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Gidrokolonoterapiya - purification procedure, which is carried out in a medical institution by irrigation of the large intestine with a large amount of fluid and has a beneficial effect on the body (especially the small intestine, kidneys, liver).
The first mention of such a purge is found in the ancient Egyptians, who used hollow reeds as an analog of modern instruments. In the 20 years of the last century in the United States appeared apparatus for the treatment of chronic constipation, skin diseases and getting rid of flatulence. The prototypes of modern instruments were quite primitive, but, despite this, they gained popularity thanks to the excellent therapeutic effect.
The development of pharmacology in the 50 years, in particular laxatives and antibiotics, has reduced the demand for a purification procedure. However, the drugs had a number of side effects, often causing addiction, and were not suitable for patients with prolonged digestive disorders.
After a period of oblivion, hydrocolonotherapy in the 80s returned its admirers. The last 15 years the method of washing the parts of the large intestine has become popular in Ukraine. The technique allows to improve the general condition of the body, get rid of digestive problems, reduce weight, if there are no contraindications to this method.
Hydrocolonotherapy: Pros and Cons
Fashionable and popular cleaning technology has an ardent opponent. This is due to the fact that in Ukraine the procedure is carried out more often in cosmetic private rooms, rather than profile offices. Therefore, the risk of obtaining unqualified and poor-quality cleaning is increased. To prescribe or prohibit intestinal irrigation is the therapist, because you can be absolutely healthy and do not need intracavitary rinsing.
Opinion of medical professionals - hydrocolonotherapy for and against:
- doctors are often skeptical about the concept of slag and the accumulation of stool stones in the intestines, reinforcing the idea with the conclusions of pathologists;
- it is difficult to call a procedure natural and physiological. The water supply to the anus is not a natural phenomenon;
- the use of decoctions, enzyme preparations is fraught with an imbalance in the intestines due to the leaching of useful microflora;
- intracavitary procedure can only be done by a competent specialist. Manipulation is carried out at random, controlled by the sensations of the patient and the visual attention of the medic. The large intestine has transitions of 90, so the health worker must have the appropriate qualifications. In the case of diverticulosis, the risk of damage to the intestinal wall by the hose is great;
- hydrocolonotherapy is an indispensable method of preparing patients before the study on the large intestine or surgical intervention. Enemas, diets, laxatives in this case are ineffective and in the aggregate they are hard transferred by patients.
It should be noted that the positive result of hydrocolonotherapy shows how to get rid of a chronic anal fissure. The formation of pathology is associated with spasm of the anal sphincter. In the process of purification therapy, the sphincter relaxes, getting rid of mucus and normalizing the excretory function - fix the result.
Indications for hydrocolonotherapy
The health of the human body depends on the smooth functioning of the intestine. Snacking on the go, irrational nutrition, defeat by worms, psychoemotional factor lead to stagnant phenomena and clogging of the intestine with products of decay, fermentation, poisons, etc.
Hydrocolonotherapy helps to clean the walls of the colon from stool, weight of which sometimes reaches 25 kg. With such a load, it's not just difficult to walk, but it's also terrible to live: unsealed products turn into poison, poisoning blood and internal organs. The first signs of intoxication - sluggish state, decreased performance - indicate the need to clean the digestive system.
Hydrocolonotherapy indications for use:
- stool disorders (constipation / diarrhea);
- problems with weight (obesity);
- the presence of dyskinesia;
- hemorrhoids in the phase of remission;
- poisoning due to irregularities in the intestine;
- gynecological diseases (erosion, vaginitis);
- decreased immunity (increased cases of respiratory / viral damage, skin rashes);
- narcotic / alcoholic or poisoning with poisons;
- migraine;
- skin problems (face or body);
- pain in the lower back;
- bloating;
- inflammatory processes in the prostate.
The benefits of hydrocolonotherapy
The wider your personal list of health problems, the more understandable is the truth that one cleaning of the intestine will be few. It is necessary to maintain and heal yourself with reasonable nutrition (balanced for your specific case), physical activity, positive thinking.
