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Kiev company PAO Pharmak (Ukraine) presented the drug Evrizam, which belongs to the International Registry for the pharmacotherapeutic group of psychostimulants and nootropic drugs, to the pharmaceutical market.
Indications Euryzam
The component content of the drug, the direction of the pharmacodynamics of the drug in question, and cause the indications for use by Euryses.
- Atherosclerosis, which affects the capillaries of the brain, leading to a malfunction of normal blood circulation in this area of the human body.
- Consequences of traumatic brain injury.
- Violation of the ability to concentrate attention.
- Stroke of ischemic nature, as well as the time of restorative therapy after hemorrhagic crisis, which led to impairment of cerebral circulation.
- Problems with structural and logical thinking.
- Problems with short-term and long-term memories.
- Emotional instability: irritability, panic, depression.
- Encephalopathy, which develops for various reasons, is a pathological brain damage due to the death of nerve cells, which is caused by impaired blood supply and oxygen deficiency.
- Meniere's syndrome is a disease of the inner ear, which causes an increase in the amount of fluid (endolymph) in its cavity.
- Labyrinthopathy is a pathology of the inner ear caused by dystrophic changes of its nerve elements and manifested by hearing impairment and various vestibular disorders.
- Dizziness.
- The sensation of the presence of a constant noise background in the ears.
- Nausea, with a high intensity, changing into the appearance of vomitive reflexes.
- Nystagmus - involuntary movement of eyeballs.
- Preventive measures to stop kinetosis - a pathological condition caused by inadequate response of the vestibular apparatus to external, completely normal stimuli.
- How to prevent frequent migraines.
- As maintenance therapy to increase memory and improve learning in special children who are lagging behind the norms of intellectual development.
Release form
The main active substances in the composition of the drug are two: cinnarizine and piracetam. It is they who dictate the direction of action of the drug, giving it its characteristics.
The form of the preparation is capsules, represented by a rigid gelatinous membrane. The capsule itself consists of two halves: the main component of the white shade, and the "cover" has several beige colors. The filling of the container is a crystal-like powder of pure white or a little bit of a hue.
One unit of the drug contains in its composition, in terms of an absolutely dry product (0% moisture), cinnarizine - 0.025 g, piracetam - 0.4 g. Capsules preparation Euryzam have, in addition to existing, and additional chemical compounds that allow to maintain or enhance the necessary characteristics of the basic components. Such chemical compounds include lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, aerosil (anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide).
The drug under consideration refers to psychostimulating and nootropic drugs and makes it such a pharmacodynamics Evrizam - a harmonious combination of all constituents of the drug. Euryzam is a combination that has two basic components, which are responsible for activating the blood flow through the capillary system of the brain, improving the metabolism of this area of the human body.
Piracetam, 400 mg in one capsule, is a neuro-metabolic stimulant (nootropic agent), which are designed to exert a specific effect on the higher functions of the brain. He works as a stimulant of brain activity, which rejuvenates the body and prolongs life. The work of pyracetam is aimed at improving the energy potential. Thanks to it, microcirculation improves on the areas of the brain that have undergone pathological changes. This chemical compound improves the flow of oxidation-reduction processes in the ischemic tissues of the brain region, activates metabolic processes. Piracetam stabilizes, positively affects the integrative functions of the brain, consolidates the memory of the patient, makes it possible to improve learning.
Cinnarizine eliminates the effect of histamine on H1-histamine receptors on the mechanism of competitive inhibition, as well as effectively inhibits the work of calcium channels. This chemical compound is an excellent substance, working on vasodilatation, showing its activity, mainly, on the coronary and cerebral capillaries of the circulatory system. This chemical compound has a strong effect on smooth muscles, of which the vessels are composed. Cinnarizine is a substance that weakens the action of some endogenous vasoconstrictors, for example, such as angiotensin or norepinephrine, exhibiting the opposite efficacy. This drug enhances the vasodilating effect of nitrogen dioxide on the capillaries of the brain. At the same time, there was no evidence of any effect on human blood pressure and the level of myocardial conductivity. It has a calming effect on the excitability of the vestibular apparatus. Cinnarizine improves the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, dilutes the blood well, reducing its viscosity, which protects the capillaries from thrombosis. Due to the blocking of H1 activity of histamine receptors, it shows insignificant sedative characteristics. This chemical compound extinguishes the prolonged excitation of sympathetic nerve centers, improves the resistance of tissue cells to possible oxygen deficiency.
