Alcohol intoxication cannot be considered a disease (unlike alcoholism). Rather, it is a transient functional disorder that is not usually perceived as unhealthy by those who drink alcohol.
Drunk driving is a condemned phenomenon at all times. Getting behind the wheel in a drunken state is considered a misdemeanor, for which serious punishment follows.
Bone dysplasia, Liechtenstein-Britzev disease, fibrous osteodysplasia - all these are names for the same congenital non-hereditary pathology, in which bone tissue is replaced by fibrous tissue.
Although the larynx consists mainly of hyaline cartilages that are attached to each other and surrounding structures by muscle or fibrous tissues, as a result of direct trauma to the neck area, a bruise and fracture of the larynx, more precisely, a fracture of the cartilage of the larynx, can result.