Itching anus
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Itching in the anus is the most common complaint when referring to a proctologist, the etiological factors of which are difficult to diagnose. Let's consider the main causes of anal itching, its types, methods of treatment and methods of prevention.
Itching in the anus is a problem that everyone, both adults and children, face. It causes discomfort and pain. The cause may be easily resolved if it is caused by helminthic invasion or an allergic reaction to intimate hygiene products or underwear. But sometimes itching occurs due to proctological pathologies that are associated with hemorrhoids, fistulas or fissures. In this case, long-term treatment.
Sometimes itching in the anus is caused by several factors at the same time. This greatly complicates the process of diagnosis. In order to identify the etiological factors of this symptom, Proctologist uses a systematic diagnostic approach and conducts a thorough examination. And this is not surprising, since in the medical literature on proctology, more than a hundred causes of this pathology are described, which may have similar symptoms, but require an individual approach to therapy.
Causes of itching in the anus
The causes of itching in the anus are different, therefore, in their diagnosis, special attention is paid to the symptoms, its duration, the patient's age and other individual characteristics of the organism. Let's look at the common etiological factors of this symptom.
- Anorectovaginal lesions and diseases - itching caused by anal hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, warts, fistulas, genital warts.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, ulcers, polyposis, dysbacteriosis.
- Pathology and deformities of the pelvic organs - prostatitis, cystitis, cervical erosion, urethritis.
- Dermatological diseases - pediculosis, eczema, scabies, lichen, candidiasis.
- Allergic dermatitis - itching may be caused by the action of ointments, intimate hygiene products, deodorants, linens (poorly washed with powder or synthetic).
- Infectious lesions - fungi and bacteria. Often there are also parasitic diseases (teniasis, giardiasis, opisthorchiasis, enterobiasis ).
- Weakened immune system and diseases of organ systems - renal failure, cancer pathology, diabetes, hyperthyroidism.
- Non-compliance with the rules of hygiene - itching occurs due to the frequent use of gels and soaps or from the irritating effect of feces on the skin. Pruritus may occur due to intense physical exertion, wearing tight underwear and clothing, overweight, high humidity and heat, which provoke the growth of bacteria.
- Food and bad habits - discomfort may occur due to the abuse of spicy food, alcoholic beverages, citrus and spices. Drinking coffee and drug addiction can also provoke anal itching.
- Mental diseases - psychosis, neurosis, pathology cause a lot of painful symptoms. In some cases, proctologists diagnose idiopathic pruritus, that is, pruritus, the cause of which has not been identified.
Itching around the anus can be caused by tissue inflammation or an infectious etiology. Allergies to pads, intimate hygiene products or synthetic underwear provoke an itch. A doctor is treated with this problem extremely reluctantly, and, as a rule, when the disease worsens and becomes chronic. This symptom requires diagnostics, since its cause can be a health-threatening illness or, on the contrary, symptoms of a minor problem that can be solved quickly and permanently.
High fever, diarrhea, constipation, moisture, and stool residues that remain on the skin folds around the anus are an ideal place for reproduction and attack of fungi and bacteria. That is why it is very important to take proper hygiene and eat right. Regular consumption of fiber, vitamins and probiotic microorganisms will help to regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Not be superfluous and limiting the use of sweet and spicy. Stress and high blood sugar also cause itching around the anus.
Itching and burning in the anus occurs for various reasons, but such symptoms interfere with a normal life, cause discomfort and anxiety, and decrease performance. Many people living with this problem are embarrassed to talk about their disease of the anus and rectum. Very often, burning and itching are caused by rough toilet paper or shaving the hair in the anus. People with obesity appear diaper rash that provoke anal irritation. Another etiology of discomfort is worms, pinworms, and dirty laundry.
Treatment begins with the elimination of pain. During treatment, it is very important to keep the anus clean and dry, to wash regularly without using sponges, and after defecation use only wet wipes. These are the easiest ways to relieve the symptoms of burning in the anus. For therapy, the proctologist performs diagnostics and prescribes tests. And only after that he prescribes ointments, creams, suppositories and other medicines that will help to cure the problem.
Itching and redness of the anus is symptoms of contact dermatitis, which can occur due to injury and irritation of the skin around the anus in both women and men and children. The simplest treatment is to eliminate irritants. Redness and itchy irritants include intimate hygiene products, synthetic and tight underwear, unhealthy diet, dirty bed linen and towels.
- If itching and redness are caused by bacterial, that is, perianal dermatitis, then small vesicles and pustules with pus appear in patients. In the absence of proper treatment, this type of dermatitis provokes the formation of crusts, erosion and soak.
