Gastritis nausea
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Nausea in gastritis is one of the leading symptoms of pathology, and indicates the development of the inflammatory process in the stomach wall, the high content and activity of microorganisms of the genus Helicobacter, which are the causative agents of gastritis. Of course, there are targeted means to eliminate nausea. But this is not an option, and not a solution. It is necessary to cure the underlying disease, in this case, gastritis, and then nausea will pass by itself, without any extraneous actions.
Under the surface gastritis imply an acute inflammatory process in the upper, mucous layer of the stomach. Often in this process are involved and submucosa, located directly under the mucous membrane. Superficial gastritis can occur with improper nutrition, chemical burns and mechanical damage. As a rule, the inflammation center is fairly well visualized directly in the epigastric region when viewed on an ultrasound or using radiographs, contrasting. It is also worth noting that during palpation there is a slightly compacted area in the center of the epigastrium, there is pain, which is greatly enhanced during movements.
Superficial gastritis is accompanied by the development of foci of scarring, inflammatory tissue degeneration. Peristalsis, excretion and outflow of bile are significantly disturbed. Often a comorbid pathology is superficial inflammation, or biliary dyskinesia. It is worth noting that patients in this state complain of frequent nausea attacks that attack a person up to 10 times a day. As a rule, they appear sharply, they are acute, accompanied by severe pain and spasm in the stomach. Sometimes a false urge to defecate, or urinate. But after about 5-10 minutes it becomes much easier. The condition is easily eliminated with no-shpy, and other antispasmodics.
Causes of the gastritis nausea
The causes of gastritis can be many, and all of them, in the first place, are associated with a certain way of life. In most cases, the cause is malnutrition. This is the main reason. People eat harmful, improperly cooked foods, heavy foods, a large amount of spices, marinades, oils, and fat. The products include preservatives, seasonings, flavors, substitutes, flavor enhancers, and all this directly affects the mucous membrane of our digestive tract. This is where the inflammatory process develops.
Many drinks have a negative effect: low-quality alcohol, cheap alcohol, a large amount of alcohol. It should be noted that high-quality elite alcohol in moderate quantities can be a drug, which on the contrary, stimulates the renewal of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, stimulates the production of immunoglobulin by the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. To gastritis lead it is poor-quality alcoholic beverages, as well as their abuse. In addition, many carbonated drinks, juices with dyes, fillers, candies, chips, crackers, smoked foods, also irritate the gastric mucosa, as a result of which the inflammatory process develops.
The cause of gastritis may be the use of certain medications, especially long-term treatment. Treatment with antitumor, anti-tuberculosis, antiretroviral drugs, antibiotic therapy leads to gastritis. Chemotherapy, radiation exposure leads to acute gastritis, and sometimes even cancer, or a precancerous condition. Gastritis is a consequence of treatment in many cancer patients.
Gastritis can develop in young children, and even in children of the first year of life due to the fact that they incorrectly introduced complementary foods, due to the sharp, excessive, or improper introduction of complementary foods. Often gastritis develops in children who, from birth, feed on artificial formulas or are mixed-fed.
Gastritis can be a consequence of poisoning, especially if the poison has entered the body through the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis often occurs as a comorbid pathology during the treatment of other diseases, especially diseases of the internal organs.
How long can you feel sick with gastritis?
One of the common complaints of gastritis sufferers is a nausea complaint. It can be spontaneous, and it is almost never impossible to say exactly how long it can be during gastritis. There are days when the morning feels sick, but this state does not last at all for a long time - not even five minutes pass, as the nausea goes away on its own. But there are some days when nausea worries for quite a long period of time. Often you have to drink special pills for nausea. But in most cases, they do not help.
Many say that medicinal (herbal) compounds, decoctions for nausea, and also some homeopathic remedies help much better. This is not surprising, since drugs are harsh chemical compounds that further strengthen the symptoms and increase the feeling of nausea. Unfortunately, there are days when not a single remedy helps, and then the patient may feel sick all day, and sometimes even several days in a row.
Risk factors
The main risk factors are malnutrition, failure to eat, frequent snacks on the go, eating sandwiches and sandwiches. Alcohol abuse, the use of low-quality food and low-quality beverages (this applies not only to alcohol, but also to other beverages). At risk are people who use any drugs for more than 3 weeks. Also, people with dysbacteriosis, people who have recently undergone a course of antibiotic therapy, antiviral therapy, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy, come here. A genetic factor plays a certain role - if in the history of close relatives there is gastritis, or another pathology of the digestive system, the person automatically falls into the risk group.
The basis of pathogenesis is, first of all, the development of the inflammatory process in the wall of the esophagus and stomach. As a rule, at the initial stages, only the mucous layers are involved in the inflammatory process, then the submucosa. The rest can be inflamed practically when the two previous layers are already inflamed. Inflammation entails a change in the composition, as well as quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the microflora, the mucociliary matrix. All this causes irritation of the receptors, the dying of the epithelium, cilia. If the microflora changes, it is a negative factor that indicates the progression of the pathology.
