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Helpex antikold
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Helpex antiphloga helps to eliminate the symptoms of flu and colds. In the cold season, these diseases are the most common. How bad the cold is chosen in time, in particular, when it is necessary to pass an important project or go to an event. In this case, prompt help is provided by special medications. They are able to lift a person to their feet literally after the first use.
Indications Helpex antikold
Indications - symptomatic therapy of colds and flu. Helpex anticoll actively struggles with severe forms of diseases. Especially if their companions are fever and an unpleasant dry cough. The drug is so strong that it is enough to take one single treatment to feel complete relief. This is achieved to a good composition.
Helpex anticoll is widely used in modern medicine. But, it is recommended to use it only with the permission of the doctor. Syrup is used to eliminate allergic rhinitis. He also actively struggles with a cough, eliminates pathologies of an infectious type that develop in the upper respiratory tract.
The drug is rich in active ingredients, which together have an incredible effect. This will raise the person to his feet. It is not worth taking an unchecked Helpsex anti-lock, it is fraught with serious consequences. In the form of a special composition, use the medicine with caution. In any case, the effect will be positive.
Release form
The form of release of the drug is rich in its variety. So, the tablets are sold in cardboard packages. In one blister can contain from 4 to 80 tablets. If it is a syrup, then it is delivered in vials, a volume of 60 ml, 100 ml.
One capsule contains 500 mg of paracetamol. This component is the master. In addition, it contains 30 mg of caffeine and a couple of milligrams of chlorpheniramine maleate. It's about the shape of the pills. The syrup has a slightly different composition. Thus, 5 ml of the drug contains 6 mg of phenylephrine hydrochloride and 10 mg of dextromethorphan hydrobromide. As auxiliary components, bromhexine, menthol and chlorpheniramine maleate are used.
In what form to use the drug to decide for the person. But, it is worthwhile to understand that the syrup is absorbed and acts faster. Naturally, this is due to some features. But, the action of tablets and syrup is the same. It is advisable to visit a doctor before buying a medicine, so that he chooses the optimal form that will suit the specific situation.
This drug, the effectiveness of which is a combined action. It actively lowers heat and helps stabilize a person's condition. In addition, Helpex antikold helps to relieve inflammation and allergic manifestations. Acts as an analgesic. That is why it is widely used in the treatment of colds and flu. After all, it's enough to use one pill to actively influence all the "weak" places.
It is used to eliminate symptoms caused by influenza or acute colds. Helpex antikold is able to stop the headache, save the person from debilitating lacrimation and release the nasal passages. In addition, sneezing is eliminated, and overall well-being gets better. The medicament contains a mass of active components. These include Paracetamol, Caffeine, Menthol and Bromhexine. All of them actively act on the causative agent of the virus and quickly lead to relief of the general condition. Each of the listed components acts on its own area. Thus, eliminating the headache, reducing the temperature and eliminating a strong cough and runny nose.
Pharmacokinetics consists in the active action of all components that are contained in the formulation. Thus, Paracetamol is one of the non-opiate analgesics. He actively removes inflammation. In addition, Helpex anticoll reduces heat. Finally, it acts as an effective analgesic. This action of Paracetamol is due to the effect of thermoregulation of the body. Its main location is the hypothalamus. Absorption occurs in a fast mode, the maximum concentration of the main component in the blood comes in an hour. The action lasts for 5-7 hours.
Dextromethorphan hydrobromide helps quickly get rid of cough, it actively reduces the sensitivity of the cough center to the effect of various stimuli on it. The component is able to remove irritation and soften the cough itself. Actively, the action has and caffeine, but it stimulates vasomotor and respiratory centers. The component produces a rapid absorption in the digestive tract. Metabolised in the liver. It is excreted from the body in its pure form, the half-life does not exceed 4 hours.
Cetirizine hydrochloride is the most powerful antihistamine drug. This component is able to suppress allergic reaction and reduce inflammation. Absorption is rapid, its maximum concentration occurs within an hour. Displays after 11 hours. Almost 90% of it completely binds to blood proteins.
Chlorpheniramine maleate also reduces allergic reaction. He removes excessive lacrimation, sneezing and itching from the nose. In the digestive tract is absorbed slowly. The permissible concentration is observed 6 hours after use. 70% bound to blood proteins. It is metabolized by the kidneys.
Phenylephrine hydrochloride. It narrows the blood vessels. He can remove the swelling from the nasal mucosa. Characterized by low bioavailability, due to slow absorption and passage through the liver.
Menthol. It has an analgesic effect, and also soothes symptoms. Promotes rapid expectoration and elimination of cough. As for caffeine, it is quickly absorbed, is withdrawn after 10 hours in an unchanged form.
Dosing and administration
The dosage depends on the specific situation. So, adults are prescribed one tablet a day. In view of its increased effectiveness, the drug will be able to have an active effect even at this dosage. Naturally, one tablet is taken for taking, in all, there should be 4. Between use of the drug should take at least 4 hours. It is advisable to use the medicine after eating. Because the same Paracetamol on an empty stomach can provoke negative symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. Duration of treatment is 5 days.
Syrup Helpex Anticold is taken internally, while being washed down with a glass of liquid. You can use it for children aged 12 years and adults. It is enough 10 ml 3 times a day. If the treatment concerns a child under 12 years of age, the dosage is reduced to 5 ml. Everything is done exclusively under the supervision of doctors. Dosage alone is not adjusted.
