

Diseases of the teeth (dentistry)

Whitening strips for teeth

Whitening strips for teeth are a thin film with gel. They are very simple to use: just pasted for a while - and that's it. No need to visit the dentist and tolerate various unpleasant procedures, the strips whiten teeth 3-4 times the tone, the structure of the enamel is not damaged, the result becomes more noticeable on the third day.

Granulating periodontitis

Periodontitis, at which the granulation of tissues occurs, often occurs in chronic form. Chronic granulating periodontitis is an inflammation in which the pulp is already necrotic. Granulation can be a consequence of exacerbation, but also an independent form.

Causes of stomatitis

The causes of stomatitis, regardless of its variety, can be completely different, ranging from improper hygiene of the oral cavity, ending with diseases of internal organs.

Teeth cleaning with the help of the Air Flow system

In this article, we will tell you about an excellent way to get rid of the "smoker's smell" and small hardened deposits, namely, the cleaning of teeth with the help of the Air Flow system.

Restoration of tooth enamel

Restoration of tooth enamel is the procedure for which you are most often referred to clinics that are engaged in cosmetic dentistry. Let's consider what is the restoration of the teeth, the features of this procedure, what is the price of white pruritus, and whether it is possible to restore tooth enamel at home?

Maxillary cyst

The maxillary cyst, also widely known as the maxillary sinus cyst, is a pathogenic formation in one of the cavities of the sinuses of the nose. It is filled with liquid, and its walls are thin and elastic, they look like a bubble in their kind of cyst.

Removal of tartar by alternative means

After processing the results of completing the questionnaire of people with the presence of hardened deposits, it was found out that only 20% of patients are ready to go to the dental clinic for professional teeth cleaning. The remaining 80% preferred to leave everything as is or to fight with the cured coating itself. The Internet is full of recipes for removing tartar by alternative means. And now we will consider the effectiveness of each of them.

Restoration of teeth

The concept of restoration of teeth is a process of restoration and correction, first of all functional, and only then the aesthetic parameter of the tooth, through the use of composite materials, with the obligatory observance of functional and aesthetic parameters.

Vesicular stomatitis

Vesicular stomatitis is an acute infectious disease, which, often, affects representatives of the animal world (mainly cattle).

The chemical method of removing tartar

The chemical method of removing tartar is not an independent procedure. Usually it is used in conjunction with other techniques, such as ultrasonic hard plaque removal and the Air Flow method.


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