Hydrocolonotherapy, as part of the preventive effect, normalizes digestion, improves the skin, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes the flow of energy. The maximum results from the procedure are obtained by patients with a particularly impressive initial list of diseases.
The benefits of hydrocolonotherapy are:
- detoxification - withdrawal of toxic substances from the large intestine;
- normalization of stool and stool formation, beneficial effect on intestinal motility;
- correction of immunity - the lymphatic system that performs the role of "sewage" in the body, has an outlet to the intestinal mucosa. With the adherence of fecal masses to the walls of the intestine, problems naturally arise. The intercellular interaction can be renewed thanks to purification therapy;
- restoration of microcirculation of the peritoneum organs - the therapy copes with stagnant phenomena in the intestines that negatively affect the blood supply of internal organs;
- weight loss.
As for the small intestine and the liver, the water does not fall into them during the process of cleaning. Alternation of warm and cool washing liquid naturally causes spontaneous cleansing of the small intestine, liver and kidneys.
Preparing for hydrocolonotherapy
To achieve tangible results, the preparation to hydrocolonotherapy helps to bring the organism indisputable benefits.
First, three days before the procedure should limit the intake of animal fats. Categorically forbidden - pastry with bran, bread on rye flour, beans, cabbage, vegetables and fruits in fresh form, as well as alcohol and carbonated drinks. Preferably eat porridge on the water - wheat, rice, oatmeal, buckwheat. A steamed fish, lean bird meat is acceptable. These days it is useful to eat beets with vegetable oil, steamed. From drinks are allowed - homemade yogurt, low-fat kefir, juice without sugar and herbal tea.
Secondly, two days before the hardware cleaning, activated carbon and espumizane 3p / day of 2 tablets are taken.
Third, before the session, one should not eat anything. The last meal should be taken at least 4 hours in advance.
Hydrocolonotherapy can bring discomforts in the form of mild nausea and weakness, which quickly pass. Unpleasant feelings from the intestine worry, usually a few hours. Normalize the condition with warm tea and warming up the stomach.
Procedure for hydrocolonotherapy
Cleansing of the intestine by the method of hardware exposure is a safe, effective and painless technique. True, there are lovers of domestic cleaning, which use for washing salted water, taken inwards. This method is considered more natural than the hardware one. On the other hand, the hydrocolonotherapy procedure performed in the clinic is most effective, since it irrigates all parts of the large intestine. Cleaning in the home to promote water along the digestive tract requires the development of special exercises, the quality of which is estimated by the performer himself.
In the process of the hardware technique, there may be a slight discomfort. In addition to modern equipment throughout the entire session with you will be a medical specialist. Structured water (for example, laser) is used as the solution, medicinal substances, saprophytic microorganisms or herbal decoctions. These solutions allow you to avoid complications and make the procedure as comfortable as possible. The beginning of cleansing is accompanied by a gentle massage of the abdomen, and after the hydrocolonotherapy the patient feels amazing ease.
Apparatus for hydrocolonotherapy
The intestinal cleaners are manufactured all over the world. The Ukrainian apparatus for hydrocolonotherapy "MIT-KT" was created under the auspices of the All-Ukrainian Association of Physiotherapy and Balneology.
The effect of domestic equipment is based on the classical method of irrigation of the intestine. Under the influence of slightly heated water, not digested food particles, pathogens, mucus, poisons, and feces from the surface of the mucosa of the large intestine are removed.
Ukrainian engineers supplied the device with know-how. Water for therapy is exposed to ultraviolet disinfection, and the use of a red beam and a magnet gives the liquid medium special healing properties. Here such an active solution is fed into the intestines with intermittent shocks.
After intracavitary manipulations on "MIT-KT" patients get rid of toxins, restore the balance of the whole organism, harmonize the state of microflora, normalize defecation, increase immunity, improve hormonal, vitamin and enzyme background.
Hydrocolonotherapy for weight loss
Techniques that allow you to lose those extra pounds can be divided into:
- dietary - weight control by adjusting the diet;
- physical - strengthened training;
- cosmetic - honey massage, wraps, scrubs, etc .;
- normalizing metabolic processes (including metabolism).