Separately, it is worth noting the features of the inflammatory process that develops on the background of poisoning (if the poison has penetrated the esophagus). It is worth noting the ability of the poison to cause erosion and gastric bleeding. A mucous membrane does not heal for a long period of time, bleeds, gradually passes first into erosive gastritis, then into ulcerative gastritis, and then into the ulcer itself.
Symptoms of the gastritis nausea
The main symptom is an extremely unpleasant sensation, based on discomfort, inverse peristalsis. A person becomes sick, there is a feeling that the food is not perceived by the stomach, but lies undigested in it, and then it will go out. Shivering, cold sweat, sharp dizziness, numbness of the limbs, pain in the abdomen, stomach, spasm may appear. Vomiting is often observed.
The first and main sign of nausea in gastritis is copious salivation, often - hiccups, heartburn. There is a feeling of cramping in the stomach. It seems that the food in it began to move in the reverse order, and now comes out. A person throws it into heat, then into cold sweat, a shiver appears, a strong weakness.
Severe and persistent nausea during gastritis
If you are worried about a strong and relatively constant nausea during gastritis, then you should not wait, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is best to contact an experienced gastroenterologist, who will conduct an inspection, and immediately make a survey plan.
First, the doctor conducts the examination using standard research methods. Also used palpation, with which the doctor feels the entire gastrointestinal tract and reveals lesions, painful areas. Spasms, adhesions and scars, etc. If necessary, additional studies will be assigned - laboratory, instrumental methods.
The main are instrumental research methods. Most often used X-ray examination of the digestive tract, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, pelvis, colonoscopy, intubation, gastroscopy, gastroduodenoscopy, fibrogastroscopy. If a more serious pathology is found, indicating a lesion of the muscular layer, the spread of the inflammatory process, a comprehensive examination of the entire digestive tract may be required - from the mouth to the anus, which will allow conclusions about the presence of pathology. This approach allows you to comprehensively assess the state and draw conclusions about the cause, pathogenesis and, in fact, allows you to make a diagnosis. In this case, in addition to the above methods, the doctor may need:
- conduct a physical examination (pulse, blood pressure, the presence of comorbidities), in order to identify the presence of possible adverse events and adverse reactions.
- to examine the patient
- do a digital rectal exam
- conduct a bimanual study
- conduct anoscopy
- conduct sigmoidoscopy
- perform a complete blood count
- perform a general analysis of blood, urine, feces, it is possible to assess the microflora of intestinal contents
Nausea after eating gastritis
In some cases, gastritis directly after a meal may appear nausea. First, you need to make sure that the food that was consumed was of high quality. Nausea can be a sign of poisoning. But if the picture is systematically repeated for at least 3 days, you need to consult a doctor to make a diagnosis and start treatment, since this cannot be a positive sign in any case. In this case, differential diagnosis is important. Since nausea can occur with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, intestinal disorders, liver disease, kidney disease, with gallstone disease, poisoning. Alcohol intoxication, botulism, food intoxication, toxicoinfection, and even common infectious diseases, including intestinal infections, may have similar symptoms.
Nausea with atrophic gastritis
The appearance of nausea in atrophic gastritis is an unfavorable symptom that indicates the progression of the inflammatory process and gradual death, the failure of individual cells, the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. Wherein. A similar pattern is often observed against the background of malignant neoplasms. Unfortunately, the progression of atrophic gastritis ends with paralysis and complete atrophy of the muscles of the intestine and stomach, the development of metastasis and death. But in any case, you need to consult a doctor, because there is always a chance for salvation. And perhaps nausea is not associated with atrophy. This may be, for example, a sign of dyspeptic disorders, or intoxication. Without inspection and diagnosis, it is certainly impossible to say.
Nausea with exacerbation of gastritis
One of the symptoms of gastritis, and its aggravation, is nausea. It develops against the background of the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa. Sometimes the pathological process affects the esophagus. If abundant salivation is associated with nausea, this may be a sign of a more extensive lesion of the gastrointestinal tract, aggravation of gastritis, and enteritis. May indicate the development of an infectious disease. Similar symptoms can be observed in case of poisoning, and even a cold, while taking antibiotics, during hormonal therapy.
Vomiting during gastritis
Vomiting is one of the symptoms of gastritis. As a rule, it indicates a violation of the processes of digestion of food, a strong inflammatory process in the walls of the digestive tract, and above all, of the stomach. When vomiting occurs, it is better not to delay, but as soon as possible to consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and make a diagnosis, according to the results of which the correct treatment will be selected. If vomiting lasts more than 2 days, hospitalization may be required.
