Anal pain
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Causes of the pain in anus
If anal pain becomes stronger during defecation, the cause may be a crack in the anus, which hurts, hurts, and is irritated by the feces. This indicates that the rectal mucosa is damaged due to stretching.
This stretching may be due to the fact that the feces are too liquid and abundant (diarrhea) or, conversely, too tight (constipation). The mucous membrane of the rectum can also be damaged due to the fact that there may be a foreign object in the fecal masses, which scratches the delicate mucous membrane.
You can judge the damage to the mucous by the fact that the pain in the anus is not constant, but increases with the act of defecation.
If the anus begins to hurt more during a bowel movement, it is most likely an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane as a result of an injury or scratch. If the pain in the anus is more worried after a bowel movement - it means that the condition of the anal fissure is chronic, it will be more difficult to treat it.
Physical disorders
The main cause of pain in the anus are Anal fissures are tears or cuts of the rectal mucosa. They are caused by disorders of the digestive system, due to severe diarrhea or high density and volume of feces, or due to the presence of undigested objects in the excrement, such as bone. In such cases, the nature of the pain is acute, the pain manifests itself in the process of defecation. Patients often deliberately do not go to the toilet, causing constipation and worsen their condition. The pain observed after the act of defecation reports that the disorder goes from acute to chronic. In addition to pain, in patients with anal fissure, there may be sphincter spasms and bleeding from the anus.
Also, pain in the anus occurs due to prolonged sitting on a hard surface, as well as due to falls and bruises. In these situations, over time, the pain subsides on its own, or a change in the seating position is necessary.
Also one of the causes of pain in the anus - prolapse of the rectum. This disorder is characteristic of older women who have given birth several times. But sometimes it happens in people of the other sex and age category.
One of the rarest causes of pain in the anus is proctologic fugues. They are spasms of the anus, usually disturbing the patient during sleep. Mostly observed in people of adolescence, and over the years are fading.
Oncological diseases and pain in the anus
Explicit symptomatic manifestations help to identify anus cancer in the early stages. These include the presence of scarlet blood in feces and dull pain during a bowel movement, which over time becomes more intense and torments constantly. This is due to the increasing innervation of the anus.
In cancer, pain in the anus often radiates to the neighboring areas: hips, genitals, lower abdomen. The high intensity of the pain does not indicate the inoperability of the cancer, therefore, for such symptoms, measures should be taken immediately.
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Pain in the anus due to inflammation
Inflammation of hemorrhoids is one of the main causes of pain in the anus, most often inflammation occurs due to excessive loads, drinking alcohol, eating spicy foods and a number of other reasons. The nature of the pain is very sharp, it is difficult for the patient to defecate, is in a sitting and standing position. Symptoms include fever and chills.
Subcutaneous paraproctitis is another cause of pain in the anus. An abscess is formed, which is located in the subcutaneous tissue of the anus. Symptoms: fever, chills, and systematically increasing pain in the anus, which becomes painful during defecation.
A rare disease - submucosal. Abscess of the rectum. In this situation, an abscess is also formed and is located at the edge of the anus under the mucous membrane. Patients pursue dull pain, the intensity of which increases during a bowel movement. Visually, the center of pain is difficult to detect and only palpation can help.
Another cause of pain in the anus is various venereal diseases.
Rectal abscess under the mucous membrane
This disease is quite rare, but it exists. Pus accumulates under the mucous membrane of the rectum near the anus, and this causes pain in his area. The pain is aggravated during the act of defecation, at first it is dull and aching, then sharp.
The temperature rises to the level of 37-38 degrees. If fingers penetrate the anus, something like a hard bump will be felt. This is an abscess, which is usually removed surgically.
Causes of pain in the anus can be the following: physical disorders, cancer and infectious diseases.
Other causes of anal pain
- A person often sits on a hard surface (for example, on a stool without a soft pillow).
- Muscle spasms of the rectum not explicable by science. Most often, they catch up unexpectedly after an act of defecation, especially at night. The medical name sounds like proctalgic fugues. Most often, proctalgic fugues disturb people at a young age, even from the age of 14. In elderly people, with a weakened sphincter, they are observed very rarely.
- Thrombosis, inflammation of the nodes of hemorrhoidal nature after alcohol abuse, weight lifting, as a result of complications during pregnancy, after prolonged debilitating constipation. At the same time, the patient may rise to 38-39 degrees, chills may beat him, and the anus hurts just unbearably, even in the prone position.
- Cones in the anus can be very sore, swell, increase more and more, and the pain is further aggravated by the fact that they are squeezed by the sphincter. Hemorrhoidal bumps can be deadened by this. Then only medical methods are not enough; an operation is needed.
The rectum is the completion of the digestive tract. That which is not digested in the human body passes through the rectum and the intestine and anus to the outside. This is called a bowel movement act.