- In case of allergic dermatitis, itching and burning sensations are observed in the initial stages, and in the absence of therapy, papules appear with serous contents, upon opening of which erosion begins. All this suggests that itching and redness of the anus will not go away on their own and require medical treatment.
itching of the vagina and anus is called anogenital and is an unpleasant painful sensation that causes nervousness and the need to scratch the skin. It can be caused by an infection or a fungus. In this case, in order to get rid of unpleasant sensations, you need to contact a gynecologist or a proctologist and hand over smears. Based on the test results, the cause of the itch will be determined and an effective therapy will be prescribed, which will allow to get rid of the painful symptoms.
Itching in the vagina is very often seen in women. The main etiological factors are Menopause, that is, endocrine disorders, neurosis, leucorrhea, inflammatory diseases, urine irritation in diabetes mellitus, urogenital infections or helminths. But this symptom can be triggered by improper hygiene, irritation due to cramped underwear, intimate means and other allergens. When pruritus occurs, it is very important to seek medical help, as this will cure the discomfort at an early stage and prevent the development of diseases.
Itching and Pain in the anus can be of different intensity, but always cause discomfort and interfere with normal life. Pain arises from the fact that the rectum and anus have a lot of nerve endings. With cracks, ulcers and other pathologies, itching turns into a burning sensation, and the pain becomes burning and cutting. Discomfort is aggravated during and after stool. Because of this, many patients avoid bowel movements. Pain and itching in the anus is worse with constipation, hard stools and diarrhea. Very often, pain causes bleeding, and even purulent discharge.
Do not forget that pain and itching in the anus are symptoms that indicate the presence of a disease or infection in the body. Therefore, it is very important to seek medical help so that the proctologist can diagnose the cause of the pain and prescribe an effective treatment. If during time you do not seek medical help, the pain will become chronic and may cause serious pathologies.
Severe itching in the anus may occur due to high sugar, in this case it is necessary to pass a blood test for sugar. If the itching is caused by helminthic invasion, then the patient needs to pass a rectal scraping and feces analysis. Etiology can be in infectious diseases, fungus and lesions of the anal canal (fissures, hemorrhoids). Hard toilet paper, cramped synthetic underwear and intimate hygiene products cause allergic reactions, the main symptoms of which are severe anal itching.
At the first symptoms you need to contact the proctologist. This will get rid of the painful sensations before they become chronic. During the diagnosis, the proctologist prescribes the patient to pass feces to detect worms. Not superfluous and bacteriological analysis of feces with an unstable chair. An analysis of sugar in the blood is also obligatory, as very often itching occurs with elevated sugar and diabetes.
When pathological changes are detected, the proctologist performs sigmoidoscopy. The study eliminates prostatitis and urethritis. During treatment, special attention is paid to anus hygiene. The skin should be clean and dry, it is recommended to wipe with wet wipes. For therapy, the doctor prescribes ointments, creams, pastes, suppositories, disinfectants and antihistamines.
Itching of the anus and labia occurs when the anus and vagina are inflamed (infectious and non-infectious). Itchy sensations appear due to irritation of the skin nerve endings. With the appearance of any painful sensations and itching, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist and a proctologist. Since the unpleasant symptoms do not go away without full therapy. In some patients, itching occurs due to a decrease in immunity, which leads to an imbalance of microflora and the development of conditionally pathogenic microflora, which causes itching.
Diagnosis of etiological factors is carried out in a complex. At the first stage, the gynecologist conducts a physical examination, after which the patient takes smears and scrapes from the anus and labia, as well as general and biochemical blood tests and feces. Materials scrapings and smears are sown on bacteria and their nutrient medium, to determine sensitivity to certain antibiotics. If there is a suspicion of allergic causes, the doctor conducts a study of the hormonal status and makes allergic tests.
Based on the test results, a treatment plan is prepared. If the etiology of the pathological symptom is an infection, then the doctor selects a regimen for taking antibiotics and antifungal drugs. For non-infectious causes, more research is being conducted. Antihistamines and corticosteroids are used for treatment. Compulsory are the physiotherapeutic methods of therapy.
Itching between the anus and the vagina most often occurs due to infection. Etiology can be in thrush, that is, candidiasis or bacterial vaginosis. But sometimes, the discomfort is caused by a more serious infection. Without examination and testing it is impossible to accurately determine the cause, since most infections have similar symptoms. Therefore, when itching occurs between the anus and vagina, you should immediately seek medical attention.