When working together, cinnarizine and pyracetam mutually reinforce the antihypoxic characteristics of each other. Tandem toxicity does not show a level higher than the negative impact of its individual components.
This combined drug in a short time and almost without residue is absorbed by the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. High pharmacokinetics Evrizam, based on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, allows to achieve the necessary therapeutic effect after an hour or six hours, reaching the maximum concentration in the blood.
Pyracetam does not form any compounds with the proteins of the blood serum and is not metabolized, but it has an excellent diffusion capacity. This component of Evrizam is practically completely disposed of from the human body without changes almost thirty hours after administration.
Cinnarizine is also perfectly absorbed by the mucous membrane, it is enough that it lasts from an hour to four hours and its quantitative component reaches a maximum not only in the serum. High concentration of this chemical compound is also determined in lung tissues, spleen cells, liver, brain, heart, kidneys, spleen. The binding characteristic of cinnarizine with proteins, which are one of the constituents of blood plasma, is quite large and amounts to 91%. Metabolization of this component almost completely passes in the liver. A third of all metabolites are excreted through the urinary tract with urine, the rest with the colonic masses exits through the intestine. The half-life of T1 / 2 for this drug is four hours.
Dosing and administration
To obtain the desired effect, the pharmacological agent Euryzam is preferably administered into the patient's body orally after ingestion. In this case, the capsule should not be chewed. It is necessary to swallow the whole, softening the passage through the larynx with a sufficient amount of liquid. Usually, the method of administration and dose given to an adult patient is one to two units of the drug administered three times during the day. Teenagers and children who are already eight years old - one - two capsules one - twice a day.
The duration of the treatment course is established by the attending physician, depending on the severity of the pathology, and can range from one to three months. Do not constantly use Euryses for more than three months. If there is a medical need, it's worth taking a break and then taking another therapeutic course. Two or three courses are allowed throughout the year.
Use Euryzam during pregnancy
Due to a weak research base, insufficient monitoring and a small package of results of clinical analyzes, there is no confirmed data on the safety of the drug in question. Therefore, the use of Euryzitis during pregnancy and during the feeding of a newborn baby with breast milk is not recommended.
It is worth noting that this drug, based on its pharmacodynamics, is not recommended for prescribing and for children who have not reached the age of eight. With extreme caution should take the drug and people - drivers of vehicles or operators of dangerous dangerous moving mechanisms. These warnings are based on the possibility of manifesting secondary symptoms.
Such a dramatic impact on the human body and the chemical basis of the drug cause the emergence of situations when this drug is capable of causing more damage to the patient's body than to benefit him. Contraindications to the use of Euryses are determined by several points.
- Increased intolerance of the patient's body to piracetam, cinnarizine, its metabolites, similarly to the formations of pyrrolidone and / or to additional substances that make up Evrizam.
- Parkinson's disease.
- Increased overexcitability of psychomotor.
- Apoplexy of hemorrhagic nature, causing a serious enough deviation from the hole of blood circulation in the brain tissues.
- Severe phase of renal dysfunction (creatinine clearance below 20 ml per minute).
- Glaucoma - high intraocular pressure.
- Chorea Huntington is a genetic disease of the nervous system, which is characterized by a progressive course with degeneration.
- The period of gestation of a woman for her child and lactation.
- Babies under the age of 8 years.
It is necessary to know:
- The presence in the composition of Evrizam of an active component, cinnarizine, is capable of showing a positive / negative result in the conduct of anti-doping control during the competition among athletes. It can also affect the result of test samples when an allergic stimulus is detected.
- If a person has a hereditary, rather rare, pathology, caused by an individual intolerance to galactose-glucose malabsorption, galactose, lactose - this should be a contraindication to the use of Euryses, since it contains lactose.
- In the case when there is a disorder of sleep and tension in the treatment with a "pure" pyracetam, this problem is decided by the appointment instead of him in the monotherapy of Evrizam.
- Acceptance of alcoholic beverages during the period of therapy by Euryzam is unacceptable.