The rectum has an exit section that ends with a circle in the form of a ring. This is the anus. Inside it is the sphincter, which controls the compression and unclenching of the anus. A sphincter is a group of muscles that can contract and relax.
When the sheath of the rectal muscle is strained, the sphincter opens, and the feces come out of the body. To make it better to slip and go out, there are folds on the sphincter, one of which is located in the form of a spiral. This spiral is one and a half turns, which makes it possible to loosen the stool from the rectum painlessly and gently.
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Inner part of the rectum
Inside the rectum is covered with mucous membrane, which contains glands. They secrete mucus, which allows fecal masses to pass without interference and not to injure the walls of the rectum.
Under the mucus in the rectum there are veins - a grid of veins, which is called the hemorrhoidal plexus. When a person has hemorrhoids, the veins swell and bulge out in the form of cones. The blood through these veins goes directly into the bloodstream of the general system, but does not pass through the liver. Therefore, all drugs that are found through the rectum, immediately enter the blood, not passing through the liver. From this they are much faster - almost immediately.
What is the anus?
This is the anus, the final region of the rectum through which the feces passes. If the anus is sore, it means that its tissues are injured, destroyed or damaged. Fortunately, this disadvantage is easily eliminated if you know the causes of anal pain.
Symptoms of the pain in anus
In most cases, patients try to hide these symptoms and seek help in critical cases. This is a categorically wrong decision, because the symptoms may indicate a serious disturbance in the body, and diagnosing the problem in the early stages will help avoid unnecessary exacerbations.
It is not as strong as with hemorrhoids - it is even stronger. A person can not go to the toilet, and this leads to even greater discomfort, because the stool remains close to the anus, but can not get out because of the strong pain in the rectum.
In very rare cases, pain in the anus does not bother, it means that the disease is already very long. But the pain is strong in the crotch and sacrum area.
If the pain is not too constricted, then it is in the area of the anus, in the perineum, and in the sacrum.
Concomitant unpleasant manifestations of trauma or cracks in the anus - urinary retention, inability to urinate due to pain in the perineum, changes in the rhythm and abundance of menstruation, as well as shortness of breath, manifestations of angina (failure of the heart rhythm).
Complications and consequences
When the rectal mucosa is damaged and a person does not go to a doctor for a long time, the nerve endings that are in the anus begin to get very irritated and transmit pain impulses to the brain. If you endure and do nothing, the sphincter of the anus, which usually pushes out the feces, stiffens in the spasm and the pain increases even more.
This pain may not go from 3-4 hours to a day or two. The fissure in the anus or on the mucous may expand, which intensifies the pain just to the scream. From the anus at this time blood can be released, which is very frightening to a person.
The crack in the anus can be the following dimensions: length - up to one and a half centimeters, depth up to three millimeters and width up to five millimeters. It is usually located on the wall of the anal canal in the back, it happens on the front (rare case) or on both walls of the anus, which almost does not happen.
If a person felt pain in the anus, especially sharp, you should call an ambulance. Then the doctor will prescribe in-patient treatment to control the process.
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Anus cancer
It can be immediately distinguished by the symptoms, because the cancer of the anus is not hidden hidden - it always manifests itself.
First you see a drop of scarlet blood in the feces. This is the first and main sign that a person has anus cancer.
In cancer of the anus almost always worries about the constant pain in the anus.
At first, anal pain is disturbing during the act of defecation (it can be very strong, a person can even scream). Then the pain intensifies even more and finally becomes unbearable. If the pain gives in the lower abdomen, perineum, hips, then the process can be started, and measures should be taken immediately. However, such a strong pain can be disturbing at the initial stage of the disease. It is so powerful because there are so many nerve receptors in the anal zone that transmit signals of pain throughout the body.
Diagnostics of the pain in anus
The pain in the anus that haunts you for several days can be very negative and you need to be examined by a specialist immediately. If there are additional symptoms described above, you should immediately consult a doctor. In the early stages, all diseases are easily treatable, but delay can greatly affect your health.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the pain in anus
When painful sensations in the area of the orifice through which the fecal mass is removed from the rectum are disturbed, then it is necessary to consult their doctor to determine their causes, because anal pain does not occur by itself, but is a symptom of certain pathologies requiring treatment. Consider the need for treatment of anal pain in various diseases.
Treatment of anal pain in various diseases
Anal fissures are quite common and can appear both with constipation and diarrhea, but in both cases they are accompanied by pain. And treatment of anal pain in the presence of damage to the mucous membrane includes the use of laxatives for constipation (based on lactulose), as well as local preparations in the form of rectal suppositories and various ointments and creams.
Doloprokt cream recommended by proctologists (with lidocaine and fluocortolone) should be applied 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening for 14 days. When pregnancy does not apply.
