How to cure hemorrhoids with the help of homeopathy?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of hemorrhoids involves different methods. One of the safest and most effective is homeopathy. Doctors recommend the treatment of hemorrhoids with homeopathic medicines, depending on the degree of pain and discomfort, and depending on the type of hemorrhoids. More details about the means of homeopathy with hemorrhoids.
The meaning of the word "homeopathy"
Homeopathy is an old word, this term comes from the Greek homoios - a word that means similar, and "pathos", which means suffering or disease. This method refers to alternative medicine, which was introduced by philosopher-doctor Samuel Hahnemann in the eighteenth century.
Practitioners of homeopathy believe that those who are sick can be cured with a substance that can lead to illness. This process is one that dissipates the toxic elements of the substance that causes the disease, and retains a positive effect on the substance.
In the course of consultations, homeopathic doctors can determine the physical and psychological state of their patients so that they can correctly choose the remedies that will be used to treat hemorrhoids.
Homeopathic medicines for all kinds of diseases, not only for hemorrhoids, are becoming increasingly popular these days. Although some doctors still think of homeopathy as an educated form of quackery, but, nevertheless, charlatanry is only a form of placebo therapy, but many doctors still recommend such medications to their patients, and very successfully.
Hemorrhoids and homeopathy
In case of hemorrhoids, homeopathic preparations have proved their safety and effectiveness. You will do well if you try them for yourself and solve your problems with hemorrhoids.
Means of homeopathy, which are usually included in the list of anti-hemorrhoids, are aloe, sulfur and witch hazel, and many others.
Aloe is the most widely used homeopathic remedy for the treatment of symptoms of edema of the veins and protruding cones of hemorrhoids. You can calm the problem areas by soaking in cold water or placing on them a cold compress that contains aloe.
Sulfur is another popular remedy for homeopathic hemorrhoid treatment, as a rule, it is recommended in cases where a person has anal itching, burning and mucus from the anus, which usually accompanies a disease such as hemorrhoids. Sulfur is used to reduce inflammation of the anus and protrusion of the hemorrhoids. Unlike aloe, sulfur is used using warm water.
Hamamelis (Hamamelis) suggests such treatment, so that a person can get rid of hemorrhoid bleeding symptoms. This remedy is often used when the patient feels a ripple in the rectum and pains in the lower back. Dosages with this homeopathic treatment vary. In cases where symptoms are poorly expressed, self-treatment may be recommended first before using a low dosage.
For safety reasons, dosage
For safety, read the instructions on the label. Before trying to apply a variety of new homeopathic remedies, you can take the current remedy within a reasonable time - one to two weeks - until a new one is selected. In case of doubt, remember that there are doctors who are well versed in homeopathy, consult with them.
Effective and inexpensive
Homeopathic treatment of hemorrhoids is a very popular treatment option. It is one of the types of hemorrhoid treatment that people have been using for centuries and are known for their safety and low cost. The idea of homeopathic methods of treating hemorrhoids is that "the like is treated like".
This means that you should consider your condition with medications that cause the same reaction as the symptoms of this condition. There are many different types of homeopathic hemorrhoid treatment - they have many natural products that you can use. Some of the most popular herbs used in these procedures are aloe, horse chestnut (Aesculus), collinsonia Canadian (Collinsonia) and sulfur (Sulpher).
Hemorrhoids and overloads
When your hemorrhoids are caused by an overload of veins or abdominal fullness, you should use a homeopathic hemorrhoids treatment containing Aesculus - horse chestnut. It is used to eliminate spasms and pain in the abdomen, as if you swallowed sharp objects, and they lingered in your stomach. This kind of hemorrhoids usually does not bleed, but you have pain, swelling, the anus area turns purple and itchy, and this distinguishes this type of hemorrhoids from other types of hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids and pregnancy
Collinsonia (Collinsonia Canadian) is more suitable for homeopathic treatment of people, which can arise regardless of what they do. Pregnant women, people with inertia of the rectum, problems and diseases of the pelvic organs, can find great relief from the use of homeopathic remedies containing this substance. This is good for eliminating the recurrence of hemorrhoids.
Tumors and hemorrhoids
Sulpher is best used for hemorrhoids, the symptom of which is not bleeding, but the anus area is still swollen and painful. How does this homeopathic treatment work? It helps to avoid constant contractions of the intestines and helps with anal itching and pain.
Aloe is one of the best ingredients in any homeopathic treatment for hemorrhoids. Aloe can help people who, even with very severe hemorrhoidal pains, will feel better after applying it. Aloe will help reduce the swelling of large cones of hemorrhoids, reduce itching and pain and help stop diarrhea, which only exacerbates the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Tips for preventing hemorrhoids
The choice of homeopathic hemorrhoid treatment for you can be applied no matter how severe or easy are the symptoms of hemorrhoids that you are experiencing.
If there is an excessive pressure on the blood vessels inside the rectum, the hemorrhoids will sooner or later occur.
Common culprits of the situation include: constipation, old age, pregnancy, anal sex, diarrhea, weight lifting, obesity, it can also happen because of the medications that you take because you suffer from one or more other diseases.
How do you know if you have hemorrhoids?
Too often, patients complain of a burning sensation and itching in the rectal area, although there are cases when pain is not felt at all. However, most patients agree that they see the presence of blood in the stool.
There are in fact many treatments for this disease. And one of the most popular is homeopathic medicine, which has proven its work even better than traditional alternative methods of treating hemorrhoids.
The impact of homeopathic medicine
This medicine will act inside the abdominal cavity or locally depending on the site of the body in which the hemorrhoids are located. Recall that once you start this treatment, it will entail a change in lifestyle. Caffeine will be excluded from your diet, as it promotes constipation and dehydration of the body.
You should also limit alcohol, which acts as a diuretic. This also means that you must follow a balanced diet and add fiber to it, which helps regular bowel movement.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day, so that you can avoid dehydration. Often this is the lifestyle of the patient that helps to eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Other homeopathic medicines to fight hemorrhoids
There are also herbal teas that can heal internal hemorrhoid problems and homeopathic ointments that can be applied to the affected part of the body locally. The result may not be fast. Thus, immediate relief will most likely not happen.
Although the problem of hemorrhoids may be in a non-life-threatening stage, hemorrhoids can be successfully cured at an early stage. That is why many of these homeopathic methods of treating hemorrhoids are best used at the first signs of hemorrhoids.
As a conclusion, homeopathic treatment of hemorrhoids is an excellent choice for eliminating its symptoms without side effects. And therefore it can be used by any person. This is very convenient, especially for pregnant women or in case you use any other medications, or you have other health problems.
Recall, however, that if homeopathic hemorrhoid treatment does not give you significant results after a while, you should turn to the help of medical experts in the field of homeopathy to still find a remedy that will solve your problems.