- Very carefully, the drug should be attributed to patients who have a history of hemostasis disorder. Taking medication can cause bleeding. It is necessary to exclude the introduction of the drug in question during the postoperative period and in case of problems in the patient with coagulability of the blood.
- If the patient has a certain degree of renal dysfunction, the prescribed dosage is reduced, and the interval between dosages of the drug is amenable. If liver problems occur, you should constantly monitor the level of the enzyme produced by the liver.
- If a patient has a history of cortical myoclonia, do not stop taking the medication - this is fraught with the resumption of pathological attacks.
- People of retirement age are advised to periodically monitor the level of renal function in the course of therapy with the use of Eurysamine, if necessary, the dosage of the drug is adjusted.
Side effects Euryzam
Incorrect intake of the drug and the individual characteristics of the patient can provoke the body to respond to unpleasant symptoms. In such a situation, it is possible to observe side effects of Euryses, which are manifested by similar symptoms:
- HC reaction:
- Hyperkinesia is an increase in the motor activity of some internal organ, a state of increased excitability due to a violation of the muscle tone and conduction of the nerve impulse.
- Sleep disturbance.
- Pain in the head.
- Increased excitability.
- Confusion of consciousness.
- If there is a predisposition - epileptic seizures.
- Ataxia is a violation of the coordination of the movements of various muscles, provided there is no muscle weakness.
- Depressive states.
- Hallucinations.
- Failure in the work of the vestibular apparatus.
- The reaction of the gastrointestinal tract:
- Indigestion disorder.
- A nausea that can cause a vomiting reflex.
- Cholestatic jaundice.
- Pain symptomatology, which can occur both in the upper and lower abdomen.
- The response of the immune system is an increased sensitivity of the organism to the "aggressor", anaphylaxis, an acute allergic pathology of the skin.
- Reaction of the dermis:
- Puffiness.
- Itching and irritation.
- Various dermatitis.
- Hives.
- Photosensitivity - intolerance of the patient's epidermis perception of solar ultraviolet rays.
- Red flat lichen.
- Rashes.
- Lupus-like symptoms.
- Other side effects of Euryses:
- Weight gain.
- The growth of blood pressure.
- Thrombophlebitis.
- Increased sweating.
- High body temperature.
In case of appearance of one or more symptoms from this list, you should stop taking Evryzam and seek advice from your doctor, informing him of the body's reaction.
Any pharmacological agent must be taken, strictly adhering to the instructions, in which dosages and conditions of input are clearly indicated. If, for any reason, an overdose of the medicinal product has been made, the patient's body may manifest itself as a response symptomatology. Mostly overdose Euryzam can be in case of childhood treatment.
- Sleep disturbances: insomnia, anxiety, dreams with nightmares.
- Children may have unreasonable fears.
- Emotional instability: irritability, then euphoria.
- Tremor is a violation of motor function associated with involuntary muscle contractions.
- Appearance of light hallucinations.
- Spasms and cramps.
In such a situation, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and inform your doctor who, after assessing the situation, will prescribe symptomatic therapy.
Interactions with other drugs
It is necessary to be fairly careful about the joint intake of various medications. For example, the interaction of Euryzam with other drugs can cause an increase in the sedative characteristics of chemical compounds that have a depressing effect on the receptors of the central nervous system. The same reaction is obtained with the tandem entry of Euryzam with hypotensive or nootropic pharmacological preparations. Medications directed to the expansion of the vascular system integrate the action of Eurysamine, whereas vasoconstrictive chemical compounds reduce its pharmacokinetics.
Storage conditions
To ensure that the medicinal product has not lost its pharmacological properties, it is necessary to evenly fulfill the storage conditions stipulated in the instructions accompanying the Evrizam package:
- The temperature indices in the room where the medicine is located should not exceed 25 ° C.
- The air in the room must be of low humidity.
- The storage location must be protected from light, especially direct sunlight.
- The drug should not be available to children.
Shelf life
If all the requirements for storage of the medicinal product are met, the expiration date of Eurysam is two years. These parameters are necessarily reflected on the package. In the case of changing storage conditions, the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced, and the period of effective use is reduced. If the expiration date of the medicine has expired, its use is unacceptable, instead of the expected positive effect, you can get the opposite result.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Euryzam" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.