The most effective way, giving a noticeable and lasting result, is hydrocolonotherapy for weight loss. After the first session, it is possible to get rid of 2 to 15 kg. Weight.
The procedure allows you to increase the rate of metabolism in the body, withdraw the accumulated "deposits" of the large intestine for years. It should be understood that the decrease in body weight is not due to burning fat, but as a result of cleaning from slags.
It is also necessary to imagine that it is possible to achieve a stable result after having completed a washing course. In the desire to achieve harmony at any cost, hydrocolonotherapy will be a quick and reliable method. However, to change the cravings in food still have to, otherwise the weight will return as the "blockage" of the intestine.
How is hydrocolonotherapy?
The patient is comfortable lying down on his back or side and relaxes. Before the session begins, the doctor makes an easy massage of the abdomen in order to activate the intestine.
A cleaning solution (regular / structured water, herbal infusion, etc.) is injected into the large intestine. It should be noted that the tips on the hose are disposable, so do not worry about the infection.
The device is designed in such a way that the waste water with intestinal contents (feces, food residues, etc.) leaves through a special hose in a sealed container. During the session, unpleasant odors are eliminated. All the procedure with you is a specialist who watches as hydrocolonotherapy passes, following intra-abdominal pressure and your sense of comfort.
The session lasts an average of half an hour. The number of procedures is assigned individually according to the results of the preliminary examination. The course varies from three to ten procedures.
Home hydrocolonotherapy
Purification of the intestine can be done at home. To do this, choose a day free from the hassle so that you can relax and do not rush anywhere. Warn your household members so that they do not distract from hydrocolonotherapy.
Take a volume of water equal to two liters and heated to 40 ° C. Add to the container for 3 hours. Spoons of sea salt (from Karlovy Vary or ordinary cookery). The saline solution is not absorbed in the intestines, but rinses the mucous membrane. The laxative effect can be increased by taking in the evening 2 parts of magnesium sulphate (25g per 200g of water).
End-to-end cleansing of the intestine or home hydrocolonotherapy requires drinking salted water in small portions. An important condition - do not eat up for the night, since the morning you can not eat or drink anything. The cleaning result is checked by the cleanliness of the water during defecation. Such cleaning can be done 3-5 times with a one / two day break.
After an hour after washing, it is recommended to eat boiled rice or oatmeal on water with butter.
Hydrocolonotherapy at home
Before using any cleaning methods, consult a doctor.
Traditionally, hydrocolonotherapy in the home is supported by physical exercises that help the salt water to move along the digestive tract. It is recommended to master them well in advance, so that on the day of cleaning do not waste your time and attention.
- the opening of the pylorus, the filling of the 12th intestine - stand up straight, between the feet 30cm., connect the fingers of the hands, turn the palms to the ceiling and raise their hands up. We make 4 slopes left / right;
- the passage of water into the small intestine - IP too. Straighten the right hand in front of you, and bend the left hand, touching the thumb and index finger of the clavicle on the right. Turn to the right and back, taking the bent arm back as far back as possible. Look at the fingers of your outstretched hand. Go back and repeat the same for the other hand, to the left. Perform 4p .;
- advancement of water in the small intestine - stand or lie and rotate the whole body to the right / left. It is important to see in the turn the heel of the opposite leg;
- the transition of a solution from the thin to the thick intestine - squat, the distance between the soles of 30cm. The left knee is on the floor in the middle of the right foot. Sit on your left heel, and your hands are locked in the lock for the right knee. Turn the body to the right, pressing the knee of the right foot into the abdomen. Then change your legs. Perform 4p.
- At the end of each exercise: climb the socks and drop sharply to the full stop. All movements do 10-15 seconds.
Hydrocolonotherapy is carried out according to the scheme - drank salt solution, did exercises, went to the toilet.
Hydrocolonotherapy for children
According to some doctors, hydrocolonotherapy for children younger than 16 years of age is contraindicated. If the child has problems with defecation, an alternative method will be to use a cleansing enema.
