

Injuries and poisonings

Recovery after a hip fracture

Fracture of the femoral neck is a common injury that occurs with the elderly, because they are let down by poor eyesight, limited mobility of movements, and sometimes impaired coordination.

Dissecting osteochondritis

Among the many different diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondritis dissecans is relatively rare, a disease that is a limited form of aseptic necrosis of the subchondral bone plate. 

Poisoning with oils: butter, vegetable, essential

The pathogenesis of oil poisoning is divided into microbial (toxicoinfection, toxicosis, mixed etiology) and non-microbial. In the first case, pathogenic microorganisms, multiplying, secrete toxins, the accumulation of which in the body leads to a general toxic syndrome

Tomato poisoning

Tomato poisoning does not always occur, but only for certain reasons. In general, tomatoes are safe to eat if properly grown, canned, stored under normal conditions, etc.

Toadstool poisoning

One of the most poisonous mushrooms known to mycologists is the pale toadstool (Amanita phalloides), and toadstool poisoning, a non-bacterial foodborne toxicity infection, causes the majority of mushroom-related deaths worldwide.

Fracture of the base of the skull

A skull base fracture involves a fracture of the bones that form the basis of its outer surface (basis cranii externa), as well as structures of the inner surface of the skull base (basis cranii interna).

Chicken food poisoning

The reason for poisoning with chicken meat is most often the unsuitability of the meat for consumption due to its rottenness, as well as insufficient roasting. 

Watermelon poisoning of an adult and a child

Experts note that more cases of watermelon poisoning occur in June-July, when the early giant berries appear on the shelves.

Cucumber poisoning: fresh, salted, pickled

Among the possible toxic effects of food origin, experts note poisoning with cucumbers - fresh, lightly salted, salted, canned.


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