On examination, the doctor takes smears on the flora and bacteriological seeding. Additionally, you can take a urine test, PCR smears for sexually transmitted diseases. Mandatory is a blood test, ultrasound examination of the small pelvis. Only after a complete diagnosis can identify the cause and prescribe complex therapy. Self-medication is dangerous and ineffective. Therefore, in order to prevent exacerbation of symptoms, it is necessary to seek medical attention.
Itching and discharge from the anus are caused by inflammatory and neoplastic lesions of the rectum. These diseases include: Anal fissures, prolapse of the rectum, fistula, tumors (benign and malignant).
- If the discharge is purulent or mucous, then the etiology may also be in infectious infection.
- Spotting from the anus is a symptom of tumors of the rectum and hemorrhoids.
All of the above diseases are accompanied not only by discharge from the anus, but also by strong anal itching. Itching is an additional symptom that may indicate allergies, infectious lesions (pinworms), anal papillomas (abnormal growth of the skin caused by the papilloma virus). Ignoring the symptoms is dangerous, so you need to seek medical help and go to the proctologist or coloproctologist. The doctor will diagnose and schedule tests, which will result in a treatment plan.
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Treatment of itching anus
Treatment of anus itch is a long and complicated procedure, which is carried out under medical supervision, after passing a series of tests and a full diagnosis. The first task in therapy is to eliminate its causes (etiological, pathogenetic)
If during the diagnosis revealed an early stage of anal fissure, hemorrhoids, cryptitis or sphincter insufficiency of the anus, then the treatment is symptomatic, but after that the disease itself is treated.
- If during the diagnosis of pruritus, an early stage of anal fissure, hemorrhoids, cryptitis or sphincter insufficiency of the anus was detected, then the therapy is symptomatic, but then the disease itself is treated.
An anal fissure is a small defect (about 1 cm) of the mucous membrane of the anal canal. Despite such insignificant dimensions of the lesion, the crack causes serious problems. The main symptom of an anal fissure is blood and pain during and after a bowel movement and severe itching. Pain can last from a few minutes to several hours. The disease causes fear of the process of defecation, so many patients suffer from constipation.
The main causes of the disease are diarrhea, prolonged sitting, anal sex, frequent consumption of spicy foods and alcohol, and hard physical work. The etiology of the painful sensations is a small wound that causes severe spasm of the sphincter, which makes it impossible for the crack to heal. All this suggests that the disease is long-lasting, it subsides for a while and becomes aggravated again. If you do not start treatment in time, the disease will take a chronic acute stage, which involves only surgical treatment. A timely appeal to the proctologist can heal the anal fissure by conservative methods. Let's look at drugs that are used in therapy.
- Hepatrombin G - the drug is available in the form of ointment and rectal suppositories. It is recommended to use twice a day after a bowel movement. The main indications for use: anal fissures, internal and external hemorrhoids, fistula, eczema, pruritus of the anus. Hepatrombin G has contraindications that are based on the body's hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug. Ointment and suppository cannot be used for tuberculosis, skin tumors and skin lesions (bacterial, fungal, viral), in the first trimester of pregnancy, for syphilis. Before the introduction of suppositories, it is necessary to take a warm sit-down bath, and the ointment is injected into the rectum with the help of a tip on a tube. The therapeutic effect is observed after 14 days.
- Heparoid Zentiva is an ointment that has anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative effects. The ointment helps in the treatment of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, soft tissue bruises. Assign both adults and children. Use ointment 2-3 times a day. The main contraindications to the use of Heparoid Zentiva - hypersensitivity to the active substance ointment, the tendency to bleeding, hemorrhagic diathesis. At use of drug it is necessary to be careful and avoid hit of ointment in eyes. The drug does not affect the coordination of movements and the speed of physical and mental reactions.
- Metroseptol - the drug is produced in the form of ointment in aluminum tubes. Indications for use: anal fissures, hemorrhoids, acne vulgaris and rosacea, trophic ulcers and infectious skin lesions, sluggish wounds. The main indications for use of the drug are based on individual sensitivity to the active substance of the drug. As for the side effects of the ointment, they appear when the rules for using the medicine are not followed. The main side effects: allergic reactions, tearing, burning and flushing of the skin. The ointment is applied to cleansed skin, twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The duration of treatment should be at least 4 weeks. It is not recommended for use in children, and when adverse reactions appear, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of use of metroseptol.
- Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids - a disease of the rectum, which leads to an increase, and in some cases, loss of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids refers to lesions of the circulatory system. The disease can occur due to the lack of dietary fiber in the body, with constipation, sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work, with injuries and pelvic tumors, with lifting weights and frequent eating spicy foods, which leads to irritation of the anal canal. Let's look at the main drugs that are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
- Ginkor Fort is a drug, the release form of which is a pill. Means possesses angioprotective and venotonic action. It increases the strength and elasticity of the vascular tissue and smooth muscle layer. The main indications for use Ginkor Fort - therapy of venolymphatic insufficiency, treatment of hemorrhoids. Take it orally during a meal. When treating hemorrhoids, take 1-2 capsules of Ginkor Fort twice a day. The duration of therapy is from 7 to 10 days. It has side effects that manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions, vomiting, diarrhea, and headache. Tablets are not prescribed for people with hyperthyroidism and children. It is recommended to use it only after permission of the doctor.
- Derinat - solution for local and external use. The main indications for use are: inflammatory eye diseases, inflammation of the oral mucosa, chronic bacterial and fungal lesions in gynecology, hemorrhoids, gangrene and others. Not recommended for people with hypersensitivity to the components of Derinat. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, the drug is administered rectally, using microclysters with a volume of from 15 to 40 ml. The duration of therapy is from 5 to 14 days.
- Neo-Anuzol is a complex drug with anti-inflammatory, drying, antispasmodic and antipruritic action. Anuzole is available in the form of rectal suppositories for administration to the rectum. The effect occurs within 20-60 minutes after drug administration. The main indications for use of Neo-Anuzola: hemorrhoids (external and internal), burning and itching of the anus, anal fissures. Apply rectally one suppository 2-3 times a day, the maximum dose should not exceed 7 suppositories per day. Not recommended for use in prostate hypertrophy, prostate tumors, glaucoma and pregnancy. Prolonged use of the drug can cause adverse reactions - constipation, drowsiness, skin allergies, urinary retention, tachycardia, and others.
- Crypt
Cryptitis is a disease that causes inflammation of the blind pockets of the anus due to infection of the crypts. The main symptoms are burning sensation, pain and shooting in the rectal area, fistula formation, moist anus skin. The main cause of cryptitis is stagnation of fecal masses, that is, constipation, microbial infection and diarrhea. In the absence of therapy, the disease becomes acute and chronic, which can lead to rectal cancer. The main symptoms of cryptitis are pain in the anus during and after defecation, acute and burning shooting, foreign body sensation. Let's look at the main drugs for the treatment of cryptitis.
- Proktosedil - ointment and suppository for local use. Used with internal and external hemorrhoids, cryptitis, anal fissures. It is forbidden to use with viral and fungal lesions, during pregnancy, with arterial hypertension. Main side effects: dryness of the mucous membrane, burning and itching. Proktosedil use in the morning and evening, preferably after defecation. The duration of therapy is from 7 to 10 days.
- Simetrid - rectal suppositories with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antipruritic action. The main indications for use: cryptitis, proctitis, anal fissures, inflammation and itching of the anus, hemorrhoids. It is forbidden to take it during pregnancy and lactation and hypersensitivity to the active substance. Suppositories put once a day after a bowel movement or cleansing enema, the treatment lasts for five to seven days. With long-term use of the drug side effects are possible, which manifest as a burning sensation and dryness of the mucous membrane.
- Relief Advance is an effective antihemorrhoidal drug. The tool is used for the treatment of cryptitis, external and external hemorrhoids, anal itching, erosion and rectal fissures. Form release - rectal suppositories and ointment. Apply it twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed, after a bowel movement or a cleansing enema. The ointment can be applied after each bowel movement. More frequent use may be the etiology of allergic reactions and skin dermatitis. The main contraindications for use are thromboembolism and granulocytopenia. If after treatment with medication appeared bleeding and painful symptoms, you should contact a proctologist.
- Anus failure
Anal sphincter insufficiency occurs in 7% of patients with colon diseases. The main causes of the disease are damage to the mucous membrane and muscle tissue, birth injuries, spinal cord injuries, diseases of the nervous system, rectal tumors. The main symptoms of the disease are gas incontinence, loose and tight stools. For the treatment of anus failure, conservative and surgical treatment is used. Let's look at the main drugs and therapeutic procedures that will help in the treatment of the disease.
- Strychnine is a drug that is available in the form of tablets and injections for intravenous administration. The main indications for use: encopresis, that is, insufficiency of the anal sphincter, atony of the gastrointestinal tract and others. When treating anus insufficiency, it is recommended to use tablets. Take it twice a day for 7-10 days. Contraindications for use: pregnancy, hepatitis, thyrotoxicosis, angina. With long-term use of the drug side effects are possible - difficulty swallowing, cramps, tension of the facial muscles.