Although there are adherents of hardware cleaning and in toddlers. To get rid of allergies, chronic gastritis, dysbacteriosis and dyskinesia of the biliary tract to small patients is possible only through the procedure of irrigation of the intestine. In some clinics, hydrocolonotherapy is performed even for three-year-old children.
Of course, the application of this technique should be based on the prescription of the attending physician, have a serious justification in the form of an accurate diagnosis and get approval from the parents.
Contraindications to hydrocolonotherapy
The doctor should prescribe the purification procedure after a thorough examination. Only in this case it is possible to avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases and not to cause harm to the body.
Hydrocolonotherapy contraindications has the following:
- heart disease;
- complications of anemia;
- intracavitary hemorrhage;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- pregnancy;
- presence of a hernia;
- kidney problems;
- diverticulosis;
- malignant tumor processes;
- severe course of hypertension;
- profuse blood loss;
- exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
- damage to the intestinal wall;
- polyps in the intestine;
- colitis in the acute stage;
- Crohn's disease;
- ulcerative colitis of nonspecific type;
- internal bonding processes;
- rectal pathology;
- period of remission after surgery.
The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the correctness of the preparation, including changes in diet and intake of medicinal substances. Corresponding corrections are made by the attending physician.
Nutrition after hydrocolonotherapy
If you decide and have cleared the intestines, then you are ready to maintain the health of the body in the future. The first step for this will be proper nutrition after hydrocolonotherapy. We will have to live on the principle of separate food, to prevent the processes of fermentation in the digestive system. It is better to give up sweet, baking. Fat, heavy foods should also be excluded. Do not abuse products that cause bloating and severe gas formation (eg, legumes, cabbage).
The body after the therapy itself does not want to eat harmful food. Therefore, in the diet there will be fresh vegetables / fruits, natural yoghurts, juices and herbal decoctions without sugar. Sweetheads can be advised to eat honey, which must also be real.
Hydrocolonotherapy and a change in diet after it are better tolerated in spring or summer, when the table is full of garden and garden supplies.
Diet after hydrocolonotherapy
How you want to get what you want right away and with minimal effort. A wonderful relief from weight gives hydrocolonotherapy. Almost instantaneous weight loss of 10 or even 25 kilos will require a little effort from the patient after a series of procedures.
In addition to rational nutrition, the diet after hydrocolonotherapy includes the use of complexes that restore the balance of intestinal microflora. For this purpose, a probiotic symbiotic containing strains of living bacteria perfectly suits. The course of taking the drug is a month with a daily dosage - one sachet.
It should be remembered that when sowing useful microflora, you should not drink alcohol, strong (coffee, tea) drinks, bakery and confectionery, and chocolate in large quantities.
Where can I get hydrocolonotherapy?
Equipment for irrigation of the colon in Ukraine is purchased mostly by private clinics and cosmetology rooms. When choosing a clinic, pay special attention to the list of available medical and health programs, the qualification of medical personnel and the possibility to be examined before the sessions begin.
Where can I get hydrocolonotherapy in Kiev? There is a whole department on the territory of the city hydropathic clinic in the salon "Aqua-Vit". Author's methods, twelve-year work experience guarantee a mild cleansing of the large intestine and liver. Before the beginning of therapy, consultation with a proctologist doctor is mandatory. A professional at this level will identify existing contraindications to the procedure directly within the walls of the salon, or recommend the use of special cleansing solutions during the session (bio-cocktail, mineral water, sorbents, phytopreparations, etc.).
Hardware cleaning is carried out by highly qualified personnel on modern equipment with the implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards. Patients are given disposable underwear, as well as deodorizing substances and special sets for hydrocolonotherapy (disposable hose, nozzles, shoe covers and sheets). The device itself is equipped with two channels of liquid supply, which makes it possible to apply two compositions simultaneously (for example, mineral water and herbal decoction).
Where to go hydrocolonotherapy?
If you are in a position of choice, where to go hydrocolonotherapy, you should prefer a narrowly specialized institution, and not a dubious cosmetic salon.
