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Hexoral is a preparation with antiseptic properties.
Indications of the geksorala
It is used (in both forms of release) for such disorders:
- inflammation in the oral cavity or pharynx, having an infectious nature;
- severe stages of purulent or feverish pathologies in the pharynx and oral cavity (in combination with sulfanilamides and antibiotics);
- angina, tonsillitis or pharyngitis;
- parodontopathy, and in addition bleeding gums and gingivitis;
- glossitis, aphthous ulcers, and in addition stomatitis and prevention of the appearance of superinfections;
- stomatitis of a candidal character, and in addition a number of other infectious lesions of the oral cavity and pharynx having a fungal nature;
- development of infection in the area of the alveoli after the procedure for tooth extraction;
- at the stage before performing the operation in the oral cavity or pharynx, and also after it;
- to provide additional oral hygiene in pathologies of a systemic nature;
- to remove the bad smell from the oral cavity (for example, in individuals with tumors of a disintegrating type inside the mouth or pharynx);
- As an adjuvant during therapy for colds.
Release form
The release occurs in 2 medicinal forms - aerosol and solution.
Aerosol has a 0.2% concentration and is contained within 40 ml cans. Together with the can in the package is a special nozzle with a spray.
The solution has a 0.1% concentration, contained inside the 200 ml bottle.
Antimicrobial action of the drug develops as a result of inhibition of oxidative processes of bacterial metabolism (the active element of the drug is the thiamine antagonist).
Hexoral has a wide range of antibacterial and antimycotic activity. It has a therapeutic effect against Candida fungi, as well as gram-positive microbes. In addition, it can demonstrate efficacy during the elimination of infections caused by the activity of the protein and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Medication at a concentration of 100 mg / ml inhibits the action of most bacterial strains. There is no development of drug resistance.
It also has an insignificant anesthetic effect on the mucosa.
After contact with the mucous element, hexiethidine demonstrates active adhesion, but is not practically absorbed.
After a single use, traces of the active drug element on the gingival mucosa are observed for 65 hours.
The presence of active concentrations of the drug component within dental plaques is noted between 10-14 hours after the use of the drug.
Dosing and administration
Use of the drug in the form of a medical solution.
The solution is used for rinsing the mouth, as well as pharynx.
For adults, as well as children from 3 years, rinse is prescribed in a dosage of 15 ml (there is no need to dilute the solution). The procedure should last at least half a minute. You need to spend it twice a day - in the morning, and then in the evening. If it is necessary to treat diseases inside the oral cavity, it is required to apply the drug using a tampon.
Because the active element adheres on the oral mucosa, to ensure the effectiveness of the effect, you should apply the medication after eating.
It is allowed to use drugs more often, because it is safe for health. Do not swallow this solution. The duration of therapy is prescribed by the treating doctor, taking into account the type of disease.
Use of a medicine in the form of an aerosol.
Apply medical aerosol by spraying the substance into the pharynx and mouth. Assign it to adult patients and children over 3 years of age.
To spray a single portion, you need to press the nozzle, and hold it for 1-2 seconds. Perform the procedure should be twice a day - in the morning, and then in the evening.
The use of an aerosol is more often permitted, because the drug is considered safe. Use the drug after eating. The duration of the course is determined by the type of pathology and is assigned by the attending physician of the patient.
Use of the geksorala during pregnancy
Information on the adverse effects of Geksoral in the case of admission during pregnancy or breast-feeding is not available. Therefore, the drug is allowed to be administered during these periods, but only in situations where the physician evaluated the benefit / risk. It is always necessary to consult your doctor before starting to use the medication.
Contraindication is the presence of intolerance in relation to the components of the therapeutic agent.
Side effects of the geksorala
With the use of drugs, side effects are rare. In some cases, signs of hypersensitivity develop, and with prolonged therapy, a disorder of taste buds is possible.
The hexaethidine component does not have a toxic effect when using the prescribed dosage.
When swallowing a large amount of medicine, the victim is vomiting, so there is no strong absorption. Cases with intoxication with alcohol as a result of ingestion of the drug was not noted.
In the period of 2 hours after the ingestion of a large portion of the drug, it is required to perform gastric lavage and symptomatic procedures. In addition, it is important to consult about this incident with the attending physician.
Storage conditions
Hexoral in the form of a solution is required to contain at a temperature of maximum 25 ° C; in the form of an aerosol - the temperature is not higher than 30 ° C. The medicine should be kept in a place that is closed from children's access.
Shelf life
Geksoral in both forms of release can be used for 2 years from the date of manufacture of the drug. After opening the can, the drug's shelf life is 0.5 years.
Application for children
It must be remembered that only children over 3 years of age are allowed to prescribe the drug. Use the solution is allowed only after reaching the age in which the child already knows how to consciously rinse the pharynx and mouth, without the risk to swallow the liquid.
Aerosol can also be used only in children from 3 years old. It is required to warn the child that he is not afraid of finding a nozzle in his mouth and could hold his breath briefly while the injection is being made.
Hexoral has the following medicamental analogues - Hexosept, Hexetidine, and also Stopanguinum with Stomatidinum and so on.
Hexoral receives a lot of positive feedback - it is written that it helps to eliminate pain and other unpleasant manifestations that occur with angina and other diseases.
Out of negative moments, some patients note the unpleasant taste of the medicine.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Hexorhal" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.