Complications and consequences
Nausea, vomiting, and other unpleasant symptoms of gastritis can cause serious consequences and complications. The most dangerous condition is when it is discovered that nausea and vomiting were an oncological process, which often happens. If you do not pay attention to this condition in a timely manner, the consequences can be serious, even fatal. Often nausea in gastritis entails a violation of the structural and functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, which can later develop into severe forms of gastritis, ulcers, cause gastric bleeding, anorexia, exhaustion, autointoxication.
Diagnostics of the gastritis nausea
In order to confirm the diagnosis of gastritis, you need to contact a gastroenterologist. Most often, he conducts a survey (collection history), inspection. The current history is also very important, so you should not only describe your subjective feelings to the doctor as much as possible, but also try to remember how long ago, under what circumstances nausea first appeared, under what circumstances it arises, intensifies, stops. This may be an important diagnostic value.
The doctor then conducts the examination using standard research methods. The clinical picture of pathology can tell a lot to an experienced doctor. Also used palpation, with which the doctor feels the gastrointestinal tract and identifies lesions, painful areas, etc.
If necessary, additional studies will be assigned - laboratory, instrumental methods. The main are instrumental research methods.
The main are instrumental methods, but still analyzes can also bring some clarity to the diagnosis. For example, important clinical conclusions can be made on the basis of the results of the main clinical studies - blood, urine, feces. You can get important information and on the basis of indicators of biochemical research. For analysis, blood is taken (from a vein, or capillary, from a finger). Based on the results obtained, the processes that take place in the body are judged. For example. A decrease in the level of protein, creatine, may be a sign of gastric bleeding. The appearance of hemagglutinin and other indicators may indicate the presence of a malignant process in the stomach. The most informative methods of diagnosis is the study of feces. Coprogram, microscopic, biochemical examination of feces is used. Cal reflects the main processes occurring in the body, it is the contents of the intestine. If necessary, examine the washing water from the stomach, vomit, if present, pieces of tissue taken during the biopsy, as well as scraping from the gastric mucosa.
A hemogram is also performed - a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the blood condition. It is important to determine the content of red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets, hematocrit. These indicators may indicate inflammatory, infectious or viral infections, will help determine the direction of further research.
Instrumental diagnostics
Various methods of instrumental investigation can be applied. Most often used X-ray examination of the digestive tract, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, pelvis, colonoscopy, intubation, gastroscopy, gastroduodenoscopy, fibrogastroscopy. Radioisotope research, radiography, radiometry may be required. Scanning, scintigraphy, computed and magnetic resonance imaging, can diagnose a number of pathologies. Also various endoscopic and laparoscopic methods of research, dopplerography, ECHO research are used. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Methods require preliminary preparation, which will tell the doctor, or laboratory assistant, who will conduct the study. Some methods may have contraindications.
Differential diagnosis
The basis of the differential diagnosis is the need to differentiate the signs of one disease from the signs of another disease that has similar manifestations. For example, nausea can be a sign of gastritis, enteritis, colitis, pancreatitis, or other gastrointestinal diseases. Moreover, nausea may not be associated with pathologies of the stomach. It can be the result, for example, of an infectious disease, poisoning, or pregnancy.
Nausea with pancreatitis
If pancreatitis is also often observed nausea. But an experienced doctor to recognize pancreatitis is easy. Pancreatitis is always paroxysmal. Attacks are accompanied by pain. Pain develops mainly in the epigastric region, as well as on the left side under the ribs. As for gastritis, pain is always localized strictly in the epigastrium. When pancreatitis pain is accompanied by spasm and give to the hypochondrium. Often there are cases in which pain radiates to the back, spreads throughout the abdomen, which is not observed during gastritis. In addition, instrumental methods of research will bring final clarity to the diagnosis. The picture of the pathology is very specific both on ultrasound and X-ray, endoscopic examination.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the gastritis nausea
In order to get rid of nausea in gastritis, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, that is, gastritis itself. Only after the inflammation in the stomach is removed, nausea will stop bothering.
At the heart of prevention lies in the first place, timely diagnosis. It is important to diagnose gastritis in the early stages, and take the necessary measures. The main means of prevention is proper nutrition. A culture of eating and drinking should be grafted on to a child from childhood. Alcoholic beverages are not necessarily completely excluded. They can be consumed in small quantities as an aperitif, and they must be of high quality. You need to follow the diet.
You also need to monitor the normal state of microflora, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to exercise, eat right and observe the daily regimen. Periodically, you should undergo preventive examinations at the gastroenterologist. Follow the recommendations. You need to consume a sufficient amount of vitamin, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Requires abundant (moderate) drink. Be sure to include in the diet clean water.
If it is timely to determine the cause and carry out the necessary treatment, the prognosis will be favorable. Currently, nausea in gastritis is treatable, it can be completely eliminated. If, however, the diagnosis and treatment is delayed, the prognosis can be unpredictable. Gastritis is dangerous for its complications: ulcer, gastric bleeding, stomach cancer, exhaustion.