

Injuries and poisonings

Pesticide poisoning

Pesticides are chemicals designed to protect crops from various pests and diseases. But are they so safe for humans?

Rat poisoning

Rat poisoning is very dangerous and you need to know how it manifests and what detoxification steps to take.

Fractured femoral neck

Injuries are common nuisances that can await us at every turn: on the way to work, while on vacation, or at home.

Leech bite

The immediate moment of the leech bite is accompanied by a burning sensation, the intensity of which varies in similarity from nettle burn to ant or mosquito bite.

Meat poisoning

From the point of view of microbiology, meat is a good breeding ground for undesirable microorganisms, and meat poisoning refers to food toxicoinfections of microbial etiology, which are caused by a number of enteropathogenic pathogens.

Nicotine poisoning: acute, chronic

A derivative of the nitrogenous compound pyridine, the tobacco alkaloid nicotine is a potent neuro- and cardiotoxin. In addition to the harms of smoking itself, causing physical and mental dependence, there can be direct nicotine poisoning in both adults and children.

Epiphyseolysis of the radius

One of such injuries is epiphyseolysis of the radius, associated with injury to the cartilage tissue in the area of the junction of the epiphysis and metaphysis of the tubular bone.

Femoral neck fracture in the elderly

A femoral neck fracture in the elderly is particularly dangerous. This is an injury that all patients over the age of 45-50 should be informed about.

Epiphyseolysis of the tibia

Damage to the epiphyseal cartilage or epiphyseal plate at the junction of the metaphysis and epiphysis of the tibia - with separation (detachment) of cartilage tissue - is defined as epiphyseolysis of the tibia.

Cracked bone

It is not always the case that a bone fractures completely: it can also be partially fractured, which is diagnosed as a crack in the bone.


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