- Prozerin (injection) - used for the treatment of anus failure, during the recovery period after meningitis, with atony of the stomach, bladder and intestines. The main contraindications to the use of: vagotomy, angina, peritonitis, bradycardia, gastric ulcer. The dosage of injections and the duration of treatment are prescribed by the proctologist, but, as a rule, the period of use of the drug does not exceed 7-14 days. If the dosage of the drug is not observed, the following side effects are possible: nausea, flatulence, vomiting, hypersalivation, headache, allergic dermatitis. During the period of therapy, it is necessary to abandon driving vehicles and activities that require high concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.
- Electrical stimulation and diet - used to stimulate the nerve endings, which are responsible for the formation of reflexes and the urge to defecate. Dieting helps to normalize the process of digestion and emptying.
- When conducting rectoromanoscopic research, the cause of itching may be proctosigmoiditis. In this case, conduct a full course of treatment and prescribe preventive procedures.
Proctosigmoiditis is an inflammatory disease of the lower rectum that signals abnormalities in the digestive tract. The main etiological factors of the disease: mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the rectum by solid feces, infection by parasites, eating spicy foods, alcohol abuse. The disease must be treated as it progresses and leads to complications (hemorrhoids, anal fissures, paraproctitis). Let's look at the most effective drugs used to treat proctosigmoiditis.
- Methyluracil is a suppository drug. The main indications for use: proctosigmoiditis, anal atresia, ulcerative colitis, rectal fissures. Apply after bowel movement, two rectal suppositories three times a day. The course of therapy lasts from 7 days to 2-5 months. Sometimes, when the medication is injected, there is a slight burning sensation that disappears after a couple of minutes. The main contraindications to the use are leukemia, malignant lesions of the bone marrow, Hodgkin's lymphoma.
- Alginatol® is a hemostatic preparation, the release form of which is rectal suppositories. The main indications for use are proctosigmoiditis, hemorrhoids, rectal inflammation, anal fissures. It is used rectally, one suppository once a day, the duration of treatment up to 14 days. The use may cause allergic reactions in the form of dermal dermatitis.
- Anal itching caused by intestinal dysbacteriosis is treated with antibacterial drugs - Amoxicillin, Trichopol, Diflucan, Fungizon and others. If the causes of the pathology are not identified, and the analyzes did not show the presence of pathologies or infections, then treatment begins with the prevention of latent proctosigmoiditis, dieting, the use of skin ointments and microclysmic with collargol.
Treatment of anus itch depends on its severity and neurotic reactions. For the treatment prescribed sedatives (bromine, valocordin, valerian), desensitizing and antihistamines (in the form of injections). For injections, a mixture of a 5% solution of urea and a 5% solution of quinine dihydrate is used. Another option of injection therapy is a 5% solution of carbolic acid, a solution of varicocide and a 20% solution of sodium chloride. Injection treatment is carried out only in ambulatory conditions.
In especially severe forms of anal pruritus and with additional symptoms (discharge from the anus, reddening of the skin of the genital organs), glucocorticosteroid hormonal preparations, ointments with corticosteroids and antipruritic solutions (carbolic acid tincture 2%, diphenhydramine, menthol tincture) are prescribed. Cooling hydroalcoholic solutions with anesthetic additives (menthol, novocaine, lidocaine) are effective in therapy. With repeated itching, a suppository (hemoprost, immunovit) and prophylactic enemas with a solution of a collargol and a decoction of oak bark are prescribed up to three times a day after preliminary cleansing of the intestine, that is, defecation.
Prevention of itching in the anus
Prevention of pruritus in the anus is a complete personal hygiene (regular washing, powder with talc, natural cotton underwear). Not superfluous will be the rejection of spicy food, sweets, smoked meats, alcohol, salt. Since all these products provoke anal itching. Avoid cheap toilet paper, use only soft, without fragrances and cosmetic additives that irritate the skin and cause itching. Excessive physical exertion, stress and anxiety is another factor that leads to itching. Therefore, it is very important to maintain psychological health.
Itching in the anus is an unpleasant symptom that creates discomfort and causes pain, making everyday life unbearable. There are many etiological factors of this symptom. Some of them are infectious and bacterial in nature, the second are associated with non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene and unhealthy diet, while others are a signal of disease. That is why, at occurrence of itching, it is necessary to seek medical help. The proctologist diagnoses the cause and prescribes an effective treatment that will relieve the pain and itching in the anus.