

Medical manipulations

Gastric lavage

Gastric lavage is especially important at the prehospital stage, as it leads to a decrease in the concentration of toxic substances in the blood

Hemodilution and blood substitution operations

Blood dilution (hemodilution) to reduce the concentration of toxic substances in it has long been used in practical medicine. This purpose is served by water loading (abundant drinking) and parenteral administration of water-electrolyte and plasma-substituting solutions.

Forced diuresis

Forced diuresis as a method of detoxification is based on the use of drugs that contribute to a sharp increase in diuresis, this is the most common method of conservative treatment of poisoning, in which excretion of hydrophilic toxicants is performed primarily by the kidneys.

Electroconvulsive therapy

The use of electroconvulsive therapy (synonyms - electroconvulsive therapy, electroshock therapy) for the treatment of mental disorders has a nearly 70-year history.

Insulinocomatous therapy

Insulin therapy is the general name for insulin-based therapies; in psychiatry - a method of treating mentally ill patients with large doses of insulin, causing a coma or subcomatous condition, called insulin-shock or insulin-co-therapy (IT).

Cleansing the liver: what does the liver cleansing?

Disease of the liver, gallbladder is known to mankind for many centuries, the great healer Avicenna belongs to the saying "If you do not heal the liver, or treat it badly, your illness will first pass to the vessels, and then the whole body will be affected."

Cleansing the liver at home

Cleansing the body at home, despite the popularity of such methods and their convenience, has its own negative nuances. It is necessary to remember about possible exacerbations, risk of formation of acute conditions requiring urgent medical help, in short, before you conduct home procedures, you should think over your actions in detail, assess your health and weigh all the pros and cons.

What is detoxification and how is it carried out?

It should be noted that immune detoxification is a relatively late evolutionary acquisition, characteristic only of vertebrates. His ability to "adjust" to fight a foreign agent penetrating the body makes immune defense a universal weapon against virtually all possible compounds with a large molecular mass.


Gidrokolonoterapiya - purification procedure, which is carried out in a medical institution by irrigation of the large intestine with a large amount of fluid and has a beneficial effect on the body (especially the small intestine, kidneys, liver).


Hypoxia, or normobaric hypoxia, contributes to nonspecific stimulation of the body's defenses. The mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of hypoxicotherapy are unknown, but it can be assumed that the realization of its effect occurs by stimulation of vital centers in conditions of oxygen starvation.


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