Use Helpex antikold during pregnancy
Use in the period of bearing a child is unsafe. This is due to the rich composition of the drug. In the course of pregnancy Helpex, an anticold is prescribed with special caution. After all, active components can adversely affect the development of the fetus. A special danger persists in the first trimester. During this period, the risk of developing various pathologies in the baby is increased. This is due to the fact that the mother's body is weakened, and is actively preparing for childbirth. Naturally, the risk is related to the composition of Helpex anticoll. Because the components are pretty strong. They can cause premature birth or provoke a miscarriage. Therefore, taking Helpex anti-whip always needs to weigh a positive result for the mother, with possible complications for the child.
How the fetus reacts to the interaction with Phenylephrine, Paracetamol, Cetirizine - is not established. It should be noted that these components are able to penetrate the mother's breast milk. Therefore, to feed the baby during the treatment period is not a means. There is a risk of negative influence. It is more expedient to refuse the reception of funds.
The main contraindication is increased hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug. To joke with it it is not necessary, therefore as development of a serious allergy is not ruled out. You can not use Helpex antikold to people with diabetes. Because it contains special "sweeteners".
With severe arterial hypertension, hyperthyroidism, arrhythmia, ischemic heart disease, blood disorders, the device is prohibited. A similar ban applies to violations of the kidney and liver. Because the effect of the first passage is carried out directly through these organs. When thrombosis of peripheral arteries, as well as problems with urination should refrain from this medication.
The risk group includes people with chronic alcoholism. Naturally, during pregnancy and during lactation, women are strictly forbidden from treatment. Increased risk of harm to the child. Children under 12 years old can not take Helpex anticollbollion, but only in the form of tablets. As for the syrup, they begin to use it not earlier than 6 years. The drug is contraindicated in patients taking MAO inhibitors. Available in the form of simultaneous use.
Side effects Helpex antikold
Side effects may occur against the background of improper administration of the drug. So, first of all there are renal colic. If a person is hypersensitive to some of the components of the drug, an allergic reaction is possible.
Often everything is accompanied by interstitial glomerulonephritis. There may be increased anxiety, an excited state. In severe forms, confusion can occur, accompanied by dizziness. There is a tachycardia, a significant increase in blood pressure, arrhythmia. From the gastrointestinal tract there is nausea, a sharp decrease in appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, epigastric pain.
If you have any side effects, stop taking the medication and report the problem to the doctor. He will reduce the dosage of Helpex anticoll or appoint another medication.
Overdosing occurs when you use an overestimated dose of medication. In general, the symptomatology is manifested 1-3 days after the use of the drug. It is worth paying attention to the following symptoms. Perhaps the manifestation of nausea, vomiting. The skin becomes pale. In some cases, everything is accompanied by anorexia. This is typical for an overdose of Paracetamol.
With an increased dose of caffeine, nausea and headache may occur. Often a person is anxious, he is vomiting. If the content of phenylephrine is exceeded, then in this case there is ventricular premature beating. Often, everything is accompanied by increased pressure and heaviness in the limbs.
Chlorpheniramine overdose may be depressed. There is a reverse effect and a person is overly excited. In some cases, there appears atropine-like symptoms. If the dose of Cetirizine is exceeded, then in adults it manifests itself in the form of drowsiness, and in children increased excitability.
In any case, treatment should consist of washing the stomach and performing symptomatic therapy. Purification of the stomach is the first time a poisoning clock.
Interactions with other drugs
Interaction should occur under the supervision of a physician. So, Paracetamol can normally "work" together with anticonvulsants and anticoagulants. However, its antipyretic ability is able to decrease at the forefront of using barbiturates.
With the simultaneous reception of Helpex anticolls along with narcotic and hypnotics, there may be a marked decrease in the effect of the latter. But, the effect of Paracetamol on the contrary improves. This is due to the use of non-narcotic analgesics and acetylsalicylic acid. It is possible to increase the performance of indirect anticoagulants (from the group of coumarin derivatives) and increase the risk of hepatic damage to hepatotoxic agents.
The rate of absorption of caffeine can be suppressed by metoclopramide. This component can lead to a better absorption, but only when interacting with an ergomatine.
The interaction of phenylephrine and other other sympathomimetic amines leads to a sharp increase in blood pressure. It is worth noting that alcohol and this drug are incompatible.
Storage conditions
Storage conditions Helpex antikold must be observed in full force. The fact is that any medication requires special conditions. In this case, we mean the temperature regime and the humidity level. There are even certain rules for storing medicines. Some conditions are aimed at safety at home, others - in a hospital.
So, it is desirable to keep the temperature regime around 25 degrees Celsius. In no case should you stop the medication in the refrigerator. As for tablets, they are able to be stored for a long time. If it is a question of syrup, then after opening the bottle, you can use Helpex antikold for no longer than a couple of months.
The place of storage of the preparation must be dry, warm and without direct sunlight. This will save the livelihoods of the facility. Naturally, children should not have access to the drug. After all, the syrup can provoke interest in children, and they will want to try it, thereby causing themselves harm. Therefore, compliance with the conditions is mandatory.
Shelf life
Shelf life of the drug is 2 years. During the whole period, special storage conditions must be observed. So, you need to pay attention to the temperature regime, it should not exceed 25 degrees of heat. Keep Khelpks antikold necessary in a dry warm place. Naturally, protected from direct sunlight.
During the entire storage period, attention should be paid to the external data of the medicament. If the color, smell and taste were different from the original, using Helplex anticoll is not recommended. Most likely, it came to full disrepair. This can occur due to improper storage or damage to the blister (bottle). After the expiration date, the drug should not be used. Most likely, its pharmacological effect will no longer be fulfilled.
Secure the Helpex antikold from the kids. They can easily damage the bottle or use Helpex antikold themselves. This will lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe all conditions and keep Helpex antikold in the medicine cabinet.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Helpex antikold" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.