

Medical manipulations

Intracorporeal and extracorporeal detoxification

Intracorporal detoxification (enterosorption). For the binding of toxins within the body and their subsequent elimination, drugs that are capable of adsorbing low- and medium-molecular toxic agents on the surface of the molecules of the active substance are used.

Transcranial electrostimulation

Transcranial electrostimulation, or mesodiencephalic modulation, allows to normalize the work of neuroendocrine centers, disturbed in persons who are dependent on surfactants.

Colon Cleansing Tablets

To cleanse the intestines without the use of enemas, you can use a variety of tablets, including the development of Russian pharmacists.


Cleansing the bowels is a personal matter for every person. I would like to recall that the mass of lymphatic capillaries opens on the papillae of the mucosa of the large intestine. And if access is blocked by a thick layer of dirt?

Endoprosthetics of joints

Endoprosthetics of the joints are considered one of the most effective methods of surgical treatment of patients with rheumatological diseases. This operation has become an integral part of restorative treatment of patients with rheumatic pathology and musculoskeletal injuries, since it not only allows to stop pain syndrome, but also returns functional activity, improves the quality of life.


Arthroscopy is currently the most dense method of diagnosing lesions of intraarticular structures. Arthroscopy is used to diagnose joint damage in cases where non-invasive methods of research are ineffective.

Anesthesia in Caesarean section

Anesthesia with caesarean section may be different. An anesthesiologist should be remembered and told to the obstetrician and neonatologist if more than 8 minutes passes from the skin incision to the extraction of the fetus and more than 3 minutes from the incision of the uterus before it is removed. Regardless of the technique, there is a high risk of intrauterine hypoxia and acidosis in the fetus / newborn.

Intercostal nerve block

Blockade of intercostal nerves is quite simple and has a wide clinical application as an additional measure of anesthesia in the postoperative period and in fractures of the ribs. To a large extent, it facilitates respiratory care, facilitates expectoration of phlegm and a decrease in frequency after surgical complications.

Epidural anesthesia

Epidural anesthesia turns off all kinds of functional nerve activity: motor, sensory and vegetative. In contrast to the spinal, in which the local anesthetic solution is mixed and diluted with cerebrospinal fluid, with epidural anesthesia it spreads along the epidural space, part of it leaves the spinal canal through the intervertebral foramen, which makes the spread of epidural anesthesia not always predictable.

Spinal anesthesia

Spinal anesthesia can be a method of choice for many operations below the level of the navel, such as hernia repair, gynecological and urological operations, interventions on the perineum or genitals. Under spinal anesthesia, it is possible to perform any operation on the lower limbs.


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