Proctosedil rectal ointment (framycetin + hydrocortisone + benzocaine) is used in a similar way, but the course of treatment is twice as short (one week); The ointment is contraindicated in viral or fungal skin lesions in the anus, during pregnancy and lactation.
Ultraprokt ointment (fluocortolone pivalate + fluocortolone caproate + cinchocain) relieves pain and inflammation, which is recommended to be used twice a day; contraindications to its use include tuberculosis, syphilis, viral diseases, as well as the first three months of pregnancy.
The composition of suppositories Proktozan includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic bufeksamak, lidocaine hydrochloride, bismuth subgallate and titanium dioxide. These suppositories are used after defecation and hygienic treatment of the anal area - 1-2 times a day. Contraindications concern those who have had atopic dermatitis, as well as pregnant women.
Rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn oil help the healing of anal fissures; they are introduced into the anus by one suppository twice a day (the second time before bedtime).
Suppositories are good because they have no side effects and contraindications. The same advantages are different and candles containing propolis (applied similarly).
Treatment of anal pain in hemorrhoids is also carried out using rectal suppositories and ointments.
Heparin ointment is applied with a thin layer to the anus area no more than three times a day during the week. But this ointment is contraindicated in the presence of skin lesions and increased bleeding.
Gel Troxevasin helps with bleeding hemorrhoids and hemorrhoidal cones. It is applied to the affected area - at bedtime and in the morning (the course of treatment should not exceed 4 weeks). In the list of contraindications are gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis and the first trimester of pregnancy.
Rectal suppositories Ultraprokt with fluocortolone should be used once a day (at night). Contraindications are the same as in ointment (see earlier).
In case of acute hemorrhoids, you can use rectal cream and suppository Procto-Glevenol (tribenoside + lidocaine). The cream is used in the form of applications (2 times a day), suppository - once a day. This remedy can sometimes cause a burning sensation; it should not be used by pregnant women.
A suppository for hemorrhoids Anuzol not used with an enlarged prostate gland.
A review of rectal suppositories, see. - Suppositories for hemorrhoids, and tips - How to choose the best hemorrhoid cream.
Proctitis is inflammation of the rectum, also causing anal pain, which is treated with the same ointments and suppositories that have already been listed. For more details on the treatment of this disease, see the article - Proctitis.
Local treatment of anal pain with paraproctitis (anorectal abscess) includes
Antibiotic ointment Mupirocin, which is applied to the affected areas twice a day.
Treatment of anal pain in cancer of the anus - see publication Anorectal cancer.
Physiotherapeutic treatment of anal pain at home is in warm (temperature not higher than +39 ° C) baths with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate solution should be pale pink).
Homeopathic Anal Pain Treatment
Treatment of anal pain with homeopathic remedies is carried out with such drugs as: Aconite, Belladonna, Aesculus hypocastanum, Ignatia, Mercuriu solubilis, Muriaticum acidum, Paeonia. In order to carry out such therapy, it is necessary to consult a homeopathic specialist who selects the means for each individual.
And among the pharmacy homeopathic drugs should be noted suppository and hemorrhoids ointment Witch hazel.
The preparation contains extract of the leaves and bark of the plant Hamamelis virginiana L., rich in essential oils, flavonoids and tannins. Ointment is found in the anus with a swab once a day. And suppositories - once or twice a day.
See also - How to cure hemorrhoids with homeopathy?
Alternative treatment for anal pain
Already mentioned warm baths by herbalists and alternative healers recommend doing with decoction of medicinal plants: Hypericum perforatum, large plantain, chamomile, Yarrow, Highlander snake (knotweed), leaf stalker or Veronica drug (three tablespoons of dry raw materials per liter boiling pot of boiled cottonseed or 3% of dry raw material per liter of boiled pot of boiled florets, insist 30-40 minutes). It is necessary to use only fresh broth, diluting it with warm boiled water 1: 1.
Herbal medicine offers microclysters with decoctions of calendula flowers, elecampane herbs, swamp lobster, willow gumbo or basil (a tablespoon of raw materials per cup of water, half-boiled decoction).
You can also make an oil application on the sore spot with a piece of bandage dipped in a special anesthetic oil. This oil is prepared on the basis of any vegetable oil (50 ml) with the addition of 8-10 drops of one of the essential oils - lavender, thyme, jasmine or St. John's wort.
Helps to relieve pain in the anus, swab injected at night, soaked in a mixture of honey and aloe juice, taken in equal quantities.
In addition, see other Natural Remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
Prevention of anal pain is the prevention of those pathologies that cause this pain. As a matter of fact, the forecast for solving this delicate health problem also depends on the reason for its occurrence...
The likelihood of anal fissures and hemorrhoids reduces the prevention of constipation and sufficient physical activity of the person. You do not know how to eat properly to avoid constipation and hemorrhoids? Carefully read the article Diet for constipation and be healthy.