and storage of raw materials have a significant influence. Consider the main active substances that provide the basic properties of plants.
Many plants contain a large number of alkaloids. They are able to react chemically with acids, form salts, which subsequently dissolve in water, are transported with the help of liquid media. They are used in the form of aqueous solutions. The main plant substances are: caffeine, nicotine, morphine, atropine, quinine, papaverine, ephedrine.
Glycosides are components of plant origin. Glycosides include panthine, erysimine.
Saponins are used as an expectorant, and also have a diuretic effect, strengthen the body, stimulate it and tone it. They readily dissolve in water, show a high absorption capacity.
Among the polysaccharides, gums, mucus, pectin substances are of the greatest importance. They are complex carbohydrates, which are a source of energy. They have antibiotic activity, antiviral, antiallergic effect. Many act as antidotes.
Essential oils are complex mixtures of various volatile substances that dissolve well in alcohol and do not dissolve in water. Have anti-inflammatory effect, are good antiseptics. Some of them are anesthetics, drugs, others calm, others - excite the body. These properties can be used for various diseases of the respiratory tract.
Organic acids increase the secretion of saliva, bile, gastric juice, increase intestinal motility, motility. Stimulate the activity of many systems, including immune protection.
Flavonoids are organic compounds that do not dissolve in water. Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood functions, eliminate swelling and allergic reactions.
Phytoncides are organic substances having a yellow color, which do not dissolve in water. They have mainly antimicrobial properties, activate many functions of internal organs. Vitamins, active substances (hormones, enzymes, mediators), fatty oils, promote the normalization of metabolic processes, perform various functions in the body.
Dosing and administration
Plant products are taken in different ways, depending on the type of plant, disease, individual characteristics of the patient. Some of them are taken orally in the form of a decoction or infusion. Some are used for external use in the form of compresses, poultices, wipes, douches, medical baths. For a cold, inhalation methods are often used, used for irrigation of the mucous membrane, washing the nose, rinsing the throat. Some medicinal decoctions are drunk as tea during the day. Dosage, frequency of administration and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor individually for each patient.
Herbs for colds for children
Children can recommend levzeyu safflower, which contains a large number of alkaloids, carotenoids, vitamins. Thanks to this, it has a toning effect, restores the body's natural defenses, normalizes the mucous membrane, increases the resistance of the body, and increases stamina.
Schisandra Chinese also stimulates the immune system, promoting the activation of protective forces and the restoration of the body naturally. Removes fatigue, adds strength, mobilizes the internal reserves of the body. Eliminates drowsiness, in addition - improves eyesight.
Mother-and-stepmother calms cough, promotes the excretion of sputum, eliminates a runny nose, cough. Affects mucous membranes softly and gently. Additionally stimulates the activity of endocrine glands, normalizes digestion. It is used for diathesis.
Melissa officinalis is used in the form of decoctions and infusions of leaves, tips of shoots with flowers. It is used to reduce temperature, eliminate such attendant factors for colds, like nausea, vomiting, digestive disorders, stomach pain. Capable of removing spasm, eliminating inflammation. Strengthens the nervous system, normalizes metabolic processes. It is used for neurological diseases, for strengthening nervous, immune systems. Helps to eliminate insomnia.
Rosehip is often prescribed to treat children. It is filled with lots of vitamin. Often used water decoction of dogrose. All vitamins pass to it. Very useful for children, as it stimulates the immune system, contributing to the natural defense of the body, overcoming the disease without chemical artificial drugs. Allows the body to resist infectious diseases, allows you to quickly recover from illness. It is a preventive tool for the development of atherosclerosis, normalizes the functions and composition of the blood. Promotes the restoration of the mucosa, the healing of wounds.
It is recommended to use sorrel for colds. He is very fond of small children. You can just eat it. Contains a large amount of vitamin. It is a good tool for the treatment and prevention of colds. It is used for pulmonary diseases, bronchitis. Additionally, it has an effect on the stomach, normalizing peristalsis and motor skills, enhances metabolic processes, improves appetite and overall well-being.
Use Medicinal herbs for colds, coughs and temperatures for adults and children during pregnancy
Despite the relative safety, not all herbal remedies can be used during pregnancy. Many of them can cause numerous side reactions. Against the background of altered hormonal background and increased sensitivity of the body during pregnancy, atypical reactions can develop. Also it is necessary to take into account that some herbs have abortive action, that is, cause miscarriages, premature births. Therefore, before you start taking any remedy, you need to consult a doctor.
Herbal preparations and herbs are contraindicated for individual intolerance, a pronounced allergic reaction. Caution should be taken during pregnancy, during feeding, as well as in the presence of serious diseases and functional disorders of organs and systems. Before starting treatment, consult a doctor.
Side effects Medicinal herbs for colds, coughs and temperatures for adults and children
Occur rarely. Most often, allergic reactions are observed. More rarely - nausea, vomiting, dyspeptic disorders. Some can cause neurological reactions, drowsiness, mental disorders, reaction rates.
Cases of overdose with poisonous substances are extremely dangerous, since they can even end in a lethal outcome. Accompanying the violation of the heart, respiratory system. Much bleeding may develop, loss of consciousness. Urgent medical care is required and antidote administration, gastric lavage.
When an overdose of non-toxic substances can develop an individual intolerance, an allergic reaction, an increase in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, indigestion. It can develop retardation of reaction, weakening of muscles, palpitations.
Interactions with other drugs
Many plants combine well with medicines, but can not combine with other herbs, homeopathic remedies. Before use, consult a physician and build an optimal use plan.
Storage conditions
Herbs are stored in a dry, dark place, protected from moisture. First they need to be dried, then put into paper bags or cloth bags. Also for storage you can use boxes, boxes, cans. If the plant contains essential oil, it is stored in a glass jar with ground glass stoppers. Roots and rhizomes are stored in boxes, pasted with white paper, grass - in cardboard boxes, dry berries - in paper bags.
Packaged raw materials are stored in a dry clean place. The room should be well ventilated.
Shelf life
Roots, rhizomes and bark are kept for 2-3 years, grass, flowers and leaves - up to 2 years.
If you analyze the reviews, you can see that herbal remedies are very effective in treating colds. In such treatment, there are drawbacks and dignities. So, the advantage is that the herbal remedy is safer than chemically synthesized, causing fewer side effects. They provide an opportunity to get rid of the common cold, even from residual phenomena. In addition to the main action, it often has additional effects on other organs and systems.
Many plants stimulate the immune system, thereby increasing the body's ability to resist infection. As a result, a person recovers much faster, almost no complications and cases of recurrent disease. Means are allowed for children. Often, plants are the only way to combat colds for pregnant and lactating mothers. Plants normalize the endocrine system, additionally rejuvenate the body, normalize metabolic processes.
They are an effective means of fighting infection, coughing, runny nose. It is used for the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Effective as a primary or auxiliary drug. Applied for the prevention, treatment of acute, chronic, progressive diseases, as well as for recovery after a disease. Prevents relapses, complications.
But there are drawbacks in the treatment of herbs. Individual intolerance can be observed. May be dangerous if overdosed, allergic reactions. Therapy is long, often the effect does not appear immediately. Some remedies may be contraindicated to people with severe kidney and heart disease. Not all herbs from cold can be used for pregnant women and children. There are poisonous plants, an overdose of which can result in a fatal outcome.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Medicinal herbs for colds, coughs and temperatures for adults and children" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.