

Medical manipulations

Rinse the nose of a child

With the onset of cold and wet weather, various infections begin to attack our babies with particular strength. Especially lyutuyut respiratory infections, which are the main cause of cold and nasal congestion in children.

Nasal wash with genyantritis

Washing of the nose with sinusitis is considered one of the most popular and effective procedures. This method helps to eliminate the mucus accumulating in the maxillary sinuses, which in case of prolonged stagnation can cause an inflammatory process or can become irritated when the bacterial flora is attached.

Massage for breast augmentation

Massage for breast augmentation will help those with a small or medium bust. In addition to increasing this procedure improves the elasticity of the breast.


Kuldotsentez is an invasive method of diagnosis, in which the puncture of the posterior fornix of the vagina for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes is performed.

Flushing of the nose with furcilin

Furacilin is a common medical preparation-antiseptic, it effectively eliminates bacteria and viruses, increases immunity.

Cytology of the breast

We will consider the technique of conducting, indications, decoding results and other nuances of diagnosis.

Cauterization of cervical erosion: basic methods

As a radical method of treatment of pathological changes in the mucosa, cauterization of cervical erosion is carried out, during which destruction of the affected tissues occurs with their necrosis, rejection and subsequent regeneration of the healthy cells of the mucosal epithelium on the affected site.

Massage of mammary glands

Massage of the mammary glands is one of the items in the prevention of the health and youth of this body.

Plasmolifting in traumatology and orthopedics

Plasma lifting in traumatology makes it possible to accelerate rehabilitation after injuries, styling of prostheses and surgical interventions.


The radio knife allows you to remove tumors on the skin and other parts of the body, both inside and outside. To date, such a procedure has become very popular.


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