

Injuries and poisonings

Acute atropine poisoning: signs, treatment

Atropine is widely used in medicine alone in the form of sulphate and is part of many complex drugs - anti-asthma (Solutan, Franol), antispasmodics (Besalol, Spasmoveralgin) and some others. It is used in ophthalmology and psychiatry. 

Chemical burn quicklime: what to do?

Of particular danger is the process of slaking lime, that is, diluting it with water. This interaction is accompanied by the release of a large amount of thermal energy, that is, hot steam, falling into the zone of action of which is fraught with burns in open parts of the body.

Antifreeze poisoning

Antifreeze is a technical fluid that provides, at low temperatures, normal operation of the cooling systems of internal combustion engines, preventing icing and damage to parts of mechanisms.

Corvalol poisoning: signs of what to do?

The drug Corvalol is used by many to relieve coronary spasms in vasospastic angina pectoris and normalize heartbeat and relieve pain in neurogenic cardiac arrhythmias.

Foot bone crack

The legs are an organ of support and movement, and the feet are their anatomical part with important functions: to impart stability to the figure, to be shock absorbers, to carry more physical activity. They consist of various bones (there are 26 of them in all), which, unfortunately, are subject to injury.

Hand bone crack

Currently in traumatology, the importance of such pathology as the crack of the bone of the hand is growing. Most often, this pathology is diagnosed in the course of X-ray examination, and requires quite a long treatment and further rehabilitation.

Crack in hand

It can be obtained, as in normal everyday conditions, and in various accidents, accidents. But in addition, there are a number of conditions that predispose to such injuries. 

Squirrel bite: why is it dangerous, what to do?

As practice shows, in life you need to be able to help a person in any, even the most unexpected situation. For example, protein bites are an event that does not occur every day. However, you need to know what they are dangerous for and what to do if you are bitten by a protein.

Gasoline vapor poisoning: signs, effects, treatment

You can get poisoned not only by consuming the oil inside: gasoline fumes, which cause signs of internal intoxication when inhaled, are also considered dangerous. How to avoid poisoning than to treat it? 


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