Carefully study the site of the medical institution, read reviews, advice and recommendations of specialists, ask your questions online or in phone mode. Available in the list, a preliminary examination of the proctologist will be a clear advantage for the center.
When all the nuances are clarified, it remains to determine the price proposals and the list of services included in the cleaning procedure, supplies and other.
Addresses where you can go hydrocolonotherapy in Kiev
Based on feedback from grateful clients and a range of additional treatment programs, several specialized institutions can be recommended. Hydrocolonotherapy addresses in Kiev:
- Salon "Aqua-Vita" - st. Popudrenko, 34. Cleansing is carried out in stages by individual programs (diet, herbal medicine, antiparasitic program, SPA-care, respiratory gymnastics, etc.);
- Scientific and Medical Center "Know Hau Med" - 8, Heroiv Stalingrada av., Building 8. Provides a wide range of diagnostic, laboratory studies, consultation of qualified doctors, as well as comprehensive health-improving techniques;
- "Capital Hospital" - st. Lepse, 4a (on the territory of the "Clinic Hippocrates"). Hydrocolonotherapy is performed on certified equipment. The procedure can be combined with ozone-oxygen rectal injection.
- Treatment and Rehabilitation Center. V.T. Gutsa that in with. Kapitanivka, Sovetskaya, 4 (Kyiv-Svyatoshinsky district), offers a unique opportunity to combine health-improving procedures with rest outside the city. A huge list of treatment programs is available. The big advantage of the center is the possibility of accommodation with children, benefits provided, as well as good infrastructure (playground, swimming pool). Among the novelties of the institution I would like to mention thalassotherapy and cryosauna.
Reviews about hydrocolonotherapy
The desire to be beautiful both from the outside and from within moves the adherents of the intestinal cleansing. Most of those who passed the irrigation procedure in a specialized center under the supervision of a competent doctor, note positive results practically from the first session. The admirers of the method recommend that you carefully treat the choice of the clinic so that you do not regret it later.
Qualitatively performed hydrocolonotherapy reviews of patients extend to a state of lightness, increased energy, improvement of complexion, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Many people pay attention to the need to adhere to the norms of healthy nutrition before and after the sessions, which also need to be consulted by a specialist.
As for negative experiences, it extends to patients with sensitive colon mucosa. Hydrocolonotherapy, in some cases, led to an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, a violation of the stool. Based on negative feedback, you can make an unambiguous conclusion - before starting the procedure you need to check for contraindications.
Prices and prices for hydrocolonotherapy
The cost of colon cleansing depends, first of all, on the solution used, the "sophistication" of the apparatus, as well as the necessary consumables (disposable nozzles).
Hydrocolonotherapy prices in the salon "Aqua-Vita" vary from the type of cleaning liquid medium. The basic procedure can be carried out with structured water, phytopreparation, mineral solution, with a sorbent or a microflora enriched composition. The cost varies between 145-285 UAH / session.
The Scientific and Medical Center "Know How Med" offers its patients an irrigation course with a discount of 375 UAH / 5 procedures. At the same time, the price of one session is 250 UAH with domestic tubes, 300 UAH with German counterparts.
In the treatment and rehabilitation center. V.T. Huts from outpatients take 150 UAH per session, and from paid - 100 UAH.
Hydrocolonotherapy cost
Hydrocolonotherapy The cost of the procedure consists of the price of additional services. For example, in the "Know How Honey" doctor's consultation, which is an admission to the procedure, using a biophoton scanner will cost you UAH 190. At the request of the end of the course, you can go through a program to colonize the intestinal flora, the session of which costs 60 UAH.
The prices for hardware purification methods are on average about 300 UAH. Before recording on hydrocolonotherapy, be sure to specify what is included in the cost of the session, what consumables are being used, what amount should be disposed at the end of the course. After treatment on washing does not end. It may be necessary to take special substances to restore the microflora in the intestine.
The more information you have before the start of therapy, the less frustration, surprises and regrets await you.
Hydrocolonotherapy is an individual and conscious choice of each person, the positive result of which largely depends on one's own literacy and qualification of the medical worker.