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Indications Iberogast
This drug is widely used in gastroenterology. It can be used as a monotherapy, or as part of an integrated approach to treatment.
Indications for the use of Iberogast include dysfunction of the digestive tract of various genesis with the aim of restoring and regulating motor activity.
The drug is suitable for therapeutic purposes with violations of peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, spastic syndrome of various origins, as well as functional dyspepsia.
Indications for the use of Iberogast as an auxiliary component of therapy for ulcerous and erosive lesions of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
In addition, the drug can be used to stop heartburn, getting rid of eructations, increased gas formation in the intestines with the appearance of flatulence, as well as from bloating. In most cases, the cause of the above clinical symptoms is a violation of the digestive process.
Iberogast is used for gastritis, when the integrity of the gastric mucosa is not significantly disturbed, but there are already signs of its inflammation. The drug relieves pain in the epigastric region, a feeling of overflow of the stomach, nausea and heartburn.
Release form
The preparation has a release form in the form of a solution, which allows you to dose Iberogast by drops. This form of release is very convenient for use in childhood, when it is necessary to strictly observe the amount of used medicine.
Iberogast is available in vials filled with a liquid form of the drug, the volume of which can be 20, 50 or 100 ml. In addition, the vial is contained in a cardboard outer package of a light shade.
The form of the preparation of the drug presupposes dosage according to the number of drops, in connection with which it is possible to strictly monitor the dose in childhood.
Also remember that a single dose for an adult, with a volume of 20 drops contains approximately 0.24 grams of pure ethanol, which corresponds to 0.72 g for a maximum dose of 60 drops of the drug.
Due to the fact that the drug is in liquid form, there is a high probability of a small precipitate and turbidity. This phenomenon is absolutely safe and poses health risks, since during the storage, particles can settle.
Thanks to the herbal composition of the drug, the pharmacodynamics of Iberogast is a spasmolytic and toning up effect on the digestive tract and the body as a whole.
In addition, normalization of tonus of smooth muscle fibers, which provide adequate digestive activity and is located in the organs of the digestive tract, is provided. But in turn, as a result, there is no change in peristalsis, so the intestine does not suffer from the action of this medication.
Some sources indicate that the pharmacodynamics of Iberogast disastrously affects several species of Helicobacter pylori, which can provoke the appearance of ulcerative defects in the mucous membrane of the organs.
Iberogast is able to selectively influence the functioning of the digestive system. So, increasing the tone in weak areas of the organs, there is a decrease in flatulence and suppressed sensation of a full stomach.
On the contrary, on the areas with hyperstimulating effect the preparation perfectly relaxes the muscles, exerting spasmolytic effect. As a result, when taking the drug, normalization of the activity of the digestive system and restoration of physiological performance are observed.
Each drug, thanks to its unique composition, ensures the performance of certain processes in the body, as a result of which their effect is effective and, consequently, helps a person.
The pharmacokinetics of the Iberogast is represented by a decrease in the activity of carrying out nerve impulses along afferent pathways when stimulating the intestinal receptors or excessive increase in its volume. Thus, disappearance of increased visceral sensitivity is observed.
Such phenomena can be explained quite simply. Taking into account the composition of the drug, it is possible to trace the interaction of its components with specific proteins - receptors of serotonin and even with opioid and muscarinic-sensitive receptors.
As a result of such interactions, the Iberogast pharmacokinetics provides the regulation of peristaltic waves and the sensitivity of the structures of the digestive tract.
Through the research it was found that with the help of medicinal components, which are part of the drug, an increase in the concentration of prostaglandins and mucin. They, in turn, protect the mucous membranes and reduce the number of leukotrienes, which also have a negative effect.
Dosing and administration
This pharmaceutical product is recommended to shake well before use, as it may cause a small deposit during storage.
The method of application and dose depend on the state of human health, the degree of activity and severity of pathology, and age. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the dose and duration of the drug should be selected individually, based on the dynamics of treatment and the patient's condition.
Usually the drug is prescribed to take three times a day. Since the form of the release is represented by drops, they can be washed down with several tablespoons of water.
According to the instruction, the use of drops during infancy is allowed, but this can only be done by a doctor after a careful examination of the baby.
Up to 3 months, it is recommended to take a maximum of 6 drops, then the dose can be increased by 2 drops. Starting from the age of 3 and up to 6, the effect of the drug will be observed in a dosage of up to 10 drops.
As for children after 6 and up to 12 years, they should not exceed 15 drops. Adults can take up to 20 drops
If after the first reception there are discomfortable sensations in the field of a stomach or a stomach or belly, it is necessary to address to the doctor. Also, do not exceed the dosage to avoid the development of adverse reactions and overdose.
Use Iberogast during pregnancy
The process of bearing a fetus requires a huge amount of effort from a woman. Every day, the fetus grows and develops and a sufficient amount of nutrients and forces is needed for its full growth.
The formation and growth of the fetus in utero can be influenced by any factor that negatively affects the pregnant woman. It can be ecological, chemical, food, genetic and even pharmacological factors.
Particularly harmful is the effect in the first three months of pregnancy, when the laying of the fetal organs is observed. Of course, this does not mean that starting from the fourth month, it is allowed to take any medications, but still their effect is slightly lower than in the first trimester.
