


, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A popular antibiotic that belongs to the macrolide group. It is an effective antimicrobial agent.

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Indications of the hemomycin

It is recommended to take this drug during therapy (in combination with other medicines) of the following diseases:

  1. Infectious diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract and other organs, including tonsillitis, tonsillitis, otitis media and sinusitis.
  2. Scarlet fever.
  3. Infectious diseases that affect the lower respiratory tract and other organs, including bronchitis, pneumonia.
  4. Infectious diseases that affect the organs of the urogenital area, including cervicitis, urethritis.
  5. Infectious diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat, including dermatosis, impetigo, erysipelas.
  6. Borreliosis, also known as Lyme disease, especially for patients in the first stage of the disease.
  7. Diseases that affect the duodenum and gastrointestinal tract, including diseases caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria.


Release form

The manufacturer produces "Hemomycin" in three forms at once. In pharmacies, you can buy powder for suspensions, tablets or capsules. The powder is mainly used in the preparation of various suspensions (taken internally). Has a whitish shade and a pleasant smell of fruit.

Capsules differ light-blue shade, are gelatinous, hard enough. Inside is a white powder.

Tablets in the film shell, convex on both sides, round, have a bluish tinge.

In each of the above drugs is the active component of azithromycin dihydrate.



Antibiotic azithromycin is highly active. It belongs to the group of macrolides (azalide). If used in large doses, it is effective against many bacteria.

It can be used to control Gram-positive aerobic microorganisms (Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus spp., Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans), Gram-negative aerobic microorganisms (Moraxella catarrhalis, Influenza sticks (Haemophilus influenzae), Bordetella Bordetella parapertussis, Bordetella pertussis, Haemophilus ducreyi, Legionella (Legionella pneumophila), Campylobacter jejuni, Helicobacter pylori, Gardnerella vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and anaerobic microorganisms (Clostridium perfringens, Bacteroides bivius, Pe tostreptokokki (Peptostreptococcus spp.)), intracellular microorganisms (Ureaplasma (Ureaplasma urealyticum), Chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis), Borrelia (Borrelia burgdorferi), mycoplasmas (Mycoplasma pneumoniae)).



Azithromycin is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract, as it is resistant to hydrochloric acid and lipophilic. If you assign 500 mg of medication at 24 hours, the antibiotic can be detected in the plasma after 2.5 hours.

The distribution of the substance is also quite good, it quickly penetrates the organs of the urogenital system, the organs that are responsible for the respiratory function, various tissues, the epithelium and the prostate gland. In tissues, the concentration of this antibiotic is always much higher than in the blood. A very important feature of this substance is that it can accumulate in large amounts in lysosomes. Its amount has sufficient bactericidal activity even after five to seven days after taking the dose, so with the help of Hemomycin, short courses can be conducted.

This antibiotic is excreted through the kidneys.


Dosing and administration

Dosage of Chemomycin is standard: it is taken once every 24 hours (preferably before or after meals, because azithromycin can not function as effectively after eating).

In some cases (various diseases, the condition of the patient, intolerance to some drugs), the doctor may prescribe another dosage. A powder-based suspension is created in accordance with the patient's body weight.

For the correct preparation of the suspension, it is necessary to gradually add the boiled (but chilled to room temperature) water to a special label in a bottle of powder. Shake the mixture until a uniform whitish liquid is obtained. The suspension is stored only at room temperature for not more than five days. Shake before use. After use, wash with water.

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Use of the hemomycin during pregnancy

For the treatment of pregnant women Hemomycin is used extremely rarely and only after diagnosis and appointment of a specialist. If you need to prescribe an antibiotic after the birth of the child, then during the therapy the woman stops feeding him with breast milk.


Patients with hepatic and renal failure, intolerance to this antibiotic, the drug is prohibited. Do not use for children under six months of age (powder form) and up to twelve months (all other forms).

Careful use of patients with arrhythmia.


Side effects of the hemomycin

  1. Nausea with vomiting.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Dyspepsia.
  4. Anorexia.
  5. Melena.
  6. Gastritis.
  7. Pain in the chest.
  8. Headache.
  9. Drowsiness.
  10. Anxiety.
  11. Vaginal candidiasis.
  12. Edema of the Quincke.
  13. Nephritis.
  14. Hives.
  15. Conjunctivitis.
  16. Photosensitivity.

trusted-source[5], [6]


In cases of an overdose of Hemomycin, the following unpleasant symptoms may appear: nausea with vomiting, diarrhea, temporary worsening of hearing. For treatment, the stomach is washed and special agents are used.


Interactions with other drugs

The use of antacids and chemomycin together can reduce the absorption of the main component of the latter.

The action of the antibiotic is significantly reduced with the ingestion of food or alcoholic beverages.

When prescribing azithromycin with warfarin, it is necessary to monitor prothrombin time in patients. If you use both azithromycin and digoxin, then the number of the latter in the body increases.

Possible manifestation of such symptoms as dysesthesia and vasospasm in the interaction of hemomycin with dihydroergotamine and ergotamine.

Together with triazolam, azithromycin can enhance the effectiveness of the first and reduce the clearance. When using Chemomycin with indirect anticoagulants, cycloserine, felodipine, methylprednisolone, carbamazepine and cyclosporine, the toxicity of the latter may increase. 

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Storage conditions

Store antibiotic Hemomycin is recommended in a dark and cool place (air temperature from 15 to 25 degrees). Do not give to small children. 

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Shelf life

The drug, available in capsules, can be stored for up to three years. All other forms of release - two years. 



To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Hemomycin" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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