

Diseases of the teeth (dentistry)

Herpetic stomatitis

Herpetic stomatitis is one of the subspecies of herpes mucosal lesions. During the appearance of herpetic stomatitis, a lot of sores appear in the mouth of the patient, characteristic of herpes, which give very unpleasant sensations, especially when eating.

Nerve removal in the tooth

Removal of the nerve in the tooth can be shown by its mechanical destruction, with the formation of a large tooth hole, as well as with often disturbing pain sensations.

Treatment of stomatitis during pregnancy

Treatment of stomatitis in pregnancy is aimed at saving the woman from unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity. The first thing to do is to stop the inflammatory process, so that it does not harm the development of the baby.

Treatment of periodontal disease at home

Treatment of periodontal disease at home is quite simple, but requires systematic. So what should a person with parodontosis (periodontitis) do? This disease is treated at home with the use of medications and alternative medicine.

Symptoms of stomatitis

Because the etiology, the causes of inflammation can be different, the clinical picture, the symptoms of stomatitis are also variable and depend on the form, from the localization of the disease, the prevalence and many other factors.

Candidiasis stomatitis

Candidiasis is an inflammatory process in the mouth of the fungal etiology. Candidiasis is provoked by yeast-like, opportunistic fungi of the genus Candida albicans (white), which is why the disease is called a sooth-ulcer.

Symptoms of stomatitis in children

Reddened swollen gums, sores in the mouth, which are accompanied by temperature and bad breath, are symptoms of stomatitis in children.

Symptoms of periodontal disease

Clinically, the disease is sluggish, in the initial stage the symptoms of periodontal disease are not manifested. The dystrophic process is not accidentally called pyorrhea, since its first visible sign can be pyorrhoea.

Children's stomatitis

Stomatitis is one of the most frequent diseases of the oral cavity, especially in small children. Candidial stomatitis in a child begins to develop against the background of a weakened organism, for example, after a previous illness.

Stomatitis during pregnancy

What is stomatitis during pregnancy? Statistics says that almost every second mom develops stomatitis. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, as mentioned above, the hormones of a woman are disturbed, the immunity is often weakened and this contributes to the development and very fruitful development of diseases in the woman’s body.


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