As for the last months of pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account the ability of the components of the drug to penetrate into breast milk and thereby later get to the baby. If the baby is breastfed, the intake of drugs by the mother is severely limited in order to avoid the development of side effects and an overdose of the baby.
The use of Iberogast during pregnancy should be considered solely by the doctor, since he is obliged to assess the benefits of taking the medication and the harm that it can bring to the fetus.
In view of the fact that each preparation is unique in its pharmaceutical composition, it is therefore necessary to take into account contraindications to their use. This is due to the fact that a person can react differently to different components. Allergic reactions or individual intolerance of one or more components of the drug are possible.
Contraindications to the use of Iberogast include its use in people who suffer from alcohol dependence, since the composition of the drug includes ethanol, which limits its use.
In addition, it must be used with caution in pregnant women and nursing, to avoid the penetration of ethanol into breast milk and, accordingly, to the baby.
Also worth paying attention to a group of patients who have organ pathology, because of which taking the drug in large dosages can aggravate the course of their underlying disease. This applies to liver disease, craniocerebral trauma or epilepsy.
Contraindications to the use of Iberogast can be individual characteristics of the body, for example, intolerance of basic or auxiliary substances. Do not exclude manifestations of allergic reactions to the drug.
Side effects Iberogast
Many drugs contain allergens, which for each person are certain components on the effect of which a person develops a rapid reaction.
Side effects of the Iberogast can manifest itself in the form of an allergic reaction to a single dose of the drug or a week later as it accumulates. Typical clinical manifestations of allergy are nausea, vomiting, various dyspepsia and bowel disturbances in the form of diarrhea.
It is rare enough to observe manifestations of an allergic reaction in the form of skin symptoms, for example, rashes, itching, swelling and redness. Also, to a lesser extent, there may be urticaria and angioedema, but this is very rare.
It is especially important at such times to control the breathing of a person, which can complicate the clinical condition. If you suspect any symptoms or worsening, stop using the medication and seek medical advice and assistance.
Each case of a pathological condition should be considered individually. This requires an objective examination, the use of instrumental diagnostic methods and the results of laboratory tests.
If the dose and the frequency of reception were not agreed with the doctor, and the amount of medication taken does not correspond to the age and severity of the person's condition, then the probability of overdose development increases.
Do not immediately prescribe large doses of the drug, as individual characteristics of a person are unknown to the effect of constituent components. An overdose of a medicine can be represented by an increase in the manifestation of adverse reactions of the body.
So, there may be the appearance of nausea, weakness, dizziness, vomiting, uncomfortable sensations in the stomach and abdomen. Also, there is a possibility of disruption of the intestine, which is manifested by increased peristalsis and diarrhea.
From skin symptoms it is necessary to distinguish rashes of various diameters, sensations of itching, small swelling and hyperemia of the skin. In rare cases, as a result of an overdose, it is possible to develop angioedema, with respiratory failure.
Interactions with other drugs
In order to assess the interaction of Iberogast with other drugs, it is necessary to understand that each component of the drug is able to react with another drug.
Since Iberogast is a natural remedy, which includes various herbs, it is worth considering the simultaneous reception of such herbal preparations and the possibility of their synergistic or antagonistic action.
As a result of the fact that the Iberogast contains the optimal amount of each component, the negative interaction of Iberogast with other drugs is practically excluded.
However, it must be remembered that if several medicines are combined with weakness, nausea, or other nonspecific clinical symptoms, they should stop taking them and consult a doctor for a more thorough examination, selection of drugs and optimal dosages.
Storage conditions
The manufacturer of each drug provides for the selection of certain environmental characteristics of the place where the further storage of the drug is expected.
Their compliance is necessary to maintain the pharmacological properties of the drug throughout the life of the product. Iberogast storage conditions are some characteristics of the air, including the temperature regime (not more than 25 degrees) and the optimum level of humidity.
In addition, the place where the drug is supposed to be stored should be darkened, especially without direct sunlight.
Particular attention should be paid to storing the drug in a place where babies can not get it. Despite the fact that the drug is authorized for use even in infancy, children may exceed the dosage. As a result, the appearance of clinical symptoms of side effects or overdose, which threatens the lives of children.
Thus, observing the storage conditions of the Iberogast, the drug will be effective throughout the shelf life and will not deteriorate ahead of time.
Special instructions
The drug is widely used for functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Vegetable composition Iberogast allows using it for the purpose of regulating and normalizing the motility of the digestive system.
In addition, the drug has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and cytoprotective effects. According to the international classification, the drug refers to drugs that affect the processes of digestion and metabolism, in particular, used in functional disorders of digestion.
Iberogast includes about 10 medicinal herbs, among which are flowers of chamomile, melissa, soap, celandine, licorice roots and many others. Of the auxiliary components should be allocated ethanol, which should strictly control the dosage in childhood and in the management of vehicles.
Shelf life
In the manufacture of each pharmaceutical preparation, the manufacturer conducts a large number of tests, one of which is the measurement of the shelf life, i.e., the length of time during which the drug retains its therapeutic abilities and can have a therapeutic effect.
Shelf life is 2 years, starting from the date of its production. In order for the drug to be effective and beneficial during this period of time, it is necessary to carefully follow the recommendations for its storage.
If the temperature regime or the integrity of the package is broken, then it should be noted that the drug may lose its therapeutic abilities and bring only harm to the body.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Iberogast" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.