

Medical manipulations

Laparoscopy of ovarian cysts

Today cyst laparoscopy is one of the most common and simple operations. The essence of this operation is to create three small incisions on the wall of the abdomen and through them surgical instruments and a video camera are introduced.

Hemodialysis in acute poisoning

Dialysis is a method of removing toxic substances (electrolytes and non-electrolytes) from colloidal solutions and solutions of high-molecular substances, based on the properties of certain membranes, to pass molecules and ions, but to retain colloidal particles and macromolecules.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth is both a hygienic and aesthetic procedure: after cleaning, the tooth enamel is noticeably brightened, the breath becomes fresh and clean, and many patients note a feeling of pleasant freedom and the absence of something superfluous in the oral cavity.

Intestinal lavage - intestinal lavage

The most reliable way to cleanse the intestines from toxic substances is to wash it with the help of sounding and the introduction of special solutions - intestinal lavage.


Enterosorption refers to the so-called non-invasive sorption methods, since it does not provide for direct contact of the sorbent with blood.

Artificial ventilation of the lungs

In newborns, controlled and auxiliary artificial lung ventilation is carried out exclusively by pressure-controlled ventilators that switch over time, with a continuous flow of gas in the respiratory circuit.

Detoxification hemosorption

The method of therapeutic hemosorption is based on the fixation of chemical compounds on nonselective carbon sorbents of natural or synthetic origin, which is determined by the forces of the van der Waals molecular coupling, the strength of which is due to the formation of covalent bonds between the toxicant and the sorbent.

CPAP - spontaneous breathing with constantly positive airway pressure

When performing spontaneous breathing with constantly positive pressure (CPAP), pressure fluctuations inevitably occur, but it always remains above atmospheric pressure.


Plasmosorption is carried out by plasma perfusion through a sorbent. The procedure can be carried out in a continuous mode, and then the column with the sorbent is located in the extracorporeal circuit.

Intubation of the trachea

For direct laryngoscopy and intubation of the trachea in newborns, as in adults, premedication, anesthesia and muscle relaxation are necessary.


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